Kokoro connect ~ Russian

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Volume 1 cover

Проект "Связь сердец" также можно читать на следующих языках:


В старшей школе Ямабоси все ученики обязаны состоять и активно участвовать в деятельности клубов. Пятеро старшеклассников: Аоки Ёсифуми, Инаба Химэко, Кирияма Юи, Нагасэ Иори и Яэгаси Татити, не нашедшие для себя в школе клубов по душе, образовали свой собственный: "Студенческий клуб Культуры". После уроков двое членов этого клуба объявляют, что ночью внезапно поменялись телами.

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  • 09 сентября 2012 - завершена 1-я глава.

Связь сердец, автор оригинала Саданацу Анда

Том 1 - Случайные люди

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Volume 2 - Kokoro Connect: Random Wounds

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  • Иллюстрации
  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - Can't Stop It, Can't Stop It, Can't Stop It!
  • Chapter 2 - By the Time We Realized It, It Had Already Begun. (II)
  • Chapter 3 - Have Our Usual Lives Changed?
  • Chapter 4 - The Collapse and Detachment of Their Bonds
  • Chapter 5 - Working Together to Help the Collapsed
  • Chapter 6 - Found Out by Accident
  • Chapter 7 - Hiking Turned Out to be a Battlefield
  • Chapter 8 - To Act What Has Been Said
  • Epilogue - Inaba Himeko Strikes Back
  • Author's Notes

Volume 3 - Kokoro Connect: Random Past

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Prologue - January 1 of This Year
  • Chapter 1 - By the Time I was Reminded, It Had Already Begun.
  • Chapter 2 - Some Things That Happened in the Past
  • Chapter 3 - The Past Self and the Present Self
  • Chapter 4 - Because It is Something That cannot be Helped
  • Chapter 5 - New Year's Eve
  • Chapter 6 - Bye
  • Chapter 7 - No One is Noble but Me
  • Chapter 8 - Starting Again
  • Epilogue - Simply Words
  • Author's Notes

Volume 4 - Kokoro Connect: Random Courses

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - The Love Confession by Yaegashi Taichi
  • Chapter 2 - The Valentine's Day for Inaba Himeko
  • Chapter 3 - The Battle Method of Aoki Yoshifumi
  • Chapter 4 - The Love Dilemma for Yaegashi Taichi
  • Chapter 5 - The Striving Act of Kiriyama Yui
  • Chapter 6 - The Realization of Inaba Himeko
  • Chapter 7 - The Solution for Yaegashi Taichi
  • Chapter 8 - The Resolution of Nagase Iori
  • Chapter 9 - The Turning Point for Yaegashi Taichi
  • Epilogue - A New Chapter for Nagase Iori
  • Author's Notes

Volume 5 - Kokoro Connect: Clip Time

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • The Correct Way to Use a Scoop Photo
  • Kiriyama Yui's First Time Experience
  • Inaba Himeko's Solo Battle
  • Pentagon
  • Author's Notes

Volume 6 - Kokoro Connect: Random Fakes

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - Sports Festival
  • Chapter 2 - Her Temptation
  • Chapter 3 - This World is the Best XXX
  • Chapter 4 - An Opened Door that Cannot be Closed Again
  • Chapter 5 - And Then the Pentagon was Erased
  • Chapter 6 - The Protagonist of this Tale
  • Chapter 7 - This World, No Matter When
  • Chapter 8 - On the Day of the Sports Festival
  • Epilogue - Whose World Has Already Changed
  • Author's Notes

Volume 7 - Kokoro Connect: Random Dreams

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • Prologue
  • Chapter 1 - The Season for the Preference List has Come
  • Chapter 2 - The Announcement of the Beginning of the Last
  • Chapter 3 - The Cupid of Love
  • Chapter 4 - Parting of Ways of Which They Believed In
  • Chapter 5 - She, the Detective
  • Chapter 6 - The Decisive Battle and the Trap
  • Chapter 7 - Under the Starry Night
  • Chapter 8 - Their Individual Resolutions
  • Epilogue - And Thereafter
  • Author's Notes

Volume 8 - Kokoro Connect: Step Time

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  • Novel Illustrations
  • First Encounter
  • The Friendship of Those Two
  • Date x Date x Date
  • Sprint Towards My Way
  • Author's Notes

Участники проекта



  • Autumn

