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===Part 3===
===Part 3===
Midgard's underground facilities were severely damaged during NIFL's invasion and had yet to be fully restored.
Hence, due to repairs in progress for the underground training sites, the practical lessons for periods five and six were suspended for now.
Thus, classes ended before noon on the first day school resumed—However, the end of the day brought a problem with it.
"I never expected this..."
After school in the classroom, Mitsuki sighed deeply.
"I was planning to have lunch at the cafeteria before going back, but looks like that's out of the question."
Sitting at her desk, Iris commented while rubbing her stomach.
"Well, we'll just have to eat at Mitsuki's dorm today. Showing Shion the cafeteria will have to wait until next time."
I agreed and looked at Shion sitting behind me, looking very bored.
"cAfeTEriA, quIcK."
"Sorry, Zwei, it's all my fault..."
Hearing Shion, Jeanne apologized with apparent guilt.
"Yes. It's all your fault, Jeanne-chan, so find a solution."
Kili spoke in exasperation but Ariella and Ren defended Jeanne.
"—It can't be helped. Mitsuki already threatened them with the submission of so many repentance essays and it still turned out like this."
"Mm... The crowds grow every time break comes around. At this rate, maintaining order inside the school will be very hard."
Seeing the two of them so weary, I thought back to today's commotions.
It had happened after the first period ended. A whole crowd of Jeanne's fans rushed over.
Back then, they were only shouting "Jeanne-sama!" from the window, but when second period ended, the crowd had grown further, making it difficult even to go to the washroom.
Seeing this, Mitsuki reminded the girls that making noise in the school building would be detrimental to studies, hence the girls were driven away—However, things were still not resolved.
With the sound of the door opening, Lisa, Firill and Tia entered the classroom.
"—The situation outside turns out to be the same as predicted."
"Almost the entire student body has gathered together. Unable to cause trouble inside the school building, they are probably going to do it outside."
"There will surely be a big commotion as soon as you go out!"
Hearing our reports, Jeanne slumped her shoulders.
"Why did this happen...? Don't they believe I'm a girl?"
Jeanne murmured in puzzlement and Lisa looked at her with sympathy.
"No, I believe they should know that you are a girl—"
"...What do you mean?"
Jeanne asked Lisa with a frown. Curious about Lisa's viewpoint, I also paid attention and listened.
"This students at this school have reached an age when curiosity about romance has started to develop. In other words, they cannot resist the temptations of adolescence. However, here at Midgard where almost everyone is female, there are limited targets for their fantasies."
Saying that, Lisa looked at me.
"In other words, I'm not good enough?"
When I sighed, Lisa shrugged lightly.
"On the contrary, Mononobe Yuu. Well—it would be better to say that they have difficulty wrapping their minds around 'the correct usage of Mononobe Yuu.'"
"...What are you talking about?"
Completely unable to understand what she was saying, I tilted my had. Lisa raised an index finger and began to explain like a teacher.
"I am referring to the fact that your conquest is too challenging. This is objective fact—You are the sole male in the school with such high achievements under your belt too. Y-You, umm, you look rather attractive as well. There is even a fan club for you in school."
Having lost a bit of confidence as a human being due to seeing Jeanne's popularity, I relaxed my expression after finding out I was validated.
"Yes... Which is why they are at a loss regarding what to do, right? Getting too involved with you could mean a dramatic change to the rest of their lives. For example—like us as we are right now."
"Hmm... I get that. I'll be careful."
I hastily nodded with solemnity when reminded by Lisa, who smiled faintly in response.
"In that case—Excellent. Well, the girls also understand that half-baked resolve is not enough to build a relationship with you. Although the fact that you selected us has not been disclosed, there is still the great risk of losing their powers from pregnancy. Besides, Mitsuki-san, and... th-the rest of us too, have been keeping a close watch over you. Approaching you is physically difficult."
Lisa spoke with a blush. Next, Firill leaned towards me and whispered.
"...Lisa is very well respected and something like the master of the girls dorm. I think the girls running amok has got something to do with Lisa moving out."
"Hold it, Firill-san! Please do not apply a description like 'master' to me!"
After hearing Firill's comment, Lisa went red and complained.
"Ahem—Anyway, the difficulty level in Jeanne-san's conquest is not as high. Although she looks like a handsome youth, since she is not the opposite sex, there is no punishment for violating the rule against inappropriate interactions between genders. Even very intimate relations... w-will not have any risk of pregnancy."
Was she picturing something? Lisa averted eye contact in embarrassment.
Hearing this, Ariella chimed in.
"Although Mitsuki and Lisa are very popular among the girls, a cross-dressing beauty is special, after all. Supply and demand has never matched up this well."
"I-I am not some kind of cross-dressing beauty... Honestly, I just find male attire more reassuring—"
Shaken, Jeanne explained herself. Kili casually began to tease her.
"In that case, why don't you just wear a girl's uniform? I'm sure you'll look very cute in a skirt, Jeanne-chan."
Saying that, Kili picked up the hem of her skirt. Jeanne went red and shook her head.
"I-I can't accept that kind of disgraceful attire!"
"...You do realize your comment is an insult to every girl in the school?"
Kili's surprised question prompted Jeanne to frantically apologize to Lisa and the others.
"Oh... I-I am very sorry—I just mean when I'm the one wearing it... I don't think it suits me..."
Her voice grew softer and softer and she lowered her head.
"I think you're mistaken..."
"Eh!? C-Captain—Please don't make fun of me!"
I was simply offering my honest opinion but Jeanne went red to her ears and shouted at me.
Silently listening to our conversation, Mitsuki looked at Jeanne as though making a decision.
"—No other way. To prevent Jeanne-san from being followed, please exit from the back door. It is an entrance meant for accessing the staff dorms, but if you take a detour along the coast, you will be able to return to my dorm."
"Ehhh!? I can't go home with the Captain?"
Jeanne asked Mitsuki with an expression of shock.
"—No. If you were to be discovered, Jeanne-san, it could cause chaos. In that case, Nii-san and me aside, that would be quite dangerous for Shion-san who is still young, would it not?"
"Hmm... T-True. I understand. Let's do that."
Jeanne nodded with difficulty once Shion was brought up.
"Mama... wE haVe to seParAte?"
Shion clutched Jeanne's clothing with unease.
"...Yes. But Captain—Papa—will accompany you. Captain, I am leaving Zwei in your hands."
"Yeah, no problem. Shion—go home with P-Papa, okay?"
Still slightly reluctant to call myself 'Papa,' I nodded stiffly and extended my hand to Shion.
After hesitating between me and Jeanne for a while, Shion held my hand.
"...Papa. tOgethEr."
Her tiny hand gripped stronger than I expected, causing an emotion I had never felt before to swell up within me.
An intense desire to protect her naturally filled my heart. I suppose this was what you would call paternal instinct.
However, Iris was staring at me without saying a word.
"W-What's wrong?"
Iris put on a poker face and others reacted the same way except for Kili who leaned in and smiled mischievously at me.
"Fufu, Iris-chan and the others are jealous. You guys really look like a family."
"Of course, I'm jealous too, okay? Hurry and make a baby with me."
Her smooth fingertip slid over my cheek, causing my heart rate to quicken.
However, Mitsuki stepped in between us and drove Kili away.
"Kili-san! Please distance yourself from Nii-san! We are still students and inappropriate interactions between the genders are forbidden!"
"There is no why!"
While this battle of words was raging, Shion gripped my hand tightly.
"Yes, what is it?"
"Papa, hOw aRE baBieS maDe?"
My thoughts froze. I stood there, unable to say anything.
Next to us, Jeanne was also rendered speechless, but as soon as she regained her senses, she directed an angry outburst at Kili.
"Hey! Kili, you are being a bad influence on Zwei!"
"What are you talking about? Can't you just teach her properly?"
"Shut up!"
Amid the commotion, I heard a tiny rumble.
Following the sound, I saw Vritra, who had not participated in the dialogue so far, rubbing her stomach.
When our eyes met, Vritra spoke to hide her surprise.
"...I care not about any of this, but could ye all hasten the journey back? I am hungry."
===Part 4===
===Part 4===

Revision as of 03:16, 30 April 2016

Chapter 2 - White Knight of Elegance

Part 1

"—Well then, allow me to introduce our newest students to everyone."

Presiding over the assembly proceedings, Mitsuki's voice resounded within the dimmed hall.

Standing on the stage with Mitsuki under the spotlight were ten-odd girls dressed in Midgard's uniform.

Including mine, all eyes of the students in the audience were directed at the stage in anticipation.

"This brings back memories, Mononobe."

Sitting on my right, Iris commented quietly.

"Yeah... They're the first batch of new students since Tia."

I kept my voice low and answered while looking at Tia, who was sitting on my left. Tia averted eye contact in embarrassment.

"Please don't recall what happened then. Tia caused so much trouble for everyone..."

"Yeah—But no one minds anymore."

Stroking Tia's head, I replied.

Back then, Tia considered herself a dragon and had impulsively used transmutation against Mitsuki when she denied Tia's identity as a dragon.

As a result, the majority of the students feared Tia and she was not placed into a homeroom with other girls of her age. Instead, she was assigned to Brynhildr Class where me and the others belonged. But after the Basilisk battle, Tia's interactions expanded and during the school festival, she demonstrated to me that she had made close friends.

"Hmm... Thanks. But Tia is very worried whether they'll mess up like Tia."

Tia cast a gaze of worry at the girls on the stage.

They had started introducing themselves in sequence from right to left. It was now a southeast Asian girl's turn. Since she was unable to use Midgard's lingua franca of Japanese, Mitsuki spoke on her behalf.

Including this girl, more than half of the new students were new to me.

However, I already knew the four on the left. These four stood out in many ways, attracting attention from the students as soon as they got on stage.

—Very conspicuous, as one would expect.

Like Tia, I was very worried about them.

It could very well turn into even worse chaos than Tia's time.

To prevent these four from standing out too much, Principal Charlotte had enrolled them together with the other new students whose arrival to Midgard had been delayed by NIFL's imposed inspection.

—Please, don't say anything weird.

Seeing it was her turn next, I prayed in my heart.

"—Next is Kili-san."

The instant Mitsuki spoke this name, a clamor rose up in the hall.

"Everyone must have seen it on television previously—She had sought Midgard's protection in order to defy NIFL's intervention. Due to many things happening in the Principality of Erlia, it took plenty of effort... However, I am extremely pleased for the fact that she could finally come to Midgard."

While presenting the official story for why Kili transferred, Mitsuki grimaced slightly. Well, this was only a subtle change only I could see. The other students most likely missed it.

As the student council president, she was obliged to deliver diplomatic statements to suit occasions, but this time, the "lie" was a bit big.

Kili had transferred into Midgard before under the identity of Tachikawa Honoka. The fact that Honoka and Kili were the same person was not disclosed and ordinary students probably would not question it... But to Mitsuki, she was probably having quite mixed feelings.

Refraining from reading out the full name of Kili Surtr Muspelheim was probably to prevent the audience from associating her with the dragon-worshiping cult, the Sons of Muspell.

From the perspective of ordinary students, Kili was an activist against NIFL's unfair treatment of Ds.

As long as Kili maintained it, this cover story would be perfect.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. My name is Kili. I am very happy to be here at Midgard and would like to get along with all of you. However—"

Kili started with an ordinary self-introduction, but halfway through, she suddenly altered her tone.

Her exuded aura changed. After narrowing her eyes to gaze sharply at the students, she declared in an ice-cold voice:

"—You all know Mononobe Yuu, right? He is mine. If anyone dares make a move on him, I won't forgive her, got that? Please remember this well, everyone."

After issuing this warning, Kili produced a business-like smile.

The entire hall fell silent. Recovering first, Mitsuki coughed.

"Umm... Kili-san has just made some inappropriate and easily misconstrued statements and she will be properly educated afterwards. Until her twisted mindset is corrected, I shall have her write repentance essays nonstop, so please do not worry, everyone."

Mitsuki stared at Kili while speaking in a commanding tone of voice.

"Oh no... even more repentance essays!?"

Kili grumbled anxiously but Mitsuki ignored her and started to introduce the next new student.

"Next is Ritra-san. She is Kili-san's cousin. Due to the discovery of Ds, the ability to transmute matter, in the family, she has transferred in as well."

The one being introduced was the girl two sizes smaller than Kili—Vritra.

Of course, she was not a D and Ritra was an alias. However, there was no way in hell we could call her the black dragon—"Black" Vritra.

To be honest, we also had the option of keeping her in confinement, but Iris said "I'd feel so sorry for Vritra-chan if she had to watch the house alone!"

—Hence, enrolling her as a student made it easier to keep her under supervision. Thus, we transferred her into the school according to the procedure for Ds.

Bored, Vritra stretched and said:

"Yawn... Oh, hmm, I am Ritra. That is all."

As though saying that was enough of a self-introduction, she looked at Mitsuki. The students were looking at the unmotivated Vritra in puzzlement. They most likely pegged her as a different kind of weirdo compared to Kili.

Mitsuki sighed lightly and moved on to introducing the remaining two.

"Then next is the youngest student ever in Midgard's history, Shion Zwei Shinomiya-san!"

As soon as she spoke, everyone's gaze gathered on the tiny girl. This was followed by cheers of "so cute!" resounding all over the hall.

Trembling, Shion held the hand of the unintroduced girl beside her.

From appearance, Shion looked even younger than Tia, pretty much early elementary school age. However, her actual age was not so. Counting from the time when she had awakened at the Asgard lab, less than a month had passed. Although her apparent age was what was recorded in the family registry, I was pretty certain that students younger than Shion were not going to show up again.

"i am Shion Zwei Shinomiya... Nice to meet yoU all."

Nervously and politely, Shion introduced herself.

Although her Japanese lacked a little fluency and her motions were slightly stiff, this made her even more adorable to everyone. Cheers arose again. Frightened, Shion hid behind the girl next to her.

Seeing this, Mitsuki continued to explain Shion's situation.

"I believe all of you must be very curious about her family name. Shion-san is Shinomiya-sensei's relative, but due to her complicated family circumstances and the fact that her mental stability depends on staying close to her current guardian, there is some risk involved—"

Mitsuki finished slowly and came to the girl whom Shion was hugging tightly.

The hall went into a clamor again. After all, the girl on the left end was the most striking from the very beginning.

Normally speaking, Kili, who had appeared on television before, and Shion, the youngest, would attract the most attention. However, there was a great difference between this girl at the end compared to all the other girls standing on the stage.

She—was dressed in a male uniform.

"...Consequently, as a special exception, we have hired Shion-san's guardian as Midgard staff so that they can live together. But just as you can see, she is of the same age as we are and similarly entitled to the right of education. After careful consideration, I have authorized her enrollment in my capacity as student council president. Perhaps some of you might have doubts about a non-D becoming a student of this school, but please try to understand."

Mitsuki emphasized the word "her."

The clamor grew more and more intense, but when the introduced cross-dressing girl and Shion took a step forward, the hall quieted down.

Everyone was waiting for her to speak.

"I am Zwei's guardian—Jeanne Hortensia."

After she—Jeanne Hortensia—spoke in a dignified voice to introduce herself, the entire venue erupted with noise.

Rather than a commotion echoing throughout the hall, they were screams. However, these screams were not emitted out of fear or surprise.

I had heard such screams on television many times—Adolescent girls screaming from the bottom of their hearts at the sight of their idols.

In other words... This was what people called a fan scream.

"W-What's going on?"

I could not help but cover my ears and look around me. All the girls in the other homerooms were worked up in excitement with blushing cheeks.

Also feeling puzzled by this reaction, Jeanne hastily continued her self-introduction.

"U-Umm, I am a girl despite dressing like this! I wear a male uniform because it feels more reassuring—"

Jeanne emphasized her gender as a girl but the fan screaming grew even louder.

Yells of "so handsome!" could be heard all over the place.

"Jeanne-chan is so popular."

Seated on my right, Iris remarked poignantly.

"...Yeah. Dressed like that, Jeanne undoubtedly looks like a young and handsome man."

Platinum blonde hair, a prim and proper face, a slender physique—This appearance could easily rival that of idol celebrities.

Regardless of gender, Jeanne's "beauty" was very eye catching.

"Such a far cry from my debut."

Iris looked at me from the side while I was muttering to myself.

"Eh, Mononobe... Don't tell me you're jealous?"

"O-Of course not."

I frantically denied it. Back when I went up on the stage, the audience was eyeing me with a complicated mixture of curiosity and wariness. Fan screaming was nothing to be jealous of. Indeed, nothing to be jealous of at all.

Even so, Iris smiled and comforted me.

"Don't worry. To me, umm... You're the most handsome, Mononobe."

Seeing Iris blushing, my face turned red all at once.

Noticing that, Tia hugged my arm on the left.

"Tia thinks Yuu is the most handsome too! Tia is a good wife and will never be unfaithful! Yuu can rest assured!"

"...Th-Thank you."

I thanked Tia but her words caused my chest to tighten.

Iris and Tia were being considerate to me on their own, but I was wavering from their words and behavior. Didn't that make me unfaithful to them? Still, they permitted it.

—This was no good.

I did not know what in particular was wrong or how to rectify it.

However, feeling guilty about this, I was definitely not properly confronting the girls' feelings for me.

I must take responsibility. I must do what I can and do it well.

But when facing mutually exclusive wishes, I became lost and unable to take any action.

Hence, as I was now, my resolve was incomplete.

In all sorts of ways, I probably—I must become even stronger.

Part 2

"—Thus, these four will be the newest members of Brynhildr Class from now on. As mentioned before, but I will say it again, I hope everyone can get along."

Inside our classroom—Brynhildr Class' homeroom teacher, Shinomiya-sensei, was introducing the new students in front of the lectern.

Naturally, these new students were Kili, Vritra, Shion and Jeanne.

The seats in the classroom were increased to accommodate their transfer. Behind the third row in the back where Mitsuki, Iris and I were sitting, a new row was added—another three desks and chairs.

This was one less than the number of new students, but the middle seat in the front row was originally empty. With this, all the newcomers had a spot to themselves.

"Then regarding seating... It would be best for Shion to adjacent to Jeanne Hortensia, I suppose? You two should sit together in the back row."



Shion nodded very energetically. On the other hand, Jeanne nodded with a haggard expression.

Skipping past me, Shion smiled innocently.

"i siT, beHiNd Papa."

Shion took the middle seat in the back row—Behind me. At the lectern, Kili looked slightly displeased but did not say anything.

Seeing Shion's smile, Jeanne recovered somewhat.

"Captain... Everyone, I look forward to getting along with all of you from now on."

After walking unsteadily to the right seat in the back row—the one behind Mitsuki—Jeanne smiled feebly and greeted everyone.

"You seem so tired. Are you okay?"

I asked in concern and Jeanne shook her head lightly.

"...I haven't been this tired since quite a while. Ambushed by students outside the hall, I had to go all-out to shake them off."

For Jeanne, a former member of the special forces, to be this exhausted, the students ambushing her must have been very persistent and obsessive.

"Well, being popular is a good thing. The commotion should subside later."

"I hope so..."

Jeanne smiled wryly and lay down on her desk.

After looking at the two remaining seats, Shinomiya-sensei gazed sharply at Kili.

"Kili Surtr Muspelheim. Taking into account your speech at the entrance ceremony, you very evidently a problem child. Consequently, I will place you in the front row where it is easiest to monitor you."

"No. That's too far away from Yuu. I want to sit behind Iris-chan."

Ignoring Shinomiya-sensei's instruction, Kili walked to the back row.

"—Are you sure? You are free to choose defiance, but in that case, I will have to restrict your freedom and pile on a greater number of repentance essays."


Shinomiya-sensei's warning caused Kili to halt and her face began to twitch.

"Do you know how many repentance essays I've written so far?"

"I do. Merely fifty, right?"

Seeing Shinomiya-sensei's fully serious expression, Kili could only sigh deeply.

"...Fine, be that way. I got it. I'll sit here, okay?"

Kili reluctantly sat down where Shinomiya-sensei had indicated. On her left and right respectively, Lisa and Firill smiled wryly. Behind her, Tia thumped her own chest and announced, "Tia will watch with widened eyes to stop Kili from doing bad things!"

"Then I shall sit there."

The last one remaining, Vritra took the left seat in the back row without waiting for Shinomiya-sensei's instructions—The spot behind Iris.

"Welcome, Vritra-chan!"

Vritra nodded generously at Iris who was showing a carefree smile.

"...Hmm. Although I have no interest in the knowledge of ye humans, I am very looking forward to 'school life' after reading some books. 'Twould serve well to kill time."

Turning her head back, Kili shrugged with exasperation.

"Mother is arrogant as ever."

"Kili, aren't you calling the kettle black?"

However, when Tia instantly retorted, Kili showed a complicated expression.

"Tia... Aren't you being too strict towards me?"

"Because Tia will be Kili's senior starting today. Tia must look after juniors properly."

Tia puffed out her chest and replied.

"Wow, Tia is amazing."

"Mm... Good job."

Ariella and Ren praised her too, deeply impressed.

It looked like Tia took seniority very seriously. Having never considered this, I was slightly surprised.

"...I enrolled together with Tia last time."

Kili grumbled unhappily. However, since Tia was telling Shion and the others "you can rely on Senpai from now on!", she did not catch Kili's words.

"Mononobe, we have to work hard too!"

"—You're right."

I nodded in response to Iris, who was clenching her fist with heightened spirits.

Clearly, school life was going to become very lively with the addition of new classmates.

Part 3

Midgard's underground facilities were severely damaged during NIFL's invasion and had yet to be fully restored.

Hence, due to repairs in progress for the underground training sites, the practical lessons for periods five and six were suspended for now.

Thus, classes ended before noon on the first day school resumed—However, the end of the day brought a problem with it.

"I never expected this..."

After school in the classroom, Mitsuki sighed deeply.

"I was planning to have lunch at the cafeteria before going back, but looks like that's out of the question."

Sitting at her desk, Iris commented while rubbing her stomach.

"Well, we'll just have to eat at Mitsuki's dorm today. Showing Shion the cafeteria will have to wait until next time."

I agreed and looked at Shion sitting behind me, looking very bored.

"cAfeTEriA, quIcK."

"Sorry, Zwei, it's all my fault..."

Hearing Shion, Jeanne apologized with apparent guilt.

"Yes. It's all your fault, Jeanne-chan, so find a solution."

Kili spoke in exasperation but Ariella and Ren defended Jeanne.

"—It can't be helped. Mitsuki already threatened them with the submission of so many repentance essays and it still turned out like this."

"Mm... The crowds grow every time break comes around. At this rate, maintaining order inside the school will be very hard."

Seeing the two of them so weary, I thought back to today's commotions.

It had happened after the first period ended. A whole crowd of Jeanne's fans rushed over.

Back then, they were only shouting "Jeanne-sama!" from the window, but when second period ended, the crowd had grown further, making it difficult even to go to the washroom.

Seeing this, Mitsuki reminded the girls that making noise in the school building would be detrimental to studies, hence the girls were driven away—However, things were still not resolved.

With the sound of the door opening, Lisa, Firill and Tia entered the classroom.

"—The situation outside turns out to be the same as predicted."

"Almost the entire student body has gathered together. Unable to cause trouble inside the school building, they are probably going to do it outside."

"There will surely be a big commotion as soon as you go out!"

Hearing our reports, Jeanne slumped her shoulders.

"Why did this happen...? Don't they believe I'm a girl?"

Jeanne murmured in puzzlement and Lisa looked at her with sympathy.

"No, I believe they should know that you are a girl—"

"...What do you mean?"

Jeanne asked Lisa with a frown. Curious about Lisa's viewpoint, I also paid attention and listened.

"This students at this school have reached an age when curiosity about romance has started to develop. In other words, they cannot resist the temptations of adolescence. However, here at Midgard where almost everyone is female, there are limited targets for their fantasies."

Saying that, Lisa looked at me.

"In other words, I'm not good enough?"

When I sighed, Lisa shrugged lightly.

"On the contrary, Mononobe Yuu. Well—it would be better to say that they have difficulty wrapping their minds around 'the correct usage of Mononobe Yuu.'"

"...What are you talking about?"

Completely unable to understand what she was saying, I tilted my had. Lisa raised an index finger and began to explain like a teacher.

"I am referring to the fact that your conquest is too challenging. This is objective fact—You are the sole male in the school with such high achievements under your belt too. Y-You, umm, you look rather attractive as well. There is even a fan club for you in school."


Having lost a bit of confidence as a human being due to seeing Jeanne's popularity, I relaxed my expression after finding out I was validated.

"Yes... Which is why they are at a loss regarding what to do, right? Getting too involved with you could mean a dramatic change to the rest of their lives. For example—like us as we are right now."

"Hmm... I get that. I'll be careful."

I hastily nodded with solemnity when reminded by Lisa, who smiled faintly in response.

"In that case—Excellent. Well, the girls also understand that half-baked resolve is not enough to build a relationship with you. Although the fact that you selected us has not been disclosed, there is still the great risk of losing their powers from pregnancy. Besides, Mitsuki-san, and... th-the rest of us too, have been keeping a close watch over you. Approaching you is physically difficult."

Lisa spoke with a blush. Next, Firill leaned towards me and whispered.

"...Lisa is very well respected and something like the master of the girls dorm. I think the girls running amok has got something to do with Lisa moving out."

"Hold it, Firill-san! Please do not apply a description like 'master' to me!"

After hearing Firill's comment, Lisa went red and complained.

"Ahem—Anyway, the difficulty level in Jeanne-san's conquest is not as high. Although she looks like a handsome youth, since she is not the opposite sex, there is no punishment for violating the rule against inappropriate interactions between genders. Even very intimate relations... w-will not have any risk of pregnancy."

Was she picturing something? Lisa averted eye contact in embarrassment.

Hearing this, Ariella chimed in.

"Although Mitsuki and Lisa are very popular among the girls, a cross-dressing beauty is special, after all. Supply and demand has never matched up this well."

"I-I am not some kind of cross-dressing beauty... Honestly, I just find male attire more reassuring—"

Shaken, Jeanne explained herself. Kili casually began to tease her.

"In that case, why don't you just wear a girl's uniform? I'm sure you'll look very cute in a skirt, Jeanne-chan."

Saying that, Kili picked up the hem of her skirt. Jeanne went red and shook her head.

"I-I can't accept that kind of disgraceful attire!"

"...You do realize your comment is an insult to every girl in the school?"

Kili's surprised question prompted Jeanne to frantically apologize to Lisa and the others.

"Oh... I-I am very sorry—I just mean when I'm the one wearing it... I don't think it suits me..."

Her voice grew softer and softer and she lowered her head.

"I think you're mistaken..."

"Eh!? C-Captain—Please don't make fun of me!"

I was simply offering my honest opinion but Jeanne went red to her ears and shouted at me.

Silently listening to our conversation, Mitsuki looked at Jeanne as though making a decision.

"—No other way. To prevent Jeanne-san from being followed, please exit from the back door. It is an entrance meant for accessing the staff dorms, but if you take a detour along the coast, you will be able to return to my dorm."

"Ehhh!? I can't go home with the Captain?"

Jeanne asked Mitsuki with an expression of shock.

"—No. If you were to be discovered, Jeanne-san, it could cause chaos. In that case, Nii-san and me aside, that would be quite dangerous for Shion-san who is still young, would it not?"

"Hmm... T-True. I understand. Let's do that."

Jeanne nodded with difficulty once Shion was brought up.

"Mama... wE haVe to seParAte?"

Shion clutched Jeanne's clothing with unease.

"...Yes. But Captain—Papa—will accompany you. Captain, I am leaving Zwei in your hands."

"Yeah, no problem. Shion—go home with P-Papa, okay?"

Still slightly reluctant to call myself 'Papa,' I nodded stiffly and extended my hand to Shion.

After hesitating between me and Jeanne for a while, Shion held my hand.

"...Papa. tOgethEr."

Her tiny hand gripped stronger than I expected, causing an emotion I had never felt before to swell up within me.

An intense desire to protect her naturally filled my heart. I suppose this was what you would call paternal instinct.


However, Iris was staring at me without saying a word.

"W-What's wrong?"


Iris put on a poker face and others reacted the same way except for Kili who leaned in and smiled mischievously at me.

"Fufu, Iris-chan and the others are jealous. You guys really look like a family."


"Of course, I'm jealous too, okay? Hurry and make a baby with me."

Her smooth fingertip slid over my cheek, causing my heart rate to quicken.

However, Mitsuki stepped in between us and drove Kili away.

"Kili-san! Please distance yourself from Nii-san! We are still students and inappropriate interactions between the genders are forbidden!"


"There is no why!"

While this battle of words was raging, Shion gripped my hand tightly.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Papa, hOw aRE baBieS maDe?"


My thoughts froze. I stood there, unable to say anything.

Next to us, Jeanne was also rendered speechless, but as soon as she regained her senses, she directed an angry outburst at Kili.

"Hey! Kili, you are being a bad influence on Zwei!"

"What are you talking about? Can't you just teach her properly?"

"Shut up!"

Amid the commotion, I heard a tiny rumble.

Following the sound, I saw Vritra, who had not participated in the dialogue so far, rubbing her stomach.

When our eyes met, Vritra spoke to hide her surprise.

"...I care not about any of this, but could ye all hasten the journey back? I am hungry."

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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