Talk:Mushoku Tensei:Web Chapter 158

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"The future me certainly received an unpredictable blow from him." actually is wrong.

未来の俺は、確かにあいつに予測不能の一撃を与えたと思う。 I'm not sure if you mistranslated "与えた" as "received". Rough translation would mean "Future me, that guy surely gave an unexpected blow." So the actual meaning would be "The future me certainly/surely gave him an unexpected blow." - Sloth

Is it just me or what? I found out that there's a lot of mistranslations. - Sloth

While I'm not an expert in grammar for both languages, I believe that に marks the one who performs the action.

あいつに予測不能の一撃を与えた would translate to "he/she gave an unpredictable blow"

予測不能 - unpredictable

予想外 - unexpected

and in this case は marks the person receiving the action.

Since I've only self taught myself Japanese, there probably are lots of mistakes in there.

(?) marks where I am most unsatisfied with either my Japanese understanding, English translation, or both; Though there are still unmarked places where I deviated somewhat from the original sentence and/or replaced it with my own words.

Feel free to check it and move it to a preview page if it proves too unsatisfactory.


I would go with "Certainly, I feel that my future self was able to give that guy an unpredictable blow." alternatively "Certainly, I feel that my future self was able to give that guy a hit he was unable to predict." Well there are a couple more ways of writing it as well.

In regards to the one thing that gets mentioned atae(ataeru) ta is generally taken as applied or acted on, so it would be the future self "applying" the blow to that guy or that guy receiving it. Though I can only speak as far as the romaji. --Dark Kaito (talk) 10:04, 14 August 2014 (CDT)

So you believe that I misinterpreted that sentence and I misunderstood how に and は works?


To my future self, certainly, あいつHuman God gave an unpredictable blow, と思う. (is as close as how I took that sentence in my mind.)


Alright, I got it wrong.. I asked my friend about the line and he told me this 'as for the future me, he will surely get an unexpected blow' Octopus, I'm sorry! :) --Sloth--

No, it's fine. If what your friend said is the correct interpretation, then I only got the correct answer through coincidence.

As I said, I'm self-teaching myself Japanese. My grammar is far from perfect and, at certain times, に is giving me problems. I don't think I'm wrong but, at the same time, I'm not 100% sure as well.
