Talk:Kamisu Reina Series

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Ok. Now this is fascinating. Consider me well teased, Herr EusthEnoptEron.

Thanks for finishing chapter 2. Ushwood (talk) 06:55, 29 August 2013 (CDT)


I just finished whats been translated of Kamisu Reina and I really enjoyed it. It reminded me a lot of Usamaru Furuya's Suicide Club:

I loved Hakomari and reading this work of Mikage really reinforced why I enjoy his work. He's incredibly good at understanding and conveying a character's internal conflict, and he does it by personifying abstract concepts into these mysterious omnipotent beings: Kamisu Reina and O respectively. I get a great tingling sensation when he finally reveals his hand, like at the end of volume 5 of Hakomari. Kamisu Reina's idea of having a phenomenon exist that gives suicidical teenagers that last push they need to finally do it is really interesting. In each of the three stories, Kamisu Reina pushes each of them over the threshold, not by making them despair, but by showing them hope in suicide. I guess she also embodies the suicider's hope for an orderly world, as in chapter 2 and 3 where both characters see her as an answer to why they had to suffer. You could go so many different ways with Mikage's concepts and I really enjoyed Kamisu Reina because of it.

I definitely look forward to the last chapter of this volume and omake comedy bit of Hakomari that you mentioned on /a/. Thanks for your excellent translations and keep up the good work. Thresholden (talk) 02:57, 13 February 2014 (CST)

I ended up editing things as I read through it. I apologize if I made any mistakes or incorrect "corrections." Well, I guess there's always a rollback thing for that. So, yeah. Thank you for translating; I learned two new words due to that, ressentiment and mien. Axyraandas (talk) 23:31, 7 May 2014 (CDT)

Thanks a bunch for your edits; you caught a few pretty embarrassing ones. :D EusthEnoptEron (talk) 05:47, 8 May 2014 (CDT)