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Latest revision as of 10:33, 25 July 2011


As a promotional statement, to start off, this work is a school reverse fantasy, it seems.

In other words, it's set in the school. Even though I didn't really write it with a conscious attempt to fit a particular genre, this was how it turned out this time.

Ah, oh yeah, since this is a new work, I need to introduce myself right!

Erm, pleased to meet you for the first time. I'm Kagami Takaya. It's been a while since I seriously wrote "pleased to meet you for the first time", as in it's been seven years since I have a totally new work, pleased to meet you for the first time, I'm Kagami Takaya.

How's my new work "Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi 1"?

For me, I'm trembling.

To speak of the reason for why I'm trembling, when Fujimi Shobou-sama was marketing this new work, they were using advertisements that said, "It's a new work by that Kagami Takaya after 7 years!", and "Kagami Takaya's great explosion!", which must have cost a bomb in advertisement fees, and if I fail, my head will roll. In the worst case, it's also possible that they might put me out to dry. It's true. If I don't appear in a certain daily publication, please assume that Kagami Takaya must have received the punishment dealt in anger by Immortal Shobou[1]. By the way, if that "Kagami Takaya's great explosion!" ad doesn't sell, we shall strap a C4 bomb onto you and explode you -- BY Fujimi Shobou; I don't doubt that such an ad will be made in place of wellll, let's leave the idiotic jokes aside.

Regarding the work.

I managed to enjoy writing it.

I'll be really happy if everyone can continue giving me support and allow me to continue enjoying writing this. And for this work, it would be nice if I can receive the same amount of support as my current ongoing series "Densetsu Yuusha no Densetsu" (Denyuuden), I think.

At any rate, this work also has a pretty large concept behind it, and it would be nice if it can sell to the point where I can properly depict it ~.[2]

Of course, I guess the editorial department will be thinking along the line of Make sure it sells like "Denyuuden"!, but even to the author, that title has become suprisingly monstrous, so let's put that aside and steadily raise "Itsuten", I guess.[3]

No, I think it should be able to sell (LOL).

But I really hope that this story created around Taito, Himea, Gekkou, Mirai, and Haruka will be well received and loved by everyone in the same way as "Denyuuden".

Everyone, please cheer me on! And to those who have gotten hold of the book and have read until here, thank you!

And this means ~.

Now to report on my recent situation.

Even when I say that, currently, "Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi" and "Densetsu Yuusha no Densetsu" will be published in succession in the next six months! That's why I'm so busy working to death to meet my schedule that I don't have any recent situation so as to speak. This is bad, real badddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd, but erm, if I continue like this until this book is launched, and say that I might not be able to make it for the successive six-months publishing dates, then Fujimi Shobou will again, Fujimi Shouboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!?

Really, those guys are strict (LOL).

In truth, to tell everyone, the editor from Fujimi is really kind. As to how kind Fujimi Shobou is, I'll let you guys catch a glimpse of the conversation between me and my in-charge bishoujo editor K-ya-san[4]



"At last, your new work is about to launch."


"What what what, what should we do? If it doesn't sell, I'll definitely be asked to take responsibility, I'll definitely be asked to take responsibility ~!? My heart is on the verge of exploding."

"Eh!? Even K-ya-san has a C4 bomb strapped to the heart!?"

"That's right! The president of Immortal Shoubo seems to have the Sta*d power[5] of attaching a C4 bomb onto the editorial department...... ah, my heart!?"

"K-ya-sannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!? Damn, damn president! Damn presidenttttttttttttt!?"

Such a conversation, of course didn't take place. Even though K-ya-san and I do have our hearts banging wildly, and the editorial department do tremble, but that's not due to any Stan* power. Then again, is it ok for me to write about St*nd powers? Is it really ok? Well, let's leave it.

Erm, this and that ~.

Six month publishing in succession, I'm doing it! Starting from this Novemeber, December will be Ochita Kuroi Yuusha no Densetsu 3, January will be Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi 2, February will be Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu 5, March will be Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi 3, April will be Ochita Kuroi Yuusha no Densetsu 4.

Something like that. Hahhahha. Uhn. So as to speak, I'm going to die!

But if everyone is pleased by this, it's possible to do my best!

But, I guess there probably will be various 'fanfare' surrounding this six month consecutive releases, so please read about it in the Dragon Magazine that is going to be sold on the day as the launch date of this book.

In addition, the cover of Doramaga[6] is "Itsuten"!

A special write-up and drama CD for Denyuuden comes along with it, as well as short stories for "Itsuten" and "Denyuuden" which in total consist of about 150 pages of manuscript. There will definitely be no next time for such a thing again, which is effectively turning into a grand Kagami Takaya C4 bombing fest, so do please pick it up and read it; that'll make me real happy.

So as to speak, I shall end here.

The next time we meet will be in the afterword of next month right! As for "Itsuten", it'd be in book 2 in the following month!

Well well, it's fast but until next time ~.

Kagami Takaya

Kagami Takaya official homepage: http://www.kagamitakaya.com/

Translator's Notes and References

  1. Imortal Shobou: This is a pun regarding Fujimi Shobou (富士見書房), the publisher of Kagami's works. Since 富士見(Fujimi) has the same pronunciation as 不死身(fujimi), which means immortal.

  2. Random TL note on Kagami's musing 1: Hard to render this in English, but Kagami is saying that, just like Denyuuden, this work is going to be epic, and he hopes to make this series long enough so that he can properly manifest the concepts and ideas he has into the story, and this is only possible if you readers support him by buying the novels.

  3. Random TL note on Kagami's musing 2: This is again hard to render. From my understanding, what Kagami meant is that despite what the editorial department thought, Denyuuden has been running for quite some time and has quite a number of volumes, thus able to reek in high volume of sales, and he will take it a step at a time and build Itsuten up.

  4. Editor in charge of Itsuten: This is really nothing important, but if anyone is interested, it's an open secret that her name is Catherine, based on the tweets.

  5. Stands: A Stand is a spiritual-like supernatural power in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

  6. Doramaga: Short for Dragon Magazine