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Aunque dije que este reino era casi un vasayo del reino del Rey Dragón, es distinto a los otros 2 paises por los que pasamos en nuestro camino; o al menos, no da esa impresión de ser una colonia del reino dominante.
Aunque dije que este reino era casi un vasallo del reino del Rey Dragón, es distinto a los otros 2 paises por los que pasamos en nuestro camino; o al menos, no da esa impresión de ser una colonia del reino dominante.
''Quizás se deba a la distancia entre ellos, o quizás porque esté muy influenciado por la zona de conflicto; realmente no lo entiendo bien.''
''Quizás se deba a la distancia entre ellos, o quizás porque esté muy influenciado por la zona de conflicto; realmente no lo entiendo bien.''

Revision as of 00:20, 7 July 2015

Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por Dark Kaito.

Traducido por Sergiocamjur (talk) 15:43, 6 July 2015 (UTC)

Enlace a versión rápida de TH3D4N1S4M

Volumen 06 Capítulo 53 - Reino Shirone

1ª Parte

Nos encontrábamos por fin en el reino Shirone.

Este reino es un pequeño pais con 200 años de historia; y aunque en este mundo se categorice la historia de 1 000 en 1 000 años y 200 años años no parezcan demasiado, hay que recordar que hace 400 años, todos los paises de la raza humana salvo el reino de Asura y el Imperio Sagrado Milis fueron erradicados debido a la guerra.

100 años después de ese evento, el reino del Rey Dragón tomó control de la zona sur del continente central que se encontraba en constante guerra civil por el control de la zona. Prueba de ello es que aun a día de hoy, si continúas en dirección norte desde este reino, acabarás llegando a una zona de conflicto que se extiende en varios kilómetros a la redonda.

El reino Shirone es un pais relativamente cercano a esa zona de conflicto, por lo que saber cómo sobrevivió durante 200 años este reino es una buena pregunta. Personalmente, realmente no es algo que me interese excesivamente, pero a grandes rasgos conozco el motivo; la subsistencia es posible debido a que este reino formó una alianza con el reino del Rey Dragón en sus inicios.

Bueno, lo llaman alianza, pero la diferencia de poderes entre los distintos reinos es evidente. La situación real de este reino es similar a la de las otras ciudades en las que nos paramos por el camino, es un reino vasallo.

Lo único que me interesa de este pais es que Roxy, mi Shishou maga loli, estuvo aquí... ups, se me olvidaba que no es una loli. ¿Me pregunto si mi adorable y ligeramente torpe Shishou seguirá en este pais trabajando como maga de la corte? Oí rumores de que le quemó las manos a uno de los príncipes, pero seguro que no fue a propósito y que sigue esforzándose como hasta ahora. Tras todo este tiempo, me encantaría volver a verla.

Quiero encontrarme con ella y decirle que estoy a salvo, charlar con ella y contarle sobre mi visita a su ciudad natal; y quiero que me muestre su magia de rango Real.

Con esta idea en mente, seguimos el camino en dirección a la capital del reino.

2ª Parte

Aunque dije que este reino era casi un vasallo del reino del Rey Dragón, es distinto a los otros 2 paises por los que pasamos en nuestro camino; o al menos, no da esa impresión de ser una colonia del reino dominante.

Quizás se deba a la distancia entre ellos, o quizás porque esté muy influenciado por la zona de conflicto; realmente no lo entiendo bien.

Mientras seguíamos la ruta comercial, vimos varios campos de cultivo disparejos y ganado pastando libremente; también encontramos una zona cubierta como de hierba y tréboles, quizás utilizado para el barbecho[1].

No entiendo demasiado de agricultura, pero parece que los habitantes de este reino no cultivan la tierra siguiendo ningún patrón concreto.

Mientras observábamos el paisaje que cambiaba conforme seguíamos avanzando, nos acercamos finalmente a Latakia[2], la capital del reino shirone, al que entramos atravesando las murallas que rodeaban la ciudad.

En este mundo, lo normal es que las ciudades más importantes estén completamente amuralladas; al menos, tanto Roa como Milis-Sion poseían esto, aunque en esta última eran las columnas mágicas. Incluso en Kikka y Sanakia, encontramos sus ciudades principales amuralladas completamente.

Viéndolas de tan cerca, dan una sensación de seguridad, además de esa atmósfera de mundo de fantasía.

Hasta en el continente demoniaco encontramos murallas, es más, debido a que los monstruos en ese continente eran poderosos, sus murallas eran más concienzudas. A parte de Rikaris, ninguna ciudad tuvo esas enormes murallas naturales aprovechando el cráter, pero en todas y cada una de las ciudades de ese continente, las murallas y la defensa de la ciudad se construían y mantenían utilizando las habilidades de las razas demoniacas que vivieran por los alrededores. Todo eso, sumado a las batidas diarias para eliminar a todos los monstruos cercanos a la ciudad, que se hacía hasta en las aldeas más pequeñas.

Todavía recuerdo las extrañas plantas carnívoras que cultivaban los Migurd para proteger la muralla... Pero eso, cuando comparo las murallas del continente demoniaco con las del continente central, da la impresión que las de este último se construyen únicamente para hacer más imponentes las ciudades más que para la defensa.

3ª Parte

We arrived in the capital of Ratakia.

After we entered the town, just as usual, we left the carriage in a stable.

Probably because there are a lot of labyrinths that exist in the surroundings of this country, but there are a large number of sharp mannered adventurers.

A large number of adventurers who want to take part in exploring labyrinths exist.

Paul and Ghyslaine were like that as well, it seems like Roxy went into a labyrinth at one point as well.

Those who explore labyrinths are largely a skillful lot, or at least I have a feeling Paul told me something like that.

There are a large number of labyrinths in Shirone Kingdom.

If you are the first to conquer even one of those, a large amount of money would fall into your lap.

Now, even just among those adventurers wandering around over there, there are many S rank adventurers looking to get rich quick.

Part 4

We found an inn.

It's the same as usual, an inn aimed at D rank adventurers.

I don't know if it's because this town has a lot of high rank adventurers, but even the low rank inns are fairly expensive.

Even though I say that, the quality of the rooms aimed at D rank on the Central Continent are better than ones aimed at C rank or above on the Magic Continent.

Therefore, it would be fine if we just dropped to a lower grade room, but we have enough money that we don't really need to bother about the price.

Saying it in reverse, we were able to get a higher grade room.

Once before I thought it would be better to get a good room, but even when you actually have enough money to use it leisurely, it's not that good of an idea to be extravagant.

Unexpectedly, I could be quite frugal.

Although over these past few months our food expenses have increased a bit.

"Well then, now that we've arrived in the Shirone Kingdom, let's start a strategy meeting."

With the other two on standby in the room before me, I made the usual announcement.

Clap-clap the usual applause.

They have completely gotten used to it.

"Now then, what should we start with..."

"Meeting with Rudeus’s teacher right?"

After hearing Eris’s words, I thought.

Remember Hitogami's words.

[Aisha Greyrat. Currently, she's being detained in Shirone Kingdom. The scene from just now, you will likely try to save her. However, you must absolutely not use your own name. Use 'The Owner of Dead End' to name yourself and listen to her circumstances. After that, send a letter to an acquaintance in the Shirone Royal Palace. If you do that, you will be able to save both Aisha and Lilia from the Shirone Royal Palace.]

It should have been something along those lines.

If I'm to believe that in its entirety.

In other words, it's fine if I walk around looking for the alley I saw in my dreams.

I wonder if it would be better to go together with Eris and Ruijerd.

I seem to make mistakes more often than not when I'm alone, if I go this time alone and then I'm unable to match the specification, I wonder if it's better if we go as a group.

Nevertheless that scene which I saw in my dream.

Two soldiers came out in there.

I've seen their outfit many times around the town.

It's this country’s regular soldier outfit.

I'll think about it a bit and then see.

If I believe in Hitogami's words, then Lilia and Aisha should both be in the Shirone Royal Palace.

Then, Aisha should be detained in the Royal Palace.

How did she manage to escape from the Royal Palace? Regardless, the soldiers from the Royal Palace managed to catch up to her.

Then that would be the reason I clash with them there.

If I'm to save her from the front, then that would mean to face the Royal Palace head on.

Which is why he said to absolutely not name myself.

Give a false name here.

It might be good to hide my face as well.

Then while the knights are looking for me with a fake name, I send a letter to an acquaintance... to Roxy in the Royal Palace seeking help.

If Roxy is a Royal Court magician, then she should have some degree of power to act.

I'm sure she'll come to aid us.

She'll end up looking after me again.

Really I can't sleep with my feet pointed at Roxy.[3]

Conversely, were she to do me the favor of sleeping with her feet pointing at me, I'd clean things up real nice for her while she slept.

Yeah, if I think about it simply, this advice is that sort of flow.

But, it's Hitogami we're talking about.

There's the possibility that he's planning something as well.

After giving this advice he made the statement, "If I make it too detailed, then it's less entertaining to watch."

In other words, in regards to him, interesting happenings could occur.

Most likely I won't be able to avoid those things.

Even though I say that, that guy said "Next time I'd like you to believe in me."

Then, even if some rough developments are waiting for me, I can predict that I won't get a major injury or that no one in my family will die.

Only if I believe in him to the end that is.

This time, he could have made up such a lie just in order to reliably deceive me and he might not even be thinking about next time.

However, even if that is true, if I pointlessly oppose him and the situation deteriorates I won't be able to face it.

I don't like the feeling that I'm dancing on the palms of his hands, but I have to listen to what he said.

In any case, look for Aisha, hide my name, and send a letter to Roxy.

These three are a sure thing.

However, now then, how should I convince these two?

The letter is fine.

A reason to search a back alley and a reason to hide our names, if I don't think about both at the same time it won't be good.

It was something I learned after we departed from Milishion, even if I specify a day as a day off, Ruijerd or Eris will absolutely end up coming along with me as I go around.

It seems the event where I got depressed that time with Paul has stuck with them.

It means I just worried them that much.

I can't apologize enough.

Even though I say that, this time the probability that I'll have to be careful of knights is high, if I bring along these two who suck at acting, I feel like a wild snake will come flying out the bush.

Snakes are hiding in wait all over the place.

Well then, what to do about it.

"Rudeus, what are you worrying about?"

Since I stopped my words for a long period, Eris is tilting her head and asking.


They say delivering is easier than worrying, I'll have to try it.

"As a matter of fact, I want to hide our names while we're in this town."

"We're going to act again? Why?"


Even if I hide things about Hitogami, there's no necessity to hide things from these two.

"Actually, from a certain source I got information, but it seems somewhere in this country my family is being held captive."

"Is that true?"


Where or who I heard it from these two didn't ask.

In the first place, whenever I went information gathering one of these two was always with me.

If they aren't going to butt in and ask, that's convenient for my situation.

"I see now, if we name ourselves as Greyrat then they'll go on alert right!"

"That is the case."

"Then, who is here?"

"Lilia and Aisha... Our former maid and my younger sister."

Come to think of it, coming from me, I wonder what it would be good, for me to refer to Lilia as.

I don't think stepmother would be correct...

"Rudeus’s younger sister? There was one in Milishion as well right? The cheeky one."

"There's one more."


Eris made a sour face looking as if it wasn't interesting.

Norn is cheeky, huh.

I didn't think so, but in terms of how Eris looks at it, that attitude would probably look cheeky.

If my younger sister gets hit, which side should I ally with?

"If that's the case then I have no complaints! As expected of Rudeus, he thinks about it well."

Eris let out a hn-hn snort with her nose.

Even if we say I'm thinking about it, it's more like I'm just following along with Hitogami’s manipulation.

Humu. It's making me feel bad because I feel like I'm deceiving them.

"We're going to hide our names right. Will we use a false name?"

"A name that is pretty common would probably be best."


"I heard that a false name that is hard to remember is good."

While giving side glances to me as I considered them anxiously, they came up with a variety of false names.

"I wonder what kind of names are famous around this area."

"During our journey I heard the names Shaina and Reidaru pretty often."

Death God Knight Shaina is a female knight that comes out in the story of the North God hero.

She was one of the North God's three swordsmen, and she was one of the companions of the North God.

No matter how harsh the battle was she would always return alive, she was a person like Inou Seizontai[4].

Although that is most likely fiction.

Even though I say that, among the people around here, "My child got into an unforeseen accident and didn't die", therefore you'll hear them stuck with the name Shaina.

Reidaru is a Water God.

A genius of counters, he froze the ocean in order to create a foothold, he was a hero who defeated the Water Dragon King.

In order to accept that great person’s name, the children of the Water God style have passed down for generations the name Reidaru if it's a male and Reida if it's a female.

This name as well has quite a few people with it.

It seems if you learn the Water God style, there are many cases of changing their name.

Just with saying we should hide our names, the two are properly thinking about it.

It's a thankful story.

However, I have the feeling that Hitogami said to name myself as "The Owner of Dead End".

No, that is a name which should be fine in regards to Aisha.

Humu, then it's fine, huh.

Alright, I'll seriously think about it.

"Rudeus, what will we do?"

"I guess, in this case, it would be best if they fully understand that we're using false names."


"Our faces and names aren't known, if we go with naming ourselves using a flashy name, they won't realize our objective, and the other side might get confused."

Or at least I think I heard something like that in an anime from somewhere before...

Frankly, any false name could pretty much be fine, but...

"Then, a cool one would be good."

A cool one huh.

"I understand then I will call myself the knight of the moon's shadow, Shadow Moon Knight."

"Shadow Moon Knight!?"

Eris's cheeks were red and her eyes were sparkling.

The real thing wears an outfit like being on school lunch duty.

Furthermore, he spits out arrogant haiku lines.

If it's Eris she would probably knock him down the instant she sees him.

"I want something like that as well! Ah, but if we use the same one it'll be troubling right, hmmm..."

She liked it that much, huh.

Alright, then I'll grant you a nice/knights name.

"Well then, Eris will be the Shadowmoon's Swordsman [Sword] and then Ruijerd will be Shadowmoon's Spear [Lance], if we go with that it should be fine. If we do that then we'd all be matching."

"That's nice, matching! Let's go with that."

I thought Ruijerd might be embarrassed with that kind of name, but it doesn't seem like he's all that unsatisfied with it.

Paul said my "Arrogant Water Dragon King, Aqua Heartia" was cool as well.

It seems like this world is a bit chuunibyou.

"However, Rudeus doesn't give off a knight feeling."

After we had settled on them, Eris came out whispering that.

I'm not a knight.

Then, should I call myself Magician(Evil) or General(Omega)?[5]

...Well, I don't know if we'll actually need to call ourselves that, anything is fine really.

We'll decide based on the situation, and if it seems bad then it's fine to just call myself The Owner after all.

"Well then, the false names will be something like that."

"That's right, what are we going to do from here on out?"

"For the time being, I'll send a letter to Roxy in the Royal Palace then we'll gather information until I get a response."

I proclaimed that.

I'll look around during free time and try to encounter that scene.

I'll have to give it my best in order for it to go well.

Part 5

The next day.

I bought some stationary and an envelope from the market, then wrote a letter.

Starting with seasonal greetings and then say that I'm safe after the teleport incident.

After that I'll say that I'm healthy so there's no need to worry. For the time being I've come to the capital of Shirone so I'd like to meet.

I'll lightly touch on the fact that everyone from Buina village is missing, and fan it with the fact that I'm in the middle of searching and no one has been found so I'm worried. After that, I'll casually touch on the topic of our maid Lilia, and then since it's an important matter I'll finish saying once again I'm worried about my family.

Then I'll position all of the contents so the first character of each word lines up reading, "Please help me."

If I write this much then I'm sure even Roxy would realize it.

Then I'll use the pattern I made of Roxy's pendant, turned into a stamp to seal it with wax.

I hesitated over the sender’s name, but I sent them with the name Rudeus many times while I was in Roa.

I thought about using a false name here as well, but if she looks at it and says "I don't know who this is." and throws it away I'll be in trouble.

The fact that Roxy is clumsy like that sometimes is one of her occasional weak points.

"From the favorite disciple who is watching over your life, Rudeus Greyrat." like that.

Most likely even if I were to write a false name, Roxy would realize it's my writing the moment she sees it.

Even though I say that, being a bit scatterbrained at the crucial points and making a mistake is Roxy.

I won't know until I'm sure the letter makes its way into Roxy's hands.

It's Roxy the Schrödinger. [6]

Roxy getting inside of a box for me to pick up naturally comes to mind.

Oh~, my God, cardboard boxes are something which you hide in when they are turned upside down.

Well, putting that aside, I want to try and make sure that the contents actually are read.

"Well then, I'm off to send the letter."


"Yes, have a safe trip."

Eris and Ruijerd were seeing me off with full face smiles.

I surely thought they would follow after me, but it was a bit of a letdown.

"Oh? What are you two going to do?"

"We plan to look around the town for information on Rudeus's little sister."

Ah, come to think of it, I did say we would be looking for information.

Well, information is power, there's no loss in collecting it.

Rather, I'm shocked at myself who was careless enough to give up on properly collecting information as well.

"I see then I leave it in your care. After I send the letter, I'll try to search for some information as well."

After saying that I separated from the two.

Part 6

Several minutes after I sent the letter to the Adventurer's Guild.

I realized I was being followed.

At first I thought I was being observed by Ruijerd.

Whenever I'm alone I always seem to get into some kind of problem or other.

Which is why I thought he might be on standby in the case a problem occurs?

However, these past few months, Ruijerd hasn't gone out of his way to follow from behind and just acted together with me directly.

In the first place, Ruijerd 's ability to follow is extremely superior.

There's no way I could notice it.

The one who is currently following behind me is too obvious.

There's no way it's Ruijerd.

And then, most likely, it's not Eris either.

Eris is lousy at following. It wouldn't be strange if I noticed her presence from the time we left the inn.

I can't think of a reason why they would specifically choose to follow starting from the Adventurers Guild.

Then who is it.

Someone who would have a grudge against me in this country... I don't have any ideas.

After all, we just arrived in this country yesterday.

There's a high probability something will happen with this country from here on out, but currently we have yet to trouble anyone.

Otherwise, maybe it's related to some incident that happened on the Magic Continent.

Who would go out of their way to follow us all the way from Magic Continent just for revenge?

There's no way that can be the case.

There is the possibility that there are survivors from the smuggling organization of Saint Port.

They might have come across me coincidentally and chosen this chance to try and finish me off.

Although the probability that there is no relation is also high.

The fact that I was able to notice them is proof that their tracking techniques are crude.

While turning around a street corner I stole a glance behind me.

I saw a small shadow quickly hide under cover.

It's a child.

There's the possibility some neighborhood child somehow or other decided that I was conceited and therefore a villain, then started play following me.

I won't even bother thinking for what sake.

I'm sure there are children who suddenly start up with that kind of play.

I wonder if I should hide somewhere, then when they come up and start panicking after losing me, jump out and yell "Wah!"

No, in this world there's also the hobbit race that have a short height.

Negligence is forbidden.

I decided to lose them somewhere.

While thinking that I crossed over two crossroads and turned right into a bit of a small alley.


Suddenly, I felt like something was out of place.

But, without worrying about it much, I created an earth wall.

Using my magic power a 3 meter or so wall suddenly came up out of the ground, turning the alley into a dead end.

On the other side of the wall, I heard the sound of panic and hurried movements.

And then, the sound of hitting the wall without power.

There was no sign that they were going to try to destroy the wall with Magic or Swordsmanship.

I thought it could be Eris chasing after me, but if it were her she could jump right over a wall of this size.

I wonder if after all it was a prank by some children from the neighborhood.

After being satisfied with that conclusion I started to walk away from there.

Well then, I ended up coming a bit deep into this alley in order to break away from that child.

Which way was it to the main street?

It seems like I'm a bit lost.

Well, if I can find some sort of large road then I'll quickly find my way back.

While thinking that, I walked around various twists and turns of the alley, but I wasn't able to go in the direction I wanted and kept circling around.

The main street of this town is bent and twisted.

It's a huge difference from Milishion which has roads like a Go Board.

Even I, who doesn't have the attribute of a lost child, am surely on the verge of being lost right now.

In the worst case it would be fine if I use magic and jump up onto the roof.

Come to think of it, the scene Hitogami showed me was similar to an alley like this.


Then, I remembered back to that out of place feeling from a moment ago.

That wasn't feeling out of place.

It was feeling something you've experienced before, déjà vu.

I quickly returned to where I left.

I ran through the many turns of the alley.

While getting lost in the forked roads, I continued to turn around and returned to the path from just now.

"No, stop it!" I heard a young girl’s scream.

The earth wall I created entered my field of vision.

"Give it back!"

I put my hand on the earth wall and started to concentrate on my magic power.

Using earth magic I manipulated the wall and created a fissure in it while simultaneously using wind magic to launch a shock wave through the center of the wall.

[BANG] a loud sound let out and the earth wall shattered into tiny pieces all over the place.

In my field of vision that scene entered.

A single young girl was violently captured.

The ones with their hands holding her were soldiers.

There were two of them.

The one who wasn't holding the young girl was tearing up a piece of paper taken from her.

"Don't rip up the letter I was sending it to father!"

The two soldiers looked at me with dumbfounded faces.

"Wh-who in the world are you...?"

Young girl.

Traces of Lilia could be seen in her face, she wore a ponytail with the same brown hair as Paul, while wearing a small maid outfit.

That face gave off the impression of normally being lively and aloof and it was currently distorted with tears and a dripping nose.

Looking down on that, those vulgar faces...

No, the two soldiers weren't making a vulgar face.

If you were to ask which, they were making apologetic faces.

They were just doing their jobs to the end, and their intention didn't seem to be in it.

"Who are you?! Name yourself!"

"I'm that child's..."

Oh wait, I'm not supposed to name myself right.


"My name is the Knight of the Moon's Shadow, Shadow Moon Knight!"

"What do you mean Knight, no matter how you look at it you're a magician!"


I was hit with a precise tsukkomi[7].

Damn it.

Next time, I'll make sure to name myself with Magician Ebiru.

Well, it's fine.

"Listen here boy. It's fine to play make believe as an ally of justice, but even if we look like this, we old men are soldiers of the Royal Palace. Since she's lost, we're just trying to take her back home."

In the end they even looked at me with eyes of a rowdy child and gently gave me a warning.

I'm sure these words have a few lies mixed in, but after looking at Aisha sobbing on the side of the knight, she was making a bit of a troubled face.

I'm sure they're not bad guys.

There might have been some problem in the Royal Palace, and even though Aisha and Lilia are being detained, it's not something that the knights consider a bad thing.

It could be that, it would be bad to create hostility with these soldiers.

I might not be supposed to fight, solving this with conversation could be better.

"Even though it seems like you're tearing up the letter she was holding?"

"Ahh~... That is, well, what. There's various things, adult things."

That's right isn't it, there are a lot of different adult things, right?


Then at that moment making use of a single gap, Aisha shook off the hands of the soldier.

"Pw-pwease shave me!"

She ran straight over to me, hid behind my back, and with a crumpled face covered in tears and snot she clung onto me.

After looking at the desperation in that face, I started to feel like it didn't matter if I turned a kingdom or two into enemies.

"Th-those pweople, foshefully, my letta, and teard..."

I have no idea what she's saying, but at least the desperation is being conveyed.

I give up, I give up.

A middle aged adult like me can't do something like a young ally of justice play.

I'll go about it in my usual way.


I suddenly raised my hand up and used voiceless incantations to send a rock bullet flying.


The knight noticed the sudden rock bullet, unsheathed his blade in an instant and deflected it.

Uooh, their reaction was good!

Water God style, huh.

That's hard to deal with.

But, well, it's not like rock bullet is the only thing I can use.

With this much distance there's plenty of margin for error.

Fufu, avoiding my rock bullet, that makes you the 4th one you know.

"Voiceless incantations!?"

"Then this guy, could it be Roxy-dono’s!?"

"He really came!"

"Call for reinforcements!"

"Under, uooh!"

I created a pit fall at the foot of the knight who was about to run off.

Rejection shot.

Simultaneously I fired off rock bullets in succession at the other knight to keep him in check, while asking Aisha a question.

"We're going to run, are you alright?"

"Hick…hiku, yeah...!"

Aisha nodded while continuing to sob.

Alright, alright.

After this we just need to knock out one more and then break away.

Just at the time I thought that.


Suddenly I heard a high pitched sound ring out like a birds cry.

The sound came out from the center of a hole.

It's a whistle.

They let out an alarm.

And then, from a bit of a distance away as well as nearby alleys I could hear the same sound of a whistle blowing.


Each of the whistling methods and sounds were slightly different.

Most likely, they're letting each other know their position so they can meet using the sound.

After checking to see that my hand that was launching rock bullets had stopped, the soldier opened his mouth wide.

"All of the paths around this area have been sealed off! Soon soldiers will come here as well. Stop with the pointless resistance, hand over that girl! We won't treat you badly!"


This is bad.

He's called for allies.

Most likely, knights and soldiers will quickly be flooding into here.

But, I still have one hand left.

"Aisha, please hold onto me tightly!"


"No matter what you must not let go!"

While Aisha was bewildered, she put her hands around my waist and tightly held onto me.

I grabbed her clothes with my left hand, and with my right hand started gathering magic power.

I released an earth spear [Earth Lance] centered at the flat point below my feet.

Using that momentum I flew into the air like a human bullet.



With the soldiers’ voices of confusion and Aisha's scream, I magnificently escaped from that place.

Wa ha ha, see you later foolish fellows!

Incidentally, since I was getting ahead of myself, I flew too high, and I ended up breaking both of my legs with a solid crack on the landing.

This type of dangerous magic is no good unless you practice it on a daily basis.

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Barbecho: técnica en agricultura que consiste en dejar sin cultivar una zona de cultivo durante 1 o 2 años para regenerar las tierras y potenciar los siguientes cultivos. Más Información
  2. En la versión inglesa utilizan Ratakia, pero debido a que existe un pais con el nombre de Latakia (capital de Siria), pues preferimos ir con este. Más Información
  3. An expression that is used to express gratitude/respect towards a certain person. (Japanese household altar of ancestors placed relatively close to the ground and therefore close to the futon where you sleep. You must not sleep with your feet pointed toward the altar. Note the religious connotations whenever Rudeus talk in regard to Roxy)
  4. Inou Seizontai (異能生存体) refers to an idea proposed by a Colonel of the Red Shoulders in the series Armored Troopers Votoms involving super-powered individuals who could survive no matter what circumstances they faced.
  5. Kanji read 'magician' and 'general', but are read as Evil and Omega respectively. They're references to Tekkaman, namely Tekkaman Evil, and a general named Tekkaman Omega. Series name is Space Knight Tekkaman Blade. Hence the use here amongst the other 'knight' jokes.
  6. A reference to Schrödinger's cat.
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_owarai_terms
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