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Up until now, I have always been going through every difficulty by protecting or being protected by my Baskerville comrades. By that time, they've become my irreplaceable friends. However, just as I decided that from then on I'd protect them with all my might......suddenly, suddenly something like this happened!
Up until now, I have always been going through every difficulty by protecting or being protected by my Baskerville comrades. By that time, they've become my irreplaceable friends. However, just as I decided that from then on I'd protect them with all my might......suddenly, suddenly something like this happened!
I finger started to tremble as I poked the multi-task function on my phone, in order to try to record the video call to GII
My finger started to tremble as I poked the multi-task function on my phone, in order to try to record the video call to GII.
Unfortunately, this was Reki’s phone, which Haimaki brought to me, was a different model than mine. I could not activate the recording, and it was inevitably, going to take me some time. I started to ask questions to stall time.
Unfortunately, Reki’s phone, which Haimaki brought to me, was a different model than mine. I could not activate the recording, and it was inevitably, going to take me some time. I started to ask questions to stall for time.
"Hey! What's happening! Where are you guys!"
"Hey! What's happening! Where are you guys!"
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The girl beside him called G-4th also didn't say anything.
The girl beside him called G-4th also didn't say anything.
I was already expecting that. Since when I asked him before what kind of person he was, that guys simply answered with the three words "Shut up. Come. Fight."
I was already expecting that. Since when I asked him before what kind of person he was, that guy simply answered with the three words "Shut up. Come. Fight."
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He said IV......could he mean G-4th? Which is to say, the girl who proclaimed herself to be my little sister, wiped out Aria and the others by herself!?
He said IV......could he mean G-4th? Which is to say, the girl who proclaimed herself to be my little sister, wiped out Aria and the others by herself!?
Impossible--. He is probably lying. Even I, in Hysteria mode, rather than fight with the Baskerville's four girls, I fear that I wouldn't be even able to escape from them.
Impossible--. He is probably lying. Even I, in Hysteria mode, rather than fight with the Baskerville's four girls, I fear that I wouldn't even be able to escape from them.
"E-Even when you lie, you must do it cleverly! That is completely impossible!"
"E-Even when you lie, you must do it cleverly! That is completely impossible!"

Revision as of 18:15, 30 November 2012

1st Ammo - Descent of the Hawk

What happened?

On my phone there is Aria, Shirayuki, Riko and Reki on it, all four them, all covered in blood, collapsed on the floor. Except for me, who was standing here, all my comrades in the Baskerville were actually...actually entirely wiped out!

(How can this be......!)

Up until now, I have always been going through every difficulty by protecting or being protected by my Baskerville comrades. By that time, they've become my irreplaceable friends. However, just as I decided that from then on I'd protect them with all my might......suddenly, suddenly something like this happened!

My finger started to tremble as I poked the multi-task function on my phone, in order to try to record the video call to GII. Unfortunately, Reki’s phone, which Haimaki brought to me, was a different model than mine. I could not activate the recording, and it was inevitably, going to take me some time. I started to ask questions to stall for time.

"Hey! What's happening! Where are you guys!"

However, the man who called himself G-3rd didn't say anything, but simply said "From now on, I'll kill one at each hour".

The girl beside him called G-4th also didn't say anything.

I was already expecting that. Since when I asked him before what kind of person he was, that guy simply answered with the three words "Shut up. Come. Fight."


(If the call ends up like this, things will be bad......!)

I have to get some useful information out of them. What is their purpose of doing this, their location, how many armed devices they have got, anything! If I can't find any clue, then I have no other things to do other than sit here and resign myself to this fate.

At that time, a finger covered by a gauntlet made of metal and bulletproof fiber, as if it was laughing at the anxious me, appeared in a large plane on the screen.

Not good, it's G-3rd's finger. He wants to end the call.

"Wait a moment! How did you guys......just with the two of you, you managed to take down the four of them, Aria and the others!"

"Haa? That's not it."

G-3rd smiled with disdain.

“So then how many people were there?!?”

"It was only one person, IV."

ONE PERSON......!?

He said IV......could he mean G-4th? Which is to say, the girl who proclaimed herself to be my little sister, wiped out Aria and the others by herself!?

Impossible--. He is probably lying. Even I, in Hysteria mode, rather than fight with the Baskerville's four girls, I fear that I wouldn't even be able to escape from them.

"E-Even when you lie, you must do it cleverly! That is completely impossible!"


Just as I finished talking, the phone......was hung up.

The call I just received was an unknown call. I couldn't call back even if I wanted to.

(......What should I do......?!)

--Di, Di, Dii--

Pale-faced, the---cellphone in my hand, emotionlessly let out a prompting tone. It seemed like I received a mail.

This is Reki's cellphone, but it's an emergency right now, so there's no time to talk about privacy and such.

I hurriedly opened the reception box—and only saw that a video message had been received.

The sender’s phone number was a jumble of numbers, and there was no subject to the e-mail, nor did it have any words [to explain the video].

(To send this right at this time would mean......that it's G-3rd and his bunch......!)

I immediately opened the video--

This video apparently wasn't recorded using the hand-held DVC. From the degree of wavering of the image, it was probably with some kind of protection glasses device prepared in advance—which seems to have the HMC function—that they filmed.

I—which means, that that this is the point of view of one of those two.

The image's definition was pretty high. It was also very clear. As for the time, it is probably not long after sunset, and some sounds could be heard too.

The place is—in an urban area. On the roof? No, there seems to be something posted on the wall. Where the heck is this place? If I want to save Aria and the others, I need to confirm the location first......!

I concentrated in order to examine the video, and saw a curved driveway about a hundred meters away in it. All the buildings and the countless neon lamps were all arc-shaped——and drew a large circular form, which made me deduce that they were were on the inner side of that circle.

It practically looked like the Roman Coliseum I learned about in world history class—some place like this which has been drastically changed with modern science.

Then, the lens pointed towards the sky, and I saw something like the night sky being encircled by a huge circle.

I understood—this should be the underground.

A funnel-shape was dug in the ground, and inside was a city.

(This is......a geofront......!)

A geofront, which is the generic term for a city way below the ground. The location on the screen is probably the "Shinagawa River geofront". It was also the only geofront in all Japan where Haimaki could come back. As I became aware of this, the scene——the lens pointed towards the ground.

A non-stopping pale green light came from beneath the one filming himself. It seems that that person seemed like standing on a S-shaped neon lamp.

Then, the lens turned aside, and someone's shade appeared on screen.

Standing slightly on the side, on the huge O-shaped neon lamp was a young maiden——the G-4th from before.

The girl's entire body was covered by an armor-like black, frosty protective gear, wearing on her head semitransparent protective glasses, and on her clothes' left shoulder was printed words like “USLA-G-4th”. A surprising longsword compared to her height—about 150 centimetres—was obliquely attached her back. This sword, at the first glance, seemed like a katana combined with a large longsword, but it was different. Between the back of the sword and its fuller, a shiny fluorescent blue could be seen. It gave the feeling that this was no ordinary sword.

The maiden suddenly said:

"——Sword beats guns."

The words that came from the standing figure......and put me at a loss of words.

From the outside, this girl should be 1 or 2 years younger than me. The height and weight should also be conformed to her age.

However, it gave me a feeling, that supernatural feeling——that kind of existence that possesses a power of attraction...

Aaah......, I understand......! I perfectly understand.

That kind of atmosphere I'm really familiar with. Very familiar with.

(——It's Kana......!)

This girl......I can't help but think that she looks a lot like that person!

As soon as this idea came into my mind, I even thought that the huge sword behind her back looked like Kana's huge scythe Scorpio. ——Bzz, bzz—

At that moment, a kind of equipment that looked like feline ears at both sides of her head suddenly moved backwards, as if it was sliding, and went to the real place where cats' ears are supposed to be on her head.

That probably was some kind of paraboloid oriented-object that was supposed to collect sounds or something like that. It seemed as if she was using this to search for something. Her short hair slightly floating in the wind, G-4th, Shaa......, as if she wanted to get down, she jumped in the void from the neon light.

The one filming——G-3rd also followed up and jumped down.

Both of them, as they got gradually further from the letters SONY just a moment ago——

Dong! A sound resounded loudly.

Following that was a round hole in the sidewalk, with G-4th landing on the ground and G-3rd closely following behind her.

On the screen, G-4th, who drew her broadsword mid-air, calmly walked outside.

On the lane beside, what looked like illegal drugs and guns dealers scattered away in panic.

(This......how can it be possible......!)

Judging by the amount of time those two took while falling; they just jumped fifteen meters. No twenty meters! How did they even fall from such distance without a parachute or rope?

On the screen, walking between the lined-up cars, shouting "Hey you——dare lay on hand on my brother? How could you.", G-4th——grabbed the hair of a girl, and dragged her out.

(......It's Reki......!)

Reki was holding in her bosom a sniper lens, and the lid was opened. Hiding in the car, she seemed to have just tried to snipe the people, including G-4th, on the neon lamp.

At that moment, Guah, a loud wild scream resounded, and from beneath the car, Haimaki charged towards G-4th, roaring.


G-4th, who opened her eyes behind her protective goggles in excitement, let Reki go. With a superhuman-like speed punch, she sent flying the Haimaki charging towards her.


Looking at Haimaki who was easily beaten up and sent flying while letting a howl on the street——even though he was at that instant at my side——I closed both of my eyes by reflex.

Because there was a car rushing at the same time that ruthlessly hit its body. And after the sound, the car behind also hit it.


I heard a sharp metal noise that made me open my eyes again. I saw Reki, who added a bayonet to her SVD, clashing with GIV.

Even though Reki face was emotionless, she was just as fast as and even sharper than Aria in combat.

"Really, Onii-san, what good do you see in this muted girl."

While dodging Reki’s blow G-4th swung her broadsword and it created it bam when it scraped the edge of Reki’s bayonet. This is…bam! Reki’s bayonet had been removed from the rifle. No, it was chopped off! The steel bayonet was effortlessly chopped off by G-4th.

“Is it because she is young and vigorous?”

G-4th kicked Reki behind the vending machine and then quickly walked in Reki’s direction. She circled around the vending machine once, and swung her sword at the machine, and the light was off. Then, the part of the machine that had been chopped off diagonally slid until it hit Reki’s body.

"OK, the first one has been disposed of. Goodbye."

And the vending machine's lower part——and the cans as well as the plastic bottles that got cleanly cut had their liquor spilled out.

(......That Reki......that she had lost so easily......!)

But I, who haven't even recovered from my surprise, saw the scene change immediately——was surprised once again, and took an icy breath.

On the screen, G-4th was running on the streets downtown in the sounds of Petronels' gunshots......in front of her was floating an unknown object. It was a pearl-coloured rectangle-shaped cloth-like object that was going as fast as G-4th.

Two pieces of slender cloth like this, whose edges were white, crossed with each other, forming an X, and spun like the helice of a windmill in the air while going forward.

(......that, what was that......!)

Bam, Bang, Bam——

The clothes that were flying in the air hit numerously at an unshaped thing in front and continuously twisted.

"——I found it! It's the one Onii-san loves the most!"

The camera lens pointed towards where the voice came from. The one there used the skywalk as bunker, but the one shooting towards here is——


Now I understand. That piece of cloth——seems to be blocking Aria's bullets automatically. It, at the same time, flies and protects G-4th like a shield. Know that I look at it better, it looks like it is made out of bulletproof fiber. But, I have actually never seen anything like this, ever. “Who are you? At least let me put it on the newspaper!” Aria put a new round of ammunition in Government, and charged up the stairs that led to the bridge. She probably did this so she could move the X shaped cloth away [so she could shoot G-4th]

“That sort of trick doesn’t work! Time to end this!”

G-4th yelled as she flew like a dart pass the X shaped white cloth and at an angle—as if cutting a cake—sliced off the stairs of the bridge. Aria fell with theくshaped stairs—G-4th used the back of her broadsword to bang against the stairs in mid air for a second, and then let it fall onto Aria’s head. The cloth that was flying in the air added to the pile of debris by hitting the traffic light [that was on the bridge] so easily it was as if it hit a cardboard box. “Aria!!” Even though this was just a video, and Aria’s silhouette already disappeared from view, I still could not help screaming for Aria.

The flying piece of cloth that G-4th controlled was actually not a flying shield. It had this glow, just like the broadsword, so it must be an attack and defense weapon!

“OK, This one is the second one…”

G-4th moved the video camera to the floor, where a sewer had been opened in half… and from the inside, a hand reached out and grabbed G-4th by the ankle.

That hand— It is a Senior High School Inquesta bullet-proof sleeve that is made to be as light as a feather.

(That’s Riko!)

As soon as I realized who that was, a banging noise came from the sewer. Another hand came out with a P99 and faced the G-4th, who was violently trying to release the hand that was holding onto her ankle. Baah! Baaah! Went the P99, but all of the bullets were all deflected by G-4th protective gear and produced harmless little sparks. Even though the bullets seemed to pass through the small hole in the black protective gear, it did not. G-4th just swayed a bit, but otherwise she was unharmed. Her entire body, except her head, was covered in bullet-proof fibers.

“Now there is only one left.”

G-4th took out a US Army M67 hand grenade, pulled off the plug, and threw the grenade into the sewer in a baseball-like position. It struck Riko, who gave out a cry and after a moment, the grenade exploded.


My forehead started to cover with cold sweat as the screen changed into another scene. This time it was at the school campus garden and you could make out G-4th’s and Shirayuki’s silhouette. A lamp on the side had already been chopped off, and the parked vehicle next to it was wreaked—no, sliced in half. Looks like the fight had already started for a while.

Shirayuki was still walking away from G-4th until—Pa! Five red feather bullets were thrown into the air. Then from the back of her uniform grabbed a wooden racket like board and yelled, “ FIVE WAY RED FEATHER FLAME!” and then using her left hand, swung the racket creating a kakaka noise. The feather bullets fell one after another—Bang! Bang! Three bullets caught on fire after such intense power towards it, and flew toward G-4th. But the other two bullets seemed to not get the effect the [other] three did and just fell to the floor.

“~Wow~ So courageous! So adorable! I understand why you are liked by brother now, after all, you are also beautiful.” G-4th completely ignore the three fiery bullets flying in her direction and pounced onto Shirayuki.


“But—You know, tonight’s golden glass is really strong and I don’t think you little girls are strong enough to handle it! This is just a real~ly unlucky day for all of you!”

G-4th sat on Shirayuki’s body that laid on the floor and using force, tried to yank Irokane Ayame out of her hand.

“Oy. Hand it over.”

“No… you cannot! Stop! This is not what you people can take! The Irokane will--”

“Just let me borrow it!”

Even though from this view – G-3rd’s angle—I can’t really tell exactly what is going on, but suddenly a loud yell came from G-4th and it looks like she used her own broadsword to..beat Shirayuki’s face. Shirayuki could not resist the pain and loosened her grip on her left hand releasing the racket [instead of the sword].

Bang! Bang!

“Hurry up! Let. Go! Stop resisting! I am not going to break it! Kukuku! Teeehee!” G-4th laughed as she continued to slash and bash her sword.

Even though Shirayuki was using her arms to protect herself, however, it seemed hopeless against the enemy who was riding on her body. Finally, the sword was taken by G-4th and the video—ended.


My head became very blank, but, but, now is not the time to be confused.


Baskerville’s team of four has been overthrown, by the small lady who calls herself G-4th. All of them are now know in the enemy’s hands, G-3rd and G-4th and to make matters worse, I have never this type of enemies until today. It’s like they are experts in terrorist weaponry rather than spy, and they could also be like Jeanne but with a different sort of witch-like ability. Based on the video, G-3rd and G-4th must be…


I’m afraid that it was “Advanced Technology Weapons”, the new military.

-- One part of the military might of spied on illegal apprentices to hear about some new material and rushed to the organization [to tell them about it]. Then, being one step ahead of everyone, and took the material to a research institute to develop new technology. It did not matter whether or not they used money to buy or dirty tricks to steal it. Then they would use the new technology or transform them into weapons, surpass the [older] weapons of the enemy. That is why they are called Advanced Technology Weapons. They have not been tested [to see how of the risk that will be taken] so the risk is really high.... but if they manage to succeed, they will beat all general weapons easily.

Just like how Aria and the girls were beaten.

-- They are no ordinary swordsmen, and from their overpowered strength, it makes it really obvious. They are definitely using high tech.

Being against those type of enemies, even Hysteria Mode cannot beat them. Even if someone were to advance up and try to defeat them, they will definitely be beat into a sorry state.

(No, even though it is like this..!)

G-3rd-- That chap already said it before, they will be killing one every hour.

Now five minutes had already passed. Now is not the time to stand here and do nothing!

-- Slap!

In order for me not to be so scared, I slapped myself on the cheek. Now that I wasn’t shivering as much, I could call Medica Department’s Watson . In this type of situation, the wounded should be put in first priority. So we must get the Medica Department to be ready on the move.


I promptly explained everything that has happened to Watson, sentence by sentence. I even passed her some information that even I haven’t figured yet. As soon as I finished talking, I also sent her the video that they ( G-3rd and G-4th) had sent. Watson was at first lost of words but she still managed to say something back to me.

“I-I-I understand, after I analyze the video I will figure out a strategy. You should hurry up and get ready your equipment and in ten minutes meet me at the vehicles section’s sixth garage. Together let’s find Aria and them and save them!”

She relied on nature [to never to lose to men] and bravely replied to me in this way.

I had put ammunition in Desert Eagle that can hit through bulletproof fibers , a short knife in my pocket and lastly Scramasax on my back.

Then I pulled Haimaki into his room and told him, “ Haimaki. You did well. I am going to rescue your master know.”

Without locking my door, I walked out of my room and then called the Ambulance Department to give Haimaki treatment in advance. Then I hurried to the rendezvous as fast as possible. When I got there, Watson was just leaving the garage with a 911 Carrera Cabriolet and yelled to me, “Kinji! Hurry and get on!” Watson was simultaneously using her left hand on the steering wheel and her right hand to turn on the sirens.