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===Part 3===
===Part 3===
Although Major Loki was the only one remaining on the ship, the ''Naglfar'' originally had a large crew. Hence, the ship contained far more cabins than Marduk.
The captain's cabin was the only single. The rest were basically all cabins designed for four.
My companions were taking a break, settling themselves into cramped cabins featuring two sets of bunk beds each. Of course, putting everyone into one cabin would be impossible so they were distributed among three cabins. Although there were more than enough cabins for everyone to each have their own, Shinomiya-sensei advised for us to stick together as much as possible. She probably decided that being alone in our current situation could have adverse effects on our psychological states.
Listening to the the deep noise coming from the ventilator, I advanced along the corridor where exposed wires and pipes could be seen. Then I arrived in front of the cabins my companions were occupying.
Although I believed my companions would open their doors if I were to call out, it was possible they were already sleeping. In that case, it would be better to talk to them later. Thinking that, I decided to knock each door one by one.
As things stood currently, we were hurrying to an unknown territory, which was not urgent news. Top priority right now was for us to alleviate the fatigue sustained during the battle against Bahamut.
Since I had no idea how the cabins were assigned, I gently knocked on the door of the first cabin.
No response even after I waited for a while. ''Asleep as suspected, I suppose.'' Thinking that, I moved to the door of the next cabin, but there was no response either.
However, just as I was about to leave that door, I heard a tiny sound. The door opened from inside.
Then nothing happened. Wondering what was going on, I went nearer. Suddenly, a pale arm reached out from the gap in the door, grabbing my hand and pulling me forcefully into the cabin.
It was dark in the cabin. Not yet accustomed to the darkness, my eyes could see nothing.
"Quiet. Don't wake up Iris-chan or Tia."
However, I realized the identity of the perpetrator from her voice, interrupting my protests. Soon after, an outline appeared in my surroundings and I gradually became able to see the pretty face of the girl before my eyes.
"Kili, what are you trying to do?"
I lowered my voice and asked her—Kili Surtr Muspelheim.
"Very well, come over a bit."
Instead of answering my question, she pushed me from behind, directing me to the bunk bed.
There was fabric hanging on the side of the bed, preventing me from seeing past inside. When I was forced into the bed, a faint light appeared in my view.
"Oh, 'tis my comrade, yes? Perfect timing."
The light source was a light from a personal terminal. On the bed, a young girl two sizes smaller than Kili was sitting all alone. For some reason, she was holding playing cards in her hands. Cards were also scattered on the blanket.
"Vritra too... What on earth are you two doing?"
I directed my confused gaze at the one who would be considered Kili's mother—her creator, the black dragon, "Black" Vritra.
"You can tell just by looking. We're playing cards. Ever since Iris-chan and Tia went to bed, it's been us two playing, but Mother sucks, so it's not fun at all. However, she insists on playing until she wins..."
The one who answered was Kili who followed me onto the bed.
There was practically no place to move once three people were packed onto a bed meant for a single adult to lie down.
"I don't plan on playing—"
Preoccupied with Mitsuki's situation, I intended to refuse.
"Iris-chan said the same thing. ''That's why'' I want you to join."
However, Kili replied forcefully and pushed me over to Vritra's side.
"Yuu, team up with Mother. Then there will finally be some competition."
"Hmph, then I shall borrow thy lap for a while."
Vritra nimbly sat her petite body on my lap. As a result, there was slightly more space on the bed, but it also made it more difficult for me to move.
"...Are you worried?"
Resigned to my situation, I asked, causing Kili to turn her gaze away with displeasure.
"When the always overly cheerful Iris-chan is this depressed, even other people get affected. Tia is all gloomy too, so I'm just taking over some what Iris-chan normally does."
Kili started with a very firm tone of voice, but she stared me straight in the eye mid-sentence and spoke even more assertively.
"As my mate, Yuu, having a bit of time for recreation with me wouldn't be too much, right? You're going to woo your sister next, aren't you? Then you need to do your absolute best. You must make a display of what you're capable of."
"Uh, calling it wooing would be a bit..."
Although I wanted to object, I realized she was not wrong and my voice faltered.
"Well, personally, I'd prefer to have one fewer rival and I won't have to write a mountain of repentance essays anymore... ''But you wouldn't be the Yuu I love if you gave up on her''. So I'll be generous here."
With an assertive smile, Kili picked up her cards that were on the blanket and stared at me. With her having said this much, there was no way I could run away.
"—Got it. Then let me be your opponent. We have to win, Vritra."
I placed my hand on Vritra's black-haired head and spoke. Even though we had opposing views on the matter of Mitsuki, right now I was going to help her out as partners.
"Counting on thee, my comrade. Guide me to the path of victory after twelve losses in a row."
Sitting on my lap, Vritra clenched her fist.
Based on what Kili had said just now, Vritra was not going to call it quits until she won. Then I must help her seriously.
"Now that's really losing badly. What exactly are you two playing?"
There were many ways to play cards. To lose this badly, it should be some kind of strategic game, but—
"Old maid."
Kili answered and slumped her shoulders. This was basically a game of luck, so for Vritra to lose this badly, her face must be as easy to read as an open book.
"...Vritra, there is no sure-win strategy. However, there is a way for you to counter Kili."
"What!? Thou art truly reliable as one would expect. Use it, this method."
"It's like this."
From behind, I pinched Vritra's cheeks with my fingers and pulled my hands in opposite directions sideways.
Stretching Vritra's soft face wide caused Kili, sitting opposite from us, to burst out laughing.
"H-Hoho... M-Mother, that face—"
Although she was keeping her voice down to avoid waking up Iris and Tia, Kili's shoulder heaved up and down greatly.
[[image:UnlimitedFafnir v13 BW02.jpg|thumb]]
"C-Comwade, waat ees the meeeening of dis?"
Vritra hammered against my arms in protest, but I replied directly without loosening my grip.
"Okay, try playing in this state. You'll have a shot at victory now."
Despite her partial skepticism, Vritra still began her game of old maid.
This was nothing more than stretching Vritra's face to prevent Kili from reading her expression, while disrupting Kili's composure at the same time. In the end—Vritra won handily afterwards.
===Part 4===
===Part 4===

Revision as of 08:36, 7 October 2017

Status: Incomplete

Chapter 1 - The Naglfar in Pursuit

Part 1

"Mitsuki, it's in sight."

With Miyako-san holding my hand, we flew at high altitude for approximately three hours.

I—Mononobe Mituski—arrived within visual confirmation of the unknown territory at North Africa.

The sun had set and countless stars were twinkling in the sky. However, a piece of the night sky had been gouged out by the top of the towering dome of "darkness" ahead.

"Already... I see, huh?"

Without assisting in flying, simply deploying an air barrier to stave off the wind, I murmured in disbelief.

The journey probably would have taken thrice as long if relying on the transmutation of air. Speaking of which, because the journey was too fast, I still had yet to prepare myself mentally.

"How about taking a break nearby?"

As though reading my mind, Miyako-san pointed at the ground. The iridescent halo over her head glowed faintly.

Even with only moonlight and starlight for illumination, it was still possible to discern the terrain to some extent.

Trees were growing sparsely on the undulating land. There was a lake further up ahead with a small vilage next to it.

Miyako-san lowered her flying speed and altitude, stopping over the village. Even though she was not pulling me, I remained floating gently in the sky.

It was like entering a zone of zero gravity. My hair and skirt were also floating on their own.

"...Good advice. Perhaps there is a 'true dragon' in that unknown territory too. Some preparation is in order."

Looking at the deserted village, I nodded. Since the unknown territory was visible from here, the villagers had presumably evacuated.

"Got it. Oh, but if you're worried about fighting, that's unnecessary."

While landing, Miyako-san smiled cheerfully. Her confidence intrigued me, so I asked:

"Why is that?"

As soon as my feet made contact with the ground, the floating feeling vanished. At the same time, the iridescent halo over Miyako-san's head disappeared too.

"This is a privilege for letting me be your ally, you know? I must have told you when we were 'negotiating,' right? There exist unknown territories you cannot reach without me."

Miyako-san spoke in a joking tone of voice and shrugged.

"Indeed you did—Although I did express my doubt."

While examining her carefully, I nodded.

This was the most important reason why I had allowed her to accompany me despite being a fake.

"Sheesh, you're so mean. I won't lie to you, Mitsuki. You'll know if you get close, but gravity around that unknown territory has multiplied several fold. The closer you get, the stronger. Near the boundary, it's a space of supergravity that'll instantly crush a human into paste."

She motioned towards the black dome in the distance and spoke seriously.

"In that case... Assuming what you say is true, then it is not the effect of end matter, since the same phenomenon did not occur at other unknown territories. Come to think of it... Could it be a 'true dragon'?"

"Yes, the power of the fourth dragon—'Heavy Tremor' Nova... Or rather, its original state."

"'Heavy Tremor' Nova..."

I repeated the name of the obstacle standing in my way. It was a being on the same level as Bahamut and Nyarlathotep, both of which had taken the whole team's combined effort to take down with difficulty. To take on such an opponent with only two people—

"Don't look so worried, Mitsuki. Didn't I say there's no need to worry about it turning into a fight? Relax, Nova won't be stopping you, Mitsuki, because I am the one who is allowing that 'frame' to return to this world."


Instantly, I looked back at her, my eyes saying "I cannot comprehend what you are talking about at all."

Seeing me puzzled, she smiled wryly and placed her hand on her chest.

"You've noticed, right? I am able to use incredible powers."

"......Yes. Without creating air through transmutation, you were flying at high speed through the sky."

I nodded stiffly and looked at her questioningly.

"Well—Rather than choosing not to create air, I cannot create it."

Seeing her smiling wryly, I was confused.

"You cannot?"

"That's right. Dark matter and end matter have very poor compatibility. A being that 'approached the end' at one point cannot use dark matter very well, seeing as dark matter is the solidification of possibility. Although I can generate it, performing transmutation is impossible. Watch—"

Giving this answer, she raised her hand and generated a baseball-sized sphere of dark matter. The dark matter's surface turned silver and started to materialize, then it started to crack—



Startled by the explosion during the process of transmutation, I fell backwards.

"See, this happens no matter what I try to make. It collapses in the middle of the process. I guess it's hindered by the contamination from my end matter."

The sight of her, waving away the fragments in her hand with a smile, filled me with a sense of deja vu.

—It was almost like the case with Iris-san...

Recalling the classmate who was worrying about me and offering encouragement to the very end, I felt my chest tighten. Of course, Iris-san had no relation to end matter at all, so she was simply bad at using dark matter, I suppose.

"Cough... Indeed, this definitely cannot be used to fly in the air..."

Choking from the smoke of the explosion, I commented softly.

"That's right, which is why I have to use this power to fly in the sky."

Miyako-san nodded firmly and gestured by moving her gaze upwards.

Next, an iridescent halo appeared over her head. Her slender body proceeded to slowly float into the air.

"This is the power of a "true dragon"—Nova."

"Why... are you capable of this—"

Although I had already guessed from our converstaion, I still had trouble hiding my surprise. Looking at me with interest, she resumed her explanation with a carefree tone.

"Nova itself was originally something like a phenomenon. Anything can serve as its core as long as it is matter. Hence, this vessel was chosen with the added responsibility of negotiating with you, Mitsuki."

"Something like that, no way..."

I noticed my voice was trembling.

With her shoulder-length hair fluttering in the wind, the thing that had taken on Shinomiya Miyako's form told me the answer.

"Let's sum up, Mitsuki. I, Shinomiya Miyako, am currently the Fourth Dragon—'Heavy Tremor' Nova."

Part 2

Slicing through the night sky, flying past stars and clouds, the battleship advanced through the air.

On the bridge of this ship, outfitted with lost technology, I—Mononobe Yuu—looked up at the external scenery shown on a monitor.

Between gaps in the clouds flowing past, one could see countless twinkling stars with occasional fleeting glimpses of the moon.

It was currently 22:00. Counting from the time when Mitsuki flew off from Marduk, roughly four hours had elapsed.

"How does it feel, 2nd Lieutenant Mononobe? To ride in my Naglfar."

Observing the bridge, sitting in the captain's seat was a man—Major Loki Jotunheim—who asked me in a smiling voice.

Indeed, instead of Marduk, my current location was inside the Naglfar, the anti-dragon battleship belonging to NIFL.

"It's much less stable than Marduk. Also, the engine noice is a bit of a bother."

I offered him my honest opinion.

Perhaps strongly affected by air currents, the ship was shaking frequently. The engine's piercing noise was also quite an ordeal for the ears. Not a pleasant ride.

"Hoho, oh well, that's only to be expected when compared to Marduk. That ship is most likely filled with technology that we of NIFL have yet to replicate. In spite of that, you still disposed of it—What a waste."

"I've said so many times already. Left alone, the engine was going to explode. The aftershock of the explosion could cause immense destruction."

Without any change in expression, I gave the superficial reason.

In reality, I did it to prevent NIFL from getting their hands on Marduk.

Although we needed "legs" to chase after Mitsuki, the Naglfar was the only surviving means of transport nearby. All other ships and aircraft had been destroyed by Bahamut's attacks.

As a result, we had requested aid from Major Loki, captain of the Naglfar, but had we left Marduk behind, NIFL would have taken it.

Were NIFL to obtain technology beyond their current level, it would probably lead to a crisis for us Ds. Consequently, I had Iris disintegrate Marduk completely using Catastrophe.

But ever since we moved to their ship, they had been showing displeasure regarding this matter. Not just Major Loki but also that machine intellect too—

"In that case, just eliminate the engine! Are you retarded?"

The bridge monitor flickered momentarily before a young girl with transparent wings appeared.

Although she looked similar to a fairy from folklore, Atla was actually the ultimate machine intellect that had been responsible for managing and running the civilization of Atlantis before it was lost. It would be no exaggeration to call her "Ultimate Wisdom" Atlantis.

Buried in the ruins of Atlantis, data for constructing her had been carved onto stone tablets. Using this as a foundation, NIFL had revived this machine intellect.

But apparently, only Atla's core was reconstructed due to losses in the saved data. As a result, both the virtual avatar shown on the screen and her behavior were quite childish.

"Just as a precaution. Marduk has weapons everywhere. Who knows if things could go wrong somehwere and cause explosions?"

I shrugged and brushed off Atla's accusation.


Pouting, Atla's kept glaring at me unhappily, but I did not pay her any attention. Instead, I turned my gaze to Major Loki.

"By the way, Major Loki, are you really going to assist us without any strings attached?"

When we first made the request, he had accepted without mentioning any terms or conditions... But I had my doubts the whole time.

"Indeed. Naturally, I hoped you could have provided me with Marduk if possible, but from the start, I never intended to make this a condition. After all, you guys are the trump card for saving the world and mankind."

Major Loki nodded after smiling faintly, then continued.

"There are unknown territories remaining at North Africa and the Southern Atlantic—as well as dragons possibly hidden within them. To oppose them, your power is essential. Although we have our differences, ultimately, what matters is saving the world. I have no intention of saying useless things. Do whatever you want."

"That's very... generous of you."

Although I was grateful for what he had said, it felt quite suspicious for developments to unfold so easily. Making a deal would put me more at ease.

"I believe this is for the best. Because you defeated me. Instead of me taking command, you will surely lead us to a better result."

It would be problem otherwise—Major Loki's eyes seemed to say as he gazed at me.

In other words, so long as I continued to meet his expectations, he would continue to offer assistance generously. Despite feeling extraordinary pressure, I still nodded without hesitation.

"Very well. Of course."

After I asserted myself, Major Loki smiled with satisfaction.

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At that moment, a panicking voice was heard from the monitor.

"Master! Bad news! The unknown territory in North Africa disappeared! Confirmed through satellite surveillance, the swallowed cities and people seem to be unharmed."

Hearing this, Major Loki brought his hand to the corner of his lips. I too looked in surprise at the satellite image displayed on the monitor.

Indeed, the black dome of the unknown territory was no longer there.

"Did Mitsuki do that...? But that's way too fast—"

I groaned with disbelief. She had only flown off four hours ago. Even if traveling on a supersonic jet, this was not enough time to reach the African continent.

Hearing my whisper, Major Loki spoke with a stiff expression.

"However, there is no one else capable of doing this apart from her, right? Then we should accept reality. And what we must do is alter our course. Atla—head over to the Southern Atlantic unknown territory at maximum speed."

"Affirmative, Master."

Atla bowed from the monitor.

Next, the Naglfar slowly changed course. Even from the bridge, it was possible to hear the engine noise increase.

Incidentally, the only member of NIFL on the Naglfar was Major Loki. The rest of the crew had apparently disembarked before the battle against Bahamut. Even so, controlling the ship was apparently not a problem as long as Atla was present.

"I will tell the others about this."

I turned around to head back to the cabins where my friends were resting.

"2nd Lieutenant Mononobe, it will take six hours no matter how much we hurry. You should get some rest too."

"—Yes. I understand."

Despite my impatience, I controlled my feelings and nodded. If I were to falter, everyone else would worry.

I took a deep breath to adjust my emotions. Next, I saluted Major Loki briefly then left the bridge.

Part 3

Although Major Loki was the only one remaining on the ship, the Naglfar originally had a large crew. Hence, the ship contained far more cabins than Marduk.

The captain's cabin was the only single. The rest were basically all cabins designed for four.

My companions were taking a break, settling themselves into cramped cabins featuring two sets of bunk beds each. Of course, putting everyone into one cabin would be impossible so they were distributed among three cabins. Although there were more than enough cabins for everyone to each have their own, Shinomiya-sensei advised for us to stick together as much as possible. She probably decided that being alone in our current situation could have adverse effects on our psychological states.

Listening to the the deep noise coming from the ventilator, I advanced along the corridor where exposed wires and pipes could be seen. Then I arrived in front of the cabins my companions were occupying.

Although I believed my companions would open their doors if I were to call out, it was possible they were already sleeping. In that case, it would be better to talk to them later. Thinking that, I decided to knock each door one by one.

As things stood currently, we were hurrying to an unknown territory, which was not urgent news. Top priority right now was for us to alleviate the fatigue sustained during the battle against Bahamut.

Since I had no idea how the cabins were assigned, I gently knocked on the door of the first cabin.

No response even after I waited for a while. Asleep as suspected, I suppose. Thinking that, I moved to the door of the next cabin, but there was no response either.

However, just as I was about to leave that door, I heard a tiny sound. The door opened from inside.


Then nothing happened. Wondering what was going on, I went nearer. Suddenly, a pale arm reached out from the gap in the door, grabbing my hand and pulling me forcefully into the cabin.

It was dark in the cabin. Not yet accustomed to the darkness, my eyes could see nothing.


"Quiet. Don't wake up Iris-chan or Tia."

However, I realized the identity of the perpetrator from her voice, interrupting my protests. Soon after, an outline appeared in my surroundings and I gradually became able to see the pretty face of the girl before my eyes.

"Kili, what are you trying to do?"

I lowered my voice and asked her—Kili Surtr Muspelheim.

"Very well, come over a bit."

Instead of answering my question, she pushed me from behind, directing me to the bunk bed.

There was fabric hanging on the side of the bed, preventing me from seeing past inside. When I was forced into the bed, a faint light appeared in my view.

"Oh, 'tis my comrade, yes? Perfect timing."

The light source was a light from a personal terminal. On the bed, a young girl two sizes smaller than Kili was sitting all alone. For some reason, she was holding playing cards in her hands. Cards were also scattered on the blanket.

"Vritra too... What on earth are you two doing?"

I directed my confused gaze at the one who would be considered Kili's mother—her creator, the black dragon, "Black" Vritra.

"You can tell just by looking. We're playing cards. Ever since Iris-chan and Tia went to bed, it's been us two playing, but Mother sucks, so it's not fun at all. However, she insists on playing until she wins..."

The one who answered was Kili who followed me onto the bed.

There was practically no place to move once three people were packed onto a bed meant for a single adult to lie down.

"I don't plan on playing—"

Preoccupied with Mitsuki's situation, I intended to refuse.

"Iris-chan said the same thing. That's why I want you to join."

However, Kili replied forcefully and pushed me over to Vritra's side.

"Yuu, team up with Mother. Then there will finally be some competition."

"Hmph, then I shall borrow thy lap for a while."

Vritra nimbly sat her petite body on my lap. As a result, there was slightly more space on the bed, but it also made it more difficult for me to move.

"...Are you worried?"

Resigned to my situation, I asked, causing Kili to turn her gaze away with displeasure.

"When the always overly cheerful Iris-chan is this depressed, even other people get affected. Tia is all gloomy too, so I'm just taking over some what Iris-chan normally does."

Kili started with a very firm tone of voice, but she stared me straight in the eye mid-sentence and spoke even more assertively.

"As my mate, Yuu, having a bit of time for recreation with me wouldn't be too much, right? You're going to woo your sister next, aren't you? Then you need to do your absolute best. You must make a display of what you're capable of."

"Uh, calling it wooing would be a bit..."

Although I wanted to object, I realized she was not wrong and my voice faltered.

"Well, personally, I'd prefer to have one fewer rival and I won't have to write a mountain of repentance essays anymore... But you wouldn't be the Yuu I love if you gave up on her. So I'll be generous here."

With an assertive smile, Kili picked up her cards that were on the blanket and stared at me. With her having said this much, there was no way I could run away.

"—Got it. Then let me be your opponent. We have to win, Vritra."

I placed my hand on Vritra's black-haired head and spoke. Even though we had opposing views on the matter of Mitsuki, right now I was going to help her out as partners.

"Counting on thee, my comrade. Guide me to the path of victory after twelve losses in a row."

Sitting on my lap, Vritra clenched her fist.

Based on what Kili had said just now, Vritra was not going to call it quits until she won. Then I must help her seriously.

"Now that's really losing badly. What exactly are you two playing?"

There were many ways to play cards. To lose this badly, it should be some kind of strategic game, but—

"Old maid."

Kili answered and slumped her shoulders. This was basically a game of luck, so for Vritra to lose this badly, her face must be as easy to read as an open book.

"...Vritra, there is no sure-win strategy. However, there is a way for you to counter Kili."

"What!? Thou art truly reliable as one would expect. Use it, this method."

"It's like this."

From behind, I pinched Vritra's cheeks with my fingers and pulled my hands in opposite directions sideways.

Stretching Vritra's soft face wide caused Kili, sitting opposite from us, to burst out laughing.

"H-Hoho... M-Mother, that face—"

Although she was keeping her voice down to avoid waking up Iris and Tia, Kili's shoulder heaved up and down greatly.

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"C-Comwade, waat ees the meeeening of dis?"

Vritra hammered against my arms in protest, but I replied directly without loosening my grip.

"Okay, try playing in this state. You'll have a shot at victory now."


Despite her partial skepticism, Vritra still began her game of old maid.

This was nothing more than stretching Vritra's face to prevent Kili from reading her expression, while disrupting Kili's composure at the same time. In the end—Vritra won handily afterwards.

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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