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Translation: Click here<br />
Translation: Click here<br />
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai,Takahiro; (Gwendal) Ootsuka, Akio.<br />
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai,Takahiro; (Gwendal) Ootsuka, Akio.<br />
(drama cd staff info unknown)<br/><br/>
'''[http://redglassesgirl-maruma.tumblr.com/drama%20cd%20list Download the track here]'''
'''[http://redglassesgirl-maruma.tumblr.com/drama%20cd%20list Download the track here]'''

Latest revision as of 15:00, 13 August 2015

14. The Demon King Room Visits- Gwendal's part[edit]

Original Title: マ王陛下のお部屋訪問!~グウェンダル編~
Release date: May 26, 2006 ; Vol5. of the First Part (Ep.42-55) of the Second Season in DVD
Translation: Click here
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai,Takahiro; (Gwendal) Ootsuka, Akio.
(drama cd staff info unknown)

Download the track here

Temari artbook dvd01.jpg

FX: *knock on the door*

Yuuri: Hello. Good evening. Gwendal, are you awake?

FX:*closes door*

Yuuri: Maybe he's already asleep.

Gwendal: I'm awake. Enter.

Yuuri: Woah, he's in a bad mood already.

Gwendal: Of course. If the king neglects to give advance notice of the purpose of his visit during sleeping hours, such negligent behavior is more than enough to displease me.

Yuuri: Ah. Yes, yes, I'm sorry. *mumbles* But to treat me, the king, in such a way, is that okay though?

Gwendal: Did you say something?

Yuuri: No, I didn't say anything. I'm sorry.

Gwendal: So? What do you want?

Yuuri: Ah, that. About that, soon it'll be the "Greta anniversary".

Gwendal: "Greta anniversary"?

Yuuri: Yes. It's the day when I say congratulations and thank you for becoming my daughter. It's the day that she became my daughter so it's like her birthday here in Shin Makoku, don't you think?

Gwendal: Ah, I see.

Yuuri: And you know, that's the only reason why I came here. To talk about what I could get her for "Greta anniversary" this year.

Gwendal: I see, for Greta?

Yuuri: Hm! Is there something nice you can think of?

Gwendal: Well, let's see. She's the Maou's adopted daughter. So maybe there's a particular territory that you'd like to give her?

Yuuri: Give her a territory?

Gwendal: That's right. How about a place famous for its natural scenic beauty? And then you could build her a castle, one that Greta would like and could turn into a nice playground.

Yuuri: Mhh... It seems like a very kingly, royally thing to do, but I wonder.

Gwendal: Is it not good?

Yuuri: It's just...you know? Isn't it a bit too extravagant?

Gwendal: Extravagant? Hm! Nothing that a king may want, can be considered extravagant.

Yuuri: But, it's over the top.

Gwendal: But isn't the Maou the greatest of the mazoku?

Yuuri: It has nothing to do with being the Maou. It's crazy to simply give someone a piece of land or a castle for their birthday. Even though I don't have something that I made myself, I can't go ahead and do something so selfish.

Gwendal: It is allowed for a ruler to be selfish.

Yuuri: But!

Gwendal: So tell me, wasn't it for your birthday that Conrad gave you that baseball field?

Yuuri: Ah... that was... Indeed I did get that for my birthday but, he's got a lot of help from the soldiers you see. And besides, if Conrad does it it's kind of okay because he defended Shin Makoku. In that great war that took place before...

Gwendal: Since you are the Maou you have a right to request greater things than a soldier. Yuuri, Your Majesty...

Yuuri: Uh ?

Gwendal: Don't worry. You are doing a good job. Besides, there's no way the citizens will forget their deep love for the king that works so hard for their sake.

Yuuri: Is that so?

Gwendal: Yes it is. That's why if you were to say that you want some land or acastle for your daughter, everyone will gladly help you to make that happen.

Yuuri: Eh? *laughs* If I get praised by you, Gwen, I feel super confident.

Gwendal: Is that so?

Yuuri: Hm! Thank you. But what I want to do, me, Yuuri the Maou, is not to be all great and mighty and give special people special things. I want to give something to my special little girl, from me, a baseball kid... something like that.

Gwendal: Ah.

Yuuri: That's why, I'd like to make something myself.

Gwendal: I see. Well, then sit down over here.

Yuuri: Hm.

FX: *Gwendal puts something down*

Yuuri: What's this?

Gwendal: Stretch out your arms.

Yuuri: Huh? Ah.. okay, like this? Eh, what is this?

Gwendal: It's a knitting wool ball which is so good that it is used to make elegant clothes.

Yuuri: Huh. And what does that have to do with what we were talking about?

Gwendal: Knitted stuffed animals.

Yuuri: Haaa... I unders... WHAT?

Gwendal: I wonder which one Greta likes best, cutey kittens or cutey puppies?

Yuuri: Cutey puppies... he said...

Gwendal: Bearbees and Sand bears would be fine too.

Yuuri: In that case I guess the Bearbees. But wait, Gwendal!

Gwendal: What are you doing? Don't move!

Yuuri: Ahm... I'm sorry. But you know?

Gwendal: If you copy what I'm doing, making knitted stuffed animals will be easy. I'll show you. Look!

Yuuri: *mumbles* But there's a huge difference between looking and making them. Oh, darn it...

FX: *scene change* FX: *crickets* FX:*knitting sounds*

Gwendal: Humph.

Yuuri: Ah, uhm... you know... we're both working in silence... It would be nice to talk.

Gwendal: What do you want? Talk.

Yuuri: Uhm... let's see. Ah, that's right. Gwendal, you are the heir of the von Voltaire family, right?

Gwendal: Yes. That's right.

Yuuri: Yet, you're not married, and you don't have kids, right? In that case won't there be a problem if you have no one to succeed you?

Gwendal: Why the sudden interest?

Yuuri: Uhm no. I'm not asking as a king, I'm just trying to make conversation.

Gwendal: It's kind of you to worry. *sucks in air* You see, here, it is not mandatory to have a child to inherit your title. Of course, the houses usually look for an appropriate heir, whose magical abilities are high. People from the families are almost never chosen to rule the territories.

Yuuri: Uh? Then according to what you just said, the father doesn't always have the right as the head of the family?

Gwendal: Well, if he's unfit there's nothing to be done. Since the formation of Shin Makoku, only the proper, genuine soul could become the Maou. Since the highest ruler, the Maou was chosen like this, all the retainers followed the same practice.

Yuuri: I see.

Gwendal: That's why there's no need for us to have descendants.

Yuuri: Ah.... That's why when two men get engaged it doesn't surprise anyone.

Gwendal: Yes. Indeed same sex marriage is a usual custom. Yet, there are still many families composed only of blood relatives.

Yuuri: That's clear. I too think it would be nice to have a girlfriend.

Gwendal: Oh, don't say that. The engagement between you two has influenced the citizens so much, that same sex marriages have become very popular now a days.

Yuuri: Wah! Really? But why is that?

Gwendal: Yes, I wonder why? I myself am not sure why.

Yuuri: Hm. Ah, by the way. When I went to Cherie's room, Anissina was there.

FX: *Gwendal falls off his chair*

Yuuri: G...Gwen.. are you okay?

Gwendal: Yes, I'm fine. It's just my body rejected the idea. Continue talking.

Yuuri: Hm. And then, Cherie-sama said, that because Anissina made your body useless, Anissina-san should take responsibility for you.

FX: *Gwendal falls off his chair again*

Yuuri: G.. . Gwendal-san?

Gwendal: I'm fine. And then? What did she say?

Yuuri: Who do you mean by she ...?

Gwendal: Anissina!

Yuuri: Ah! A... After being scolded by Cherie-sama, it seems like she's going to take responsibility.

Gwendal: Tsk...T... That fool!

Yuuri: Why are you angry?

Gwendal: Well think about it! This is all my moth.... no, Her Majesty the Queen's work. She has always been trying to do this. And if one way or another something does happen between us, won't it be because of her interferences?

Yuuri: Ah! Indeed. But isn't it good either way? If she were to take responsibility...

Gwendal: Don't even joke about it!

Yuuri: Ahh...? But anyway what was that about you having a useless body? I heard that it was partly decomposing...

Gwendal: It was Romero's poison.

Yuuri: Eh? That was...

Gwendal: One of her "Dark History" inventions. If a living thing drinks it, it will become a walking rotted being.

Yuuri: A "Living Dead"... In other words, a zombie?!

Gwendal: Because of a terrible accident, since that poison touched my arm sometimes....UGH!

FX:*liquid spills on the floor*

Yuuri: W.. What's happening?

Gwendal: This is bad. Usually at this time the side-effects of the poison, WHUAG!

Yuuri: Wait, ah... Gwendal?! WUAH! Your arm is melting~! Someone call an ambulance! Anissina-san, help!!!

Gwendal: Anyone but her!

Yuuri: Even if you say that. Wuah! Gross!

Gwendal: Damn it, help...

Yuuri: Anissina-san!!!

Gwendal: Cut it out!!!

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