Incredible Loli Change:Volume1 Chapter2

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Chapter 2[edit]

Sitting on the sofa, controller on the left hand, and just staring at the TV screen.

Just hoping for the day to be over.

I think this is what happens every night in my house, right, I’m completely used to it.

All because I have nothing to do each day.

I would never have thought that, my everyday life was so boring…

“News for today, tonight about 9pm in XXX city, there was a unknown meteor that hit one of the parks. The lucky part is, there was nobody hurt or died. According to the local police, none of the remains of the meteor were found. The reason for why the meteor dropped without any prior acknowledgement is still unknown.”

That night, at nine fifteen.


I think the time when the meteor hit was about 10 minutes ago.

Luckily, I wasn’t out for long…

“So much happened tonight…”

Right, no need for any money, I have the ability to change into a girl, and it’s even a small girl.

“But I don’t want to!!”

Although my voice is very cute… But…

I’m a completely normal guy! My thoughts are completely normal too! How can I be happy when I turned into a girl! I’m not even a lolicon!

Just like that, me, Azumabashi Jin-ichi. Tonight at nine fifteen, because of a shooting star that hit me, have transformed into a loli. This is something impossible, but it happened to me.


Well, no matter how much I sigh, I can’t do anything about it.

I can’t change what has already happened, now I just need to get used to it.

Ta ta ta------------

Suddenly I heard footsteps. It’s from the entrance of the park.

“Ahh, people came…”

It must be because people saw the shooting star too, so they gathered here to see what happened. I quickly went hiding, I really don’t want my neighbours to see me right now. If they saw it, anything could happen.

Moving my unfamiliar body, I ran into a grove, and hid behind a big tree.

“They shouldn’t see me like this.”

A lot of people was slowly gathering around. The man leading brought a flashlight, shining it everywhere. When I saw the light, I quickly lowered my head.

“Did it land here?”

Person A asked.

“Yea, I thought for sure it landed here. But why is there nothing around?”

The man leading said. He shined his flashlight around again, and still didn’t find anything interesting, only those that were already in the park.

“I should leave now…”

I wouldn’t want to waste time here. And it’s late at night, if I go back any later, I would get yelled at by Rin-ichi for sure, and my breakfast will be gone…

Crouching, I moved slowly in the grove. Then a flash of light came in.

“There’s something moving in the grove!”

It’s the man that's leading. He’s shining his flashlight towards me. I quickly hid in the long grass. At least a small body is useful in certain situations…

“Oh this is bad… If it goes on like this, I’ll get caught…”

Wait I didn’t do anything bad, did I?

Hey hey hey, I didn’t do anything bad, why do I have to hide…

But I still don’t want them to see me like this, this body…

Ta ta ta…

Footsteps, they’re coming!

“I guess I have no way but to make a run for it!”

I jumped up, made some noise, then ran outside the park as fast as possible.




Looks like the people couldn’t see me clearly. They were all guessing. But isn’t saying I’m a UMA a bit harsh…

“Chase it! Don’t let it escape!”

One of the man said.

Ta ta ta ta ta!

Footsteps suddenly appeared again.

“Dang it! I’m going to be caught!”

One of the man is running towards me at lightning speed, but I can't go any faster.

No way, I’m about to get caught…

“Ah! It’s a corner!”

I saw a corner, just I quickly ran to it, randomly found a house and hid in there.

“It went over there!”

The man yelled after see me turned to the corner.

Ta ta ta ta…

Slowly, footsteps are getting quieter and quieter. they should be far now…

“Phew… That was close…”

I wiped away my sweat, and sighed.

Away from danger, my whole body relaxed down. But I feel really tired… A girl’s body is surely weaker…

“Hello and can I ask who are you?”


A voice came from behind me, made me jump.

“Are you OK?”

I looked back, then saw a familiar face. A cute girl.

“Yea, I’m fine.”

A girl with a twintail. and she has a face as cute as Rin-ichi’s, but very gentle and caring. Completely different than my sister.

Sasayama Yuka (樂山幽香).

Yup, she is Fuyaha’s sister.

Maybe I didn’t mention before. Me and Fuyaha are called “The luckiest Onii-chan duo” in school. Reason is that we both have a very cute sister.

But, my sister can’t even compare to Yuka…

“Umm, do you want some tea?”

“Wha?... Yes please.”

I really admire Yuka’s generous personality. Even if it’s a complete stranger, she will take care of them. And she does everything perfectly. She’s pretty much perfect.

Wait, how did I end up in Fuyaha’s house?

I guess it’s because it’s not far from the park, and I just arrived randomly.

“Here, be careful, it’s hot.”


I’m now sitting on the sofa of Fuyaha’s house, the sister Yuka brew some tea, and handed me a cup.

“Is your brother here?”

Well I’m here, might as well say hi to Fuyaha.

“Onii-chan? He’s upstairs. You know my brother?”

Oh crap… I forgot that my body is now different…

“Right… Just a little…”

“Really? I’ll call him down.”


Yuka was about to leave, then she was stopped by me.


“It’s fine. I shouldn’t distract him, I’ll leave in a moment.”


Yuka seems a little down. Is letting Fuyaha see me such a good thing?

“Yuka, is someone here? I thought I heard vo… ices…”


Fuyaha just came in suddenly, then stared at me with a face of surprise. His last word slowed down… And the books he was holding all dropped…



Fuyaha just speaked out the 3 syllables that I never thought I would hear.

“No no… Nothing…”


Really nothing? I’m sure I heard it, Fuyuha said the 3 syllables “Kawaii”. I’m completely sure. But why did Fuyaha take back what he said?

“So who is this lo, no, who is this lady?”

“Oniichan you don’t know her?”

Yuka looked at Fuyaha strangely. Right, Fuyaha shouldn’t know me.

“No no, Fuyaha doesn’t know me, it’s only me that know him.”

“Fu… Fuyaha… ha.. haha…”

Suddenly Fuyaha’s whole body shakes, his expression is like boiling water, steam is about to come out.

“Oniichan! Oniichan! Are you OK? Come with me… Miss can you just sit here for a moment.”

That being said, Yuka ran towards Fuyaha, grabbed his hand, and disappeared behind a door.

“What… happened…?”

Seeing this, I was so confused. Is Fuyaha alright? Seeing his face, did something happened to him?

“Oh no! It’s already at this time!”

I looked at my watch, it hour hand is pointing at 10.

“It’s over! There must be no more breakfast for me!”

It’s already passed 10, all hope is lost. But if I don’t go back now, I might not even have the bento (Box that contains food, usually lunch) for tomorrow…

“I’m sorry for my brother’s sudden act…”

At the time, Yuka already came back and she was apologizing to me.

“No problem, I should go now…”

I didn’t even ask about what happened. Right now I need to fight for my bento!

“Alright… Come again soon.”

“Right. So, bye!”

I wear my shoes, and ran back home…

Rin-ichi’s point of view:

“Why’s he so slow!”

It’s already 10 o’clock.

“Did he really get hit by the shooting star?!”

No no no, that’s impossible…

“But… he’s not back yet… Jin-ichi is always back before 10…”

But… he’s still not back yet…

I’m so worried…

I should go search for him.

“He must be lost! That’s why he’s so late.”

I just hope onii-chan is alright…

“Ahh… I’m back…”

In front of me is the most lovely place in the world, my house~

“I’m bac…”

No wait, I can’t go back like this!

I squeezed my face.

This face hasn’t changed back yet.

“If Rin-ichi saw me like this…”

If Rin-ichi saw me, she would definitely think that this me has to have something to do with the male me, my life would be over!

“I can’t I can’t! I can’t let Rin-ichi see me!”

But, I still need to get back, but getting back means getting spotted…

What should I do…

“Let’s just get back to my room first, then I’ll find a way to change back.”

Let’s do it. Rather than standing in front of the door, getting back is the better idea.

“Excuse me…”

Due to a habit, I said that lightly. Then I closed the door carefully, without making a bit of noise. Then I’ll quietly walked back to my room. Right, perfect plan.

“Slowly, slowly…”

I’m about to cross the living room.

“I hope Rin-ichi is not here…”

I peeked around. Nobody here.

Good, I can cross here nicely.

“Rin-ichi is not out, right?...”

Didn’t feel like there was anyone in the house. Not a single bit of sound, the light upstairs was also off.

“What’s she doing out…”

Don’t know…

Whatever, I should get back.

“Ahh, my good old bed!”

I crashed on it. Warmth spread all over my body.

Although it hasn’t even been 2 hours since I left my bed, this one hour something already feels like days. It was so painful…

“Ahh… a bit sleepy already…”

Tired… So much happened today… So tired…

I’m just going to sleep like this…

The next day.


What… Time is it?

I turned my head, looked at the clock on the wall.

Six ten.

“Ahh… Already six… Huh?!”

My voice is back?!

I sat up, raised my hand. This is my hand alright.

“I turned back…”

I picked up the mirror, and confirmed it again.

“This is my face… this is great…”

I have turned back, I have transformed back.

Got out of bed, Everything is at normal height again. Meaning that my height is back.


It can’t be, what happened yesterday was all a dream?

Whatever, as long as my body is normal, everything is fine.

“Hmm hmm~”

In a very good mood, I even started humming.

At this time, Rin-ichi should already finished cooking breakfast. So I changed, and went downstairs.


Rin-ichi was sleeping, while lying on the table.

“What are you doing? Why are you sleeping in this place?”

“Waa… Onii-chan?”


Because of my question, Rin-ichi is slowing waking up, saw me, and said that.

Onii-chan? Rin-ichi actually called me onii-chan. Is this all a part of a plan?

“Onii-chan! Is it really onii-chan?”

Rin-ichi suddenly gained back all the energy, stared at me with a face of surprise.

“Yea… That’s right it’s me… Wha?!”

Rin-ichi again suddenly hugged me. But her head is down, so I can’t see her expression.

“Onii-chan… As long as onii-chan is fine…”


I would have never thought, that Rin-ichi wwould start worrying about me, just because I was not back until very late yesterday?... Looks like what happened last night was real…


Rin-ichi released me. Her voice suddenly changed…

“Jin-ichi! What time did you get back yesterday?!”


I jumped, and walked back a few steps.

“You didn’t come back even when it was so late, I thought you were hit by the shooting star, so I went out looking for you!”

No wonder why there wasn’t anyone at home yesterday night… And, I did get hit…

“Stupid! Don’t even hope to have anything to eat today!”


No food for the day?! No way?!

“Wait, wait. I’ll die of starvation…”

A whole day without food! I’ll really die. I’m a very health normal teenager, I need nutritions…

“Then go die of starvation!”

“No way…”

I fell on my knees, Rin-ichi didn’t say anything, and went back to her room.

Looks like I’ll have to starve today…

That goddamn shooting star…

“About the meteor that fell, there’s more news. The locals told us, after the shooting star fell, there were people that saw a UMA. According to them, this UMA looks like a human, not very tall, but have very long hair. If any of the locals find it, please contact the police right away, number is *********.”

“Can it be the cute girl from before…”

“Kawaii loli… Kawaii loli… Kawaii loli…”

“Onii-chan, you alright?”

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