User talk:Dreyakis

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Questions and Answers

1. Are you working on the light novels or the web novels? What's the difference?

I'm working from the Chinese translations of the light novels. The web novels were published before the light novels, but the light novels contain more content in terms of character development and extra scenes. In addition, some lines in the web novels were toned down in the light novels. (And there's more fanservice in the light novels.)

2. When are you going to translate the Afterwords or The Late Great Favorite?

Uh, probably some far distant time in the future. (read: never) The Afterwords and the Late Great Favorite bear no impact on the story itself. They are merely the author's thoughts as each novel comes to a close. Hence why their priority is very, very low.

3. Hey, dude, the chapters are out of order! Why did you translate Chapter Y before Chapter X?

Simply put, because someone signed up to do Chapter X before I did. Translators work at different speeds, so some chapters may come out ahead of the others. Everyone works at their own pace, so give them some time.

4. So when's your next chapter coming out?

If I got a dollar every time someone asked me this, I would be able to do this for a living. Click on the User Page tab on the top left corner and you will find my progression on the latest chapter as well as a rough estimate on when the chapter will be complete. And, no, it has been scientifically proven that asking me to work faster/harder does not improve translation speed. I am working off of PST in California, so do take that into account when looking for the new chapter on my update days.

5. Are you going to translate all the volumes?

Until otherwise stated, yes. Volume 5 may get delayed though, since it is a collection of side stories rather than advancing the main plot. We'll see what happens after the Nine Schools Competition.

6. I got the chapter summaries from somewhere else, may I post them in the forums?

Please don't. Last I heard, the chapter summaries flying everywhere absolutely killed all motivation for the translators. So...... Please don't. Please.

7. I want to join the project, where do I sign up?

I don't have the power to actually grant that, since I am not the project leader for MKnR, larenthian is. If you are interested in joining the project, drop by the Feedback Thread to let larenthian and Seitsuki know. Following that, inscribe your name onto the Registration page next to which chapter you would like to work on. I will not provide RAWs, so do not ask.

8. So what happened to your ETA or projected deadline?

While I do receive comments regarding the accuracy of my estimated deadlines, after spending some time reflecting and looking at the overall project, I have elected to restore the function on my User Page. Ultimately, I feel that the unfortunate actions of the minority should not reflect on the benign actions of the majority. Please excuse my temporary fit of pique.

9. I have more questions that you haven't answered here!

Drop me a line in the comments section below. If I can't answer it, go ahead and take it to the Feedback Thread on the forums.


I see Vol. 8 is starting to get translated. Is Vol. 8 Not going to be translated by you? - Ruckkus

Sashiko registered for Volume 8 first, so he will have the first crack at the chapters he would like to translate. If there are any chapters for Volume 8 not completed by the time I finish Volume 7, I will jump in to assist.

Hm, seeing how between you and Sashiko you seem to have the remaining two volumes covered.. anything you'd like assistance on once I finish up Yuutousei? Or are you guys fine? Seit (talk) 23:42, 8 February 2013 (CST)

I think we're solid for now, but do be on the lookout for messages from me regarding future Miyuki scenes. Unless, of course, you don't want them. /end sarcasm. Dreyakis (talk) 10:57, 9 February 2013 (CST)

How are you translating 灼熱? I put "Flaming Hot" but, since I haven't posted chapter one of Volume 8; I can change it if you have a different translationSashiko (talk) 20:33, 14 February 2013 (CST)

"Scorching" is how the various other translations have it, though I personally leaned towards "Burning". I'm currently going with "Scorching", though.

I have added the missing lines in chapter 6 and 7 of volume 6, tagged with <!--Missed by Chinese translation-->. Probably you want to edit those to make the sentences or its surroundings flow more nicely :) Arczyx (talk) 01:47, 19 February 2013 (CST)

Got it. Thank you very much. Dreyakis (talk) 10:16, 19 February 2013 (CST)

Dreyakis, it's cool that you managed to shave a day off the ETA, The power of all the positive comments in the Expressing Gratitude section! ("Vegeta Help Me!" "This Power Level, It Can't Be! It's Over 9000!!!!") lol... that is you right now. Thanks for the huge effort you put into translating Mahouka - Aircool (talk)

Hey Drey! Out of curiosity, how far ahead of Mahouka have you read without translating? Do you translate a chapter immediately after you read it? I'm curious to hear if particularly interesting chapters are more fun for you to translate. On a related note, are there any overarching themes or references in Mahouka that are lost in translation (seeing as the current translation is japanese -> chinese -> english)? d4mi3n (talk) 23:30, 20 February 2013 (CST)

In terms of "going ahead", the Chinese translators have already translated practically everything out in print, which means they have already finished Volume 8 and are starting to work on the Double 7 Arc. I translate according to chronological order, so in terms of sheer knowledge of the material, of course I know what is coming up way ahead of time. And yes, certain chapters are more to work on because I know what is yet to come. (*cough* Volume 7 Chapter 12 *cough*) Finally, generally there are no overarching themes or references lost in translation as the text does a good job making multiple references. What is lost in translation is that some of the terminology have a "genius bonus" when it comes to recognizing the kanji. However, it's no loss if the reader cannot read the kanji.
Genius bonus? Are you referring to the connotation of certain kanji? d4mi3n (talk)

Question, if you dont know chinese or japanese what exactly can you do to help out with this series?Medisuena (talk) Thursday, 21 February 21:39:(+1)

The project is always looking for additional editors to go over the translated chapters. If you are confident with the English language, feel free to read over previous chapters and check for errors in grammar, spelling, etc.

So after your done with mahouka do you have any other translation projects lined up?

Expressing Gratitude

Thank you very much for the update Drey. Naavi (talk) 04:26, 6 February 2013 (CST)

Thank you for all of the work you have been doing. Draeke - Talk - 09:33, 6 February 2013 (CST)

Thank you for all the great work you have done and are continuing to do. You do not have to worry about the ETA you are doing all of this great work and it is a reward for us when you do get chapters so thank you. Md_rat

Thank you very much for your consistent hard work translating. The translations are quick, very well done, and you even take time to post frequent progress updates. Simply outstanding. Thanks again! (dk)

Thanks for all the work. Thank you for the (regular) hard word. Merci beaucoup.TONDA,france.

I'm very impressed with your impressive mix of speed and and quality. Thank you so much for all of your work. Rizo536 - Actual Grammar Nazi (talk)

- Great update, as always. When I read the explanation given by Suzune regarding her project, I couldn't help but be impressed by your translation. Truly awe-inspiring. =Rune=

Hello Dreyakis-sama. I just wanna say my thanks. No,a tons of thanks for keep updating one of my favorite light novel (Mahouka no Koukou Rettousei)! I will always support you. Keep updating! once again a lot of thanks! :) -Kazuyagami 10:56, 17 February 2013

Just when i thought tatsuya couldnt get more awesome he had to go super saiyan :D this dude rocks

Chapter 10 was awesome! Thank you for the translation.

Chapter 10 really makes my day better! thanks Drey! -Mumalkatar

Thanks for the speedy translation as always Drey:)--Naavi (talk) 08:18, 18 February 2013 (CST)

<3, nothing else to add :)

It Just Got Real! (Since I Probs Can't Say A Four Letter Word Beginning In S), Dreyakis, Like So Many Others Have Said You Just Made My Day! - User:Aircool : (Talk) 11:48, 18 February 2013(CST)

Chapter 10 is really epic. really thank you for your ultra fast translation Dreyakis.. cant stop thinking about the next chapter. thank you again you made my day complete.

Thay you Dreyakis!, we must hold a party when you reach the 30k, I'll go if I learn to write/talk english properly xd

Thx for all the hard work Dreyakis for translating my favorite light novel - Medisuena

Things are getting INTENSE!! Thanks Dreyakis, this stuff is amazing and your translations are so speedy!

Thanks a lot for the fast translation...really appreciate it. Cant wait for this chapter and the next and the next lol. Keep it up man thanks again [OppaiDragon]

Awesome work Dreyakis. I started reading this over the weekend and I'm completely hooked. I want you to know that what you do is very appreciated by the community and i hope you're enjoying this as much as i am especially with the latest chapter <3 - Slynx Feb 19

Great work as always Dreyakis; I can only imagine what you went through translating the tech jargon in the last few chapters. Thanks again for the great work! d4mi3n (talk)

Not getting my hope high but still great job man really really appreciate the work your putting into this for our sake. Anyway just wanted to say THNAKS!!! cant wait to read the next few chapters hehe.[OppaiDragon]

I love this!, Thanks~!!! [Kecuobi]

Yay, 10 pages to go for V07-Ch12. Thank you Dreyakis-san. (Uoogh, cough, It'll be here soon. Hmm, I wonder what will Tatsuya do?) ^_^ Mada (talk) 02:49, 27 February 2013 (CST)

...4 pages seriously why are you torturing me lol Soulmuncher

If you don't have enough coffee, just ask. Your page have over 30k views, if it will increase your TLing speed we will buy you yearly supply.-- 10:33, 21 February 2013 (CST)

Yay! new chapter,. Thank you again Dreyakis-sama. for the new release.

I can hardly express my gratitude for the chapter! Thanks Drey! Mumalkatar

Loving your work Mr. Dreyakis. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you. - a1

Thanks for all your hard work. I cannot wait to see Tatsuya in action in the next chapter!

I have acquired feelings similar to love for you. =Rune=

I can not wait for this next chapter, you said it was going to be really good, at some point in the past and I can not wait to read it, thanks so much for your hard work. =Md_rat=