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“It’s cold! My legs are freezing and the wind is cold! More importantly, what’s going on here? Why am I standing here naked? ……No wait, I need to calm myself and try to remember.”
“It’s cold! My legs are freezing and the wind is cold! More importantly, what’s going on here? Why am I standing here naked? ……No wait, I need to calm myself and try to remember.”
The girl crossed her arm while revealing her naked body within the wasteland.
The girl crossed her arm while revealing her naked body within the wasteland.

Revision as of 19:52, 25 July 2014

Sword Emperor Elline

He supressed the “End War” which almost brought the danger of annihilation to the world.

The strongest swordsman in history and the only one in history to be given the title of the “Brave Hero”.

“———We will award the title and honour of becoming the second “Brave Hero” in history to the one that finds the Encore.”

From the Chairman of the World Alliance Conference

Prologue: The Sealed Girl

The land of the world’s end.

There was only wasteland within the whole direction.

There wasn’t a trace of living organisms and there wasn’t even a single grass on the dried soil.

You could find a slight sign of life and some grasses growing within the vast land of uninhabited deserts if you were to observe it. If you were to search for it, you could even find an oasis.

Then, how about this land?

The sky was covered with dim clouds and the land didn’t have any sign of living organisms. Simply vast wasteland covered in pebbles, except, there was one person—.

Except for a naked girl who had her flowing silver hair which shined like a pearl.


She was a mysterious girl.

Her silver hair that naturally glowed within the cloudy weather which made it seem like it was during a middle of a night. And her emerald green eyes that had a deeper, yet, clearer colour than any deep ocean.

That also included her gorgeous naked body.

The surface of her skin was clean like that of a new born baby. Her white skin which was almost transparent. Her gorgeous body came with slim arms and legs. She also had a curve fitting for her age.

Her appearance was that of a fifteen or sixteen years old girl.

However, her body would seem nothing due the impression you get from her which was that of being overwhelmingly prideful and divine.

“Where is this place……?”

The girl used her hand to stop her bangs from being blown away by the wind.

The clouds that covered the sky.

The cold earth which she could feel from her feet. And the endless grey horizon.

The girl then looked around her mindlessly, and then—

“……Ah choo!”

She sneezed adorably.

“It’s cold! My legs are freezing and the wind is cold! More importantly, what’s going on here? Why am I standing here naked? ……No wait, I need to calm myself and try to remember.”

Sekai no Owari no Encore V1 Non-colour 001.jpg

The girl crossed her arm while revealing her naked body within the wasteland.

However, even if she wanted to calm herself and analysis the situation she was in, the blowing wind around her was so noisy and strong, so the cold breeze took away her body's warmth—


The wind completely stopped right away.

It stopped with the girl’s single word. The whirlwind that swirled like a bomb blast settled down as if it feared the girl.

On the other hand, the girl didn’t show any sign of being surprised by it.

As if she took this is a natural occurrence. She scooped the back of her hair while behaving as if the violent wind settling down with her single roar was normal. She looked up trying to recollect her memories.

“…………Ah. Oh yeah. I remember now.”

She sighed with her beautiful lips.

“During that battle……hmm, oh yeah, I……was sealed……”

The girl continued to look high up the sky after she muttered those words out.


“If I remember now……the promise with Elline……”

Her adorable face started turning red as if she was becoming excited.

While swinging her slim fist that was being gripped.

At the end.

“That Elline……h……he and his promise to save me from the seal.”

The girl shouted towards the sky loud as she could.

“I ended up escaping on my own since he hasn’t come to save me even after three-hundred years, that liaaaaaaaaaaaar!”

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