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Special edition - OP Drama Major League 1

CD release: May 25, 2007
Original radio shows: Starting from November 2006.
Drama screenplay: Katou Yuka (加藤有香 ) and Sakamoto Kouichi (坂本耕一)

FX:*mini-drama intro music*

Yuuri: Uwah, I was finally able to step on a MAJOR League's mound! As expected from Baseball Monster[1], because my player never skipped a day of practice. I too would like to test my skills world-wide one day. What am I saying? It's not like it will be that easy.

Murata: But since you have been working so hard in this world, isn't it like you're part of a MAJOR LEAGUE?

Yuuri: Murata, that's such a nice thing to say! That's right, huh? It may be difficult for me to become a MAJOR league baseball player, but I can try and perform my duties as a maou like a professional (MAJOR) !

Wolfram: What does that mean Yuuri?

Yuuri: It's an expression of determination! Determination! When samurais went to foreign, far-away countries they'd make MAJOR efforts and would never lose, you know?

Wolfram: Sa-mu-rai? Ah! I heard about them from Lord Weller! If I recall correctly, they were knights from the other world, right?

Murata: To be accurate they weren't knights, but warriors(bushi). They were swordsmen that followed the bushido[2].

Wolfram:*excited* So those samuraiiis fought in foreign countries? That means that if you're participating in those.... *pause* Oh, I see now Yuuri! You're finally interested in ruling over the entire world as the maou!

Yuuri: No, you're wrong! I was just talking about baseball players and comparing the ones that get to work in American MAJOR LEAGUES to samuraiiis[3].

Murata: Heh, and it's not just baseball players. There are many Japanese people working hard in other countries who could be compared to samuraiiiis, Lord von Bielefeld.

Wolfram: Mmmmmh.... then, you could say that Yuuri is also like a samurai, right?

Yuuri: Wolfram! You also say really nice things every once in a while, huh!? That's right, in this world, I'm a samurai, huh....? All right!!! From now on I'll be living the gallant and brave life of a samurai! From now on call me Momotaro-Yuuri!

Murata: Ah.... you don't need to try and become a samurai, but we kinda got off topic. Besides, in your case, since you're the maou, you wouldn't be a samurai, but a feudal lord or a shogun (Ue-sama), right?

Yuuri: I see... Then from now on call me Rogue General-Yuuri[4]!

Murata: I wonder about that name. Shibuya, violence and punches are not good.

Yuuri: That's not the meaning of Rogue General...

Wolfram: At any rate! What you mean is that you have officially decided to be serious about your job here as the maou, right?

Yuuri: Yes, that's right.

Wolfram: And in order to do, you have to get married and raise a family.

Yuuri: Yeah, that's right, that's... EH? WHAT!?

Wolfram: So since you've already made up your mind, we have to invite the entire country to come and see us get the official seal[5], right!?

Yuuri: That's not what I meant, okay!? You really are pushy!

Murata: I guess that means no, huh? (Dame jaa?-> da-MAJOR)

FX:*cold wind blows*

Wolfram: Uh... Ughh.... It's so cold!

Yuuri: M-Murata.... That was a Conrad-LEVEL pun.

Wolfram: Wait! Stop changing this unavoidable subject! At any rate, how long are you planning on having this pussyfooting attitude about it?

Murata: Yes, indeed, a man who has a pussyfoot attitude is the worst. If you keep making him wait, you'll put Lord von Bielefeld in an inconvenient situation. I mean after all he's already over 80.

Wolfram: That's right, Yuuri. Can I get you to clearly take responsibility?

Yuuri: Ah... wait, wait! Weren't we talking about MAJOR LEAGUES?

Murata: Ah, this conversation is a mess (mechakucha-> MAJOR-kucha).

FX:*cold wind blows*

Wolfram: I'm cold...

Yuuri: Murata... please, I'm getting really cold.

Wolfram: By the way, what's this ME~JAA, ME~JAA you've been talking about?

Yuuri:*whispers* You've been talking about this without knowing...!?

Murata: Oh, well... how about this? Since we're talking about it, let's settle this with a MAJOR contest.

Wolfram: All right! Fine by me! Let's have a match of MEJAA!

Yuuri: Eh? But I won the last baseball game, right[6]?

Murata: This is not a baseball game, it's a MEJAA contest. All right you two, take your clothes off and show me your stomachs.... because I have to measure your WAISTS, you know~?

Yuuri: Eh.. Eehhh!? Murata? No way... this is....

Murata: That's right, it's a MEASURE ...

Wolfram: What's that? Isn't it a tape measure?

Yuuri: Wait, you were talking about this kind of MEASURE (MAJOR)!?

Murata: It's a contest to see which one of you can slim down your waists the most in ten days.

Yuuri: Isn't that a simple DIET contest?!

Murata: Let's see, Shibuya's is sixty-.....

Yuuri: Don't measure it!

Wolfram: Well, come on now, hurry up and take the measurements, Daikenja! Listen, Yuuri! If I win this, we're getting the official seal without any complains from you!

Yuuri: Ahhhhh..... This is a bad dream! This has to be nightmare~! (warui yume jaa-> warui yu MAJOR)

FX:*cold wind blows*

Wolfram: I-I'm cold....

Murata: Ah... Shibuya... You too are at Lord Weller's LEVEL.

Wolfram: *shivering* T- That's... beyond help, right....?

Back to Track 10 Return to MA Series Forward to Track 11


  1. A game, baseball monster.
  3. He's copying Wolf's incorrect pronunciation.
  4. Samurai TV show
  5. I'm not going to assume, that they're using 'official seal' (kouin) instead of wedding ceremony, simply because kouin also means oral sex. Yeah, I'm not going to assume that. In all fairness, it also means arrest/kidnapping.
  6. Yuuri thinks that MAJOR contest, means baseball game.