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I'll import those changes into the Wiki over the next several days. [[User:Polarem|Polarem]] 17:18, 17 December 2010 (UTC)
I'll import those changes into the Wiki over the next several days. [[User:Polarem|Polarem]] 17:18, 17 December 2010 (UTC)
===Update: 2010-12-31===
As of 2010-12-15, there were
* 68 files in sync
* 38 files with differences in spacings only
* 68 files with contents updated in SVN (and possibly Wiki)
* 21 files with contents updated in Wiki only
As of 2010-12-31, there are
* 147 files in sync
* 48 files with contents updated in Wiki
("In sync" means that the contents are identical byte-for-byte, without considering the UTF-8 BOM or the end-of-file-newline)
'''Possible encoding issues:''' After the merge, my rlc had trouble parsing 9 .utf files downloaded from the Wiki. My work-around was to open and re-save those files in Notepad (without other modifications). I'm not sure what causes this yet. The affected files are:
* All 7 of the "hacked" files: SEEN0444, SEEN1430, SEEN4421, SEEN4428, SEEN4508, SEEN6430, SEEN6800
* 2 "spacing-differences-only" files: SEEN4424, SEEN5430
--[[User:Polarem|Polarem]] 13:33, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
== Releases? ==
== Releases? ==

Revision as of 15:33, 31 December 2010


I made some adjustments to the section of content availability as well as submission formats. The proper name for .ods files is "OpenDocument Format (ODF) spreadsheets" because the standard is a wide-open standard, ISO/IEC 26300, which can be implemented by absolutely anyone without royalties due, including by Microsoft (which they are very grudgingly trying to implement as a second-class format; go hit Groklawfor more details). Packages which can use ODF files include OpenOffice.org (rather than "OpenOffice" which could run afoul with Microsoft's "Office" trademark), KOffice's KSpread, and Sun Microsystem's StarOffice.

-- IRJustman

The spreadsheet format has been dropped for the sake of using wikitext for versioning.

-- velocity7

After talking with Velocity7, I've taken up the menu work. When the translations to the menus are complete, please email them to me, so I can reinsert them.

-- RaptorFB

If you guys are going to try to retain the old yellow chipboard color scheme (which I hope), I'd choose font type 10 over here [1] as it goes well with the style.
-- Jc100 14:28, 14 February 2007 (PST)

Apologize for my poor English first,I'm one of clannad gamers in China,you know,we have a translate group named Key Fans Club(KFC),they've done the translation of the Clannad,except for KOTOMI and After Story.Another group of translators(they're defer,dwing,yreer and so on)have done the machine-translated Clannad(All Contents),and they've just done the manual translation of KOTOMI.As you can see,the only part we need is After Story,which takes about one third of Clannad.We have already done the CRACK of RealLive(ver.,support audio replay),and KFC even added some features in order to be sure that the KFC Translated Version will not be modified or used by other translators.And another group,especially dwing,he has already added a feature that Clannad can use AAC or OGG format for audio storage.As for a gamer,I'll be glad if we can work together,that we,gamers could get the full version of Clannad sooner.(KFC has been translating Clannad for about 2 years). You may contact KFC at its GuestBook http://www.keyfc.net/bbs/list.asp?boardid=15,and you can contact Defer GROUP at [email protected].(yreer is one of the important members of the group.)-------------A Sincerely Gamer.

Patch section?

I know this is really jumping the gun, but maybe you should consider adding a "Patch" section. There are a few questions I've seen people ask like "Will the voice patch work?" etc. Instead of having them go all the way to the forums, it would be easier for them to just look at the project page and see a few frequently asked questions answered. Well, this the translation isn't even 80% complete and the editing is ongoing, etc. so it probably is too early to add a section like this.

--Jumpyshoes 21:08, 19 October 2007 (PDT)


Yatta! All of the SEENS are bolded! Hiiragi Kagami 19:33, 29 February 2008 (PST)

Omedetou gozaimasu! ^^
All SEENS have been bolded for seven months, but none are italicized yet? Is the project still being worked on, or is it stalled?
It's not stalled, it's still being worked on... just moving at a really slow pace right now. Anyway, like I said, I disappear a lot... Arghh! I want to go home! I want to watch CLANNAD After Story DAMN IT! Dgreater1

Broken Link?

Shouldn't someone fix the websites' link to the wiki? It's redirecting to http://www.baka-tsuki.net/project/index2.php?title=Clannad which shows No Input File Specified rather than http://www.baka-tsuki.net/project/index.php?title=Clannad which works.

The Screenshots and Download links also have an extra 2 after the index in both their links which stops it from working.

[Edit: Someone fixed it now. Thanks.]

Clannad Standard with PS2 voice patch?

Just wondering if the normal edition of clannad with the ps2 voice patch as ogg files is going to be fully supported? 07:52, 8 May 2008 (PDT)

Consistency Questions

For Fuuko, are we going with wood carving or wooden carving? [Will insert more later. Feel free to put your own question here as well if you have one.]

Are we using '?!' or '!?' ? A lot of the SEEN files I've gone through use '?!', so I'm assuming that's what we should use. Also, I think [Not completely sure.] that the text switches between 'okay' and 'ok' in some parts. Are we using 'okay' or 'ok'.

On an English level, the interrobang (?!)comes in both forms. It works as a tone modifier when making an explicative sentence. If it's more of a question, the question mark comes first. If it's more of a shout, the exclamation leads. Though, the writers of the Chicago Manual of Style would kill me for stating this.
M 14:41, 13 June 2008 (PDT)

Big Dango Family, Dango Daikazoku, or Big Dumpling Family?

It should be "The Big Dango Family" if it's about the title and not a description of a one huge family. Reason is, all dango are dumplings but not all dumplings are dango. Dango are a kind of dumpling much like sharks are a kind of fish. Leaving it as it is should be fine. -DGreater1

Gramps and Pops are proper nouns, yet they are uncapitalized in the text. Should they stay uncapitalized, or should they be capitalized.

The piglet is sometimes referred to as "Botan" and sometimes as "Button"... which is the better choice?

It should be "Botan"

What about Fuuko? Are we changing her name to Fuko for consistency? The opening movie uses that instead of Fuuko (in English text, even), and it's not like we can edit the video.

PSP Translation

Is it possible to take the files from the PC translation and patch them to the PSP version?

OP Movie (op00.mpg)

Is the opening movie going to be subbed like how the Little Busters Demo movie was subbed or is it going to be left as is?

Hi guys

Is there any way you could provide some real documentation on how to install this beast? Spent 30 minutes mixing whatever rlbabel etc files and got to the point where it says "Error: interpreter detection failed. unable to format text"...

Is this project still alive?

As far as I can tell, the translation is pretty much done, and just needs to be proofread and some edits made, correct? Yet it seems like it's been sitting at that state for a very long time, with no updates at all... I'm aware of the existence of the unofficial patch, which seems to be the only option for people at the moment (say what you like about it, but it really is unreasonable to expect people to wait months or longer for something that may not even materialize, when something suitable, albeit with a few hiccups and typos from time to time, already exists) but is there even any plan anymore of creating an "official" patch? I mean I could probably go through and proofread the thing myself, and put up a clean version myself, if I really felt like it, but I dunno that you people would care much for that... If a release is around the corner, then that's fine, but some people are waiting (people that are unwilling, or don't know how to use what's already been made, before an official release is distributed) and the least you could do is make an announcement about it, if the project really is dead. 05:59, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

Hello! What's taking so long?

I'm well aware that the last steps of work allways a little bit problematic, and you guys also rewriting the entire code for the new voiced editon, ect., but you should update this page, at least once per month, to show the project is still alive. It's alive is it? Also some early 100% patch, before the final one would be great. Even if it's not flashy we'd like to play with something... And you can always release an update...

I think they dropped it ...

Exclamation mark?


Can anyone tell me why this happens when I start up REALLIVE? I can give more information if I need to. 23:48, 12 February 2010 (UTC)

- It means Snake was spotted.

  • ^LOL.
    I'm having the same issue. I'm running the voice patch edition (on Linux via Wine) and I've tried both the r78_FV and r46_VP versions of SEEN.txt, both of which result in the exclamation mark. 00:51, 22 June 2010 (UTC)
  • I have been playing in Linux via Wine for a while and works perfectly (including the voice patch). I could help you more (perhaps sending you my seen.txt and my gameexe.ini) but I don't think this is the correct place to be discussing this. Do you have an email or something?

Not much, but...

Could we get a status update maybe?

This isn't an official update, but I hopped on board a few weeks ago and started cleaning up the After Story in my free time.
According to the wiki timestamps, there has been some sporadic wiki activity over the past few months (mostly to comment and clarify stuff, so not much progress)... but according to the SVN log, the latest translations (the Kepago script files) have been successfully incorporated into internal compilations on 7 October 2010.
So I think things are still happening, slowly but surely. Do join in to make it faster if you can! --Polarem 12:36, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

SVN sync status

Looks like there are some massive changes (improvements) in the SVN that haven't been merged with the wiki. A quick check revealed that, out of the 195 translation files (SEEN6800 counts as 1 file):

  • At least 68 are in perfect sync (byte-for-byte)
  • ~36 only have inconsistencies in spacings or the presence of the end-of-file-newline

I'll import those changes into the Wiki over the next several days. Polarem 17:18, 17 December 2010 (UTC)

Update: 2010-12-31

As of 2010-12-15, there were

  • 68 files in sync
  • 38 files with differences in spacings only
  • 68 files with contents updated in SVN (and possibly Wiki)
  • 21 files with contents updated in Wiki only

As of 2010-12-31, there are

  • 147 files in sync
  • 48 files with contents updated in Wiki

("In sync" means that the contents are identical byte-for-byte, without considering the UTF-8 BOM or the end-of-file-newline)

Possible encoding issues: After the merge, my rlc had trouble parsing 9 .utf files downloaded from the Wiki. My work-around was to open and re-save those files in Notepad (without other modifications). I'm not sure what causes this yet. The affected files are:

  • All 7 of the "hacked" files: SEEN0444, SEEN1430, SEEN4421, SEEN4428, SEEN4508, SEEN6430, SEEN6800
  • 2 "spacing-differences-only" files: SEEN4424, SEEN5430

--Polarem 13:33, 31 December 2010 (UTC)


Glad to see that the project is moving along, albeit slowly. I'm assuming that the translation is pretty much finished, and all that's left is fixing the grammar issues (there seems to be quite a bit of them, from what I saw), correct? If so, do these changes get updated to the releases in the SVN once in a while, or do they just stay in the wiki?

Glad to see people still interested in the project! :) Yea, the rough text translations are done, and the next big step is polishing. If I'm not mistaken, much of the the graphics are still in Japanese though.
According to the project page, all work is meant to be done on the Wiki, and then periodically transferred to the SVN repository. However, over the past year or so, some updates have been made on the Wiki only, but some have been made on SVN only. I've just finished transferring all the SVN work into the Wiki about an hour ago, so the Wiki now has everything that SVN has, plus some improvements (at least, we hope they're improvements!). Hopefully this will make it easier to do merges in the future. --Polarem 16:17, 30 December 2010 (UTC)
I just realized that I didn't answer your question properly... :-S Anyway, the changes in the Wiki do get incorporated into the SVN once in a while; the last such update occurred on 7 October 2010. The last SEEN.txt preview (r78) was released on 11 May 2010. --Polarem 12:38, 31 December 2010 (UTC)