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“Nope. Rejected. No way. I——don’t approve of this! Never never! I won’t acknowledge this pervert! Say, he isn’t a human to begin with! A demon in disguise. We have been seen. Ahh, so terrifying!”
In a certain clubroom on Monday of the second week.
Since my sister has already approved of my admittance, I should be able to enter right?
Thereupon, Karin expressed her extreme refusal. This caused her glossy black hair to stand on ends from the shaking.
“But, Minato.”
“I-I am not Minato, ''I am Shinryuu no Miya.''”<ref>The chinese use this 神龙之宫, translate literally word by word and you will get Dragon God of the Palace(?)</ref>
“Minato isn’t cool so I don’t like it. Can you try to read the mood a bit.”
“About, that……”
Regardless of whether it is Minato or Shinryuu no Miya, but to accompany her in her merrymaking is just too much of a humiliation.
“In that case, Karin.”
“P-please don’t casually call me by my name! It would sully me!”
“M-me, sully you!? But hasn’t Chris and Hijiri acquiesced to my application of the club already?”
“You were so polite towards Chris yesterday, is it ok to act contrarily like this?”
Squinting her eyes, Karin casted her sight over to Chris who is behind me.
It is unbeknownst to me to why when Karin makes eye contact with Chris, her manner of speech would turn to that of a forceful one.
“No problem! My strength is only second to God. So as to say, if God had gone astray from the righteous path, then it is my duty to amend it.”
“......Hey, Chris. What’s your take on this?”
“How dare you call President Chris by her name! This is profanity!”
“Right……. This club have few members to begin with, it’s not good to have a quarrel.”
“It’s as you say, President Chris. Quickly dismiss this guy at once. Throw him out of the window and send him back to the underworld.”
Karin waved both of her hands about while saying threatening words.
“Hey. This is the third floor. I would be send to afterlife for real.”
“Huhu. Aren’t you from hell? How about I use my beloved machine [Black Lightning Spear] to beat you to a pulp?”
A sinister smile materialized on Karin’s face.
“......What the heck, is a Black Lightning Spear?”
“It’s my enhanced armament. By equipping it my agility will increase by five folds, this also applies to attack, defense, and vitality. In my previous incarnation I had a ancient dragon under my servitude, even after my death it still remains devoted to me, altering its form and accompanies me to this present world. The purpose of the transfiguration is to allow me to be the only person in control.”
Uhuh, saying so, she puffed out that flat chest of hers.
Is this girl an idiot? Didn’t she completely disregard what President Chris said earlier.
“Chris. What should I do?”
On Chris’ face a distressed look was being displayed, yet she suddenly laughed as if having thought of something amusing.
“Right, let use this as an application test.”
“......Application test?”
“Yes. Exactly. The conditions are simple. Have Karin consented to your entry. That’s all.”
“......So it is fine as long as I make Karin say [You must enter our club]?”
“Just having Karin say [It’s ok to enter] is fine. Enticing her into saying so is fine, however violence is prohibited.”
Kukuku, the sound of laughter reverberated throughout the whole clubroom.
“How could I lose to this kind of man. Struggle all you can. Come, I will make you give up! I will have you savored the taste of despair!”
Bang Bang! Finishing her statement, Karin thrusted out her hands towards me and adopted an intimidating posture.
Yet not knowing why, no, phrasing it as “as expected” would be more apt, it didn’t feel scary in the slightest.
Concurrently as I surprisingly looked at her, Karin complacently curled her lips.
“Huhu! Scared to even speak a word. I see. That’s right, this is the way it should be. For I am the reincarnation of an Archmage. On the contrary you are just a mere hell spawn.”
“No no. That’s impossible. The setting is too unrealistic.”
“What a fool you are. You can’t acknowledge what you have no way of comprehending. Mindless stupid inferior being. In that case, have a taste of my mettle! This one-hit sure kill move of mine——Super Hegemonic Blaze.”
What’s with that crazy sense of naming. …...How should I react to this?
The self-proclaimed Archmage Karin drew out a spherical shaped area with her two hands, making either “Uuuuuu” or “Ku, my strength is diminishing.” these kinds of sound.
“Hijiri, what in the world is she playing……?”
I inquired the expressionless Hijiri who was reading a book at the moment.
Hijiri shifted her uptight face towards me, and spoke a single sentence.
“......It’s always like this.”
“A-Always engaged in this farce of a play!? This girl!”
“......Correct.” Hijiri lightly nodded.
Completely disregarding my conversation with Hijiri, Karin continued to act out her embarrassing conduct.
………...What a terrifying kid.
Karin extended her hands out, this movement of hers caused people to think that something is going to fly out of her palm.
I, being at a loss for word, could only stood there motionless. However, Karin also didn’t utter a single word.
“P-Please say something. Shimizu sempai.”
“What are you trying to get at?”
“You should know this without the need for me to tell you.”
“Ah, …...it’s best you drop that childish play. We are all high school students now.”
“Wrong! Wrong!”
“Won’t your parents be sad? Do you want them to see your current state?”
“All the more wrong!? Uwa! Uwa! Uwaaah!”
“So what’s that?”
“Really! Your comprehension is really low!”
“Uwah! I——am——saying——! It’s your turn, Shimizu sempai!”
“It’s currently your turn, Shimizu sempai! I have already demonstrated my Super Hegemonic Blaze to you. As such Shimizu sempai needs to respond to my attack.”
“I think you are a total idiot.”
“That’s——not——the——case——! My point is, Shimizu sempai needs to defend against the attack, and defeat me. Were you able to triumph over me, then I will approve of your application.”
“What do you mean?”
“Shimizu sempai needs to oppose my attack; in other words, you need to use your finishing move.”
“O-Oi……. So as to say, I need to say some kind of skill’s name, and repel it……? What kind of showdown is this. Isn’t it too stupid? Right, Hijiri?”
I questioned Hijiri. But, Hijiri with her eyes seemingly closed replied back to me with “Just give up.”.
“Come on, please get this start already. Shimizu sempai.”
“Eh……. Then, I choose to dodge.”
“Super Hegemonic Blaze is a homing-type magic. With a single flick of this move of mine, Archmage Karis, a whole continent will be obliterated in an instant.”
“That powerful and you still need a homing function!? That’s basically a weapon of mass destruction.”
“In the past. Karis——had enter a bitter struggle to protect her homeland from the demon invasion. However, she came out victorious in the final moment. Super Hegemonic Blaze. Compared to Hegemonic Blaze, the destructive power is increased by a factor of 1.5, moreover the homing ability is introduced here.”
“I don’t need this sort of information! How can I take it seriously to begin with. I don’t want to even remember it!”
“In addition, it can distinguish friends from foes, it will only inflict damage on the enemy. Such a handy non-friendly fire area of effect weapon. Like ''Cyflash.''<ref>http://superrobotwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cybuster</ref> Or maybe ''Psycho Blaster.''<ref>http://superrobotwars.wikia.com/wiki/Valsione</ref>
“......W-what is Cyflash, and also Psycho Blaster?”
“Granted that you don’t know of it. In short, it’s Shimizu sempai’s loss. Bang. Demon Shimizu has perished. Well, the outcome has been decided. It’s my win.”
“......Totally unacceptable. Besides, your skill is too overpowered. Game characters with those kind of moves are too bland. The can just kill off an enemy in one hit.”
Karin, using her beautiful shaped nose, snorted.
“Game and reality is different. Corpse musn’t talk. No, you should be cinder already.”
“You go as far to speak about reality………...? You……”
“Well. If you ever think of challenging me again, I will take you on anytime. But, you only get one chance per day.”
“Why so?”
“If the loser challenge more than once on the same day, wouldn’t that be unrealistic?”
“You dare talk about reality again!? Please go look up the definition in the dictionary for me right now.”
“All in all. I have played this battle with my friend everyday. Don’t you think you stand a chance against me.”
What is with this nonsensical battle anyways……! Is her friend the same as her, making people feel too unbearable to watch?
Perhaps the person has no choice but to tag along. If it’s the latter then this is just too pitiful.
Chris laughingly said “Good bye then” as she waved her hand at me.
In short, in order to be in the same club as Hijiri, apparently I need to win this war.
Unknowingly, I felt heavy in my mind.
On the next day which is Tuesday, I was on my way to school. Today, I was all alone since Hijiri had gone off earlier.
If possible, I would like to walk to school together everyday, but this is just too extravagant a demand.
“Hey, Shimizu. What’s up with you today, you are frowning and all. What happened?”
Not knowing when, my friend Katou, was already besides me and calling out to me.
“Nope, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Is it? Ah. It’s about woman right? So you are desperate due to the lack of women in your life? I understand I understand. In fact I am also in the same boat as you, since the first day of school, I have been going around confessing, but I always fail.”
I understand I understand, this statement of Katou exposed all the scandals he had committed. But somehow, I can kinda relate myself to this.”
“Certainly, Katou, you didn’t do it right……?”
“If you somehow fire randomly it would hit, right?”
“You know. Shimizu. Listen to me. I had once thought like that. Therefore, I had already done it.”
“Done what?”
“Shouting [I like you! Anybody will do. Can anyone go out with me please!] in front the gate, this I had done it already.”
“Katou, are you a total fool. Moreover, you have taken this prank too far.”
“Who’s a fool? Well, if you only aim at one bird, there’s a chance you will miss it. But, were it a flock of birds, isn’t there a high possibility that you will hit one of them? This is really an ingenious way of thinking. No doubt.”
“It’s a pervert way of thinking. No doubt.”
“Since it has come to this, I will confess today. Confess and Confess. I will confess to the next girl I spot. I have made up my mind a moment ago.”
“Ok ok. I see. In that case I will root for you.”
“......You are cold as always. As I have stated before, I will profess my love to the next girl I see.”
“Um, um. Then do your best. Speaking of which, I got a question to ask of you.”
“Hmm, you want to ask me something, Shimizu?”
“About that first year student you told me recently, Karin Minato. Do you know what kind of person she is?”
“Oh. Minato. Karin Minato huh. The thing is. Karin Minato is top notch in term of beauty in our school. Of course, the best is still Chris Ryusenji.”
“Right, Karin is that type of person. Setting aside my sister that is.”
“......So you call the person by her name directly when she is not present. So pathetic. I will tell you about it since you look so pathetic.”
Katou cleared his throat and said:
“That person, got a bit of a bad temper.”
“......It’s not just a bit.”
“She doesn’t have any friends to begin with.”
“Ahh, I see.”
“Um, maybe she is just too cute that people dare not approach her.”
“Can I object on this matter?”
“However, it seems she got a close friend.”
Indeed, it seems there is a person who accompany Karin in her strange act.
In that case, the [Close friend] Karin mentioned yesterday must be this person.
“They are old friends. Apparently they are always together.”
While I am having a conversation about Karin, I suddenly caught sight of a familiar-looking black hair. With long lustrous black hair swaying as she rides on the bicycle, that is Karin, the person in question.”
“H-how can this be……”
Katou, who is besides me, let out a lament.
“......What’s up, Katou?”
“I had said that I will confess to the first person I see. Though I had already decided……”
“Yeah, I can understand why you look so disheartened. Such a beautiful girl. …...Only the appearance is desirable.”
“Not that. Isn’t that your crush? I can’t betray you……”
Katou grievingly said. Although there’s some misunderstanding on the side, but I felt a slight pain in my chest.
“Uuuuu. It seems I can only give up……. Still, I kinda regret not doing it, but I can’t do it. But……. No, it is too unsightly to think like this. Sorry. Shimizu. Please don’t look at me.”
“No, no problem……. No need to fret over it. Cheer up.”
Katou stared teary-eyed at me.
“Is there really no problem……? You, then I……”
“Yeap. No problem. …...It doesn’t matter.”
“Thanks. Shimizu! I can’t express my gratitude enough!”
After finished speaking, Katou rushed off.
“Minato! Karin Minato!”
[Creak]——, Karin’s bicycle came to a halt.
Brushing her hair, Karin came over to this side.
“I like you! Please go out with me!”
“Rejected. Please begone from my sight. Please disappear from all existing parallel worlds and timelines.”
“W-Why! Do you dislike me? I haven’t said anything yet and you already dislike me?”
Katou started to launch a series of nonsensical rambling.
According to his plan, he who hasn’t even converse with the person in the slightest will go up and confess, and then what?
“Even if you didn’t say anything, I still hate you.”
With this blunt statement of Karin, Katou was dumbstruck; standing there stiffly like a stone statue.
Seemingly noticed me, Karin pedaled towards me.
“......Shimizu sempai. Is that just now Shimizu sempai plan? Because you can’t beat me, you unexpectedly resort to sending an assassin to damage me mentally. You are more despicable than I thought. Truly worthy of being a demon.”
“N-no, it’s not like that……”
“Do you want to decide the victor here? Super Hegemonic——” “W-wait a bit. Time out!”
“Humph. Think of fleeing huh.”
“You even dare to do that on the street?”
“True, this will bring harm to the surrounding people. Then, I will wait for you after school.”
Karin once again changed her direction and rode towards the school.
Katou who is just half way through recovering staggeringly walked over.
“Oh? Are you trying to imitate a zombie? Katou. That’s very high standard of you.”
“W-what? Katou. Your voice reek of resentment.”
“Why, you and, that-that! Why are you talking intimately with Karin Minato! Bastard! I always think of you as a friend! But you two are going out together!”
“N-no, it’s just perchance that I got to meet her.”
“Then what is with that conversation just now! Shimizu!”
Woa-Woah. Such strong enmity. What caused this guy to be like this.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Although I didn’t hear it clearly, but I still heard a lot! This kind of conversation!”
Saying so, Katou began to change change his voice. The imitated sound of Karin is unbearable.
To me it is a very nausetic way of speaking.
“[Shimizu sempai! Please quickly do it here! Give me a passionate kiss] [Uhuhu. This place here won’t do. We can’t do it out here on the street] [I understand. Then, I will wait for you after school! Please enjoy sealing my lips as much as you want] like this!”
“Not only did you put it together randomly, you also add in unnecessary details……”
“Bastard! What do I know about it, Shimizu! I don’t care anymore! Boo!”
Katou shouted as he ran towards the school.
“......So what is it in the end?”
I stood there under the sun, mumbling to myself.
In the morning class today.
The teacher was writing on the blackboard as I was jotting down the notes……
[Slap]. [Snap]. [Snap]. …...I felt uncomfortable at the back of my head and neck.
Yeah, really, so irritating…….
Taking the chance when the teacher was writing on the blackboard, I turned backwards.
Due to the slowness of my action, Katou had already avert his gaze elsewhere. However, on the desk were full of chopped up eraser.
…...This scoundrel.
I once again returned my gaze to the front, *Slap*. *Snap*. *Snap.*
This is really annoying. Really! This scoundrel.
It’s Hijiri’s voice. There’s no way I would mistake it. Glancing askance at her, my sister also glanced back.
Hijiri covered her mouth as she spoke something.
“(Brother, you alright?)”
Truth be told, I didn’t hear it, but I could still roughly guess from the movement.
This is the bond between siblings. I know it intuitively.
“(I see your legs shaking violently.)”
“(I-can’t take it anymore. I can’t endure it. I can’t hold it in anymore.)”
“(Leave it to me.)”
Hijiri slightly nodded her head. Subsequently, she raised her hand up.
Hey, she doesn’t plan on telling the teacher about Katou, does she? Is there a need to go to such length?, still this is for my own sake. Then there’s no helping it. Sorry Katou. There is no choice but to have you be a sacrifice for the sake of love.
The forty years old, who was currently writing on the blackboard, turned around.
“Is something the matter, sister Shimizu?”
The entirety of the classroom was set their sight onto Hijiri. Everyone was attentively staring at Hijiri.
Hijiri’s face was flushed red. Her thighs incessantly rubbed against each other. Both of her hands leaning onto the desk, an “Ugh” sound was lightly uttered as she wobbled back and forth.
This girl, why is she acting all coy……?”
Crap, is she nervous!? Is she about to pee?
The teacher also thought such, questioned Hijiri.
“You want to go to the toilet right? Sister Shimizu.”
“Then you should go.”
The teacher unhesitatingly consent to it. Naturally, this is the right thing to do.
Hijiri. Don’t mind me, you should deal with your problem first. Quickly go to the toilet.
Since she could understand it intuitively, she should be able to understand my feelings.
Hijiri stood tip-toed on the floor and quietly spoke:
“It’s not me, it’s my brother who needs to go to the toilet.”
“Me!? You don’t get my feelings at all!?”
“......B-Brother, no need, to hold back. Quick, go…… Ugh……”
Hijiri’s voice turned into a beautiful and tender tone. Apparently it is due to everyone setting their sights on her that caused her to be nervous.
“Yes, it’s you Hijri, don’t to force yourself.”
“I, did, not, force, myself……. Ugh……”
Is it because I am getting all fidgety from Katou that she thought I need to go to the toilet?
Even though she is fully aware that this will cause her to have the urge to go to the toilet, but just for me?
The tender gaze that Hijiri gave me was getting all fuzzy now.
“Then, brother Shimizu, quickly go.” The teacher surprisingly stated.
Amidst this sort of atmosphere, it’s hard to say “I want to go to the toilet.”
This is bad, seeing the movement of Hijiri’s waist, it seems she can’t hold it in any longer.
Hijiri had tried this hard just for me. I used my hand to wipe off the tears overflowing from my eyes.
As such, I can’t let Hijiri wet her pants.
I stood up and raised my hand.
“Teacher, I want to go to the toilet!”
The teacher seemed to panic against this sudden declaration of mine as he replied “O-Oh……” back.
“Therefore, can I take Hijiri with me?”
“What do you mean by that, brother Shimizu. Don’t tell me you can’t go to the toilet alone?”
[Rumble Rumble]
What’s the hell is he talking about!? How could he ask this?! I agree!!
However, it’s natural for these questions to be asked.
Hijiri is currently at a more precarious state than I am. I had better take Hijri away from here as fast as possible.
What should I do? This kind of thing, is there even a need to ask.
I slowly opened my mouth.
“Exactly! I can’t go to the toilet alone!”
[Chatter…...Chatter Chatter……]
“Oh my, for real……” “This won’t do Shimizu. Not good at all.” “......Um, as expected.”
The classroom was drowned in noise. By the way what does that “as expected” mean!?
No, this is not the time to care about those things!
“Then, let’s go!”
I went over to Hijiri’s side, planning to grab her hand. However, Hijiri’s feet didn’t move.
Hijiri’s knees were shaking nonstop. It seemed she was unable to walk on her own now.
Kneeling down. I extended my hands to the back of Hijiri’s knees, and wrapped my hands around her back.
A princess carry. After taking hold of her, I broke into a sprint.
“Hurry up! There’s still time! Tch! The nearest toilet is under repair!?”
So, what to do? The other school building’s toilets!? Or upstairs’!?
While I am on the run to another building, will Hijiri be able to endure it……!? I am afraid it’s not possible.
“Can I carry a person upstairs……? No, there’s no other choices but to go up now!”
“I-am-fine, uuuuuu…...therefore, ugh……, br-brother. No need-to force yourself.”
As I took my first step up the second floor.
I struggled to lift up my leg, but almost step on to thin air.
Even so, I must climb up. Like this I desperately crawled up.
Careful not to have any shakings occur.
“Ugh, I am, at my limit, brother……”
“Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine, Hijiri. Just a bit more. Really just a bit more, bear with it a little longer.”
“Ah, uh, auu……”
“W-What’s up, Hijiri?”
“A-A little, it leaked out a little bit.”
“Sorry……. But, don’t worry. It’s not that life threatening.”
Clearly, there’s no time to waste.
Moreover, I can’t ignore the burden put on the legs any longer. Taking a deep breath, I went full speed ahead!
Relying on the momentum to rush up the stairs, I landed in front of the toilet.
“Come, it’s already the flowerbed……! Go, Hijiri……”
I slowly put Hijri down. However, Hijiri was kneeling down on the floor powerlessly.
“Um, ku……”
Using her hand to lean against the wall, Hijiri resembled a newborn fawn struggling to stand up. Like ''Clara''<ref>Clara is a handicapped girl in "Heidi, Girl of the Alps" series, but due to Heidi's efforts she could walk on her own again.</ref>.
Yet she suddenly sit back down. …...Is it impossible? So she can’t even walk this small a distance?
“T-that, br-brother.”
“What’s it, Hijiri?”
“Very, ugh. About making you lose face, I am sorry. Still , I have a request, to make of you……?”
“No problem. Go ahead, Hijiri.”
“B-brother. Hwahh……. I can’t walk……. Help me……”
Hijiri’s face turned even redder as she tried to keep in her tears.
“B-but, having me enter the female toilet is……”
“No need. The male toilet is-ok……. Sorry to bother you……”
Hijiri’s breath became more erratic.
“No. To have Hijiri enter the male toilet……, I can’t do that.”
I hold Hijiri up once again, and extended my hand towards the female toilet’s door.
I got a bad feeling about this. A completely forbidden place. Still there’s no choice left but to go in there.
The door had been opened.
The size isn’t that much different compared to the male toilet. The men toilet is decorated with blue tiles whereas it is pink for the female. There’s also no urinal. But thinking about it this is natural of course. The rooms are lined up in a row. Such a spectacular sight indeed. I directly brought Hijiri to the closest flowerbed.
[[Image:Shippai Kinshi V01 079.jpg|thumb]]
“It’s alright now. You can go wait outside, brother.”
I turned my back at Hijiri, and waved my hand.
“Um……. Thank you. Brother……”
Just at this moment, a person silhouette appeared in front of the toilet. The sight of the door opening is like a slow motion scene.
My heart was beating violently. It’s over, it’s over, it’s over. It’s all over if I am seen!
I stumbled to the second nearest vacant room to hide.
A person had entered. There’s no crying issued. It seemed I am not discovered yet.
Apparently I should be safe now……
From the neighbouring room, Hijiri’s beautiful voice rang out.
“Uh, haa……. Aaa, haa……”
It’s the relieved sound of Hijiri gasping for breath.
…...No matter what, this is a matter of life and death.
Just one step wrong and the mass’ perspective of Hijiri will tantamount to a death penalty. The news of an incontinent girl will spread…….
I suddenly recalled something in the past.
<references />

Latest revision as of 17:56, 5 February 2014