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Classroom 1-B:
Classroom 1-B:
Take refuge in our classroom and hold your breath, then Serges come over and stealthily whisper in my ear. I didn't see any chimera. Open the closed curtains just a little bit. That girl outside was peaking out from over there.
We are taking refuge in our classroom and holding our breaths. Then Serges comes over and stealthily whispers in my ear. "I didn't see any chimera." "Open the closed curtains just a little bit." That girl outside was peaking out from over there.
"What did you say? there's nothing isn't there?"
"What did you say? There's nothing, isn't there?"
exchange places with me and look at the thing outside. The pitch black sky is spreading without end, only...
"Exchange places with me and look at the thing outside."
The pitch black sky is spreading without end, only...
"You're wrong. Look over that direction!"
"You're wrong. Look over that direction!"
Serges' finger is pointing in the direction of the campus. Stare in that direction for a few seconds. The sky is wriggling.
Serges' finger is pointing in the direction of the campus.
"Stare in that direction for a few seconds. The sky is wriggling."
Finally, I understand what my classmate said.
Finally, I understand what my classmate said.
That isn't the sky. I thought it was the sky, but those are deep blueish purple flames. The campus is burning with night colored flames that are converging overhead.
That isn't the sky. I thought it was the sky, but those are deep blueish purple flames. The campus is burning with night colored flames that are converging overhead.

Revision as of 05:14, 5 December 2012

Status: Incomplete

Tasogare-iro no Utatsukai: Final Chapter

Part 1

"Say.... Ada...... What do you think that is?"

Classroom 1-B: We are taking refuge in our classroom and holding our breaths. Then Serges comes over and stealthily whispers in my ear. "I didn't see any chimera." "Open the closed curtains just a little bit." That girl outside was peaking out from over there.

"What did you say? There's nothing, isn't there?"

"Exchange places with me and look at the thing outside."

The pitch black sky is spreading without end, only...

"You're wrong. Look over that direction!"

Serges' finger is pointing in the direction of the campus.

"Stare in that direction for a few seconds. The sky is wriggling."


Finally, I understand what my classmate said.

That isn't the sky. I thought it was the sky, but those are deep blueish purple flames. The campus is burning with night colored flames that are converging overhead.

Our concentration was flowing to the small part of a huge, vortex like, flames. Unaware that a glorious gloomy Recital GateChannel was born.I wasn't too worried until he pointed out that it is too big.

What is that, I do not understand that Recital GateChannel, It is way too gigantic. I've never seen a channel that big before.

The gate's radiance increased and suddenly burst open.

That is the proof that the Recitation has completed

◊ ◊ ◊


Exhausted, Mio leaned against the railing on the rooftop.

The Recital GateChannel's radiance grew. I also understood clearly at that moment that the Recital GateChannel had completely open.

First Scale RecitationHigh Noble Aria invited True Spirits are extremely varied but they all have one thing in common. For example that Hydra, the green disease wyvern, and other first recitation summoned things are said to be absurdly huge.

From that Recital GateChannel just what sort of huge thing is coming out? I forgot about the twinkling while staring and, How! even though that ring has burst there nothing is coming out.

No way, did it fail?

Let's try to make sure, because the flames which were illuminating the campus disappeared the campus was plunged into darkness for a second time.

"What just happened....."

The only thing that entered my vision was the gigantic shadow that had broken into the school grounds. I don't know the reason why. But that monster suddenly diverted its direction, it set foot in the campus. If the recital failed then there is nothing that can be done about it. There isn't enough time to do the First Scale RecitationHigh Noble Aria again right now. The hydra is drawing closer to the center of the campus. The place where Neight was at up till a bit ago. But because of the darkness I couldn't see his figure. I am not even sure if he was able to escape.

Rather didn't see. If Neight is still at that place where the light's being turned on..........

But. with not very ironic timing, the disappearing neon light passed. School again light up. For a second time the campus was brilliantly illuminated.

"---------------Please. Somehow don't be there. Please have run away."

my eyelids were in the middle of that scorching radiance, nevertheless I stared at that place ----- and got dizzy.

"......I can't believe it."

He remained standing in place. Furthermore next to him in the hall was her friend's, supposed to be resting, figure .

"Neight, Kululu run awaaaaaaayyyy!"

Mio raised her voice from the rooftop. She cannot be heard. But even then she could not shout. At this rate the three people will be trampled down by that monster....... eh? three people? My eyesight isn't bad. The boy wearing the deep blue colored robe, that is Neight. The girl wearing the white dress, that person is Kleulu. The last person, was standing where at the place where Neight was at.

It seemed like the whole body was wrapped in black cloth, a pitch black person. That is, who?

No. Impossible.

Surely the True Spirit of Night is a large thing or so I thought but, because it is that----

◊ ◊ ◊

As for t-h-a-t... nothing materialized from the Recital GateChannel .

In the moment that the Recital GateChannel burst, something rose to the surface from the inside of Neight's shadow.

The Three Dimensional shadow slowly extended its height. And yet, it is obviously small. Just the same as me. No, leaving that aside, it has no choice but a short height. height. So in other words it doesn't have length and it also doesn't have height.

From what I know, that which is before my eyes has the figure of a human.

It is Jet black、but it's body gives a transparent impression. Person clad in shadows. Plus that form in some respects is feminine. It was like the girl wore pitch black paint from the beginning----------- In short this represents probably the closest analogy.

but, before long while she steadily gazed at it, the boy she was next to suddenly shook violently and collapsed.


The boy was on the verge of collapsing backwards. Barely in the nick of time, Kluelu supported his right shoulder. No matter how many times she called out there wasn't any reply. Then I closed my eyes. Is he unconscious? Even though the Hydra will soon go back over here, at a time like this---

「That strained feeling loosened up didn't it?」

Kluele looked over her shoulder. When did the True Spirit of Night get next to them?

「But, should I give you praise for doing such a good job holding on I wonder.」

The Shadow was in the shape of a hand. The fingertip of the shadow gently stroke the boy's face.

"Are you the True Spirit of Night?"

「It would seem to be so wouldn't it? Kluelu-san」

I was startled after suddenly being called by my name. Anyhow if it is just like the Bird God I recited out, why does the True Spirit of Night know something like my name?

「Fufu, that child taught me.」

The True Spirit turned her face, looking upwards. In that direction...... The starry night sky was being assimilated。Something giant was flapping it's wings overhead.

Gigantic. I only measured it with my eyes but... if only in terms of size it might even be comparable to the hyrda.

The floating silhouette that is the school's illumination is shining on..... is this a dragon?

Causing cracks in the earth, the hydra accelerated. While catching a side glimpse of that, the True Spirit of night looks up at the sky..

「Arma, I'll take that as an opponent. I will give you the task of making Kluele-san and Neight hide.」


The <<Pipe Organ>> with an extremely low keyboard sounded with a heavy like bass tone. Is that truly it's voice? The concussion weighing down on my head made me want to doubt it. No, but more than that...

Arma? Is it not a name that I know?

.....no way, this dragon overhead.....

「I guess you would say he isn't a Lizard. Though I say that we don't have enough free time for this leisurely conversation.」

The Jet Black Dragon alighted right behind us. The wind pressure casually swayed our hair.

『Evhe, I leave over there to you. Young girl, carry Neight and quickly get on』


For a moment, I saw an optical illusion that a person was behind us. Just like the Bird God of Dawn and Arma, came a voice that wasn't anywhere. The voice suspended in air that came from anywhere was a human girl's voice.

「Thank you very much. Neight by himself would never had been able to call me out. It is surely because you were there that I am now here. In Neight's place, Thank you. If you able to do so, give your help to this child afterwards as well.」

This... Child? That is not the mood of a normal speaking style. Almost like you are speaking with regards to your own child. In regards to the way this True Spirit uses human words isn't it probably inappropriate?

Are you sure you'd like to ask about that? You'll be perplexed before long, Kluelu your body is so light. Without any warning, the Night Colored Dragon grabs us in his forefeet and flaps it's wings.

"Wa, Wait, transport us more carefully!"

While still burdened with Neigh, I held onto Arma's name. Because of the speed as well as the very unstable footing, though it was a short distance it felt like it would immediately be the end if we were to fall out. That more than anything, this dragon's way of flying is clumsy. It isn't used to it huh? If I were to compare the way he brought me here to the Bird God of Dawn, it was way worse.

「It has been a long time since he's flown huh?」

She said such a brazen thing with while having such an innocent expression.

I no longer have any doubt. I thoroughly understand that this Dragon is a recited creature.

"....This giant flying lizard"

『Do you have something to say?』

This companion would always constantly return my questions, Kluelu shook her head side to side in resignation.

"Nothing. More importantly, If you are big like that then come out in the first place!"

『Myself and the〈Woman of Origin〉are associated type recitations. To recite out one wing is the best of my ability. I can't call out another wing again so soon.』

This was the first time she had heard of such a special type. But besides the eyes still being closed, there is something I must ask.

"......Just who is that True Spirit?"

Below while standing still was the True Spirit of Night. Somehow it was different. What was different I didn't know. However it was a different mood from the Bird God who was there a moment ago and also from this Night Colored Lizard. While temporarily both human and True Spirit a separating line existed, as for that True Spirit it was like she was standing on that line.

"Evhe, you already said that didn't you, is that the True Spirit's name?"

『That isn't a name. Evhe、is the name I personally threw away. As for my daughter, I gave that name to her.』

From the low altitude flying, the jet black dragon suddenly increased altitude..

In spite of being close to one's ears a roar sounded on the wind, this True Spirit's voice retained it's vividness.

『Evheーーー〈Woman of Origin〉who brought the Night Colored Recital into this world.』

Night Colored Recitation into this world? With that reply, she fixes her eyes on the boy carried on her back.

"Yes, because isn't that Neight's?"

『It seems you also had heard. The one who constructed the Night Colored Recitations was not Neight, it was his mother.』

More and more I don't understand the significance. Neight's mother should be dead, To say she used Night Colored Recitations I understand but, why because of that is the True Spirit of Night's name Evhe?

Before you inquire about that before, quickly tell the other person what information you want to be conveyed.

『Your ears are closed. I've got things to do』

"。。。。things to do?"


That excessively concise word caused my whole body to shake with fright.
Roar you say, wa... wait a minute! My left hand is injured and my right hand is carrying Neight!

If you can, do it with some moderation because I can't plug up something like my earsーー

Her wish is in vain, Kluelu lost consciousness for a moment when the Jet Black Dragon let loose it's roar.

One Wing Master (Transient Master) ------- My Name is <Fang Stripping Being (Amadeus) > 『O she saira qersonie Laspha --- Armadeus 。』

『Lonely Night's Daughter of Darkness attract, invite this legitimate successor. Night's Recital Obey, Furthermore I make that known to the world!』

That voice was not heard just at the school, it extended as far as the extreme ends of the world.

High in the sky the dragon flapping its wings did not give chase, The hydra set their sights on the small True Spirit who is remaining above ground.

I also smell a dangerous scent from that giantic dragon. But what is really unpleasant is, this small True Spirit that is standing still before my eyes.

It is from this True Spirit for sure, I can sense something threatening us.

The Hydra spits out a scorching hot long breath and the campus changes once again to a sea of flames. The place that the True Spirit of Night was at up until now completely burns up.

There is no evidence, The True Spirit of Night disappeared just before from the place she was standing in. Not enough, the hydra so judged just before.

「Too bad, but this school is also an important place to me」

This hydra heard this voice coming from overhead. The voice's direction was an enemy to rely on, five necks turn while they search, staring at their surroundings.

「Coming along and doing whatever you please, Let me give you the thanks for that!」

Before long. 10 eyes became glued to to the end of the campus. Above ground easily 20 meters in height.

The Jet Black True Spirit was soaring just above the iron light pole established on campus.

◊ ◊ ◊

"Say Miller, are we seeing a dream?"

Zessel forgot to wipe the sweat running down his face, he keeps looking up at the dragon overhead. In the middle of the Night Colored curtain, a jet black dragon flaps its wings in empty air. The excessively giantic heroic dragon. It shouldn't be a mistake that it is recital creature but, just what color is that True Spirit?

"。。。。。。I remembered a thing from long ago! A thing from terribly long ago however, you know"

A teacher who wore glasses sighs.

"How unexpected. So did I"

They forgot to blink at the Night Colored True Spirit, Zessel also spilled another sighed.

The half stagnant memories in the innermost part played, the words that have slept for more than 10 years are resurrected.

ーーーWhat I want to talk about is, Night Colored Recitations.

Elfand period of learning, In the class there was merely one person, a girl was there who had not a single friend that sat at the edge of the classroom. I devoted myself to red colored recitations, Miller to blue colored recitations, Ains to white colored recitations The girl was the only being who was persuing with strenuous effort for an unaquired color.

However, There's no way, first of all supposing she did complete the Night Colored Recitations, if she did that it should have been ok for her name to be resounded throughout the world. To the same degree that the Rainbow Colored Recitals is.


The Jet Black Dragon howled at that moment.

One Wing Master (Transient Master) ------- My Name is <Fang Stripping Being (Amadeus) > 『O she saira qersonie Laspha --- Armadeus 。』

『Lonely Night's Daughter of Darkness attract, invite this legitimate successor. Night's Recital Obey, Furthermore I make that known to the world!』

Night's Recital obey-------

Lonely night's daughter of darkness-----------

No Way......

".....Haa, Ahahahahaaa, how can this be!"

His hand was at his forehead, Zessel let out a laugh with a large voice. From the end of his eyes something overflows.

She only had her self deriding smile. The girl had been treated like a fool. inside the classroom. The girl was neglected by the teachers and the school. In spite of all that, are you saying that she will reach out her hand to protect this school?

Should I praise you? Or should I mourn you? What on earth would be good for me to do.

What have we----------

"I, Just how foolish have I been I wonder"

".....Jessica sensei?"

Elfand period's honored teachers were supposed to give guidance to the pupils inside the school building.

"You....... You were right, weren't you. Evhemary"

Without even wiping his tears, That Head Teacher just wholeheartedly kept repeatedly calling out his former student's name.

◊ ◊ ◊

"S.... Say, why did you suddenly shout!"

Kluele's hand covered her still buzzing ears.... or not, Kluele roared back, "IF I COVERED MY EARS IT WOULD BE A TERRIBLE DISASTER!."

『The girl who knew her time of death. If only that story was rolling anywhere in the world. But humans generally receive that in that place, my daughter hated that fate. I am disappearing with nothing remaining, now for what purpose should I exist? ーーー as for the girl, she tried to leave something in this world that could be said to be proof that she existed.』

Compared to the roar just before, the silence was just as long. Arma spoke in a surpressed voice like he was speaking to himself.

『What the girl kept her eye on was the Night Colored Recitations To accomplish something new, so my daughter thought. Studying all alone while her body was said to be whittled away. She half completed the finishing touches of her new Recitation Formula in her own way, but it was already to late because of the disease eating into the girl's body. In the middle of her nightmare, anxious whether it would be in time, the girl met by chance a single boy. That encounter, literally changed the girl's fate』

Lost while choosing the most appropriate words. The blank space really gave me the impression that he would open and continue.

『An chance encounter in their own way, the boy challenged my daughter to a contest. Though would saying challenge be appropriate I wonder. It was a bet to see who learn their own recital formula first.』

"That is, why did something like changing her fate happen?"

『The girl was fulfilled. Until now she had no choice but to be lonely. She knew her time of death therefore she did not associate with another person. She had found a companion who gave approval to herself. The person who gave her approval, that is to say the existence of someone who is remembering her. Then it is no longer necessary for the sake of the proof of her existence to create the recital formula. Hereafter, the girl's feelings began to sway.』

Kluelu also knows that feeling, to the point of pain. Also the reason that girl can grow used to that kindness, I understand.

A few days ago, I gathered the same experience myself.

ーーーーーーAbsolutely Kluelu-san, I think your recitation domain suits you very wellーーーーー

If just one person who gives their approval exists, how much comfort can you gain?

『He gave to me so that I could be healed of my isolation from others、I also want to be healed. That was the conclusion that the girl had arrived at. The world turns, I want to call out to the one who possesses a similar hardship. but even though she wanted to do that, my daughter herself did not have very much life remaining. Was the first priority learning the recitation formula or protecting her promise with the boy, which was her real intention? However no matter how they tried, both parties could not do this simultaneously. Thereforeーーー』

Chatterbox, my swaying crescent moon shaped eyes are hazy.

『For the sake of accomplishing both, the girl threw away her name』

Regret. Indecision. Envy. Lamentation. Just how much many emotions were mixing in those eyes? In spite of seeing it from so close, Kluelu did not understand.

『Recitals and my desired "thing" to recite out. Then, could there not a circumstance in which after my death someone could recite me out? Or so my daughter thought. She constructed the recitation formula, to personally become that rulerーーー in other words, consequently she became a True Spirit』

Such a thing, is that really even possible? That isn't something that I could immediately believe.

ーーーAnd yet, why is it.

Coming from a partner who comes and tells you so, that is unpleasant but it is like it makes me believe. No, it makes me feels like I can't "not" believe, it has a cold and beautiful sadness.

"That, was that story in reality.....?"

『Who knows if it is or isn't. I don't have else to say, it is possible that it is merely a fairy-tail. ...........But』

The Dragon's mouth faintly softened. It did not have the skillful facial expressions to the extent of a human. but Kluelu understood. Certainly that was a smile

『The roar just now was that daughter's, the selection was from me.』

That daughter you say. Really before I ask that, this time for sure Kluelu shut her mouth.

『Well let's do a clean sweep of those Chimera right now! Hold on tight!』

Right now? Let us take part in?

Don't joke with me. What! Just merely flying is so scary with your awkward aviation, in spite of that you will do air combat after this? No matter how many lives I have, there is no way that I will have enough for this!

『Is this not a good opportunity to prove that oneself is merely a lizard?』

「。。。。。You did not listen reliably. This Night Colored gigantic flying lizard with wings.....」

She was broadly grinning. Her smile before was different, the True Spirit was wearing an expression that was obviously a mischievous smile.

Well now.....

From above the iron pole, the Night Colored True Spirit surveyed the academy. The climbing flames are in every direction. The School building and other buildings also haphazardly been broken. There seem to be a considerable amount remaining of the Chimera's hiding high in the sky. Well how dare those things rampage as far as this place.

ーーーーPlease protect this school.

That is the That Child'sRecitation Being's wish. The True Spirit had been recited out because of that duty it ought to accomplish. But moreover there was one more thing added. If there is personal feeling / emotion mixed in, it is because this Hydra committed one more unforgivable crime.

「Yes... The, reason, she, broke, her, arm, was, your, fault!」

「Even though it is said to be their first reunion in ten odd years, That crime of doing something that disgraceful is heavy!」

The 〈Woman of Origin〉kicked the iron pole and floated in the air.

It was a voice filled with anger, but it included a faint feeling of delight.