Mushoku Tensei Spanish:Volume 04 Chapter 43

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Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por Dark Kaito.

Traducido por Dragox (talk) 17:03, 8 May 2015 (GMT)

2ª Traducción por Sergio Campos

Volumen 04 Capítulo 43 - La Ruta de la Espada Sagrada

1ª Parte

Mañana partimos de la aldea Dordia.

Por algún motivo, Eris y Minitona pelearon, y no es necesario decir que Eris ganó con facilidad. Hablamos de la misma chica que es capaz de seguirle el ritmo a Ruijerd durante el entrenamiento; si tiene como oponente a una chica que no ha recibido ningún tipo de entrenamiento especial en combate, no puede considerarse casi ni una pelea, sino más bien, abusar del débil.

Por este motivo, siento que es necesario que reprenda a Eris por su mala conducta, porque aunque siempre ha sido así, ya pronto cumplirá los 14 años; aunque siga siendo una niña, ya es una edad en la que no puede ir por ahí metiéndose en peleas a la mínima.

Pero claro, cómo decirlo... hasta la fecha, yo casi nunca he detenido las peleas de Eris, ni con los aventureros del gremio, sino que casi siempre dejo que Ruijerd se encargue; por lo que siento, que no soy el más indicado para decirle nada. Aunque suongo que tendré que decirle algo así como Una cosa es pelearse con aventureros y otras con aldeanos y aldeanas.

"T-Te equivocas, Minitona fue la causante."

Tersena, cuando me vio empezar a recriminar a Eris, se interpuso y dijo eso.

Por lo que me está contando, parece que Minitona intentó detener a Eris cuando esta dijo que tenía intención de irse al día siguiente, al acabarse la época de lluvias. Eris hasta se alegró por el gesto, pero le explicó el motivo por el que debía continuar su viaje.

Guau, es una historia contraria a lo habitual, Minitona es la violenta mientras Eris da explicaciones...

La discusión entre las 2 se alargó un buen rato, y aunque al principio estaban tranquilas, poco a poco empezaron a alacorarse. Minitona empezó a hacer comentarios algo ofensivos, dirigidos contra Ghyslaine y hasta contra mí, al parecer; y al escucharlos, Eris se enfadó mucho pero siguió discutiendo con palabras, como si quisiera controlarse y responder calmadamente.

Al final, la que lanzó el primer puñetazo fue Minitona, estoy seguro de que sabía que perdería contra Eris, así que lo tomaré como una muestra de coraje... muy respetable, porque yo sería incapaz de hacer algo así. Pero bueno, lo cierto es que Eris llegó a las manos y como es habitual, no tuvo piedad, dejando a Minitona destrozada.



Antes de hablar, me fijo detenidamente en la situación, empezando por Minitona. La pequeña está respirando inquieta y rápidamente, todavía está viva por llamarlo de alguna forma, teniendo en cuenta que peleó contra Eris, con su habilidad para destrozar mentalmente hasta a adultos consumados... básicamente significa...

"Veo que te contuviste."


Eris apartó la mirada al responderme.

Si hubiera sido la Eris que conocí hace años, le habría dado una paliza de muerte a quien tuviera delante, ya sea más o menos joven que ella; teniendo en cuenta que yo estuve en esa posición, mi palabra es de peso.

"Es raro que te contengas, ¿no crees?"

"...... Sigue siendo mi amiga."

Observo la cara de Eris y veo que muestra una mueca de arrepentimiento por lo que hizo.

Jum... Parece que se arrepiente de haberle pegado, es algo nunca visto en Eris; parece que ha madurado mucho en estos últimos meses, seguramente en sitios donde no pude vigilarla. En ese caso, solo hay una cosa que puedo decirle.

"Si eso es cierto, lo mejor es que te reconcilies con ella antes de que partamos mañana."


...Sigue siendo una cría...

2ª Parte

El último día antes de partir, estuve muy ocupado preparando el viaje, por lo que no pude ir a saludar a Bestia Santa. Llegué a pensar que el culpable de que escapara volvería a ayudarla a que viniera a verme, pero veo que no.

En su lugar, lo que apareció en medio de la noche fue una pareja de intrusas.



Un fuerte sonido junto a un gritito en medio de la noche, con sonidos así de inesperados, hasta yo me desperté. Como empiezo a ponerme en forma para el viaje tras varios meses tranquilo, al levantarme rápidamente agarró mi váculo.

Para ser ladrones, son un poco ruidosos, y Ruijerd debería de haber reaccionado hace tiempo... Jum...

"Terse-nya, no te quedes quieta de repente-nya."

Suelto el váculo y comprendo el motivo por el que Ruijerd no hizo nada.

"Lo siento, Tona, pero está oscuro."

"Si prestas atención, podrás ver por donde vas-ny...¡Ah!"


Nuevamente, otro ruido de golpe.

"Tona, ¿estás bien?"


Es posible que se piensen que están susurrando, pero el volumen al que hablan es suficiente para que casi pueda escuchar toda su conversación.

Me pregunto con qué objetivo habrán venido, ¿será fama o dinero?[1] Aunque quizás hayan venido en busca de mi cuerpo... Nah, es broma.. seguramente vengan a ver a Eris.

"Ah, ¿es aquí-nya?"

"¿Sniff-sniff? Puede, pero es un tanto diferente."

"Miremos a ver-nya, aprovechando que están dormidos-nya."

Por sonidos, pude escuchar como se pusieron frente a la puerta, y la abrían, para entrar. Una vez dentro, las pude ver echando un vistazo a la habitación, y cuando llegaron a mi cama, me pudieron observar sentado y nuestras miradas se cruzaron.


"¿Tona? ¿Qué pasa?.... Ah."

Como era de esperar, Minitona y Tersena entraron en mi habitación, pude verlas vestidas con un camisón hecho de cuero bastante fino en el que había un agujero en la parte baja de la espalda por el que asomaban sus colas, por lo que me habían contado, este era el pijama característico de la raza feral.

Adorablemente encantador...

"¿Qué hacéis aquí tan tarde? Solo para que lo sepáis, pero el cuarto de Eris es el de al lado."

Hable tan bajo como me fue posible.


Tras disculparse, se dirigieron a la puerta pero Minitona se detuvo de improviso.

"Ahora que me acuerdo-nya, nunca te di las gracias por aquello-nya."

"Ah, ¿To-Tona?"

Minitona, o Tona, que es como la llama Tersena, se giró y volvió a entrar en la habitación, mientras Tersena la seguía.

"Te agradezco que nos salvaras-nya. Me dijeron que podría haber muerto si no me hubieras curado con magia-nya."

Es posible, tenía heridas muy graves... Si me hubieran hecho eso a mí, no habría tenido la voluntad para seguir resistiéndome como ella. Me sorprendió que hubiera sido capaz de aguantar en ese estado con esa ímpetu.

"No te preocupes, no me costó nada hacerlo."

"Pero gracias a ti no quedó ninguna marca de aquello-nya."

Mientras decía esto, Tona tiró del borde de su camisón levantándolo y dejándome a la vista sus preciosas vistas al natural, lástima que la habitación estuviera oscura, por lo que no pude ver nada más a parte de eso.

¡Siento que puedo verlo pero en realidad nooooo! ¡Kishirika-sama, ¿¿por qué no tenías para elegir un ojo místico que viera en la oscuridad??!

"Tona, that's disgraceful?"

"It's fine since he's already seen it once anyways."

"However, old man Gyes said it, human race males are in heat all year around[2], so if you get close to them carelessly they'll attack you."

In heat all year.

He says such rude things.

Though it's not wrong.

"Besides, if he gets excited over seeing my body then isn't that favorable to repay the favor? Nya?! It's chilly!"

"How long do you intend to keep the hem of your skirt raised?"

I wasn't looking at Tona's legs at that time.

While wiping a cold sweat away I grabbed my staff that was sitting at my side tightly.

From the room next door, I could sense something like sharp killer intent leaking out bit by bit.

"*Co...cough* I have received your gratitude. Eris is in the room next door, so if you will please."

They may be children, but they shouldn't be carelessly showing that there are no scars.

It would be trouble if they were attacked by a dangerous old man who has a hobby of playing doctor.

"I see, but really, thank you nya."

"Thank you very much."

The two bowed their heads and then left the room.

After a short period I slowly moved over and put my ear against the wall.

In the next room I could hear Eris in a displeased voice saying "What do you want?"

The usual pose with her arms crossed entered my mind.

Tona and Terusena's voices were a bit hard to hear.

No, Eris's voice is just too loud.

While listening in excitement, Eris's voice gradually became calm.

It seems things will be alright.

I felt relieved and returned to my bed.

It seems like they continued to talk all night long.

I don't know what they talked about.

Tona and Terusena are both still nowhere near good at human language.

Eris as well has learned a little bit of Beast God language, but it's not enough to have a conversation.

I wonder if they are able to properly talk.

I felt anxious about it, but the next day, while seeing us off Eris was holding Minitona's hand while crying.

It seems they were able to reconcile.

Excellent, excellent.

Part 3

Holy Sword Highway.

That is a highway that cuts in a straight path through the Great Forest.

Once upon a time, the Saint Milis created this Highway which is overflowing with magic power.

Even though the surroundings are flooded with water, only the highway is dry; also, it seems not a single monster will approach this highway.

We are going to move along it in a carriage we received from the Dedorudia race.

They prepared anything and everything we would need for the journey.

Carriage + horse.

Travel expenses (5 Milis Gold Coins + 5 Milis Silver Coins).

Consumable goods.

Since this is the case, even without returning to Saint Port, we should be able to make it to the capital of Milis.

Alright, let's depart.

Just as that development was happening, for some reason a monkey faced man came along.

"Weell~, I was just thinking it was about time I return to Milis. It was just in time. Take me along as well."

Newbie Gisu, while saying that, shamelessly jumped on and joined us.

"Oh, if it isn't Gisu?"

"You are following along as well?"

There were no complaints from the other two with me.

I wondered if they were acquaintances and asked.

It seems when I wasn't looking Gisu was properly laying the groundwork with those two.

He joined along with Eris, Tona, and Terusena to tell them about interesting stories and also joined in with Ruijerd and Gustav telling stories of the good old days.

It seems he used his usual wiles of working to someone's nature and the two want to make up for that.

In a place where I can't see.

Which is why those two were willing to accept him so easily.

"Alright, then let's depart!"

Along with Ruijerd's shout, the carriage started to move forward.

While looking back at the beast races that came to see us off, Eris was still shedding tears while looking at Minitona and the others, it's a bit of a moving feeling.

However, in my heart, there's something still a bit unsettling remaining.

It's Gisu's fault.

If he wanted to come along, it would have been fine if he had just said so from the start.

Even if he didn't move around so suspiciously in the background like that.

If he had just normally asked, I had no reason to turn him down.

"Hey-hey, senpai. Don't glare at me like that."

Inside of a carriage moving at quite a speed, I was making a face filled with discontent.

While laughing with a broad grin, Gisu came close to my ears.

"The one who gave a hand towards senpai's love was me, you know?"

Then for some reason he started to talk about something odd.

Helper in love.

Now then, in the end, these past three months, whether it be dog ear girls or cat ear girls it ended with me being unable to lay my hands on any of them.

There was no development with Eris as well.

I did end up getting along better with Gyes more than at the start, but just that.

Is that love?

Don't say stupid things.

I don't have those sorts of interests.

"Helper in love, what do you mean?"

"I helped you meet with Holy Beast-sama, didn't I?"

"Holy beast??"

Think about the meaning.


"Ah." was this guy!

This guy was the criminal!

What do you mean helper in love!

I said it was a false charge from the start.

No, rather than something like that.

"Ho- how did you manage to lead Holy Beast-sama out!"

"That's a trade secret. Well, they are idiots after all. If you cause a bit of a distraction, then something like bringing him out can be done."

Carelessly and confidently he said that.

No, that is...

Dangerous, isn't it.

After all the beast race people were extremely angry.

It felt like if they found you they would tear you limb from limb or something.

"Wh- why did you do something as dangerous as that?"

"After all, you like dogs, right?"

"I told you that was a false charge."

"Was that the case? Well, isn't it fine."

Just like that with a light tone Gisu said it while laughing frivolously.

Just then, I was filled with anxiety.

This guy, could it be, that he's a considerably dangerous guy?

I wonder if it would be bad to let him go together with us on the journey.

"Ruijerd-san. Turn around the carriage."


"We have to turn over the criminal who let out Holy Beast-sama."

"Wha? Wait-wait!"

Gisu started to panic and tried to seal up my mouth.

However, because of this guy I was doubted so much.

There's a need to turn my heart into a demon and make sure punishment is received here.

"It's alright newbie, I'll properly explain things for you. They might end up throwing you into prison nude and hurl cold water at you, but you can endure that much."

"Hey, wait a second! Are you serious! Listen well, the one who prepared the carriage was me, you know. Those guys don't have the kind of culture that apologizes for things with objects. That's why, forgive me!"

The monkey face was desperate.

A face filled with charm.

This guy isn't a bad person.

That is something I understood well when we were in the prison together.

It's not like he lead out Holy Beast-sama with some evil intent.

However, hmumu..


"What, Ruijerd-san?"

"Forgive him."

"Danna! As expected of danna! Weell~, I've always thought since before that danna is quite the handsome man!"

Really, this guy...

In any case,

"Ruijerd-san. Is it fine? This guy is one of those villains you really hate?"

"He probably did it because he thought he was doing it for your sake."

I don't really understand what Ruijerd uses as the basis for his judgement.

That is fine and this is bad.

No, it could be that this is the result of Gisu laying the ground work.

It seems like he sure did it well, that monkey bastard.

"That's right, it was like that danna! I did it for senpai's sake! I couldn't have imagined that it would become a serious issue. Then I went a bit overboard with it, but I absolutely didn't do it to try and cause problems for anyone!"

Honestly speaking I have a debt towards this guy.

In a cold place, naked, the debt of receiving a vest.

In terms of a debt it's a small matter; but compared to the beast race who, even knowing that the charges were false, continued to doubt me, it's a much better impression.

Well, it's fine.

In the end, it's not like anyone is bothered by it.

Even the beast race's guards, thanks to this they've learned a lesson.

And just like that I was forced to accept it.

"It's fine if you come along, but newbie, aren't you afraid of the Supard race?"

Just like that I said it in a voice that Ruijerd could hear.

I wonder if this guy knows Ruijerd is a Supard or not.

If he was involved in the drinking when they were in then it wouldn't be strange for him to have heard it, right?

It wouldn't be funny if he suddenly said "Supard race, seriously?" afterwards.

"That can't be, of course I'm scared, since I'm a magic race as well. The fear of Supard race starts from the time you're a child, they say they'll eat you."

"I see. Incidentally, even though Ruijerd looks that way, he's a Supard race."

As I said it like that Gisu narrowed his eyes.

"Danna is different. Since he's my life's savior after all."

I wonder if something happened, so I sent to Ruijerd a signal with my eyes, and he waved his head that he has no idea.

At the very least it doesn't seem like he saved him over these past three months.

"As expected you don't remember, it was 30 years prior after all."

While saying that Gisu began to tell the tale.

The meeting, the parting, the turning point, the love scene, it was an excellent story.

While speaking of the hard-boiled excellent story, a handsome man goes on a journey, he hears "Please don't go!" from 100 women, he feels something pulling at him from behind and starts traveling towards his hometown, then when he arrives with a mysterious beauty...

It's long so I'll sum it up into one line, when he was still a beginner adventurer at a time when he was attacked by a monster and about to die it seems Ruijerd has saved him.

"Well, it was something that happened 30 years ago, there's no reason to especially feel a debt."

The Supard race are scary, but danna is different.

The monkey face newbie said it like that while laughing.

Ruijerd loosened his blank expression.

I felt like I understood the meaning of the words karma.

Isn't that great. Ruijerd.

"Well, I'm asking to at least join you for a bit? As previous comrades?"

Just like this, the monkey faced newbie joined "Dead End"...

It's not like he entered.

He simply forced himself on us until the next town at least.

According to his jinx, forming a party with four people, nothing good will come of it or something.

After avoiding those superstitions, it doesn't seem like they're helping you since you got thrown into a prison yourself.

Well, if he's not planning to join the party, then it's fine if he doesn't join.

Just like this on our journey, the number accompanying us increased by one.

Part 4

We just entrusted the carriage to our speed and solely kept moving past the Great Forest.

It's truly a straight forward path.

The road goes right over the horizon, it continues straight into the capital of Saint Milis Kingdom.

I wonder why there's this sort of path.

There's no monsters at all.

The water drainage is also surprisingly good.

Just as my doubts were coming up Gisu started to explain it.

The one who created this road was the founder of the Milis Church, the world's largest religious organization.

Saint Milis.

This is the result of a single swing of Saint Milis's sword.

It sliced straight through the mountains and forest, and cut down a Demon Lord on the Magic Continent or something.

Since that story started to spread around, this road was called "Holy Sword Highway".

There's no way that can be the case, is what I wanted to think, but even now there's still magic power from Saint Milis remaining.

As proof of that, even now we've had absolutely no encounters with monsters.

The carriage has never gotten stuck in mud as well.

Full sails, favorable wind.

It's truly a miracle.

I can understand why the Milis Church has so much power.

However I'm pretty afraid of the bad influence it may have on the body.

What is known as magic power is convenient.

However, it causes animals to transform into monsters, causes two children to be teleported from Central Continent to Magic Continent, it causes various bad things.

The fact that there is a lot of magic power is also something to be afraid of...

Well, it's fine since we can take it easy knowing no monsters will attack.

Part 5

Along the side of the highway there are points at specified distances which are made for camping.

There we make preparations to camp.

Ruijerd went into the forest and just caught whatever was convenient, there's no real problems there.

Occasionally, a beast race from a nearby village will come out to sell things, but there's nothing we really need to buy.

I don't think it even needs to be said of the Great Forest, but there's an abundance of vegetation.

On the sides of the highway there is a large number of plants that can be used as spices.

I started to gather those using the Plant Encyclopedia I once read as a reference.

Even though that is the case, my cooking skill isn't all that high.

Even if I were to say that my skill has improved considerably over this past year, "bad" has just changed into "slightly bad".

The quality of the ingredients in the Great Forest are much better than those of the Magic Continent.

And there's not just monsters, there are regular animals as well.

Rabbits and boars for example, they're just normal animals.

And then after you cook the meat from the animals that alone is plenty delicious, but since that's the case I want to eat even better tasting meat.

The quest to eat good food should always be done with greed.

There Gisu entered the field.

He was a master of camping cooking.

He managed to use the grasses and berries I found and, almost as if by magic, turned them into spices to magnificently flavor the meat.

"I said it right? I can do anything."

It wasn't just bragging, that meat was seriously good.

Amazing, hold me!

It was almost to the point that I suddenly embraced him.

Acting almost to a disgusting extent.

I felt bad about my feelings as well.

That goes for the both of us.

Part 6

"It's boring."

Eris muttered that just as we were preparing for today's meals once again.

Ingredients: Ruijerd

Fire and Water: Me

Cooking: Gisu

In front of this perfect distribution of roles there was nothing for Eris to do.

At best it would be something like collecting fire wood, but this is in the middle of a forest. It's over quickly.

Therefore she is quite bored.

Around the start she was just swinging her sword on her own.

Since Ghyslaine and I forced her to keep doing things with repetition training, she can swing the sword for any number of hours.

Even though that's the case, if you were to ask if that is interesting to do then it seems that wouldn't be the case.

Currently, Ruijerd is hunting, Gisu is cooking the soup, and I'm working on making a figure.

There's still quite a bit of time left until I complete this 1/10 Ruijerd.

However, it should sell.

It has additional value.

If you have this then you will never be attacked by the Supard race, rather you will be able to get along with them. Or something like that is what I'm saying.

Putting that aside.

Eris is at her limit with being bored.

Teach me cooking!

"Hey! Gisu!"

"What's up young lady, it's not ready yet?"

Gisu turned around while confirming the taste of the soup.

There was Eris using her usual imposing pose.

"Teach me cooking!"

"No way."

It was an instant reply.

Gisu just kept with his cooking like nothing happened at all.

Eris just kept staring into space dumbfounded.

However, she quickly regained herself and yelled out.


"Because I don't want to teach you."

"Like I said, why?!"

Gisu let out a deep sigh.

"Umm, you know, young lady. Swordsmen are best off thinking of nothing but fighting. Trying to cook is pointless. It's fine as long as you can eat."

Incidentally this man.

It's fine as long as you can eat it, is completely not the level of his food.

It's the level where you could open a shop.

It's not something where the Emperor of Japan would fire off light out of his mouth the moment he puts it in, but it's at the level where his cooking shop would be well known in the neighborhood.

"But, if I can cook... umm... you know?"

Eris was saying that while stealing glances in my direction.

What is it Eris.

What do you want to say.

Please feel free to say it straight out.

"I don't get it at all."

Gisu is being cold to Eris.

I don't really get why, but he's saying it in a pretty severe way.

In regards to Ruijerd and me it's not really the case, but only to Eris he seems to say things while pushing her away.

"Doesn't the young lady have talent with the sword? Something like cooking you don't need."


"Being able to fight is something to be happy about, you know? In order to live in this world, there's nothing more than that which you need. It will just make your well polished talent lose its focus."

Eris made a bit of an unpleasant face, but she didn't start to hit Gisu.

For some reason Gisu's words have an odd power of persuasion to them.

"Though that's just my front excuse."

Gisu nodded with an alright and stopped stirring the soup.

And then he started to serve it with the stone bowls.

Incidentally, the bowls were something I made.

"You know, I decided to never teach anyone cooking again."

It seems Gisu was at one point a member of a party that cleared Labyrinths.

It was a party with six members, everyone aside from him could only do a single thing, it seems they were all clumsy people.

The Gisu of that time had a pet phrase of, "You guys really can't do anything besides that."

It seems that party still managed to do quite well even though it was pretty distorted.

However, one day, it seems one of the women from the party told Gisu she wanted to learn cooking.

If you want to catch a man start by catching his stomach, it seems that it's effective in this world as well.

Gisu said it couldn't be helped and taught the woman cooking.

Whether it be because of the cooking or whatever.

That is unknown, but as a result the woman stuck to the man and just like that got married.

The two left the party and went off to somewhere.

After everything, if two important individuals suddenly drop out, the party interior became rough.

The party was filled with a spiral of fights and disinterest, they were unable to properly complete any jobs, and quickly disbanded.

Even though that's the case, Gisu is a man who can do anything.

He has no talent with the sword or magic, but everything other than that he can do.

Therefore, he thought he would quickly find another party.

The result was a crushing defeat.

Gisu of that time, was an adventurer with a bit of a name for himself.

Even though that was the case, there were no parties that would take him in.

Gisu can do anything.

If it's something that adventurers can do, then pretty much anything.

In other words it's that everything that Gisu can do, is something that anyone else can do as well.

If it's a high rank party, all members will generally split up the miscellaneous jobs.

Gisu realized it.

That he had no place other than in that party.

Since it was filled with clumsy guys, he could be there.

After that, Gisu left the business of an adventurer halfway.

It seems he decided to live his life a player (gambler).

"That's why you know. Women are no good for cooking."

It's a jinx.

Is what he added on.

If you were to ask me, Gisu's jinx doesn't matter at all.

I think it would be fine if you were to teach something like cooking.

This soup is good.

Just a single sip of this soup is enough to make the inside of my mouth have a "shubidubadahhan" kind of feeling.

It's to the point where I want to be taught as well.

Since that's the case, I decided to throw out a life boat.

"I understand that newbie ended up with misfortune, but the woman who was taught cooking ended up happy right?"

Since that's the case teach us, is what I was thinking.

Then Gisu waved his head.

"I don't know if the woman ended up being happy or not. I haven't met her since."

But, Gisu was laughing to himself.

"As for the man, he was happy, or maybe not..."

Therefore, it's a jinx I guess.

After seeing him with a depressed expression, I felt like I couldn't say anything more.

The soup that should have been good, lost a bit of its flavor.

Ruijerd, wouldn't you hurry and come back...

Part 7

A certain day.

By the side of the road at one of the specified points, we found a strange stone monument.

It reached about knee-high and there was a strange emblem carved into its face.

A single letter was surrounded by seven emblems.

If I remember correctly, the letter in the center in Fighting God language would be "seven".

The other emblems I feel that I might've seen somewhere or not...

I decided to ask Gisu and see.

"Hey newbie, what is this stone monument?"

Gisu looked at the stone monument and nodded with an Ah.

"That is the, [Seven World Powers]."

I see, the Seven World Powers.

"[Seven World Powers], what is that?"

"It means the seven warriors who are known to be the strongest of all in this world."

It seems that around the time the second great human-demon war ended, a person known as the Technique God decided and made this.

The Technique God was said to be the strongest being of that time.

The ones that person decided, in regards to this world, the strongest seven names.

This stone monument is something for the sake of confirming that supposedly.

"If I remember correctly, if we're talking about that then danna should know more about it. Danna!"

After Gisu called out to him, Ruijerd who was nearby looking over Eris's training walked up to us.

Eris fell to the ground there she lay with her arms and legs stretched out, and was breathing deeply trying to catch her breath.

"The [Seven World Powers], huh, that's nostalgic."

Ruijerd narrowed his eyes while looking at the stone monument.

"Do you know about it Ruijerd?"

"When I was young I was one of the countless that trained and aspired to be included as one of the [Seven World Powers]."

While saying that Ruijerd was looking far into the distance.

Considerably far into the distance.

Far, far away...

Exactly how far back was this??

"What exactly is that emblem?"

"Those are each of the individual's crests. It still reveals the current seven names."

Ruijerd pointed to each of them one by one and taught us the current seven names.

The current seven names are:

Position One "Technique God",

Position Two "Dragon God",

Position Three "Fighting God",

Position Four "Demon God",

Position Five "Death God",

Position Six "Sword God",

Position Seven "North God",

it seems that's how they're lined up.

"Ohhh. But, [Seven World Powers] is something I've never heard about before?"

"The [Seven World Powers] were well-known up until around the time of the Laplace Campaign after all."

"Why did they stop using it?"

"It was because during the Laplace Campaign there were some large changes and half of them went missing."

It seems, excluding the Technique God, all of the [Seven World Powers] of the time were participating in the Laplace Campaign.

However, among them three died.

One of them went missing.

And one of them ended up being sealed, was the outcome.

It seems the only one who survived with all limbs intact was the Dragon God of the time.

For the time being, those known to be the strongest started rising and entering the ranks and several hundred years after that, those who stole the seats of [Lower World Powers] were quite far from the word "strongest".

Even more so, currently, the whereabouts of Four of the higher ranks are unknown.

Technique God. Missing.

Dragon God. Missing.

Fighting God. Missing.

Demon God. (Laplace) Sealed Away.

Those who were certainly known to be the strongest of the higher ranks, weren't around in regards to the rankings.

Since that's the case, [Seven World Powers] were gradually abandoned and forgotten from the memories of the people.

Or something along those lines.

Incidentally, the reason why the Demon God Laplace was never removed from the ranking was because he didn't die, but was just sealed away.

"Exactly how many people are there that lived during those times?"

"Well now. Even 400 years ago it was becoming suspicious whether the Technique God even existed."

"In the first place, why did the Technique God even create this sort of ranking?"

"It seems that. [In order to find someone who can defeat me], there was that sort of story, but I don't know the details."

As if it's a profound ranking I guess.

"This stone monument is considerably old; since that's the case, it could be that the rankings have already changed by now, couldn't it."

After I muttered that, Gisu shook his head.

"No, it seems that it will automatically change with magic."

"Eh? Is that the case? How?"

"How would I know."

It seems that is the case.

The letters on the stone monument automatically change.

I wonder exactly how it works.

There are still a lot of things I don't know about the magic of this world.

If I go to the magic university, I wonder if I'll be able to learn about things like that.

In any case, [Seven World Powers], huh.

Just as I was thinking there were a large number of people who stink of cheats in this world, I don't feel like I can keep up at all.

Well, it's not like I'm aiming to be the strongest in the world either way.

I'd rather not get very involved with the strongest.

Part 8

It took one month until we passed the Great Forest.

However, it was only a month.

In just a single month, we managed to pass through the entire Great Forest.

The path was nothing but a straight line, without a single monster.

Therefore, we were able to devote ourselves to moving, that is one of the reasons, but the performance of the horse was also good.

The horses in this world don't know what it means to get tired.

They can run for 10 hours a day straight without a break; moreover, the next day they won't feel a thing.

I wonder if they're using some sort of magic power or something.

We really passed through the forest in a smooth way.

If you were to speak of accidents, it would only be that I got hemorrhoids on the way.

Naturally, without telling anyone, I secretly healed it with healing magic.

In the name of training, Eris just kept standing on top of the carriage the entire time.

I said "it's dangerous" and to "stop it", but it was a balance sensation which had the feeling of "what's dangerous" about it.

I tried to imitate it, then the next day my legs were trembling.

Eris is amazing.

There is a valley to pass the Blue Dragon Mountain Range.

The entrance of that was an inn town.

The Dwarf race are managers of the inn district here.

There's no Adventurer's guild.

However it's famous as a blacksmith town, weapon shops and armor shops were all connected to each other.

The swords sold here are not only cheap but of high quality, is what Gisu was teaching us.

Eris was making a face as if she wanted everything, but it's not like we have surplus with our money.

After all, in order to cross from Milis to Central Continent, it's going to cost another fortune for a Supard race again.

We can't afford to spend wastefully.

The sword Eris is using now is not bad as well.

Although, I'm still a man.

Seeing all these grim swords and armor lined up, regardless of one's age, you'll feel excited.

Even though I say that, after all it's a problem of garments that look one's age.

The dwarf who was tending to the store said, "I don't think that suits you boy?" while laughing.

After I said even though I look like this I'm still intermediate level of the Sword God style, he was a bit surprised.

Well, we have no money, so it ended with just being made fun of a bit.

According to Gisu's story, it seems that this is where the highway forks into multiple paths.

If you continue East along the mountain, you'll supposedly arrive at a large town of dwarves.

If you head Northeast then you'll arrive at the elves' territory, and Northwest the hobbit regions are spread out.

The reason this town doesn't have an adventurers guild is probably a problem with the location.

Also, if you head in the direction of the mountain, it seems there are hot springs.

Hot springs.

It's a topic that I hold great interest in.

"What's a hot spring?"

"Hot water from the mountain gathers up. If you bathe there, it feels really good."

"Ohhh... Sounds interesting. However, isn't this the first time Rudeus has been here? How do you know about it?"

"I- I read about it in a book."

I wonder if hot springs were mentioned in [Walking the World] the tour guide book.

If I remember correctly, I feel like they weren't mentioned in it...

However, hot springs, huh.

Sounds nice.

There's probably no yukata in this world but...

Wet hair, skin dyed in the color of cherry blossoms, Eris spacing out in the hot water...

The places known as hot springs are there.

No, I guess it's not really mixed bathing.

It would be different right?

Although, in the 1 in 10,000 chance that there is mixed bathing, I wonder what would happen.

It's something I have to make absolutely sure to check up on.

"Since it's just after the rainy season ended, the mountain side is probably in a terrible state right now?"

Just as I was hesitating, Gisu objected.

It seems if people who aren't used to walking in the mountains go, it will take quite a bit of time.

Since that's the case, we have to give up on the hot springs.

How unfortunate.

Part 9

The Holy Sword Highway entered into the Blue Dragon Mountain Range.

It was a path with a width that only about two carriages could pass through at once.

It was cutting the mountain in half.

Just like that we left the Great Forest and entered the territory of the human race.

The bottom of the valley.

However, maybe thanks to the divine protection of Milis, it seems that rock slides almost never happen.

If this path didn't exist, you'd have no choice but to take a huge detour in order to get North.

Even though there's almost never any Blue Dragons in these mountains, there are many monsters, so if you tried to pass through them it would be quite dangerous.

In such a place, there's a shortcut created where not a single monster will appear.

I understand the reason why Saint Milis is worshiped very well.

After three days we passed through the valley.


Just like that we left the Great Forest and entered the territory of the human race.

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Posible referencia a personajes como dragones o reyes demonio que habitan en algún castillo, cueva... y al que héroes vienen para vencer simplemente para ganar fama o conseguir riquezas.
  2. It says 10,000 years of sexual excitement/in heat, though more or less it means the same thing as eternally in heat.
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