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If you wish to make a translation contribution and cannot abide by the Guidelines for any reason, post the text in <pre> tags, and mark the top of the page with {{Clannad:Cleanup}}. A Project Editor will handle the transfer into an acceptable format.

Pages will be marked at the top, either by:

As part of the Clannad Translation project, the following guidelines here must be adhered to, if you are an Editor or Translator. Its parent page stems from the Suzumiya Haruhi Project Guidelines, but has the following amendments:


  • Any number of translators can translate the same file at any given time. However, if the link already has a translation, translators are advised to make changes to the current file and post in the Talk page for the respective SEEN file.
  • Anonymous translation contributers are required to inform a Project Editor, Translator, or Administrator before any major contribution.
  • If you translate a line and believe the line requires a checkover, please add a "*" beside the line. Someone more experienced may then look it over for you.
  • Only Japanese -> English translation is allowed in the Clannad Translation Project.


  • Anonymous editing is not allowed for finalized pages. If you wish to make a contribution, please make a comment in the discussion page for a SEEN file for review by the Project Translation Team.


For the most part, when Tomoya speaks in narration, he will be speaking in present tense, unless the context applies to him talking about the past. The Illusionary World will also involve present tense where necessary.

SEEN Page Format

All SEEN pages on the wiki are to follow this format:

Return to the main page [[Clannad|here]].

== Translation ==

== Text ==
<div class="clannadbox">
insert your content here
== Script Chart ==

The content to be inserted is of the format below.

Dialogue/Narration Syntax

  • The default format for the final kepago text files is:
// Resources for <FILE>

#character <name in english>
// name in Japanese
#character <name2 in english>
// name2 in Japanese

<0001> some narration
// narration in Japanese
<0002> \{Man} "oh hey i said something"
// \{男}「おお、俺が言っていた」 {-yeah, that's what he says-}
<0003> \{Man} (and then some)
// \{男}(etc. etc.)

Please make use of the "//" for comments where needed. Spacing between \{Man} and "quote" does not appear to matter.

  • Dialogue will always be enclosed in quotation marks "".
  • Comments to oneself or whispering to others will be done in parenthesis brackets ().
  • Ellipses "..." can only happen in groups of three. So if there are six of them, it should be "......"
  • As the game is happening in realtime, present tense should be used unless past events are being discussed. So when Tomoya is in class and the class has ended, Tomoya should speak about how the class has ended in the present tense. However, if he talks about how he got injured by his father from long ago, that should be spoken in past tense.
  • Event tags such as "\size{}", "\p", "\r", etc. should be preserved at all times. If different positioning is required for creative/technical reasons, don't hesitate to make such changes.
  • Unless the Japanese text has used it, "\r" and "\n" cannot be used at all. We already have automatic line breaking in place, so there's no need to do line breaking on your part, unless the script calls for it (for example, two people speak at the same time).
  • If "Tomoya" appears anywhere in the text, it must be replaced with "\m{B}". If "Okazaki" appears anywhere, it must be replaced with "\m{A}". The reason is that the game stores the name in an A,B format for Okazaki,Tomoya. \m{} calls the name. For consistency reasons, this must be followed.
  • If strS[0] or similar code is seen in the Kepago file, it means that the original code has screwed up and therefore should be fixed. It is highly suggested you play the game to get the original lines, but usually strS[0] might end up as \m{A}-kun.

Character Set

When RLdev compiles for dynamic lineation, it requires that all resource strings follow a specific format; that is, any string following <xxxx> must follow CP1252 in order to allow the Western encoding mode to run perfectly with rlBabel.

After some further research, the character map listed for Windows-1252 reveals that the following characters are not supported under the RLdev system when compiling for dynamic lineation:

Unicode Replacement

If any of the items listed above are blank, it means that currently an image is being looked into, in order to allow the character to appear. Please be patient until a character has been made. If a character already exists as a replacement, please use it.

Characters that must be substituted will use the \em{} command (not \e{}). More details on how this command works is available at Haeleth's development site.

Event Codes

  • For people with voice patches... if the script calls for certain event tags such as pauses to be replaced by \wait{} due to some issues from transferring the PS2 script to PC, please make those changes and comment them in as necessary.
  • Emphasis codes (\b and \u) are allowed; this means that text such as "R2D2! It \bis\u you!" will end up looking like "R2D2! It is you!". NOT to be confused with bold or underlined. Refer to this page for more details.
  • Hyperlinking is allowed. The plan is that these hyperlinks will act as the "TL Notes" window in the game. Please see this section for more details on the \g{} command.

Naming Conventions

The following namelist is suggested for all naming (additions can be made at any given time):

Last Names First Names Important
  • \l{A}
  • \m{A}
  • 春原: Sunohara
  • 古河: Furukawa
  • 一ノ瀬: Ichinose
  • 坂上: Sakagami
  • 伊吹: Ibuki
  • 宮沢: Miyazawa
  • 藤林: Fujibayashi
  • 相樂: Sagara
  • 幸村: Koumura
  • 芳野: Yoshino
  • 柊: Hiiragi
  • 仁科: Nishina
  • \l{B} (rare)
  • \m{B}
  • 直幸: Naoyuki
  • 敦子: Atsuko
  • 史乃: Shio
  • 汐: Ushio
  • 渚: Nagisa
  • 陽平: Youhei
  • 芽衣: Mei
  • 秋生: Akio
  • 早苗: Sanae
  • ことみ: Kotomi
  • 智代: Tomoyo
  • 風子: Fuuko
  • 公子: Kouko
  • 有紀寧: Yukine
  • 椋: Ryou
  • 杏: Kyou
  • 美佐枝: Misae
  • 俊夫: Toshio
  • 祐介: Yuusuke
  • 勝平: Kappei
  • 勇: Yuu
  • 幻想世界: Illusionary World
  • ガラクタ: Junk
  • だんご大家族: dango daikazoku
  • *B (full-width characters)
  • 声: Voice
  • 男子生徒: Male Student
  • 女生徒: Female Student
  • 女子、女の子、少女: Girl
  • 男の子: Boy
  • 男の子A: Boy A
  • 男の子B: Boy B
  • Rugby Member
  • ラグビー部員: Rugby Player
  • 男: Man
  • 女性: Woman
    • 婆さん:Old Lady
  • 担任: HR Teacher
  • Delinquents
  • Delinquent A
  • Delinquent B
  • Delinquent C
  • 謎の転校生: Mysterious Transfer Student
  • 教師: Teacher
  • 男子: Young Man
  • クラス一同: Entire Class
  • 勇の母: Yuu's Mother
  • ボタン: Button
  • バッター: Batter
  • 相手チーム: Opposing Team (baseball only)
  • 相手: Opposition (baseball only)
  • 審判: Referee
  • チームメイト: Teammate
  • 全員: All members
  • 売り子: Seller
  • 生徒: Student
  • 生徒A: Student A
  • 生徒B: Student B
  • ナベ: Nabe

Special Case: Baseball Scenario

For the baseball scenario and the sake of standardization, all terminology should come from: