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==Translator's Notes and References==
==Translator's Notes and References==

Revision as of 10:13, 29 March 2011


DDnYnD v01 005.jpg

Right large banner: Super Simplified Legendary Heroes' Legend

Right small banner below: Manga | Toyota Saori

Volume 1's Legend

Panel 1:

Banner: Special Royal Military Academy

Right: Classmates Sion-kun and Ryner-kun were best of friends

Sion: Follow me!!

Ryner: Eh ---

Left: Bothersome.

Panel 2:

Right: During the time Ryner was imprisoned

Ryner: I'll make this country a kingdom of afternoon naps!

Left: The capable Sion-kun became the king of Roland.

Panel 3:

Right: With an air of superiority, the king gave an order.

Sion: Go search for those Heroes' Relics that you wrote about in your report.

Panel 4:

Sion: I want them very much.

Ryner: Looking down from an extremely high point ---

Bottom left: A stratified society.

DDnYnD v01 006.jpg

Volume 2's Legend

Panel 1:

Ferris: Let's go Ryner!!! We're setting off on a journey to search for the dango god!!!

Ryner: No ---

Together with partner Ferris-chan, he headed towards Nelpha.

Panel 2:

On the other hand, Sion-kun made a suspicious guy, known as Froaude-kun, his subordinate.

Froaude: His Majesty is mine.

Claugh: What did you say!!

Sion: Well, well.

Panel 3:

That Froaude-kun came to kill Prince Toale, who was saved by Ryner-kun.

Froaude: I'll have you die.

Panel 4:

Froaude: Go Pochi!!! Blackie!!! [1]

Shadow beast: Woof!

Ryner: Pochi!!? Blackie!!?

Volume 3's Legend

Panel 1:

Furthermore, Milk-chan who wants to marry Ryner-kun

Milk: Ryner, Ryner, Ryner

Iris: Wild beast, Wild beast, Wild beast

And Ferris-chan's little sister came barging in, keeping their hands full.

Panel 2:

In the midst of that, their very first discovered Heroes' Relic

Sui: I got the treasure.

Was stolen by Sui and Kuu from Gastark.

Panel 3:

Sui: You know nothing about the relics and your own Alpha Stigma, huh.

Sui's thought: Ignorant guy, huh.

Ryner: What did you say?!

Panel 4:

Ferris: That's right. Since Ryner doesn't even know of the dango special sale date.

Ferris's thought: Ignorant guy, huh.

Ryner: Like hell I'd know about that! #

DDnYnD v01 007.jpg

Volume 4's Legend

Panel 1:

Arriving at Runa, Ryner found his secret child.

Ryner: That's not it! #

Panel 2:

Even though the person in question denied it. The boy has the same Alpha Stigma, so it can't be wrong.

Ferris: Yes.

Ryner: A misunderstanding.

Panel 3

Right text: On the other hand, his best friend, Sion-kun, who was unaware of this

Left text: merged the country with Estabul and is increasing the country's might rapidly

Panel 4

Sion: Aim for world peace!

Sion-kun, once in a while, you should remember the wolf who brings his kid along his journey......

Ryner: As I've said, you got it wrong.

Arua: Cha-n

Volume 5's Legend

Panel 1:

Around that time, in the northern part of the Menoris continent the Gastark Empire, led by Riphal,

Riphal: I shall become the master of Menoris, the king of the world!!

Expanded their lands vigorously.

Panel 2:

Ryner-kun and gang were once again obstructed by Gastark's Sui and Kuu.

Sui and Kuu: Look here!

Ryner: Ugh, again?

Panel 3:

Ryner-kun was in a pinch!!! But, at that time

Even Froaude-kun came barging in.

Panel 4:

Froaude: Kill everybody!! Go!! Tarou!!! Jirou!!! [2]

Shadow beast 1: Woof!

Shadow beast 2: Woof!

Ryner: Aren't they supposed to be Pochi and Blackie!!?

DDnYnD v01 008.jpg

Volume 6's Legend

Panel 1:

After an arduous journey where both his body and mind were tired, Ryner-kun

Ryner: Sigh---

Returned to his homeland, Roland.

Panel 2:

Ferris: After having a kid, let's go greet my Nii-sama.

Ryner: It's not our kid, duh---

Panel 3:

But Ferris-chan's Nii-sama, Lucile-kun, was strong like an ogre

Lucile: You did my little sister.

And while burbling, Ryner was 'given a ride' (lifted)

Panel 4:

The injured Ryner was given a final blow......

Paper: Pull out Ryner's outie (Sion)

Left: Ryner-kun began to have some doubts about Sion-kun.

Volume 7's Legend

Panel 1:

The somewhat lonely Ryner

Tiir: Yah

Made a new friend.

Panel 2:

His name is Tiir-kun.

Right Tiir bubble: Ryner-kun looks delicious-

Left Tiir bubble: Ryner-kun's eyes are cute-

For some reason, Tiir-kun was lovey dovey with Ryner.

Panel 3:

Right Tiir: Leave the dango alone and come play with me--

Left Tiir: The king also has no need of Ryner, you know ---

Panel 4:

Tiir picked Ryner up and Ryner went along with it.

Tiir: Where should we go? Karaoke?

The friendship between the two of them, which was thought to be stronger than that with dango skewers, started to crack.

DDnYnD v01 009.jpg

Volume 8's Legend

Panel 1:

Right: After losing Ryner-kun, Sion-kun was very depressed.

Left: But, since Sion-kun is a king, he can't go searching for Ryner-kun.

Panel 2:

Right: Ferris-chan goes searching for Ryner-kun.

Left: She goes with backpacks bulging with dango.

Panel 3:

Right: She's angry with Ryner for running away by himself, despite being her servant.

Center: Irritated, Irritated

Ferris: Damn Ryner.

Panel 4:

Ferris: For a month, you shall be sentenced to Mitarashi-dango's laziness-removal purification. [3]

Center: Kuorh

Left: That was Ferris-chan's fearsome punishment that she thought out with all her heart

Volume 9's Legend

Panel 1:

Right: There was also Ferris-chan's energetic activities

Ryner: Yeah, well, bother......

Left: Ryner-kun returned to Sion-kun

Panel 2:

Right: Without saying anything, Sion made him work day and night without rest.

Sion: Te-he

Ryner: Thought I just came back

Panel 3:

Sion: If you don't sleep for about 20 days, and the same hallucination appears, will we get along, I wonder?

Sion non-bubble: I really want to see.

Ryner: No way. Definitely no way.

Panel 4:

Ryner: Snooze

Ryner non-bubble: Can't take it anymore.

Sion: Huh?

Left: While doing that, Ryner has passed away.

DDnYnD v01 010.jpg

Volume 10's Legend

Panel 1:

Right: The dead Ryner had a near-death experience.

Left: He saw various things.

Panel 2:

Right: Somehow, he came back to life, but kept it a secret from Sion.

Left: Seemingly related to the previous incident, he knew about nothing beyond the mark on his chest.

Panel 3:

Right: Ferris-chan also seemed to have received a sticker from the dango god.

Ferris: Uorhhhhhh

Left: She could feel that she's one step closer to the dango god.

Panel 4:

Right: Having completely forgotten about all that, they went for a check-up.

Left: Somehow, it was very peaceful.

Volume 11's Legend

Panel 1:

But, Sion-kun kept Ryner and gang in the dark about his troubles.

Panel 2:

Right: In order to do that, Sion and Ryner and gang

Left: Were clearly breaking up in discord.

Panel 3:

Right: Will the day when they can laugh together come again...?

Left: The answer shall continue in Dai Denyuuden.

Panel 4:

Ferris: How did you find the chronicles of the dango god?

Center: You there!!!

Ryner: No matter where and how you read ---

Translator's Notes and References

  1. Pochi & Blackie: They are common dog names (Pochi & Kuro).
  2. Tarou & Jirou: They are old-fashioned guys' names. They mean something like First Lad (Tarou), Second Lad (Jirou).
  3. Ferris's Pun-ishment: Ferris employs a dajare (ie. pun). Original sentence: 一ヶ月はみたらしだんごのみたらしダレ抜きの刑だ!!! (Ikkagetsu wa mitarashi dango no mitarashi dare nuki no kei da!!!) This is how the original romanized sentence looks like with literal translations in parentheses: Ikkagetsu (One month) wa (topic particle) mitarashi dango (a type of dango dipped in a syrup made from soy sauce, sugar and starch) no ('s indicating possession of the next noun) mitarashi (purifying; to be exact this means a bowl of purifying water for shrine use, but contextually here it can be seen as adj-noun) dare (in this context, it's a contraction of darake, meaning lazy) nuki (to pull out, remove) no ('s indicating possession of the next noun) kei (penalty, punishment, sentence) da (is / be). Not perfect, but that's how the translation ended up as it is. In case it's still not obvious, the pun word is "mitarashi".

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