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Tras esos eventos y mi algo penosa explicación, estuve charlando con Aisha durante un rato en el que me contó lo que estuvo haciendo durante estos últimos 2 años.
Tras esos eventos y mi algo penosa explicación, estuve charlando con Aisha durante un rato en el que me contó lo que estuvo haciendo durante estos últimos 2 años.
Escuché su versión de la historia, y aunque en algunas partes acabó siendo un tanto insuficiente, pero más o menos comprendí por encima lo ocurrido.
Escuché su versión de la historia, y aunque en algunas partes acabó siendo un tanto insuficiente, más o menos comprendí por encima lo ocurrido.
Por lo visto, tanto ella como Lilia fueron teletransportadas al palacio real de este pais, y como era de esperar, las encarcelaron debido a que eran intrusas. Gracias a que Lilia les informó de algunas cosas que Aisha no supo explicarme, las dejaron simplemente capturadas en una especie de arresto domiciliario dentro del palacio.
Por lo visto, tanto ella como Lilia fueron teletransportadas al palacio real de este país, y como era de esperar, las encarcelaron debido a que eran intrusas. Gracias a que Lilia les informó de algunas cosas que Aisha no supo explicarme, las dejaron simplemente capturadas en una especie de arresto domiciliario dentro del palacio.
Tenían una extraña relación de tomaidaca, pero Aisha no la comprendía completamente, aunque parece ser que el acuerdo no les permitía mandar cartas al exterior, aunque tampoco le hicieron nada espeluznante ni a Lilia ni a Aisha.
Tenían una extraña relación de tomaidaca, pero Aisha no la comprendía completamente, aunque parece ser que el acuerdo no les permitía mandar cartas al exterior, aunque tampoco le hicieron nada espeluznante ni a Lilia ni a Aisha.

Revision as of 17:16, 11 July 2015

Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por Dark Kaito.

Traducido por Sergiocamjur (talk) 22:07, 10 July 2015 (UTC)

Volumen 06 Capítulo 54 - La Ausencia de Dios

1ª Parte

Tras nuestra catapultada escapada, Aisha estuvo llorando durante un rato, gimoteando y moqueando mientras sus dientes no paraban de repiquetear entre temblores, hasta el punto de que llegó a orinarse encima.

La comprendo bien, si un hombre siniestro me levantara a la fuerza por el cuello de la camisa amenazantemente, puede que no me meara encima, pero sin duda me empezarían a temblar las piernas... bueno, puede que se me escapara alguna gotita[1].

Pero volviendo a los 2 caballeros, es cierto que parecían ser bastante bien amanerados y hasta cordiales, aunque es posible que el estímulo de verse capturado por ellos hubiera sido demasiado para una pequeña de 5-6 años. Teniendo en cuenta la diferencia de edad y físico, es normal que sintiera pánico al verse capturada por hombres de media edad vestidos con armadura.

Una vez llegados a una edad no es lo mismo, pero siendo pequeños, como por ejemplo, cuando estás en Primaria, si vieras un grupo de chicos de secundaria en una zona del patio, te sentirías algo cohibido aunque no estuvieran vestidos como gamberros. Pues imagínate cuando son un par de caballeros, no me cabe duda de que debe haber acabado aterrado.

Me gustaría pensar que no ha sido debido a que escuchara como mis 2 piernas se partían como ramas con un fuerte crack al tocar el suelo; las curé de inmediato con magia, pero no puedo negar que dolió mucho.

Llegamos a la posada en la que me alojaba con Ruijerd y Eris, aunque cuando regresé, no había rastro de ninguno de los 2.

Seguramente estén todavía reuniendo información y regresarán para la noche.

Pero actualmente, estoy experimentando una misteriosa vivencia.

Nada más llegar a la habitación, ayudé a Aisha a cambiarse de ropa, le quité su atuendo de criada algo grande para ella, despegué de su piel la ropa interior que llevaba puesta, la ayudé a limpiar con agua tibia todo su aún no desarrollado cuerpo y le presté la camiseta del pijama que suelo usar. Por supuesto, hice todo lo posible para hacer como si no me hubiera dado cuenta de que se había orinado encima y limpié la prenda de ropa en una tina que teníamos para la ropa sucia.

Pero la cosa es, que en mis manos se encuentra la ropa interior de una niña de Primaria, mientras me encuentro sentado en una tina con jabón para hacer esa colada. Si mi yo anterior hubiera vivido una escena similar, con todo lo que conlleva, no me cabe duda de que me habría excitado enormemente.

¿No me crees? Pues míralo de este modo. A pocos metros de mí, hay una pequeña gimoteante en la cama a la que he tenido desnuda durante un rato mientras la lavaba y que ahora lleva puesta una camiseta ancha mía, mientras yo estoy a punto de lavar una prenda de ropa todavía caliente y que ha sufrido un percance. Cabe destacar que la pequeña ahora mismo no lleva ropa interior......[2]

Pero debido a que soy un caballero, me encuentro ante un enorme dilema; me gustaría ayudarle ofreciéndole unas bragas de Eris, pero no se me permite acercarme a ellas, ese cajón tiene una pegatina de No se permiten Ludeuses en este establecimiento.

Bueno, no es una pegatina, pero sí es una de las reglas principales de Dead End... por urgente que sea la situación en la que nos encontramos, cómo voy a saltarme esa regla y explorar sus pertenencias cuando no se encuentra en la habitación para buscar unas bragas para ofrecérselas a la pequeña... solo de pensarlo me pongo a temblar.

Si rompiera esa regla, Ruijerd no vendría en mi ayuda cuando una Eris con los ojos inyectados en sangre viniera hacia mí para matarme y me odiara durante al menos 3 días; aunque realmente el problema sería que me destrozaría la cara a base de puñetazos hasta dejármela deformada y que sería incapaz de saborear la comida durante esos 3 días o más.

Bueno, en realidad siempre podría curarme la cara con magia... aunque es posible que me la volviera a destrozar. PERO lo importante es que me encuentro en una situación en la que no me extrañaría que mi bestia salvaje interior se pusiera a aullar... pero no, mi corazón está como la superficie de un lago en medio de un bosque inhabitado, totalmente en calma; aun sin contar el hecho de que me excite o no, en mi lago no hay ni una sola ola, y simplemente está cristalino y en calma. Que cosa tan rara...

El único sentimiento que tuve al lavar a la pobre y llorosa Aisha es que es una jovencita en apuros que necesita calmarse, nada a parte de eso.

A ver si he eliminado toda impureza de mi cuerpo y me he convertido en Budha.... ¿o qué se yo? Lo mismo tanto ganarme la ira imperial de Eris ha hecho que mi pequeño Pokemon pierda sus ganas de luchar. Quizás tuve una experiencia aterradora y mi mente selló mis recuerdos...... No creo... no debe... ¡imposible! Un trauma así no sería suficiente para detenerme, ¿estás bien, hijo mío?

Y mientras andaba enfrascado en estos pensamientos, la colada terminó antes de que me diera cuenta, y me encontraba colocando correctamente las braguitas de lino sin ningún sex-appeal y el atuendo de criada; he de decir que ambas prendas están hechas de materiales de una calidad más que aceptable.

Le entregué a Aisha su ropa y pude comprobar que hacía poco que había dejado de llorar, y ahora estaba cambiándose de ropa algo más animada. A lo que yo le prestaba toda mi atención, principalmente por lo extraño de no sentir ningún tipo de excitación.

Quizás este cuerpo sea incapaz de tener pensamientos impuros por familiares... qué cosas, en mi anterior vida no tuve ningún tipo de reparo siempre y cuando fuera mujer. Veo que la vida está llena de sorpresas.

2ª Parte

"¡Me llamo Aisha Greyrat! ¡Le agradezco mucho lo que hizo por mí, señor!"

Aisha inclinó su cabeza para agradecerme la ayuda vestida ahora con su algo amplio traje de sirvienta. El movimiento hizo que su coleta de cola de caballo se agitara siguiendo el ritmo.

Las coletas son geniales... De vez en cuando he visto a Eris cogerse el pelo en una coleta, pero la suya se parece más a la de una atleta; algo que para nada me disgusta. Pero la que lleva Aisha y el encanto que emana de ella es distinto, la de la pequeña es adorable en extremo, como si fuera una muñeca encantadora; aunque claro, como tiene los ojos bastante rojos de tanto llorar, se asemeja más a una muñeca maldita...

Tras alzar su rostro dio un paso hacia mí, quedándose a escasos centímetros de mí. Demasiado cerca.

"¡Si no hubiera venido en mi ayuda, valiente caballero, no me cabe duda de que esos hombres me habrían llevado con ellos a la fuerza!"

Al escuchar la forma en la que me llamó valiente caballero, recordé que me había presentado al final como caballero de la Umbra Lunar delante de ella, lo que hizo que corriera por mi espalda un chorro de sudor frío.

Después de mi charla con Eris al final me dejé llevar por esto de los nombres falsos... Mierda... a mi edad no me moriré de vergüenza en una situación como esta, pero... siento que dentro de 10 años esto acabará convirtiéndose en un chiste conmigo de víctima.

Estos pensamientos me hicieron arrepentirme de dar un nombre tan vergonzoso.

"Le doy las gracias de corazón."

Aisha repitió su reverencia una segunda vez.

¿Cuántos años tenía Aisha? 6, ¿no? Vaya, todavía es una niña, pero veo que es muy educada.

"¡Pero aunque me haya salvado, me gustaría importunarle una vez más con una petición! ¿Me permite la impertinencia?"


¿Ha dicho Importunarme? Veo que ha aprendido palabras complicadas para su edad...

Según lo que me contó Paul, Lilia le estuvo dando una educación especial desde muy pequeña debido a lo lista que era.

"¡Me gustaría pedirle que me prestara material para escribir una carta y que además me indicara dónde se encuentra el gremio de aventureros! ¡Se lo pido por favor!"

Tras decirme esto, volvió a inclinar la cabeza a modo de reverencia.

Mírala... pidiéndome favores como si fuera toda una adulta, lo hace bastante bien; es una niña educada. Aunque parece que todavía le faltan cosas por aprender.

"¿Solo con esas 2 cosas será suficiente? ¿Tienes dinero?"

"...¡No tengo dinero, señor!"

"¿No te dijo tu madre que para mandar una carta te hacían falta tanto materiales para escribirla como dinero para mandarla?"

Soy de los que opinan que debe enseñársele a los niños la importancia del dinero desde una edad temprana; aunque en verdad me extraña que Lilia no lo hubiera hecho ya. Quizás hay cosas que no se entienden aunque se expliquen y cosas que simplemente no se pueden explicar aun.

"Mi madre me enseñó que si una niñita como yo dice con una mirada de corderito Quisiera enviar una carta a mi padre, por favor, lo logrará aunque no tenga dinero."

Hostia... Guau, Lilia-san, mira que eres... ¿Pero qué le estás enseñando a tu propia hija? ¿De verdad pretendías enseñarle a usar sus armas de mujer? Ahora que la he oído decirme eso, casi que todo cuanto hace parece una farsa... su forma de comportarse, sus gestos, sus palabras... En serio, ¿qué le has estado enseñando, Lilia...?

"¡Llevamos tiempo intentando ponernos en contacto con papá, pero los hombres del castillo dicen que no está permitido y no nos dejan ni mandar una carta!"

Por su historia, comprendo que Lilia está detenida en el castillo y que no le dejan mandar una carta a ninguna de las 2.

¿La habrán tratado indebidamente? Es fácil de ver de esa forma ya que Hitogami me dijo que las salvara.... Como esto acabe en un evento NTR[3] dudo que a Paul le guste la idea.

"¿Acaso no hay otras personas en las que puedas confiar a parte de tu padre?"

"¡No las hay!"

"No sé, por ejemplo, quizás... ah sí, ¿una joven de pelo azul... o quizás algún hermano mayor al que puedas pedirle ayuda?"

Tras mi mención casual, Aisha enarcó una ceja como si algo de lo que hubiera dicho le hubiera molestado.

¿Y eso?

"Tengo un hermano mayor, pero..."

"¿Tienes uno? ¿Pero?"

"No se puede confiar en él."

¡¿Cómo que no?! ¡Pero si ese hermano mayor acaba de rescatarte impecablemente!

"¿T-Te importaría contarme el motivo de tus palabras?"

"¡¿El motivo?! ¡Claro, mi madre me ha hablado en detalle de mi hermano."


"¡Pero todo lo que me dijo era totalmente increíble! ¡Como por ejemplo, cuando empezó a usar magia de nivel Intermedio con 3 años, o cuando se convirtió en mago Santo con 5! ¡Por si fuera poco, ¿me dijo que se convirtió en el tutor particular de la hija del Lord de la provincia con 7?! ¡No solo son cosas increíbles, todo eso es imposible, está claro que son mentiras!"

¿Que no puedes creerlo...? Bueno... imagino que es normal.

"Pero ¿quién sabe? Lo mismo es un buen hermanito y se puede confiar en él, ¿no?"

"¡Imposible que eso sea cierto!"

"¿P-por qué?"

"En nuestra casa había una cajita que mi madre trataba como algo importante; siempre me dijo que no me acercara a ella ni que viera el contenido por algún motivo. Por lo visto, contenía algo preciado de mi hermano mayor."

... ¿Una cajita?... ah, ahora que lo dice... recuerdo que Paul comentó de pasada un pequeño cofre que Lilia llevaba con ella.

"Y un día, aprovechando que mi madre no estaba en casa, la abrí en secreto y vi el contenido. ¡¿Qué crees que había dentro?!"

"P-pues... no lo sé, la verdad."

"Ropa interior, en concreto, unas braguitas de mujer; que además eran bastante pequeñas y según mis cálculos, debían ser de una niña de unos 14 años. Y ni en casa ni en el pueblo había ninguna chica que encajara con esa edad, llegué hasta pensar que en lugar de un hermano tenía una hermana, pero era difícil de creer. Al final, conseguí pensar una persona que encajara con el tamaño de la prenda, y resultó ser la maestra particular de mi hermano, una mujer llamada Roxy. Resulta que cuando mi hermano mayor tenía 4 o 5 años, trató las bragas de una mujer bastante mayor que él como si fuera un artefacto religioso."

¿¿Según tus cálculos?? P-P-Pero... ¿no es esta niña un poco demasiado lista para su edad? Como mucho tendrá 6 años, ¿no es así?... Cómo digo esto... por algún motivo, no parece que me lleve tantos años con esta niña pequeña.

"Pero... no sé... existe la posibilidad de que sea alguna clase de malentendido, ¿no es cierto?"

"No, porque conseguí que mi madre me contara todos los detalles. Por lo visto, mi hermano hacía lo que venía en gana, desde espiar a esa tal Roxy mientras se lavaba o mirar a hurtadillas a mis padres mientras mantenían relaciones; parece que mi madre intentaba ocultarme todo esto. ¡No me cabe la menor duda duda de que mi hermano mayor es un hentai-san[4] (Pervertido)!"

¡Hentai-san!¡Hentai-san!¡Hentai-san!..... ¡No me cabe la menor duda duda de que mi hermano mayor es un hentai-san!san-san-san Y para terminar... ¡Es un Hentai-san! ¡Te lo suplico, para de una vez, la cordura de Ludeus ha bajado a 0 y ha acabado en el manicomio de Arkham[5]!

"Y-Ya veo, así que tu hermano mayor es un hentai...uh, menudo problema, jajaja..."

Por mucho que digan que se recoge lo que se siembra... pero esto es demasiado... joder, ¿cómo ha podido pasar esto...? Ahora todo tiene sentido, por eso Hitogami me dijo que no diera mi nombre... Todo tiene sentido ahora, pero vamos, seguro que se lo tiene que estar pasando genial...

"Por cierto, señor caballero, ¿cómo se llama realmente?"

"Es un secreto, aunque me conocen como El Amo y Señor de Dead End."

Respondí intentando no dejar ver mis pensamientos ni emociones. Parece que voy a tener que tomarme mi tiempo para decirle que soy el hermano mayor del que hablábamos.

....En cuanto lo haga, me verá como un pervertido...

"Oh... así que El Amo y Señor... ¡Suena chulo! ¿Acaso es porque puedes usar magia de invocación?"

"No, simplemente tengo a mi cargo a 2 perros feroces."

"¡¿De verdad?! ¡Genial!"

Aisha me miraba con ojos brillantes, casi como si fuera un cachorrillo, aunque en realidad era un cachorrillo al que acababa de engañar.

Ah... me retuerce el corazón.... Pero por el momento, todo va saliendo más o menos bien, y si le revelera que soy su hermano mayor, es más que probable que dejara de hacerme caso. Es más, si todo va como hasta ahora, escuchará todo lo que El Amo y Señor de Dead End le diga; de ese modo, mientras oculto mi identidad, podría rescatar a Lilia de una forma heroica para conseguir que Aisha sienta respeto por mí. Si todo va como lo tengo previsto, cuando descubra que en realidad soy su hermano mayor, su opinión de mí pasará de un extremo al otro.

"De acuerdo, en ese caso, yo iré a rescatar a tu madre."


Tras esta declaración, Aisha pareció mostrarse totalmente anonadada.


"Por favor, confía en mí."

Y así fue como me reencontré con Aisha. Por mala impresión que tenga de mí, no es como con Norn, que vio como le daba una paliza a nuestro padre delante suya.

Aunque me considere un pervertido por haber adorado la ropa interior de Roxy, ¿qué más da? Ya llegará el día en que comprenda mi devoción. ¡Al final comprenderá que todos los seres humanos necesitan algo en lo que tener fe! Pero vaya... mira que ser capaz de enlazar bragas=pervertido a su edad... No tiene edad ni para enlazar deseo sexual con ropa interior, es más, es cuestionable el hecho de que pueda siquiera comprender lo que es el deseo sexual... ¿Quién le habrá enseñado esas cosas? Le daré una paliza a cualquier desgraciado que le haya enseñado esas cosas extrañas a mi hermana pequeña.

"Por cierto, Amo y Señor-san."

"¿Qué ocurre?

"¡¿Cómo supiste mi nombre antes de que te lo dijera?!"

Tras esa pregunta y durante un rato, me dediqué a inventarme desesperadamente un motivo que lo explicara.

Lo dejaré a vuestra imaginación.

3ª Parte

Tras esos eventos y mi algo penosa explicación, estuve charlando con Aisha durante un rato en el que me contó lo que estuvo haciendo durante estos últimos 2 años.

Escuché su versión de la historia, y aunque en algunas partes acabó siendo un tanto insuficiente, más o menos comprendí por encima lo ocurrido.

Por lo visto, tanto ella como Lilia fueron teletransportadas al palacio real de este país, y como era de esperar, las encarcelaron debido a que eran intrusas. Gracias a que Lilia les informó de algunas cosas que Aisha no supo explicarme, las dejaron simplemente capturadas en una especie de arresto domiciliario dentro del palacio.

Tenían una extraña relación de tomaidaca, pero Aisha no la comprendía completamente, aunque parece ser que el acuerdo no les permitía mandar cartas al exterior, aunque tampoco le hicieron nada espeluznante ni a Lilia ni a Aisha.

Imagino que el acuerdo no iba relacionado con favores sexuales de ningún tipo; aunque claro, Aisha no sabe mucho al respecto, así que es posible que cada noche Lilia tuviera que acercarse a alguna habitación. Si no lo recuerdo mal, Lilia todavía era bastante joven (aunque creo que era mayor que Paul, por lo que unos treintaitantos...), pero no posee un atractivo tan alto como el de Zenith, quizás por ello no atrajo tanto la atención de los habitantes del palacio.

Aun así, seguían considerándolas sospechosas por lo que el arresto domiciliario continuó, pero de por sí, este hecho es bastante extraño. Ya han pasado 2 años y medio desde el teletransporte, ¿de verdad la han mantenido retenidas durante todo este tiempo sin eliminar las sospechas? Da la impresión de que hay alguna circunstancia especial que desconozco... además, ahora que caigo, Aisha no ha mencionado a Roxy en ningún momento... ¿Es posible que Roxy no haya hecho nada por ayudar a Lilia? ... O quizás... el hecho de que pidiera que las liberaran hizo que simplemente acabaran en este arresto domiciliario.

En cualquier caso, tras escuchar a Aisha, actualmente me encuentro esperando la respuesta de Roxy; ya que con su testimonio, seguramente todas las piezas de este rompecabezas se acaben organizando y resolviendo todas mis dudas.

Y por cierto, el motivo por lo que ocurrió el evento de Aisha con los guardias se debió a que la pequeña intentó enviarle una carta a Paul pidiéndole ayuda. En ese momento, acabó perdiéndose y decidió seguir a una persona que fuera vestida como un aventurero para que le enseñara el camino hasta el gremio; esa persona resulté ser yo.

Ese tipo de coincidencias son bastante aterradoras... aunque claro, seguramente se deba al influjo de Hitogami.

4ª Parte

Tras contarme su historia, Aisha me pidió que le contara la mía.

"Ohh, así que El Amo y Señor ha llegado hasta aquí desde el continente demoniaco."

"Así es, acabé allí debido a la teletransportación de la provincia de Fedora."

"¿Y a qué te dedicabas antes del incidente?"

"Era un tutor particular. Me dedicaba a enseñarle magia a la hija de un noble."

"Ya veo, ¿y en qué ciudad te alojabas?"

"En Roa."

"¡Ohh, allí es donde se supone que estaba mi hermano mayor! ¡Es posible que hasta os hayáis cruzado en esa ciudad, ¿no es así?!"

"T-tienes razón, sí, supongo que existe una posibilidad minúscula de que eso haya ocurrido..."

No puedo ver su forma de hablar y expresarse como la propia de una niña de su edad, aunque quizás se deba a que intenta comportarse como un adulto.

In any case, it seems that Aisha learned a variety of things from Lilia.

Common sense, manner etiquette, wisdom that would be useful in life, essential points of being a maid, etc.

Even I find it mysterious if she can understand everything at this young age, but at the very least she was able to explain it to a degree that I could understand.

She's clever, this child. Seriously.

She's had the power to absorb everything taught to her like a sponge from the time she was small.

I wonder what she will be like in the future.

I wonder if I'll be able to maintain my dignity as an older brother.

"If you're speaking about a noble young lady, then there might be a similar contact point with my older brother’s employer, have you heard anything?"

"N-No, I was limited in information, things about such a person are..."

"Is that so. I wanted to hear about the impression of my older brother from The Owner-san."

"Umm, I've only heard rumors that the young lady of the lord was so violent she was out of everyone's hands."

Here the feeling to leak information about myself sprouted, but I strongly endure it.

It's going to be exposed after anyways.

If at the time she finds out it was a self-created story, her impression of me will drop after all.

After that, since I told her all sorts of things about the Magic Continent, we talked in detail.

For a child of this age, I thought talking about anything would be fine, but strangely she didn't get attached to the topics.

It might be because Aisha's conversation ability is high.

While thinking that, I genuinely enjoyed talking with my little sister on our mostly first meeting.

After a while, Aisha got tired and fell asleep.

Eris and Ruijerd returned after the sun had set.

After asking the two who seemed to have slightly tired expressions, it seems they went all the way to the slums to gather information, and got into a number of fights.

Another fight it seems.

The unapologetic duo.

Well, it's the same as always. I won't bother asking in detail.

Everyone makes mistakes, I do too, if something happens it's fine if we help each other.

I talked about how I met Aisha in the town and how Lilia is being held captive in the castle.

It seems a variety of things are suspicious.

Also, along with that I told them about the fact that I'm hiding my name.

I paid special care to the fact that they don't let Aisha find out that my identity is Rudeus.

"Why are you doing something so roundabout?"

"It appears that, she has learned some mistaken knowledge about her older brother, so I want to show her my cool parts in order to correct that recognition."

"Hnnn, I already think you're cool just as you are though?"


After hearing her say something that made me happy, a "Good man" smile rose to the surface.

And then Eris suddenly took a step backwards.

"Uuuu... Why do you make that creepy face when I praise you!?"

It seems my triumphant face looks creepy.

It's a bit of a shock.

Someone please give me a new face.

"However, since that's the case it's an attack from now on right!"

"It's been a while since I last attacked a castle..."

Eris brought that up full of eagerness.

Even Ruijerd raised his spear.

I stopped the two in a panic.

"No, for the time being let's wait for a reply from Roxy."

After saying that, Eris made an extremely bored face.

As always she seems to like acting violently.

Rather than difficult thinking, attacking the castle and carrying off Lilia is certainly a simpler method, but if we were to cause trouble for Roxy then I wouldn't be able to face her.

First off we need to attentively confirm the situation.

It's absolutely not because of a reason like wanting to meet with Roxy.

While I was thinking about that, the day ended.

Part 5

The next day.

It was almost noon.

Soldiers came to the inn.

Soldiers wearing the same outfit as the ones trying to capture Aisha yesterday.

Just in case I left Aisha in the room and interacted with them in the lobby of the inn.

I left Eris and Ruijerd in the room just in case.

"Are you Rudeus-dono?"


"I am the imperial guard attached to the seventh prince of Shirone, Ginger. Pleased to meet you."

"Thank you for the polite introduction. I'm Rudeus Greyrat."

There was one soldier and it was a woman.

After seeing my face her complexion didn't change a bit, and she gave a knight styled greeting and bow.

I responded as well using a noble style greeting.

I don't actually know how I should reply to such greetings, but anyways it's fine as long as the sincerity is conveyed.

"Roxy-dono is calling for you, would you please accompany me to the Royal Palace?"

In regards to me who is a child no matter how you look at it, she's considerably courteous in manner.

It wasn't like she was specifically hiding her face, but it seems like her mask wasn't split.

However, a prince's imperial guard, huh.

Why an imperial guard is what I was thinking, but I did know that Roxy was serving as a home teacher for the prince.

Then, it's not all that strange.


After being asked to accompany her, I hesitated.

I wonder what I should do with Aisha.

If I were to bring Aisha along then the fact that I attacked a knight would probably be exposed.

After all, the fact that I sent a rock bullet flying could have been a mistake.

...Alright, here we'll have Aisha look after the house.

If I have Roxy become a buffer and just talk with them then properly apologize, it should be fine.

After I decided that, I told them to absolutely not let Aisha leave the room, and left Eris and Ruijerd as her guards.

And then, a grooming check for the sake of meeting Roxy.

Making sure my hair isn't messy and my clothes are fine as the usual robe.

Ah, that's right, pastries or such are essential as well.

I wonder what would be fine to bring when meeting my shisho for the first time in a while in this world.

And there I found the unpopular first edition Ruijerd doll in the bottom of my tool bag.

Come to think of it, in a letter Roxy once mentioned the Roxy doll, had reached where she was.

If I show her this doll and say "Actually it was my work" then it might be amusing.

"Considerably careful aren't you."

"It's the first time I've met my shisho in a while after all."

"...You're going to properly introduce us right?"

"Yeah, of course."

While having that exchange with Eris, I completed preparations.

"Are you going to be alright alone?"

Ruijerd said that in a somewhat worried voice.

Problems always seem to occur when I'm alone after all.

I understand his worried feelings.

"There's no problem. If anything happens I'll fly and run away."

With a zoom~

"The Owner-san..."

"It's alright. Please leave everything to me."

I patted and caressed Aisha's head as she was making a worried face, she tightly shut her mouth and nodded.

Alright, good girl.

Part 6

Led by the soldier Ginger, I was walking down the road towards the Royal Palace.

The two of us were walking with a bit of a quick pace down a small corner of the main street that carriages pass back and forth.

The main road is twisted and bent, occasionally to the extent that the pathway is too small for carriages to pass by.

I wonder if it's a counter-measure for when enemy nations are attacking.

In the Japan of my past life I've heard that the town in the region of Mino is twisted like this.


Ginger was a silent person and she doesn't talk about a single unnecessary thing.

Just, if I ask, she always opens her mouth to answer, and her manner is always polite.

"Alright, next is this guy! This guy is an ex-Washawa Country Knight! He's a slave for battle purposes! He's a bit impudent, but he's quite skilled! Starting from 3 gold coins!"

Suddenly I heard that powerful voice so I took a look in that direction.

In a location just off the main road there was a slave market.

On top of an especially high stand, almost like a balcony, there were slaves lined up.

Three human races and one beast race with ears like a rabbit.

Two men and two women.

Both the men and the women's upper body were nude, even from a distance I could see their shining skin.

In order to make the display better, they may have been covered in oil.

I wonder if that beast race was brought up from the Great Forest.

Even though I don't have the leeway or obligation to save her, it causes me to drop my eyebrows a bit.

While my eyebrows were coming a bit closer to my face, after seeing her chest my nether regions were reacting a bit.

I thought it was mysterious that I wasn't reacting to Aisha, but after all it seems I still have plenty of energy.

I could hear the merchant on the side of the slaves explain all sorts of things.

I couldn't follow the contents, but I'm sure it was the slaves’ birthplace and abilities sales points.

After a little while, I heard the voice of the audience begin to rise.

It must be an auction system.

If Lilia and Aisha as well were unlucky, they might have been lined up over there.

After thinking that, I can't really say this current situation is all that bad.

...No, in the end, since I don't know what kind of situation Lilia is in right now, I can't really say anything.

After suddenly taking a look, Ginger was raising her eyebrows after seeing the slave market.

She is one of the ones who protect the public order in this country.

It must bother her for them to do that kind of thing out in the open.

"I thought slave markets would happen deeper in the city."

I let such words flow out.

I thought this was one such topic as well.

In other towns the slave markets are always deep in the back areas.

It doesn't seem like slaves are an especially bad thing in this world, but this is the first time I've seen it going on right off the main road.

"That's right, things like that are usually done deeper in the back."

I thought she might say something loathsome, but she responded with a flat tone.

"Is there some kind of event going on today?"

"No. The other day, it seems like there was a fight between adventurers in the place the slave market was originally. And then the market became unusable, so they decided to let them temporarily use this area as the slave market."

A fight...

A fight, huh.

A fight in the slave market.

A fight caused by Eris and Ruijierd.

I have no option but to feel like there's a link between them.

I'm getting nothing but bad premonitions now.

While thinking that I looked towards the slave market, then,


Ginger grabbed onto my sides and raised me up so I could see well.

"Ah, thank you."

She's an easy person to get along with.

Her face was ordinary, and she absolutely doesn't give off the feeling of a beauty, but she notices the small details, I'm sure she'll find a good husband.

"Roxy-dono as well, when there were crowds of people she would start jumping up and down to see."

"I see."

"Yes, but when I would lift her up like this she would always make a complex face."

That scene floated into my eyes.

Roxy jumping up and down because she can't see well.

Then a soldier who lifts her up out of good intention.

Then the discouraged Roxy who asks to be let down.

"Were you able to lift Roxy-sensei up?"

"Yes, she quickly got angry and asked me to let her down though."

Of course, huh.

"Where did you hold onto?"

"Even if you ask where, just like now."

I am currently being held from just around my armpits as I'm raised up.

"What kind of feeling was it?"

"That's why I said, she made a complex face and quickly asked to be let down."

What I want to hear is about the sensation around Roxy's armpits though...

Well, it's fine.

"Please let me down."

From what I could roughly see, there wasn't anything especially interesting.

It's just the slaves who are about to be sold inside of a prison.

Since that's the case I had her put me down and we started walking towards the Royal Palace.

Suddenly I thought of it, but normally wouldn't you take a carriage to welcome someone into the Royal Palace.

Well, it's fine.

"What kind of things was Roxy-sensei doing in the Royal Palace?"

Having found a common topic, I asked Ginger.

"Normally she was teaching the prince, but during the times she was bored she would participate in the exercises with us soldiers."

Come to think of it, in the letter I received from Roxy while I was in Roa, I have a feeling something like that was written.

"If I remember correctly, it was exercises to prepare for fights with magicians, that sort of talk?"

According to the letter it was Roxy releasing magic in the middle of a melee and they were trying to ward it off, that kind of training.

If they can suddenly react to magic fired off and manage to deflect it, then it wouldn't be difficult for that to become the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

"That's correct. We're all Water God style intermediate level swordsmen, but thanks to Roxy-dono we were able to learn to deflect magic cast in an instant."

I see now, that's why the knight yesterday was able to deflect my rock bullet.

It was a bit of a shock for a common knight to deflect that, but if it's the result of Roxy's teachings I can accept it.

After that, I talked to Ginger for a short while about Roxy.

Things such as during magic training, Roxy accidentally scorched a tree and she went pale, all the soldiers were proud or during dinner when bell peppers suddenly came out she suddenly went pale, but still ate them pretending like nothing was wrong.

"I've heard stories about Rudeus-dono as well."

"Oh. Wh-what did she say?"

"A genius who can use magic with voiceless incantations at a young age."

"Sensei said such a thing?"

"Roxy-dono was often bragging about you. That child is not an existence which I really deserved to have taught."

"Dehehe, that's saying too much."

During that conversation we arrived at the castle.

It's a considerably large castle, but it's not as large as Kishirisu Castle of Rikarisu or the White Palace of Milishion.

It's about the same size as Eris's home.

In other words, this country would be about the same as a remote territory of Asura.

As expected, Asura Kingdom is amazing.


"Keep up the good work!"

Ginger lightly nodded to the guards and the guards stood themselves upright.

Come to think of it, she said she was an imperial guard?

I wonder if she's important.

"This way please."

Just as I was about to keep going straight ahead, Ginger suddenly turned to the side.

Turning around the castle, we came in through something like the back door.

"Please forgive me. Soldiers are forbidden from entering through the front gate."

"I see."

In the back entrance there was something like a soldier’s station.

In a corner of the room there were two head desks lined up, and several soldiers were sitting down playing something like cards.

After they saw Ginger they quickly stood up and maintained an upright fixed posture.


"Keep up the good work!"

Ginger made a single nod again and went further into the room.

I continued to follow along with her while giving them a side glance.

"Ginger-san is an important person it seems."

"Among the soldiers I'm #12."

#12, it's hard to determine if that's high or low...

In this country there are probably some hundreds of soldiers, after thinking that, it's probably a relatively high position.

Most likely not low.

"This way please."

Ginger continued moving further inside.

Her manner of walking felt like it got a bit more cautious.

In regards to the people we would occasionally pass she would stop her feet and use a knight style greeting.

I followed suit with a noble style greeting.

I wouldn't stand for it if they were to say Roxy's disciple wasn't taught properly after all.

The noble like people either returned a greeting, or completely ignored and continued to pass by us.

It's largely different from Eris's home.

Fundamentally, there were no greetings in the corridors there.

I wonder if Roxy felt like it was hard to breathe working in a place like this.

After getting used to these greetings, I wondered if it wouldn't bother her.

Each floor had stairs in roughly three places.

The construction is similar to Eris's home.

I'm sure there's some sort of scheme to prevent it from being invaded all at once.

However, there's no doubt it's inconvenient for normal life.

Ginger stopped at the end of a corridor.

I wonder if this is Roxy's room.

It's a considerably quiet place.

However, you could say it seems like Roxy.

Ginger came to a halt.

Suddenly she looked at my appearance and held out her hand.

"I'll hold onto your staff and belongings."

"Ah, yes."

She even goes to the point of acting as a door boy, how kind.

After receiving my belongings Ginger knocked on the door.

"It's Ginger. I've brought Rudeus-dono."


The voice that replied was a man.


While some questions were rising to mind, Ginger quickly opened the door, and led me into the room.

Just as lead, I went into the room.

"Oh... This is Rudeus, huh."


There a man was sitting, looking arrogantly.

He was a man like a small barrel.

On both of his sides were two maids.

The man was sitting awfully arrogantly, but his height was equally small.

It wasn't just his height, but his limbs were short as well.

It felt like he was pieced together out of a hobbit and a dwarf.

However, only his face was huge, it was like one belonging to an adult human race male.

That face as well, if I were to word it based on the first impression it would be, unsightly.

It was a type of face that brought a feeling of familiarity to me.

After looking to the side, I don't recognize Maid A.

She seemed to be in the latter half of her 20s, her chest size was normal, no muscles. A normal female.

Maid B had a face that was the spitting image of Lilia.

Rather, it was Lilia.

It looks like she has aged a bit after five years, but it seems like her skin has a variety of bends in it piled on top, since she got involved in that teleport incident, it can't really be helped.

And then she was sitting in a chair.

The chair itself was wrapped in rope and she had a gag in her mouth.

I don't see Roxy's appearance anywhere.

"What does this mean?"

Even while in the midst of chaos I calmed down and thought to listen.

I thought Roxy should have been here.

Ah, I see. It was a trap.

"Drop him."

I opened my demon eye at the same time as the man’s words.

One second in the future I was falling downwards.

I fell.

Part 7

Before realizing it, I was in the middle of a magic circle.

Just as he signaled the floor below my feet was pulled down, I fell into something like a pitfall.

It took a few seconds to realize that.

It's a small room.

About 6 tatami mats or so.

A magic circle was drawn on the ground and it was dimly giving off some light.

However, I quickly created some earth magic.

I was going to raise my body up like an elevator.


However, the magic wouldn't invoke.

Once again I tried with a bit more magic power to create an earth pillar at my feet.


I'm sure the magic power is certainly coming out, but the earth pillar isn't invoking.

No, it isn't strange.

This magic circle surrounding me.

It's because of this thing.

I'm inside of some kind of barrier.

"A... barrier."

I stretched my arms out to look around the edge of the magic circle and I touched something like a wall.

I tried hitting to check, but it won't shake a bit.

"Gyahahahaha! It's pointless! It's pointless! That magic circle is a barrier created in order to capture Roxy! Someone like you won't be able to do a thing!"

The circular man from just now came down the stairs.

And then, he stopped in front of me and made a broad grin with a repulsive smile, a feeling like he was elated with his victory.

"You are?"

"My name is Pax[6]. It's Pax Shirone[7]!"


Ah, the seventh prince, huh.

In any case, this man.

I wonder why in the world he was planning on making this anti-magic barrier to capture Roxy.

No, in the letter it was written that he resembled me.

I'm a gentleman-like man.

Then, without a doubt he will be conducting himself like a gentleman.

Shit. What kind of gentleman-like treatment did this guy have planned?

"Kukuku, that's a good face. Rudeus Greyrat."

After seeing my mortified face the man laughed and smirked.

I put on a poker face and took some deep breaths.

Calm down.

This is the type of situation in which one needs to be calm.

"So I fell into a trap, huh. I understand. I'll officially apologize for attacking the soldiers yesterday. Before that, first off please call Roxy. I'm her former student, she will be able to prove my identity. After that, I'll call a lawyer, and the official trial will be after-"

"Roxy isn't here."

Roxy isn't here.

"What...did you say..."

Those words delivered enough of an impact to surprise even me.

Roxy isn't here.

In other words, it means the Absence of God.

Is there no God?

No, that cannot be the case.

That great mathematician, didn't he just say that our God doesn't exist.

The one who received the life of Ekacherina the 2nd[8], isn't she a splendid proof of the existence of God. [9]

God exists.

I as well, my body itself is proof of the existence of God.

"No, God exists."

"...What? God?"

Pax made a blank face.

That's right.

God exists.

Without a doubt.

If you are to say she doesn't, then it's a crusade.

I don't know what this stuff is about the Milis Church, but anyone who wants to die feel free to come out.

I'll be the opponent of anyone who thinks they might win.

"Hnn, praying to god, huh. That's the correct option. Since there's no chance of you being saved in this situation."

"That seems to be so."

Well then, now that I've calmed down a bit it's about time to end with the jokes.

"And then, going off your statement from just now I can take it that Roxy is no longer in this country, correct?"

"That's right! You're bait in order to lure Roxy here!"

"If I'm going to be eaten in a single bite by Roxy then that is a definitely something to look forward to..."

While looking for a suitable response I was thinking.

In other words, it's that.

Roxy isn't in this country.

This person is trying to capture Roxy.


Is Roxy guilty of doing something and then escaping?

While I was thinking, Pax declared with his next words.

"I was surprised after seeing the letter. I couldn't have imagined that Roxy's lover would come to this country!"

"Eh!! Roxy has a lover!!?"


Since when. Even though there was nothing written about that in the letters...

"Mu? You aren't?"

Ah, he's mistaken me for Roxy's lover.

"Absolutely not! Such an amazing thing! I am but an unworthy disciple who cannot match up to her in any way!"

I strongly shook my head.

In reality I'm quite happy.

All excited like some kind of reindeer-like rare animal.

I'm excited like the person inside of the Metal Monster.

However, endure it.

"Hnn, even if you're not her lover, if it's her disciple then Roxy will come."

"I wonder if she will come."

"She will come. Lilia was weak as bait, but if it's you who she praised that much, Roxy will come! And then, the time when she comes will be Roxy's end as a woman. I'll keep her forever as my sex slave. I'll have her give birth to five of my heirs."

Speaking of sex slaves.

Getting excited over her displeasure.

Heir? Aren't you the seventh prince, do you have any political power?


I still have on question.

"Umm. Is it fine to ask one question?"

"What is it, ah, that's right. The first time I'll rape her in front of your eyes! And then, I'll go for the second time as Roxy's eyes are stained in despair as your head is lopped off!"

His delusions are considerably strong.

"Until I came here, I never heard any information about Lilia... How do you plan to let Roxy realize that I'm being held captive?"

Pax suddenly stopped.

"Hnn, if it's the superior Roxy, then she'll hear about it from somewhere and come!"

I see now, Roxy is superior after all.

She might be able to find information that I wasn't able to find.

However, the probability of that is most likely low.

"Umm, couldn’t you at least leak some information for example, wouldn't doing something like that be better?"

It's not like I want Roxy to be raped.

I don't, but if he would have at least done that much, Paul might have possibly caught onto Lilia a bit sooner.

That's what I was thinking.

"Hnn, I won't fall for that trick! You all have the protection of high class nobles of Asura right! If they were to know that Lilia or you are captured, Boreas or something might turn into our enemy right?"

"Turn into... I wonder...?"


Something is strange.

Well, if they were to know I was captured, old man Sauros might come to save me...

However, how is Lilia related to that?

"Lilia as well tried to send letters a number of times after all! Like I would let someone come to save you!"

I wonder why he thinks someone will come to save her without letting her send a letter asking for help.

Ah, I see.

This guy is an idiot.

"No, if you don't let the information leak, and don't let her ask for help, I don't think anyone will come."

"Hnn! Didn't you actually nonchalantly come strolling in just now!"


No, no, that reasoning is strange.

"In the first place, wouldn't it have been fine to send the information directly to Roxy!"

"Did you send it to her?"

"We've been looking for her for two years, but we can't find her! However, we'll find her someday! That woman stands out after all!"

I don't think you'll specifically be able to find her because she stands out...

This is strange, I had a feeling that she wrote saying he was excellent like me...

Or else, could it be, that Roxy's impression of me is something like this?

If that's the case then I'll get depressed.

"Hnhnn, it seems like you've given up. I don't know what it is about the voiceless incantations, but it just means that you can't win against my authority."

Hnn, I absolutely won't lose to something like authority you know. Kii!!

"Yeah, those are good eyes. They give me chills. Will you make those eyes until the end? Yeah, that's something to look forward to indeed. I wonder if Roxy would hurry and come..."

While saying that Pax went back up the stairs.

There's no way she could come...


"Hey, who said you could take off Lilia's gag?"

"Please forgive my rudeness, I thought you should let her say something."

"Don't do unnecessary things!"

"Please, your highness, I'll do anything, so please just Rudeus-sama...!"

"Shut up, I'm not interested in middle-aged women!"



After hearing those kinds of voices from upstairs I heard a loud and dry noise echo.

Since the ceiling is still opened, I can almost hear it all.


"In any case, you still haven't found Aisha yet!"

"We're still currently searching, your highness!"

"Ku, what were the characteristics of the guy who carried her off!?"


I could hear Pax's irritated voice.

It seems they're talking about yesterday.

However, well, I'm in trouble.

I wasn't hiding my face, so it should be exposed pretty quickly.

The location of the inn was written on the letter as well...

Ruijerd and Eris are in the inn though.

If it's Ruijerd, if it's Ruijerd then somehow he'll lend me a hand.

There's also Eris who is an authority on Offense there.


"According to the report, it was a muscle bound, brawny gigantic man named Shadow Moon Knight. Supposedly he was a pervert that let out a loud laugh as he jumped along the rooftops."

"Why haven't you caught someone who stands out like that? Shit, every single one of you is so useless!"

"Ha, I'm very sorry."



Soldier, soldier-san, report properly!

No, but if I think about it realistically, it could have been done out of good intention.

They could have tried to let Aisha get away out of good intention.

He did seem like a good person after all.

Good job, Soldier.


"But, we've already received a report that the letter was torn up."

"You can write a letter any number of times!"

"Even if you left it alone, upper class nobles wouldn't move for a letter from a child?"

"No way, no way! Search, or do you not care what happens to your family!"

"...Ku!! I'll send out a search team immediately."


I hear the sound of running about.

It seems Ginger has had her family taken hostage.


"Hnn, throw Lilia into the usual place!"


"Rudeus-sama! I'll absolutely come to save you!"

"Shut up! There's no way you could manage that!"


"Hnn, you know Roxy as well don't you. I'll slit his throat in front of that cheeky little female magician!"


Bang, I heard another dull sound.

I hear the sound of something being dragged.


"Hnn, Rudeus! Can you hear me! I'm definitely not letting you escape after all!"


I look up to where the voice is coming from.

I saw Pax's repulsive smile.

After giving me a glance, he moved to a place which couldn't be seen from the hole.

After a little while, something was placed on top of the hole I'm in.

It was a cover.

Only silence was left.

In my surroundings the magic circle was giving off a dim light.


That kind of ended in a daze.

He probably got angry and hit Lilia, but strangely anger isn't building up.

Probably because that exchange just now was just way too comical.

Or else, maybe it's because I was already told by Hitogami that Lilia would be saved.

Or maybe even though he's distorted it, it's because he's still worshiping Roxy.

Even I might become like him if I were to be thrown away by Roxy.

No, that's wrong.

Probably because he looks a bit similar to me in my previous life.

That's why rather than anger, I feel more lost and confused instead.

Well, when everything has ended I'll make sure he properly gets what he deserves.

"Now then..."

I roughly understand the situation.

In other words, the reason why Lilia was captured by Pax.

The pretense for detaining her could have been anything really. Another country's spy for example.

Then, while they were talking to her, it seems after the prince found out about her relation with Roxy, he came up with this plan.

Using Lilia as bait, then getting into contact with Roxy, and luring her out.

Since he's afraid of the Greyrat name, he's constantly doing it in secrecy.

Well, even if Asura Kingdom found out, Lilia is nothing but Paul's maid, so there's any number of ways to hush it up.

Unable to find Roxy, it ended with Lilia being detained for a long period.

Lilia was seeking help from Paul, but obviously the prince wouldn't allow it.

In that situation, Aisha escaped the castle, she tried to send a letter, but failed. The letter ended up being destroyed.

The mysterious part is after that, for some reason the soldiers' reports went in a direction that seemed to be aiding her.

It could just simply be that they hate the prince, or else there could be some sort of other reason...

It seems like he's holding hostages against Ginger after all, other soldiers might be in a similar situation.

In that situation, I walked straight into the spiders web is what it means. Hitogami did tell me to send a letter to Roxy after all, so it should mean that I would be captured like this is still within the range of assumption.

There's no reason to panic.

For now I just need to act as directed.

However, what am I going to do after this.

Most likely, right now in this instant, some kind of situation is happening in the background.

Then, it might be fine to just do nothing again this time.

If I just wait patiently here, there will be some kind of situation, and then if I go along with that, everything should work out well.

...No, wait.

Did I really move according to instructions?

For example, I named myself Knight of the Moon's Shadow, Shadow Moon Night.

According to Hitogami's advice, I was supposed to name myself "The Owner of Dead End" in front of Aisha.

However, what if in reality it was no good if I don't use The Owner name in front of the soldiers as well?

That's not all.

It's the same with the letter.

I surely thought it would be fine if I "Use my real name", but if I hadn't used Rudeus as the sender name, it wouldn't have ended up like this would it?

If I were to have just met the prince as an acquaintance of Roxy, wouldn't I have been able to talk with him a bit more peacefully?

This is bad, I have the feeling I made some kind of mistake.

No, not yet, it should still be alright I think?

This much shouldn't be outside of expectation, right?

I'm worried...

For the time being, it seems I should secretly try to secure an escape route.

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Posible referencia a cuando Ruijerd o Nokopara le cogieron de ese modo en el volumen 03, llegamos a mencionar que se había convertido en una especie de deporte oficial en esta novela.
  2. He estado MUY tentado de quitar este párrafo por excesivo. No he podido hacerlo por el simple hecho de que es una forma de explicar que el personaje ha cambiado ligeramente, como se verá más adelante, aunque la mención la dejo aquí debido a lo excesivo que es el párrafo.
  3. NTR/Netorare/Infidelidad: Eventos bastante famosos últimamente en los que el protagonista pierde a su pareja.
  4. Hentai/Pervertido/Salido: No confundir con el género hentai, es un término peyorativo con el que se identifica a personas lascivas con parafilias extremas y mal vistas.
  5. Referencia a un juego de mesa basado en las historias de HP Lovecraft, en las que los personajes sufren daño físico y/o mental, y cuando llega a 0, sufren penalizadores para el resto de la partida y van al hospital/manicomio.
  6. His name ironically is Latin for peace.
  7. A pun on Pax Romana.
  8. Russian name for Catherine the 2nd, Queen of Russia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_the_Great
  9. A reference to a story about the mathematician Leonhard Euler and the Russian queen Catherine the Great.
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