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Line 419: Line 419:
A switch has totally been flipped.
A switch has totally been flipped.
“I won’t never forgive you… Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never!”
“I won’t forgive you… Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never!”
My sister’s brother complex has sincerely deplorably gone out of track.
My sister’s brother complex has sincerely deplorably gone out of track.
Line 437: Line 437:
It seems we can’t afford to wait for the bus.
It seems we can’t afford to wait for the bus.
The instant we left the station as if we hwere in agreement, a tremendous killing intent was felt at our backs.
The instant we left the station as if we were in agreement, a tremendous killing intent was felt at our backs.
Line 455: Line 455:
Man… I don’t know what’s what…
Man… I don’t know what’s what…
Whith this you can’t tell who’s the monster.
With this you can’t tell who’s the monster.
“Chiharu, raise your speed.”
“Chiharu, raise your speed.”
Line 493: Line 493:
Had Zonmi not been from the ghoul clan…. Wouldn’t that have been no laughing matter?
Had Zonmi not been from the ghoul clan…. Wouldn’t that have been no laughing matter?
“Fufufu. Lass. How you dare to cut my arm… Today for sure I won’t forgive you.”
“Fufufu. Lass. How dare you cut my arm… Today for sure I won’t forgive you.”
“Bring it on♪ Everyone who gets close to oniichan is an enemy♪ I’ll chop your heart and body!”
“Bring it on♪ Everyone who gets close to oniichan is an enemy♪ I’ll chop your heart and body!”

Revision as of 13:58, 24 October 2013

Status: Incomplete

Cooperative tactic!?

Recently I feel like I’m losing my dignity as a man.

Speaking frankly, I’m being made fun of.

And that’s because.

The pretty freeloader ghoul girl that came suddenly ― Zonmi Ra McKenzie.

The devil-like little sister that lurks inside the Kusumi home ― Kusumi Manami.

Currently trapped in these two’s pace, my life of being dominated goes by without issue.

Hey, hey.

What a situation I, whose catchphrase is “To hell with sissy main characters” and does not want also to be known as a “bossy husband in the flesh”, have ended in…

It’s an urgent matter that must not be left unresolved.

… Nevertheless.

A ghoul and my blood-related sister. That pair of selfish-to-the-core pretty girls that are constantly letting out sighs of ‘Something must be done about this personality…!’ are impossible to be kept in check.

In the end, I ― today like always I can’t help but being controlled.

“Chiharu. Are they going to celebrate a festivity soon in this town?”

Morning. While waiting for the bus in front of the station.

While standing to my right, the one who asked me that was Zonmi the ghoul.

Straight long silver hair reminiscent of white snow, slender limbs.

Her features without flaw, her dignified gaze gives her a cold aura ― a beautiful girl with the atmosphere of a cool beauty.

“Aah. You mean the Saegusa festival. It’s a big festival that encompasses the Tanabata Festival, a summer festival and a fireworks rally.”

The preparation being made in Saegusa city as the day approaches have greatly changed the town scenery.

Though there’s still time until Tanabata, the hastiest shops have already started to place the stalls.

“I see. It’s a festival overflowing with greed. By the way, Chiharu, are you planning on going with someone to it?”

“Nope. No one in special at this moment…”

“Is that so? That’s surprising.”

“… Izzat so?”

Could it be that inside Zonmi’s head I give an impression of having many friends?

Though that said, it’s not very wrong.

Zonmi, pondering about something for a moment,

“By the way, Chiharu, are you currently seeing someone?”

That’s quite the sudden question she has made.

“In the least. That’s not possible…”

Simply look at my usual lifestyle and you’d understand!

Even if I’ve been truthful, for some reason Zonmi’s expression harbors suspicion.

“Chiharu… It’s not good to lie to me. Wouldn’t it be better for you to tell me the truth?”

“I’m not lying…”

Isn’t that because I couldn’t get a girlfriend for 16 years?

“I see. I’ve got a gist of the situation.”

“Hoo, so you’ve finally understood?”

“Yes. There’s no ‘person’ you’re going out with, because it’s a ‘monster’ who you are going out with. Isn’t that what Chiharu means?”

“Wouldn’t it better be that I have neither a human girlfriend nor a monster girlfriend!?”

“… Muu.”

Even when I explained myself without delay, Zonmi seems like she’s still not convinced.

Why does Zonmi distrust me that much.

Or rather, that about a ‘monster girlfriend’ gives the impression of having a highly destructive potential…


I’ve just realized something.

“Could you be talking about the pendant?”

So it was that. I had totally forgotten that I’m wearing the pendant I found yesterday.

When I asked, Zonmi nodded with an embarrassed face,

“Yeah. No matter what, it doesn’t seem to suit Chiharu…”

“… Perhaps a little.”

I’m not someone who wears many accessories, for starters.

“Could it be something you received from a past lover?”

“Hardly, since as I’ve kept telling you, I’m a male virgin who’s been 16 years without a girlfriend.”

Don’t make me say it. It’s embarrassing.




“…… Wha?”

Even though I’ve said the truth, it seems as if the air around us instantly froze.

It seems that “male virgin” is a taboo expression to Zonmi.

“So it’s like that. It seems that I became oversuspicious. Of course someone that speaks with no delicacy… Won’t be able to get a lover. No doubt I must excuse myself.”

Zonmi looks like she despises me.

“… No problem.”

Looks like I’ve cleared her doubts, but… What the heck. This is surely very complex…


I let out a deep sigh.

No matter what, I didn’t think this pendant would raise so much suspicion.

Do I look like an outsider to fashions?

Since it appeared out of nowhere inside my room and it surprisingly fit me nice, I tried wearing it, but… Truth to be told, I didn’t think it would cause such a fuss.

Have I to conceal it under my shirt[1] so to prevent someone else from seeing it, getting suspicious and causing a riot?

“Going back on track. So, you are not going to participate this year?”

“Nope. I had planned on going, at least…”

Maybe I’ll go together with my classmate Youhei… I believe that, him being him, it seems that he won’t let the chance scape.

“I have been asked by Manami, like a demon, day after day, but… Going to a festival with my little sister at our age is of course embarrassing… I think I better pass.

“I see. I think it’s a commendable judiciousness.”

“If you’re interested, would you like that we two went together?”

“… Wha?”

As it seemed that Zonmi became momentarily speechless and had her mouth agape, soon after she became panicked with her face pure red ―

“Whawhawha, what the heck do you plan by saying that!? Maybe, what you mean with those words… Do you have the intention to be on a date with me!?”

“… No. Nothing so flashy.”

My intentions.

“Wasn’t only recently that Zonmi came to Saegusa city? You’re still not familiar with this area.”

Needless to say, my aim is that if I have someone that I planned to go with, it will be easier to fend off my sister’s approaches.

“… Th-thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.”

Totally in disarray, Zonmi took a deep breath in.

“Sadly, I must decline. Because basking under the summer sun while taking a stroll in the middle of a crowd… Is life-threatening to a ghoul…”


That’s right, didn’t she tell me before? That each year on summer 100,000 ghouls were sent to hospital?

If it’s like that, then there’s no way around.

And recently it’s been abnormally hot.

To the human-hating + weak to heat Zonmi, an event like a festival could be like hell.

“Then… Though I can’t attend to the summer festival, what if we go somewhere indoors―”



The moment Zonmi started talking, a shriek like that of an uprooted mandragora was heard.

Glancing on the direction of the voice ― a pretty girl came out of a trash bin placed on the street.

Big and round eyes like those of a small chick.

Nicely developed big breasts.

Her black hair, pride of Japan, was arranged as a ponytail at the back of her head.

Kusumi Manami. The one that has suddenly come out of a trash bin is my little sister.

“What the heck is that, oniichan!? I demand an explanation! How come I don’t get what you mean at all!?”

“Calm down, Manami. Isn’t it you the one who has to give a explanation!? That thing you are doing… Is it a human jack-in-the-box!?”


As if it was only natural, Manami tirned a deaf ear.

Instead, she criticized her brother’s humor sense by letting out “Uwah. Don’t make that comparison” in a small voice.

Why, while you turn down my approaches, are you making an appointment with the zombie? That’s totally weird!”


I do it in order to have a good pretext to turn down your approaches… That’s something I wont say even if you rip my mouth open.

How come. This situation… How can I get over it?

It seems like Manami is in the right this time.

If my invitations were turned down and I saw the other party asking out a total stranger… Even if I’m not Manami, it wouldn’t sit right with me.

There’s no option… I’ll use ‘that’.

The last resource when in trouble. It tends to work.

As it makes use of Manami’s feelings, though I don’t like it, I have no other way.

Brushing away my forelocks, I struck a somewhat exaggerated cool pose.

“Listen, Manami. This is totally for your sake…”


Manami let out a little sigh with a beffuddled face.

“… Wait a bit, what?”

Yosh. Hook, line and sink.

My little sister’s expression turned in a flash into that of a lovestruck maiden.

“I’m your brother, right? Since you are more important to me than anyone else… Ain’t I telling you to harden your heart? Next year, you’re also gonna be a high school student. Won’t it be troubling to you if you cannot let go of your brother by then? I beg you, Manami. Make your brother feel relieved and make a single friend before then.”


It’s really something I can’t endure. Due to Manami’s bad habit of having a much-too-strong sex drive, she hasn’t had no one she could call a friend in elementary and middle school.

That’s why my words ― are my sincere true feelings.

Though it’ll be good that Manami learns to not cling to her brother for a bit…

“Understood… If that’s what oniichan says… Manami… Will try. From now on I’ll make a friend to go together with to the festival.”

“That’s it… Did you understand?...”

Shit. I got some tears in eyes.

As I expected, if you make Manami listen properly, she’s quite the sensible child…

“In turn, if Manami does as oniichan said and can make a friend to go with to the festival… There’s something I want as a reward. Will you promise me?”

“… Promise?”

“Not now ― once it happens, oniichan. Let’s go together to the festival.”


What the heck does she mean by that.

After going to the festival with a friend, double booking by going together to the festival with me?

I mean… Isn’t that completely going back to the start line!?

“Hey, Manami… By saying you will make a friend in order to let go of your brother, isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?“

“Pretty please! This is the last I will ask of you! I want my last memory of middle school, by all means, to be going together to a festival with my brother…”


Since it’s unusual that Manami asks for something so meekly, I ended up rejecting it on impulse.

Thinking about it… Isn’t this to some extent better than keeping being insistently asked to the festival?

I don’t want to say it, but the chances of my sister that has been a solo player all her life to successfully make a friend in the lapse of a few days… Are far slimmer than the chances of survival of an ocean sunfish’s[2] offspring.

“Understood. I’ll promise you that.”

After talking with a bit of a serious tone, Manami, with her feelings seemingly overflowing,

“I did iiit!! Oniichan, I love youuu!!”


Manami hugged me with all of her tender body.

Also, how much long will you keep being inside that trash bin?

Since the start, being hugged by my sister doesn’t make me very happy, bud the stench like dead crayfish that comes from her hair adds up an extra layer.

If you’re going to be hugging, take out the rubbish from your hair.

“Chiharu, you adulterer.”

Zonmi badmouthed me, with a glare cold like a North Pole blizzard.


This is bad. Could it be that, this time, is Zonmi the one who has lost her temper?

Now that I say it, that’s right. I may have been insensible from my part to promptly make this kind of promise with my sister only minutes after having asked her out.

Being these two the women most near to me, unless you are very careful, the troubles won’t stop.

“Sorry. About this…”

“Jealous wench!”

By promptly making a follow-up, Manami didn’t let me continue.

“Shitty zombie! Read the mood! As you see, oniichan has chosen Manami♪ That’s why, get out♪”

“… Ku.”

Zonmi made a face as if she had bit a lemon,

“How many times I have to say it to you so that you understand!? My name isn’t zombie. It’s Zonmi! I’m a descendant of the proud since ancient times ghoul clan, Zonmi Ra McKenzie!”

She rebuked with her usual cathphrase.

It seems that Zonmi being a ghoul she can’t stomach being treated as a zombie.

“Haa… Still with that? I’m fed up with that sentence!”

“Hey. It’s a problem that you are fed up…”

“Straight to the point, zombie-san. Aren’t you excessively close to oniichan despite being a newcomer? Going together to school every morning, you surely feel important. Could it be~, despite not being going out you feel like you’re his girlfriend?”

“Wha-wha-wha-what are you saying!? If you say that, then you too!”

“With me, it’s fine! Since I’m oniichan’s little sister♪”

“… Is that reason enough? If it’s like that, than I’m Chiharu’s partner. ―So it’s only my natural duty to serve at his side.”

Saying that, Zonmi showed the silvery glittering contract ring.

Some days ago, I formally established an employer-employee relation using the ring.

For that reason, Zonmi and me are wearing matching rings.

Contrastively with Zonmi’s face of triumph, Manami’s factions got shrouded in darkness.

“Ring… Oniichan and the zombie are wearing marching rings…”


This is very bad.

A switch has totally been flipped.

“I won’t forgive you… Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never!”

My sister’s brother complex has sincerely deplorably gone out of track.

That’s bad.

So bad that it’s on the level of making even monsters run away.

Even Zonmi has gone pale.

“Let’s go, Chiharu! It’s dangerous to stay here!”

“… Yup.”

Zonmi took my hand.

It seems we can’t afford to wait for the bus.

The instant we left the station as if we were in agreement, a tremendous killing intent was felt at our backs.

“Aaa, You’ve taken…”


“You’ve taken―, You’ve taken the hand―――――!! You’ve taken oniichan’s hand―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――!!

I carefully looked back.

There, Manami, with the face of a demon, had taken out of nowhere a couple of huge knifes with 40 cm. of blade length, and isn’t she shortening distances with us with ferocious speed!?

Man… I don’t know what’s what…

With this you can’t tell who’s the monster.

“Chiharu, raise your speed.”


Zonmi was dashing while strongly pulling my hand.

―Zonmi is of course a monster, and seeing it like that makes me too quite the monster tamer.

Could it be due to producing magic power? As of recent, my physical ability has risen conspicuously, reaching a level that can’t be compared with a normal person.

That’s why ― I don’t have to worry about the chance in a million that my sister catches us―

That’s what I was thinking at the moment.


As I thought I’d heard a little shriek, suddenly, Zonmi’s arm that was pulling of my hand ― was severed while fresh blood gushed out.

“Fufufu. At last, I caught you♪”

From behind… No, wrong. I was from the front.

Before we could notice it ― there was my sister covered in red of the shed blood.

What an amazing thing, my sister not also has defeated in speed a monster tamer and his partner, but managed to sever the right arm that Zonmi was using to pull my hand too.

Emm, from where has she acquired that pointless combat ability?

Good grief, that’s bad for the heart.

Had Zonmi not been from the ghoul clan…. Wouldn’t that have been no laughing matter?

“Fufufu. Lass. How dare you cut my arm… Today for sure I won’t forgive you.”

“Bring it on♪ Everyone who gets close to oniichan is an enemy♪ I’ll chop your heart and body!”


Taking an umbrella [weapon] from nowhere, Zonmi faced my sister.

My sister being my sister, she faced Zonmi with the aforementioned huge kitchen knives while smiling ominously.

Man… I don’t know what’s what anymore…

Ever since Zonmi became a freeloader on the Kusumi residence, every day has been like this.

No matter how worried I am, I can’t even sigh![3]

My spirits are almost as low as when I threw a tantrum because I stained my newly bought shirt with curry sauce.

References and Translation Notes

  1. I don’t know whether what Japanese call Y-Shaatsu is a WHITE shirt or a short-sleeved shirt; I only know that the term does not exist on the main English-speaking countries. - In English speaking nations, what the Japanese call a Y-Shirt is called a button up shirt, or dress shirt. And English speaking countries have no clue why the Japanese call them Y-Shirts.
  2. Mola mola, a fish, wiki it.
  3. This sentence is most probably not correctly translated; it ends with “ttsu-no”, an informal Japanese expression whose meaning I don’t know; I haven’t found it’s meaning anywhere by google searching and I can’t access anymore the #translators channel on irchighway because my bad wi-fi connection made me disconnect before I managed to get the answer and my poor typing skills turned what would have been asking for a favor (“if there has been a response / type it again / because I got disconnected and couldn’t read it / [please (never managed to write that)] and an apology [basically trying to explain he should have waited because I have poor typing skills, but I admit the beginning of the apology could be easily misunderstood, my bad], due to my slowness, into unfinished fragments of sentences that to the owner seemed like smart ass lines, so I’m now banned from there. If someone knows what that means, please contact me.

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