Talk:Shakugan no Shana

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Supervisor's Note

SUPERVISOR'S NOTE: The reason we are skipping Volumes 3 and 4 is because we need to give Viz the benefit of the doubt and are taking precautionary measures because they still do own the current English license for the series. We will not take any requests to translate any of the blocked off novels. DO NOT ASK ANY MORE QUESTIONS ON THIS, THEY WILL BE DELETED.

--Poke2201 03:16, 12 March 2011 (UTC)


velocity7, Jul 22 2006 23:46 EDT

Vol. 1-2

CLARIFICATION: Volume 1-2 is availible worldwide in translated form. If you like the series, buy them. Furthermore: This means that they will not be translated here until they are unavailible on the market or the license is really really really inactive/dropped by the holder.--Novium 20:57, 21 March 2011 (EDT)

1-2 are already published in English so its a no go (Its a Baka-tsuki rule - no English published/printed/licensed material in the wiki or forum), 3-4 for safetey reasons since they would be next in line. (btw. there was no C&D for SnS - not yet) -- The supervisors

Vol. 3-4

I understand you, that you didn't translate this (but I didn't believe that Viz will release any more volumes...). Simple question: I think it has story relevant things in this two volumes, why don't make a short summary? -- 08:29, 23 September 2011 (CDT)

did anyone keep/not lose their copy of volume 7

updates claim that it was fully translated, so if anyone still has a downloaded version... could they re-upload it? (assuming that we don't have to start translating it all over again for legal reasons...) --17:32, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

For one with the right wiki rights should it be possible to restore them... --Darklor 20:16, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

Good idea, asked Vaelis, hope he can help. If someone else with the proper permissions sees this (sysop or supervisor), Please! --Saganatsu 20:43, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

I can't do it but I've asked thelastguardian and onizuka-gto if they could do it. Vaelis 20:52, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

oh: thank you anyway! --Saganatsu 21:03, 25 February 2011 (UTC)

I have the translation, but I don't have the image LiTTleDRAgo 01:09, 26 February 2011 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure the site still has images. Also, we don't need/want/can accept volumes 1-4, by decree of onizuka, probably for legal reasons (possibly they were what was covered by original C&D) --Saganatsu correction: we do not have the images for volume 7. As the deletion log does not mention them being deleted (and they are not in the file list), I doubt that were ever uploaded, especially as the pages themselves don't appear to reference them. Would someone who has the images upload them? if it's not to much trouble:). --Saganatsu 03:05, 26 February 2011 (UTC)

I can attest to that. Only illustrations for volumes 3-5 were uploaded.

And btw, I still have volume 7 here--Teh Ping 03:12, 26 February 2011 (UTC)

Project Revived!

I thought I wouldn't see this day come, regardless, cheers to the revival! \(≧ロ≦)/

You can thank many of the translators who are listed below, B-T admins, and just plain fans for that. It spawned an approximate 100 post topic amongst them, and look what happens XD? --Poke2201 (20:21)27 February 2011 UTC

Thank you --Novium 20:57, 21 March 2011 (EDT)

Series Overview

The series overview section is messed up and I'm too lazy to be the one to fix it. Is there even any point to having the series overview section anyways? --Jonathanasdf 08:27, 1 March 2011 (UTC)

the anime of SnS

which volumes the anime is based on?

As far as I know 1-14 and some stuff they just thought up. It's mostly accurate, but not entirely. Keep in mind that they ommited quite a bit of stuff. Anyone knows what happens after 14?

/Novium 2011:03:26

than watching the anime isnt a good replacement for the untranslated volumes on baka-tsuki? because even if they will be translated officially i doubt i would be able to get them... --Nemesh 08:57, 26 March 2011 (EDT)

Volume 1 is the Friagne's event, Margery Daw isn't in Misaki yet. She arrives later on Volume 2, after the Friagne's death, she fights Shana who is defending the Corps Collector, fails and gets to the Satou's house to rest. Then the Aizen brothers (Sorath & Tiriel) comes to Misaki, pretty much only preparation on Volume 3, the real fight is on Volume 4. The anime follows this events quite good. The Aizens die, and then we got to Volume 5 that is where the traslation starts at. That's all you need to know to understand it.

--SkyFlames07 11:33, 6 April 2011 (EDT)

Wow thanks for your explanation. It clear quite a bit of confusion for me. I was wondering why Margery Daw did not appear until volume 3 as the summary somewhat stated. Oh well, I might just have misunderstood the summary writer though.

Light Novel

Why not all chapters in translate? There are many chapters that I want to read, but I can't. Then, Why is it only until volume 10? I really want to read the volume 15 up.. Please translate it, I don't understand how to use ISBN.. About Margery who lose her contract with Marco after she knows the truth behind the silver and after keisaku kiss her, what happen? Please answer --

Well, here we go...

1) There are limited translators out there. Not many people are willing to help out and provide the translations for everyone to read.

2) For an exceptionally difficult series like Shana, there will be a high turnover rate where the translators may drop out due to fatigue. (In fact, 99.9% chance)

3) Because of (2), we don't have enough translators to work on this project. Translating one volume of this will be extremely long, even for a B-T project. Consider it lucky if you can get one translated within 6 months.

4) Viz media has already translated volumes 1 and 2, and like what our supervisor mentioned, volumes 3 and 4 are out of bounds so as to play it safe.

5) For this series, I have placed a poll over at the SnS wikia for readers to vote. As of now, volume 16 is the most popular.

6) Volumes 1-14 have been covered by the anime (albeit rather...I don't know.)

7) And even if we get enough work, we'll still be bashed for 'not being good quality' anyway...

8) For the series itself, as of right now, the best thing you can do is to ask for a synopsis. Sorry. (Mind helping out there, SkyFlames07?)--Teh Ping 16:14, 26 April 2011 (UCT)


@Teh_Ping I trudely tryed to make a synopsis of volume 1, but you know how my english is. It resulted on some huge amount of text and without an editor to correct my major mistakes there is no way someone could actually understand it. Plus, the only volumes I can trudely help with are Volume 1 and Volume 4. The number 2 is a complete mistery to me. If there is an editor that can help me out then I guess I'll take some time after finishing the V3 traslation to spanish. SkyFlames07

Sorry for the late response. Thank you for you help. As for editors, I'll get people, one way or another, even if it means myself. (Why am I the one in charge of things here out of a sudden?)--Teh Ping 14:07, 24 May 2011 (UCT)

Alright then. I'm slowly doing the Volume 1 synoypsis, since it got a lot of explanations and terminology, I guess it will be long.

SkyFlames07 22:33, 25 May 2011 (UCT)


oh thx... So, could anyone tell me the synopsis from the chapter 21? Please? How to be the translator actually? How to reply a discussion?

Well...I don't know how to say it, but the anime did cover that pretty okay. Then again, I never read that volume. Can someone help me out here? And sorry for the late response.--Teh Ping 14:07, 24 May 2011 (UCT)

Chapter 21? Don't you mean volume 21? I haven't read it neither, but it's pretty much the battle Sydonay & Yuji vs Shana & Willhelmina. It just ends there.

SkyFlames07 02:48, 25 May 2011 (UCT)


I really thank you to translate Shana, so that I can read it... Thanks!! I don't know what happen if there's no baka-tsuki :)... keep working yeah!! :D

About the author

Do anyone know Takahashi Yashichiro's address? I really want to send him a mail... I'd appreciate if you help.. Thanks

The author doesn't have a homepage or any address, but you can send it to the publisher (Dengeki Bunko). But before that, are you writing in Japanese, Chinese or English? --larethian 10:01, 5 September 2011 (CDT)

Japanese/English, maybe both. I wonder, can he understand english? What's the Dengeku Bunko address? Should I add "to Takahashi Yashichiro"?

sorry I did a quick check before, but I can't seem to find it. there is an address for careers though lol. sorry I don't have time to scour the sites of the entire Dengeki franchise. you might want to ask at Animesuki shakugan no shana subforum. someone might know. --larethian 09:11, 23 September 2011 (CDT)