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Murakenzu R (RETURNS)[edit]

Celebrating 100 Chapters (of the manga)

By Takabayashi Tomo (2014-01-24)

"Eh, Murata? Aren't you going to turn the lights off?"

"No, I'm not."

"But, if you leave them on YOU CAN SEE EVERYTHING."

"Eh.... I don't have any problems with being seen. Not at all, do you always turn the lights off?"

"Well, it's not something that you do every day...."

"EH? I do it pretty often. Especially during the fall, because I'm sad, even though I'm alone, I still do it."

"You do it while you're alone? You make STEW in the DARK[1] alone? But if you do that and you know everything you put into it, would that still be called Stew in the Dark?"

"If it's Curry Stew or Tomato Stew, you can't tell what you'll fish out, because the soup is dark."

"Fish out..."

"Since at home, my family eats at different times , if I want make a Stew in the Dark today, I can do it by myself."

"Ah, so that's how you guys think of Stew in the Dark? But since I have to make stew for four people at home, I don't know how much food we should put into a stew for one or two people."

"Ah! If it's "for women", the stew should be very ADULT-tasting, right?"

"It's not "for women", it's for "four people". You added AN EXTRA 2[2]."

"Alright! Let's PUT (tounyuu) some cabbage in it, then some green onions, and then we PUT (tounyuu) some codfish too"

"Yes, yes... it looks so tasty[3]... "

"Continuing with the rhythm we PUT (tounyuu) some nato, and taking the season into account, we also PUT (tounyuu) in some oysters."

"This is what we are having today? What taste will this soup have? The foam is white and you can't see anything."

"I told you many times ... it's SOY MILK (tounyuu)[4]."

"That was a really bad pun. Despite that, you're a good friend because even though you're making Stew in the Dark, you didn't try to put toothpaste or light bulbs in it, to get me in trouble..."

"I would never put such risky stuff in it and make such a DANGEROUS Stew in the Dark. You don't make that for people that you like."

"Is that so...?"

"I put tasty ingredients in it, so even if we call it Stew in the Dark, I made it properly and we can have a tasty meal. That's how I do it, it's O- MO-TE......NASHI!![5]"

"EHHH!? You're still using the phrase of the Olympics? But you're mixing Tokyo 2020 and Funebashi![6]"

"I'm putting a lot of "bu-nashi"[7] into it, I'm squeezing the soup like BUSHAAA~!"

"Gyaaaa~, it's hot, cut it out![8] If we make a stew that has nothing but tasty ingredients, I'll feel more relaxed, but then there's no excitement..."

"Shibuya, you pretended to be a MUSHROOM(maitake), but in the end you are an APRON(maekake). You're a COFFEE MAKER(derongi) , pretending to be A KING OYSTER MUSHROOM (eringi). I thought you were a MUSHROOM CHARACTER (nameko), but you ended up being a SEA CUCUMBER (namako). Or is it that you want to catch a COD (tarako) that pretends to be an OCTOPUS (tako)?[9]"

"The second one was dangerous, huh?[10]"

"If you don't want to eat it, don't want to eat it so badly[11],you should become the son of the "I DON'T WANT TO EAT IT" household. If you don't behave, I'm going to throw that super-good-looking guy at you so he can squeeze the Günter-juice- on you BUSHA~!"

"Cut it out~! Please don't do that! I'll end up covered in soup[12]."

Translator's note:

Yes! There are tons of puns in Japanese and references to Japanese pop culture. Please read this story one more time now that you know the definitions and who Funashi is.

Also, YES! There are sexual innuendos in pretty much every line.

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  1. A Japanese game called "Stew in the Dark": a group of people get together and, in the dark, they put a bunch of stuff in a pot to make a stew and then they eat it. It's usually gross.
  2. Japanese pun: the phrases "for women"(nyonin) and "for four people" (yonin) sound similar, the difference is only one syllable "ni". Ni means 2, as in the number. In the story, Yuuri says that Murata got it wrong by TWO (the number, not the syllable NI.... yet another pun)
  3. You can often hear this phrase in adult movies, like there's something else that looks tasty XD
  4. The words "put" and "soy milk" are both pronounced "tounyuu".
  5. "Omotenashi" means hospitality. But when Tokyo gave a speech to host the 2020 Olympics, they separated it into syllables like: O-MO-TE-NA-SHI. It was so popular that it became the "word of the year" (Yes, that actually exists in Japan). Here's the video: But Takabayashi-sensei mixed "omotenashi" with "nashi", as in the character "Funashi". Now what in the world is Funashi? Funashi is a SUPER POPULAR CHARACTER -like crazy popular- Here you can see him: It's supposed to be a pear which squeezes its liquid on you. ( XD Oh, Japan...) The character doesn't really get anyone wet, it just makes the sound : BUSHA ! (which roughly means: "squeezing liquid out" XD I swear I'm not making this stuff up.)
  6. He said Funebashi , the city represented by Funashi, instead of the character's name.
  7. Because she can't say Funashi (the name of the famous character), she says "bu-nashi".
  8. Another adult movie line which can also mean "Gyaa~! It's warm, stop~!" Like someone being splashed by something "warm"...
  9. So pretty much he's saying Yuuri pretended to want it safe, but he really wanted something exciting.
  10. Because DeLonghi (derongi) is a brand.
  11. The phrase was repeated like that in the original.
  12. Shiru which means juice or soup. It's also what Günter's runny nose and nosebleeds are called.... the infamous Günter-juice XD.