Mushoku Tensei Spanish:Chapter 160

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Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por Onii Sama.

Traducido por Sergiocamjur (talk) 16:32, 12 February 2016 (UTC)

Status: Incomplete

0/5 parts completed


Volumen 17 Capítulo 160 - Los Preparativos

1ª Parte

Ha pasado 1 mes desde mi conversación con Hitogami.[1]

Matar a Orsted será difícil.

Es el más fuerte de este mundo, por lo que es increíblemente más poderoso que Ruijerd, Atofe o Pelagius.... y tampoco soy capaz de vencer a esos.

¿Entonces cómo voy a vencerle?

Y con esa duda, se me ocurrieron 3 posibles planes de acción.

3... Parece que al final todo siempre acaba reducido al número 3[2]... Los 3 Cerditos, La Bruja y los 3 Amuletos[3]...

1. Desarrollar la Magic Armour

2. Buscar un Aliado para la Batalla

3. Investigar Estrategias para Combatir contra Orsted

El primero de mis planes es desarrollar la Magic Armour.

Si me creo lo que se comenta en el diario sobre la armadura... con ella debería obtener habilidades físicas sobrehumanas; y por las nociones de lo poderoso que se volvió mi Yo-Futuro con ella, desarrollarla es un requisito indispensable.

Para llevarlo a cabo, me compré una pequeña casa en el borde de Sharia, la capital de la magia.

Inicialmente prefería pedirle a Pelagius que me dejara desarrollarla en la Fortaleza Flotante, pero se negó... Luego repaso la conversación que tuve con él.

Después de comprar la casa, le pedí ayuda a Cliff y a Zanoba, y sin necesidad de entrar demasiado en detalles, decidieron ayudarme. De momento le pedí a Cliff que ampliara la funcionalidad del brazo protético de Zariff y a Zanoba que diseñara la estructura del armazón sin impedirle la movilidad.

La verdad es que se les iluminaron los ojos cuando dije que quería construir una armadura mágica de batalla y no tardaron mucho en comprender el concepto... Y eso que en este mundo no han oído hablar de los Mobile Suits[4], pero parece que los hombres siempre se emocionarán con estas cosas sin importar de qué mundo vengan.

El siguiente paso fue pedirle a Sylphy y a Roxy que me ayudaran con el proyecto. A Roxy la nombre supervisora principal del proyecto y a Sylphy su ayudante y apoyo para cualquier proceso que necesite ayuda adicional.

Puse a Roxy a supervisar el proyecto, porque aunque yo mismo podría hacerlo, soy el único capaz de fabricar las placas extra-densas necesarias para la capa de protección exterior de la Magic Armour; una tarea que consume TODO mi tiempo.

Por otro lado, como Sylphy es capaz de usar magia de Tierra en silencio, y además, comprende la mecánica de los círculos mágico, probablemente como resultado de ayudar en la investigación de la Catástrofe Mágica...

Lo que intento decir, es que las habilidades de Sylphy son MUY superiores a la media y es capaz de hacer casi cualquier parte del proyecto; por eso la puse como asistente de Roxy, para que ayudara a cualquier sección que necesitara con urgencia algún tipo de apoyo.

Cuando fui a pedirle ayuda a Sylphy respondió muy animada con una enorme sonrisa.

"¡Cuenta conmigo!"

Me cuesta recordar cuándo fue la última vez que estuvo así de contenta... Es posible que lleve demasiado tiempo controlando su intranquilidad o problemas para no preocuparme...

Lo siento mucho.

Pero dejando eso de lado, al mismo tiempo que preparaba el plan de acción nº 1, me puse a trabajar en el nº 2: Encontrar a un Compañero para la Batalla.

Inicialmente, pensé en pelear solo, pero mi habilidad en combate no es suficiente para ello; al contrario que al Ludeus del Futuro, a mí me falta experiencia en combate.

Igualmente, fui incapaz de encontrar un aliado aceptable para la situación.

BadiGadi ha desaparecido.

Ruijerd se marchó.

Y Pelagius como era de esperar se negó.

Pelagius en concreto dijo lo siguiente.

"En este mundo, existen 3 seres con los que nunca se debe combatir: El Dios de las Técnicas, el Dios de la Lucha y el Dios Dragón. Y de estos 3, el Dios Dragón es el más peligroso.

"Aunque aprecio tu decisión de proteger a tu familia, además de sentir curiosidad por ese Dios Humano[5]... No obstante, siento comunicarte que no tengo pretensión de involucrarme. Ya que hasta que Laplace reviva, no pienso morir."

Y eso que esperaba conseguir convencerle de que me ayudara de alguna forma... pero parece que va a ser imposible. Al menos debería alegrarme de que no tenga pensado interferir tampoco.

Pero quitando a Pelagius, no se me ocurrió a nadie más capaz de hacerle frente a Orsted.

Pensé en Zanoba, pero teniendo en cuenta el daño que sufrió en su combate contra Atofe, no me cabe duda de que Orsted podría hacerle ese o más; y no quiero que uno de mis mejores amigos muera. Y eso incluye a Cliff y a Elinalise.

Pero en resumidas cuentas, no hay nadie que pueda pelear a mi lado.

Justo en ese momento, pensé en Eris.

Porque aunque no sepa cuándo llegará, sé que según el diario, la pelirroja fue capaz de luchar en igualdad de condiciones con mi Yo-Futuro armado con la Magic Armour.

Pues si llegara a tiempo una vez esté todo listo y somos capaces de entendernos mínimamente... quizás podría suplicarle que me ayudara.

Aunque eso fuera MUY egoísta por mi parte.

Pero básicamente, de momento el plan nº 2 tendrá que esperar.

Y finalmente el plan nº 3, Investigar Estrategias para Combatir contra Orsted.

Un combate a muerte en solitario puede llevarse a cabo de distintas maneras.

Por ejemplo, si busco una localización en la que no deba preocuparme del daño colateral, siempre y cuando mantenga las distancias de seguridad, puedo lanzar todos los AoE[6] que tenga a mi disposición.

Mientras el área de efecto sea suficiente grande, no debería ser capaz de esquivar el ataque... Porque aunque el hechizo Relámpago sea el más poderoso que poseo, siento que Orsted sería capaz de esquivarlo de un modo u otro.

Por eso mismo, la estrategia con mayor posibilidad de éxito es mantenerme a gran distancia de Orsted y bombardearle sin descanso con grandes hechizos; porque no podrá usar Ran Ma conmigo si estoy fuera de su campo de visión.

Si atacara por sorpresa a Orsted cuando menos se lo esperara... podría atravesar sus defensas... Por lo que seguramente, lo mejor que puedo hacer es llevarle a una trampa en un lugar apartado... llevarle hasta un lugar concreto ya sea porque haya un señuelo o algo y bombardearle justo cuando llegue a ese punto.

El problema está... en cómo lo atraigo a la trampa...Quizás podría usar a Nanahoshi como rehén, o quizás información falsa sobre Hitogami... me da igual qué tenga que usar siempre que surta efecto.

El siguiente problema está en que estoy casi seguro de que solo con ataques a distancia no conseguiré vencerle. Bueno.. quizás sí, pero mejor prepararme para la peor situación.

Siguiendo esa lógica, tras bombardearle, llegará un momento en que tenga que pelear en cuerpo a cuerpo contra Orsted con la Magic Armour, pero no tengo suficiente información para planificar eso... ¿Seré capaz de seguirle el ritmo en un combate a velocidades vertiginosas...? Hasta que la Magic Armour no esté terminada no lo sabré.

Pensar en eso me recordó a cómo de pequeño me puse a planear cómo vencer a Paul.

Siempre quise vencer a Paul al menos una vez en la vida... una lástima que nunca fuera intentarlo. Aunque... todas las tácticas que preparé para Paul siguen en mi cabeza... y es posible que me sean de utilidad...

Las aprovecharé para Orsted... seguiré la idea de mezclar combate mágico y físico en un combate 3D[7].

Da igual que el enemigo ha cambiado, la estrategia siempre es la misma en mi caso:

*Mantener la distancia. *Atacar de manera unilateral. *No darle tiempo a reaccionar. *Forzarle a responder como más me interese.

Es la mejor estrategia.

El problema es que aunque sé que Orsted utiliza el hechizo Ran Ma, y la Puerta Frontal del Dragón[8]; pero seguramente posea más habilidades que desconozco... Podría hasta ser mejor que yo en un combate de magia.

Trampas y ataque sorpresa... ¿qué más puedo usar? ¿De verdad puedo vencerle con eso? Necesito pensar en más alternativas.

Me gustaría tener listos los 3 planes de acción, pero solo pude organizar 2 de ellos.

Siendo sincero, estoy al tanto de que estoy actuando de manera impaciente y sin analizar detenidamente la situación.

Si pudiera, me gustaría dedicarle más tiempo a darle mejor forma a mi estrategia, al igual que prepararla con detenimiento... quizás en 10 años...

Y tengo claro de que de verdad NECESITO dedicarle más tiempo a esto, es la única forma de asegurarme de que tengo todo lo necesario para pelear contra Orsted; pero también sé, que si tardo más de la cuenta, Hitogami podría cambiar de opinión...

Si alguien de mi familia muriera por retrasar el plan más de lo necesario, no me lo perdonaría en la vida.

Y mientras analizaba los pasos a seguir, tuve un reencuentro con Hitogami en sueños.

2ª Parte

A snow white space. I'm in the middle of a empty world.

"Wow, it has progressed better than I expected."


Just as you instructed, I will fight Orsted.

"Fighting alone isn't enough. If you don't kill him..."

You seem to be in a good mood.

Do you really enjoy having me dance in the palm of your hand that much?

"Even I can't tell the outcome, how exciting!"


By the way, since you're appearing like this, in other words, what you said before, that you can't appear without matching frequencies, that was a lie?

"Yep. I lied."

You shameless bastard...

Then I guess you can only contact specific individuals was a lie too?

"Yep. That too. But don't you feel special to be chosen by God?"


Well, forget it.

Eventually I will tell Sylphy and Roxy about fighting Orsted.

If I die, my descendants will surely consider Orsted their father's murderer and hate him, that's why...

"That alone won't be enough to change their fate. If you don't kill him for me, I will wipe them all out. No matter how long it takes."

Wipe out? Don't say something so scary.


Regardless, finishing the magic armor will take a while.

The principles are completely uncharted territory, even Cliff is feeling stuck.

I'm putting my all in development as well... but it would take at least half a year more.

"Cliff, let him concentrate on magic circles needed to strengthen the armor core. You just focus on the necessary stone shielding and joints. For magic circles for rest of the body, use the Arrestar method [9] instead of Vindo ones [10]. That should do it. Also, get Zanoba to design it a little bigger. That way, the consumption increases, but you can lay a redundant magic circle layer under the first one. With the two layers repairing each other, you can still move even with major damage."

Eh, ehh?

Aren't you well informed?

"OF course, I'm Hitogami! Since I know about Fighting God's armor, I can give you some pointers."


Say, people of this world call you Human God.

What's up with that?

Is Hitogami your alias?

"Human God is just a nickname. Hitogami is my real name. Somehow or another the Human God name becomes known instead." [11]

That sounds like a lie.

Well, it doesn't matter what you call yourself.

Hey, will I win?

With magic armor, traps, and sneak attack?

"Well... your magic equals Laplace. If you put in the effort, who knows what might happen?"

How irresponsible.

Can't you give me your usual advice and help me win?

"Then, go pick up some magic tools. The sort that shoots when you pour magic into it. You can find those on sale anywhere. Those things have limiters for regular people. But if you really want to, you can channel as much magic through it as you like. Sky is the limit. Like that Zariff's Arm you guys made, make a magic tool with enormous output that only you can handle."

Oh, I see.

You actually offered some pretty good advice this time.

"Since you have been a harder worker than I expected, I ought to offer a hand as well. My desire to see Orsted dead is true."

... Feels likes you have some hidden motives again.

Tell me the truth, for the magic armor too, nothing will blow up during the production process, right?

"... Whose life will you wager for the answer to the question? Aisha? Norn? Lilia? Zenith?"


I can't win.

"I cannot see Orsted's future. Of course, nor the result of your battle with him. That's why I do not know."

I see.

If you can't, then that means you don't know why you lost either.


Say, if you can't see Orsted's future, then why did you know my descendants and Orsted will work together?

"Even though I cannot see Orsted's future, I can see my own. Your descendants and a man I never saw before had me surrounded, with Orsted present in that moment."

So you can see yourself. Then what happened? You got your ass kicked?

"Resists in vain and brutally murdered."

By the way, what did you do to Orsted anyways? Must be something awful for him to want you dead.

"What can I say? I don't remember anything about him."

Don't want to tell me, or you really don't know?

Well, whatever.

Your words are full of lies. Whatever you say, there's no way to trust them.

"How rude! I should have you know, my only lie against your interests was the basement."

So all the suggestions up till then was to build up to that one time?

"Yep, just as you said. But if Roxy and you don't leave a child, I won't have to lie in the first place."

Then you should have just told me not to have a child with Roxy! Why do you have to go through all that trouble?

"The child will be born. No matter what I say, Roxy will have your child. That is fated. Even if I adjust... no matter how I adjust, that future will come."

So it was destined...

No, sorry for losing my temper.

Indeed, Roxy and I married and had a child.

In retrospect even I felt I made strange moves at times, so that must be fate.

If that fate makes you unhappy, I'll change it, Hitogami.

As you instructed, I'll kill Orsted.

But before that, let me ask for one more.

"What is it?"

Once I kill Orsted, please leave me alone, and please leave my family alone. Promise me that.

"Hey, do you really think I won't keep my promises?"

I don't.

I do think... what if killing Orsted is also a lie?

And when I thought that, it makes me wonder whether betraying you, and siding with Orsted, would be a better choice.

"Go ahead and try. Indeed I cannot kill you, nor can I kill Orsted, but prepare yourself. Do you really want to enjoy the wrath of God?"

But you could be bluffing.

Maybe you're just all talk.

Always so coy with me.

Maybe you're scared if I become your enemy?

"Your fate is strong. I was merely trying to nip the problem in the bud. Ah... forget it. Not like you'll believe anything I say. Go ahead and underestimate me and see. Goodbye, enjoy your regrets."

Ah... Wait. I'm sorry.

Just ignore what I said. Hey, wait up!

I just want some guarantees.

You said that if I lose to Orsted you'll kill my whole family.

On the other hand, if I did kill Orsted, what says you won't change your mind and kill them anyways?

Under these circumstances, demanding that I beat Orsted and etc, staying motivated poses a challenge.

"... Mm. You have a point. Fine, this is a promise. I, swear by my name as Hitogami, if you are to win against Orsted, thus eliminate my worries, then we shall cut all ties. You, your wives, your parents, your sisters, your descendants, even your body I shall not lift a finger, a toe, or a mouth against it."

Really, promise?

"How about, I throw a little help your way when your family is in trouble?"

... No, I'm done with your advice.

"Well, then, do your best."

Part 3

A month passed since that dream.

Magic armor development has proceeded smoothly. Following Hitogami's advice, we enlarged the armor.

Standing some 3 meters tall, about half of an Aura Battler [12].

The magic armor in the diary only covers my body, so this is even bigger.

We learned a lot by making it bigger.

The engineering got easier, but it also became more robust.

All in all, an excellent suggestion.

After hearing Hitogami's advice, Cliff had an inspiration, and quickly found solutions to previous bottlenecks.

I thought it would take six months, but it progresses far faster than I expected.

According to schedule, it'll take another month.

It'll only take three months....

Under different circumstances I might even thank Hitogami.

How ironic.

The magic armor my future self developed to fight Hitogami.

Now created with his advice.

Thinking of that, I can't help but feel suspicious.

But Zanoba and Cliff made it.

I believe in them.


We looked into magic tools as well, Roxy helped with this.

Just as Hitogami said, we found them rather quickly on the street somewhere, a tube shaped magic tool.

On a [Fire!] command, it can shoot off basic magic.

For a magic tool it's relatively popular, but not a particularly powerful one.

As a way to hit a running thief from a distance, it has occasional uses.

According to Hitogami, if we modify this so it can handle my magic power, then I should be able to use it to fire off my standard Stone Cannons.

Suddenly I had an inspiration. What if I increase my output, inject even more magic power, if I tie like 10 of them together, then maybe I can rapid fire?

Maybe with that, my typical Stone Cannon can evolve into something like a gatling gun!

When I said that to Roxy, she only nodded with a deadpan expression.

"Rudi's magic is strong, but even you can only fire one shot at time. Good idea. I know a magic tool maker. Let me get in touch with her."

After saying that, Roxy went to contact the magic tool maker she only recently met.

She's a Long Ear Race not often seen in this region.

Even though Long Ear Race are all born beautiful, her nails are covered in ashes, her face caked black, a true professional.

She was shocked by the idea.

"Say, if I make it to your specifications, then the magic consumption each time would be enormous. If you're sucked dry by the magic tool, you could even die!"

That was a warning. I might die.

Is that Hitogami's real goal? But I can fire ten, twenty thousand Stone Cannon a day without feeling drained.... Well, who cares. I would be dead either way once I ran out of magic.

This time if I don't push my magic to the limit, I won't win.

"It's fine. I'm counting on you."

After that said, the Long Ear Race professional could only nod reluctantly.

Regardless, I got my close combat weapon.

I pray that it works.

On the way back, I talked a bit with Roxy.

"I don't know who Rudi plans to fight, but is making that really necessary?"

"I can win even without it."

I said that to give Roxy a peace of mind.

But Roxy pouted her mouth and looked back with suspicion.

"Rudi used to be a good kid that never lies, but recently there's nothing but lies and secrets."

Hearing that from her really hurts, but, lies and secrets, that has always been the case.


"No, it's fine. I have my own secret. But Rudi, I talk it out with other people. I don't mind if Rudi doesn't tell me, but please talk to someone? Don't try to carry everything by yourself."

"Don't worry."

I have some idea of Roxy's secret.

Recently, she has been avoiding sexy time with me.

Even though I haven't really pushed the topic, but I think she's intentionally avoiding the subject.

She hasn't had any morning sickness yet, and her appearance looks the same, but she's probably pregnant.

When will she finally announce it?

After the first trimester?

Or she's going to stay silent until my things are settled?

No matter what, I hope she will announce it before my Orsted fight.

I want to host a grand party for it.

Because it might be my last.

Part 4

Next day, I went to visit Nanahoshi.

I thought I would be refused entry, but I was let through.

Perugius might fear Orsted, but he's rather lenient here.

"I thought I would be barred."

"Perugius is generous towards those about to die. Of course he'll allow you to say your last goodbyes with Nanahoshi."

Sylvaril answers like a matter of fact to my question. They really consider me a dead man walking. I guess this is just fulfilling my last wishes.

Well, that's fine. I accept their generosity.

Nanahoshi has since regained her old energy.

Seems like she brought out a few more personal items in her research lab. It feels less sterile than before.

A Ruijerd figure decorates the window. Must be a present from Zanoba. And the cross must be from Cliff.

Count on God when hardship comes. It won't hurt. Even though I didn't believe in God before coming to this world, but right now I can appreciate it.

"This is the situation. My prep work is mostly complete. All that's left is how to lure him in. I was hoping to discuss this with you."

"... I understand. But, I should have you know, Orsted is incredibly strong."


"He will show no mercy. I don't know how he selects his targets, but he won't hesitate to kill."


"During the several years I spent with him, I have never seen him struggle in a fight. Even taking gigantic dragons in one shot..."

"Please don't say anymore. You're scaring me."

"Sorry... but would you please reconsider? About killing Orsted..."

"I already..."

"Ah, sorry, I understand."

I'm a bit uneasy now. Can I really... win?

"Basically, I don't recommend you a straight fight."

"Right. Even with augmented strength, I don't think I can win."

"Lure him somewhere, then... while hiding you attack with magic. I think that's your best chance."

"Yes. Anything else come to mind?"

"Let me think... Ah!"

"Thought of anything?"

"... I only say this because I want to help you."

"Go ahead."

Nanahoshi swallows before continuing.

"Poison. It might work."


Even though Detoxification Magic exists in this world, but there are poisons and diseases that those magic cannot treat also.

I don't know how well versed Orsted is in this area. Still, it won't hurt to try.

If I ask Ariel about this, will she help? As royalty, she should be familiar with this.

"Poison, traps, and attack from a distance... Oh yeah, Nanahoshi, will you be my hostage?"

"Hostage... that's not impossible, but whether Orsted will actually come for me, I don't know."

"That's true too... and if he found out you're in on it, then even Nanahoshi might get in trouble..."

"Ah, yeah, right. I haven't thought of that."

Well, forget it. Looking from her perspective, right now I'm basically acting like Hitogami would.

Even though I know it might be effective, I don't want to give the other side too much motivation.

In battle, suppressing the enemy's morale is important too.

"Any other ideas?"

"Let's see... in our old world, how do fights against a strong opponent in manga usually go again?"

"Don't bother. I doubt consulting manga will get you anywhere.."



After meeting with Nanahoshi, we come up with a few ideas.

Even I thought they're rather sly.

Although I don't think these little tricks would really work on Orsted.

No, even if they're basically pranks, but enough of them together might do something.

I don't think they'll all be pointless.

"Well... then... do your best."


"If you don't come back, I might not either."

After talking with Nanahoshi, the plan to lure Orsted was ready too.

Part 5

I went to Ariel to ask for help.

She looks bothered when I ask for poisons that can't be detoxed.

Regardless, she still introduced me to a shady organization she has contact with.

That organization started off as a thieves guild. Roughly speaking they're basically a gang or a mafia.

They traffic anesthetics and bootlegs, and even poisons for assassinations.

I was taken to the basement of a run down house somewhere in Magic City Sharia, a room with overwhelming fragrance.

Waiting there is an one-eyed man in charge.

"Welcome, Rudeus-san, nice to meet you."

He laughs like he knows of me.

"So what do you need? The slow kind? The fast kind? The kind that numbs the legs? Or the kind that keeps magicians from using their tongue? Or maybe the kind that would make your woman soaking wet, if your nights have been a bit dry. Why not give that a try?"

From poison to numbing agents to aphrodisiacs.


"All of it."

"All... Well, fine with me, but it's a little pricey?"

"That's fine."

"Haha, so you have someone you want dead... Even the aphrodisiacs? Want that?"


Suddenly, poisons won't work on Orsted, that thought flashes in my mind.

A poison that detoxification doesn't work on, anyone would have thought of that.

Since Orsted was cursed to be hated, he should also have been subjected to assassination attempts by poison.

Maybe he has built up a tolerance, or maybe has an universal antidote of some kind.

"That too."

"Hehehe, even you want to see that straight laced wife of yours go wild sometimes."

"My wife is playful in bed."

"That Silent Fitts... I can't imagine."

Well, I don't know what good aphrodisiacs would do, but I have some expectations. If it can effect the body just a little, it's worth a try.

Thinking that, I bought the drugs.


At the same time, I have been picking my battle grounds.

Since I plan to fight solo, it needs to be far from the cities.

Far from the city, not a soul in sight, then setup my traps there.

Collect information from the Adventurer's Guild, and once obtained, check out the location in person.

Also, on trap making, via Elinalise I was introduced to an adventurer to tutor me.

He was originally an assassin, because of that he knows how to construct traps for men.

Traps using psychology.

I tried a few traps myself, no matter how careful, I was always caught.

Even though I doubt their effectiveness against Orsted, but they're better than nothing.

I also was tutored in close combat by Elinalise.

Though her talent lies in group combat, so in 1v1 she's a bit lacking.

But, after living for so long, she has her share of experience. Until now she has fought many difficult opponents. Even though strength-wise she's middling, she still survived until now.

In my heart, I really wish I could consult Badigadi or Ruijerd for this, but complaining now is pointless.

Perugius won't help either.

Meanwhile, I start to think about combat with magic armor.

Attach the magic tool on the magic armor, spam Stone Cannon at will.

Likely a fight where I'm constantly on my back foot.

Spam my shots, use quagmire and fog to restrict movement, and when an opportunity arise fire off the big guns.

Straight forward.



I lift the ban to the basement to pray for victory at my shrine.

Two months after killing the rat. I can trust my future self. After so long, any germs from Magic Stone Disease should have died off.

But, I still forbid Roxy from entry, and anyone who enters must do a thorough cleaning.

Mostly for my peace of mind.

While I was there, I dug around for anything useful against Orsted.

The magic tools in the basement are all junk.

They're soaked by [Frost Nova], but luckily they still work.

A hat that produces water after you wear and remove it.

A hat with a gemstone that glows when worn, a flashlight replacement.

A box that produces heavy smoke when opened.

A short sword that turns sticky when it strikes an opponent.

A really smelly shoe when worn.

Lots and lots of junk.

If they're, well, stored away like this, they can't be too useful.

Maybe if I ever need do tricks on the street.

The fog box might come in handy. But I'm not sure how to use it against Orsted. It would probably be difficult.

They're pointless if Orsted knows the trick, but some might be useful, so I'll take a few with me.

Before leaving the basement, I pray once more for victory at the shrine.

Serious this time. Do it twice.


Preparations progressed steadily.

But in my heart, doubt remains, too stubborn to leave.

Really, would it work?

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Aproximadamente cuando le llegó la carta a Eris.
  2. El 3 es un número de la suerte en varias culturas como la cristiana. Para Más Información
  3. Un cuento infantil japonés, no es importante y no lo he buscado detenidamente.
  4. En la serie Gundam, a los robots de combate con forma humanoide los llaman Mobile Suits(MS); por ejemplo, a los modelos No-Humanoides se les conoce como Mobile Armors(MA). El término se ha convertido en icónico y no suele traducirse del inglés. Para Más Información
  5. Dios Humano e Hitogami se escriben de manera diferente, pero se pronuncian igual en japonés. Es posible que cuando Pelagius oyera a Ludeus y Nanahoshi hablar de él se confundiera.
  6. AoE/Area of Effect/Área de Efecto: Término usado para referirse a hechizos y habilidades en juegos que no afectan a un enemigo, sino a todos los enemigos que se encuentren en una zona.
  7. Posible referencia a Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyoujin, en la que los utensilios con los que trepan y se desplazan para luchar contra los titanes son categorizados como equipo de maniobras tridimensionales.
  8. Hechizo/Técnica que utiliza para bloquear el efecto de los hechizos, absorbiendo el maná de los mismos conforme se vayan ejecutando. Fue con lo que detuvo la "bomba nuclear" de Ludeus.
  9. アレスタル
  10. ヴィンド方式
  11. Human God (人神ジ ンシン) and Hitogami (ヒトガミ) sound similar in Japanese.
  12. Aura battler Dunbine (1983)
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