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Well, no one is translating the prequels (sadly), so I haven't read them, but presumably, one might have a very different understanding of Filth Monsters, or Ignasis, among other things, after reading the prequels, which might spoil some surprises in the main series (like how the prequel trilogy in Star Wars ruins the revelations of the end of Episode 5 of that series): as I can't read japanese, I couldn't say, but was just curious. --[[User:Saganatsu|Saganatsu]] 03:23, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
Well, no one is translating the prequels (sadly), so I haven't read them, but presumably, one might have a very different understanding of Filth Monsters, or Ignasis, among other things, after reading the prequels, which might spoil some surprises in the main series (like how the prequel trilogy in Star Wars ruins the revelations of the end of Episode 5 of that series): as I can't read japanese, I couldn't say, but was just curious. --[[User:Saganatsu|Saganatsu]] 03:23, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
== Compared to the Anime/Manga... ==
I was just wondering how many of the light novels the anime covered, and how much was different between the anime, the manga and the light novel. also, since i haven't read that far yet, please try not too give away too many spoilers, if any, about the story after the point of the anime ( or equivalent point in the novels).
The anime covers volumes 1-7, but the last chapters of volume 7 is different from the anime.
I'm not sure about the manga as I don't read it, but the novels have much more details than the anime.
the last 2 chapters or so of Vol 7 kick start from where the anime left off.
You might also want to read Vol 8 (short stories) in conjunction with Vol 2 and 3 as it takes place much earlier.
The main story goes: Vol 1-7, 9, 12 to current Vol 14.
As for differences.... Leerin and Nina receive far better reception in the novels. They've both been butchered in the anime!
Gorneo and Shante also have more screen time. - [[User:blewin|blewin]]
Thx, that was just the answers i was looking for. keep up the good work Blewin, Haze. Ganbare!
== Volume 9 prologue ==
== Volume 9 prologue ==

Revision as of 01:59, 22 March 2011

Volume 03 - Chapter 1

I believe I encountered something odd while working on the list of names and terms.

"So do you need anything today? If it’s Ge…. Naruki, she’s over there,” Layfon had almost called Naruki by her first name. Good thing he caught himself so quickly"

First of all, Naruki (ナルキ・ゲルニ, Naruki・Gelni) is her first name by the Japanese convention of using a dot to seperate first and last names written in the European ordering system (like how the comma separates Smith, John if you think about it conversely). Second, the original text read "Na...Naruki" and talks about almost saying her pet name, which I interpret as nickname. I'm seeing an inconsistency in even the original work considering Layfon just calls her Naruki and doesn't really have a nickname for her (which in this case would probably be Na-chan for her two other friends). Any ideas?

Oh and this is the original text:

「で、今日はなにか急ぎの用事ですか? ナッ……ナルキならあそこにいますけど」  愛称《あいしょう》を言いそうになって、言い直し、レイフォンはニーナの横で困り果てた顔をしたナルキを示《しめ》した。

Edit: NM found her alias. It's Nakki. Posted that alias on the terminology list and will be editing the text according to when it's used in the original Japanese text. BTW, speed reading is bad for editing :p .


Volume 11 - Impact Girls

Since the titles for some of the chapters for Vol 11 are so awkward, why not reverse the order? So instead of his and my Lunchtime, make it 'Lunchtime of Me and You' and so on so forth. The Japanese particle の(no) can both be read as a possessive particle ('s) or as the word of when reading the two nouns in the reverse order. so the proposed title changes would be

           * Morning of Me and you
           * Impact of Childhood 01
           * Lunchtime of Me and you
           * Impact of Childhood 02
           * Dinnertime of Me and you
           * Impact of Childhood 03
           * Dinnertime of Me and You


I see what you mean. To me, both titles (using "his morning" or "morning of") sound strange. Probably coz English is never meant to convey meaning this way. I don't really mind the changes... whatever you guys think is suitable. - blewin

Would'nt work "Morning with You and Me" too? Or would that be wrong? --Darklor 05:39, 4 June 2010 (UTC)

That would work, but I personally think "Morning of Me and You" sounds more girlish and romantic-ish, regardless of how much grammar hates it. But I think "with" would be a different Japanese particle anyway, which I think would be に. If you wanna go the correct grammar route, "(The/A) Morning of You and I" would be recommended, with () optional, but loses a lot of the feminine aspect. Freely changeable, however seen fit anyway. --EnigmaticRepose

How about using something like "the two of us" instead of "me and you"? (Mainly because "aitsu" doesn't mean "you") Ah, or if you want it to sound romantic: à deux :D Or just leave it to the reader to figure out what's meant and use "our"? EusthEnoptEron 08:24, 4 June 2010 (UTC)

o_O "Lunchtime of Me and you" sounds almost like "Lunchtime (made) of Me and you". a bit cannibalistic as well, but then again, that is a bit post-apocalyptic, i guess...

About the 'aitsu' thing, is it a gender-neutral way of addressing someone in context? If so, if you want to keep the 'mystery,' then using 'you,' as it's gender-neutral and also used in context, seems to fit well (the original translation used 'his' anyway); however, the 'ore' throws that off. Like I actually have enough knowledge to discuss Japanese anyway....
Anyway, 'Morning of the two of us' would work, albeit some rewording would be nice. I don't like using 'of' too much myself.
--Playing too much Fallout? It can sound cannibalistic based on the context, but since the titles have been following a pattern in a romantic way, it shouldn't be too misunderstood.
Once again, EnigmaticRepose

About the 'made of' comment, technically it could have a strongly sexual connotation. You could technically have a feast of the flesh or a feast for the eyes and just imply the sexual nature of the phrase. Also, the terms 'ore'(me) and 'aitsu'(you) just means the speaker is using masculine speech (regardless of whether the speaker or the target of speech is male or female). Technically Nina speaks in this type of speech. Potentially 'with' would also work. The word with conveys a slightly different meaning, but it all depends on the context of the chapters involved. Do the chapters convey inclusion of the two people involved, or do they convey the meaning of 'for the people involved'? If the chapter's content follows the description 'for the two involved' then a 'Morning for/of Two' would be adequate as a translation. I haven't gotten into this volume yet as far as reading in Japanese so I'm not sure. (Oh btw, I love heated discussions like this, though wasn't expecting this particular discussion to be that heated) --xstar

Volume 1:Chapter 5 - Point of Difference

Just after the the first platoon match when Layfon wakes up in the hospital, there is a sentence that does not seem to make grammatical sense. The line reads as follows: "Layfon took the juice from Meishen. The juice refreshed his thirsty throat. He drank as if the liquid to seep through his entire body." The problem I see is with the last sentence of the line. My proposed edit would be "He drank as if to let the liquid seep through his entire body." Alternatively, the sentence could read "He drank as if to allow the liquid to seep through his entire body." --xstar 12:30, May 28, 2010 (UTC Pacific)

You're right. That line doesn't make sense. Either corrected versions is ok. Feel free to edit. Thanks again! - blewin

Volumes 8:Innocence Wander

I think that chapter "Innocence Wander" in Volume 8 is misplaced. The content should be placed earlier in the story's timeline. Could someone check it out please?

What do you mean? - in the story timeline? Where should that be in the timeline in your opinion? --Darklor 05:57, 18 May 2010 (UTC)

Honestly, the normal timeline seems correct. In volume two, Meishen has Felli pass the letter on to Layfon. In Innocence Wander, Meishen recalls that incident with the line reading "...Mei-Shen recalled the time when she stood here agonising over whether or not she should give Layfon the letter that was accidentally sent to her. If she hadn’t met Felli here, what might have happened…?" --xstar 1:02, May 18, 2010 (UTC Pacific)

Volumes 3 and 11

Could someone double check the names of volumes 3 and 11? I checked: here is volume 3: 鋼殻のレギオス 3 センチメンタル・ヴォイス and here is volume 11: 鋼殻のレギオス11 インパクト・ガールズ

I don't know any japanese, but I highly doubt that these two phrases mean exactly the same thing --Saganatsu 21:44, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

Chrome Shelled Regios 3 Sentimental Voice, Chrome Shelled Regios 11 Impact Girls is what I get. ~EnigmaticRepose

Thank you. --Saganatsu 23:44, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

I am not a Japanese translator but for simple things like this there is no need to bother anyone; google translator works well enough.

鋼殻のレギオス 3 センチメンタル・ヴォイス Steel Chrome Shelled sentimental voice 3

鋼殻のレギオス11 インパクト・ガールズ 11 Girls Impact Steel Chrome Shelled

Yes they mean something different; is the above translation perfect no but who cares lets just enjoy the excellent work that the translators are doing.

Thanks again to Blewin, Haze and Iygophile.

Corbett D.

I just wanted to say thank you to Blewin, Haze and Iygophile for translating and editing this Novel.


Corbett D.

Volumes 6+

I just wanted to ask if there´s a specific reason, why the pictures in the chapters from Vol.6 on are missing. Because from Vol.1-5 they're in the different chapters.

I assume they were forgotten to include into the chapters, or Vaelis (or someone else, but I belive it was ususally Vaelis doing) still havnt had the time to include them... --Darklor 07:43, 18 March 2010 (UTC)

I see, thank you for the answer.


At what point in the series do the prequels no longer contain major spoilers about how the world came about. in other words, how many volumes can we go without them containing major spoilers?

What do you mean? What risk? Is there someone who translates the prequels? (Also I would say no risk as long as you dont read them ;))--Darklor 21:20, 27 March 2010 (UTC)

Well, no one is translating the prequels (sadly), so I haven't read them, but presumably, one might have a very different understanding of Filth Monsters, or Ignasis, among other things, after reading the prequels, which might spoil some surprises in the main series (like how the prequel trilogy in Star Wars ruins the revelations of the end of Episode 5 of that series): as I can't read japanese, I couldn't say, but was just curious. --Saganatsu 03:23, 4 April 2010 (UTC)

Volume 9 prologue

Does Volume 9 have a prologue? The project and registration pages make it look like it should have one, but since Blewin appears to have skipped it, I want to confirm whether or not it exists. --Saganatsu 22:59, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

I skipped it because I couldn't find the prologue, but Haze found it for me. Prologue 9 should be on its way soon. - blewin

Volume 9 Chapter 5 missing

Anybody else have trouble loading Volume 9 Chapter 5? I get a blank screen when I click the link.

for some reason, the links for chapter 5 and epilogue aren't working. I suggest registering on wiki and logging in to read the chapter. This works for most people. - blewin