Ancient Magic Arc Volume 1: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Boy Meet Girls

Part 1

Kamito Toma walk in to the deep of the spirit forest, while walking to in to the most dangerous part of the forest, where his training will take place.

On his way he go and find a place where he can build his tent, and can get water easily from where the tent that he build, also inside the forest there grow a lot of plants that can be eat as he have saw from his way in finding the perfect place for him to build his tent.

Not long for him in searching, he than hear the sound of water.

When he notices it, he then walk into the direction of the sound, there he find a river with water fall and a quite vest enough place for build his tent at the side of the water fall.

As he see it a nice palace where he can get water and food easily, and even if he build his tent there still have some more space that are still enough for him to make a fire place for him to cook a food and water, and he can also take a bath and wash his cloths in the river, and dry his cloths on the tree near where he build his tent.

After he see and think it thought, he then get ready to build his tent, by tying the rope on the tree and pike the robe in the ground, but then to make it more stud he get some of the big rock near the side of the river and put it on top of the pick that have been stab in the ground with the robe tie on it, after finish building the tent he then see that the sun almost going down, and will soon become night, but before night come he hurried went inside the forest to pick some of the wild planet for his dinner.

Inside the forest he can find many kind of mushroom, wild vegetable and some fruits, and after he see that he pick quite enough of the food that he need he quickly when back to his tent.

"I think this should be enough for tonight and tomorrow morning, I should go back to my tent now as the sun almost going down and the nights in the spirit forest are very dangerous even for a high class magician."

As he thing of it he when back to his tent and start to make some dinner from the thing that he get inside the forest.

After finish cook his dinner he then eat it, after finish eating his dinner he put out the fire where he use for cooking his dinner and when inside his tent than get his sleeping bag and cover himself with it and went to sleep, as he was tire from the thing that he have done from this morning which have quite a lot big event that have been happening scine yesterday until now, as he fall asleep from his tire body.

At the same time that night in a dark cool place there is two blade that was embedded on top of big stone which is it location was a place which there was not even a single sun light can pass thought, and the air was as cold as ice, at that place that the only light are the illumination of the crystal which it been reflected by a big pool of water at the back of the big strong where the two blade been embedded.

The two blade suddenly start illuminating an aura as if it responding with something, and who know what it is, but that the aura fad away quickly. As one illuminating a white aura and the other one illuminating a dark purple aura, which both of it aura fad away at the same time.

Not that long where this phenomena was happening, some other thing happened inside the spirit forest a swamp of red eye appear one after a other from inside the darkness.

As a bad premonition soon will come with the thing that will happen from now on and so as what will happen is till of unknown.

As time passed in the night soon come morning, as the light of the rising sun and the following the sound of the bird, as a person was sleeping inside the tent waking up from his sleep as he open the zipper of his sleeping bag and get out from it than he put the sleeping bag at the side end of the tent.

After that he get a towel and prepare some clean clothing where he put it beside his bag inside the tent.

After hat he bring the towel with him and went to the river to wash his dirty clothing and take a morning bath than he dry himself with the towel and then hang the washed cloths on the tree trunk near the river, and went inside his tent and wear the clean cloth that he have prepare just before he went to the river.

Finish wearing his cloth he when outside and eat the left over from last night and eat it for breakfast.

After finish eating his breakfast, he then starts to plan out the thing that he will do today.

"So from today I will need to start my training, but before that I need to store some food for every once in 3 day, so I think I should start from getting food from inside the forest, than I can get some fish at the river, and for the next 3 days I can concentrate on my training."

After planning out his plane, he then start to done it first is collecting some food inside the forest.

As he walks inside the forest there Toma find some wild vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits that he have seen and eat yesterday.

But today he plan to walk in more deeper inside the spirit forest and see what other thing that he can find as food there, As he think the thing that he find near here should be leave it for something urgent, or at a where I need food which when a time where I should not walk in too deep inside the spirit forest so the food that near here can be use at that that kind of time so I when in deep of the forest to collect the food that I will need.

As Toma walk inside the forest he did not forget to keep a sign of track on couple of tree, so he would not get lose inside the spirit forest as people who do not have big magic capacity or normal people to went inside the deep part of any spirit forest they will surely got lose, because of the fragment of magic from the spirits and monsters that live inside the forest can trick the sign of track and sign, so normal people and people which have to craft thing on trees or use some thing that can help them to travel or explore inside the deep of the spirit forest and place which monsters and spirits live.

As Toma walk in searching for thing that can be eat like wild vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits, and if with some luck he can fine some animal which it meat can be eat it will be even more batter, as what Toma think. As in his search he find a couple of thing that can be eat as he collecting it, and not that long he then hear a sound of something running through his way.

"Da da da da......"

"What is this sound, look like it come from in front."

As Toma check the source where the sound came from, not long after he hear the sound he saw a growing smoke of dirt come nearer and nearer to where Toma was standing.

As he saw that Toma quickly find someplace where he can hide before it can see him, as he searching he found a small hole that like a crack a wall of rock that are about 15 meters from where he standing, as he see that he do not have much time to thing Toma quickly run into the hole to hide from the unknown thing that run toward him.

The hole that he hind in are a narrow hole that look like a crack from the wall of a cliff.

As he hides inside the hole in waiting for the thing to pass by, Toma have a bad feeling about the thing that will run toward him, so he decided to hide in the hole.

"I hope that thing would not notice were I were hiding."

As he pray so the thing would found him an just run pass by, and as he watch from inside the hole not that long the guts of dust pass by him at the place where he were standing not long ago, and at that time he saw a pair of big red eye which as if it have the eye that thirst for blood a powerfully monster that he have never seen before, but then again he was in thought.

"Were there a monster that powerfully rooming inside the spirit forest?"

As Toma thought about it, he can feel that his bodies were tremble in fear.

"What should I do now? With that kind of monster around can I still do my training, and not only that but can I come out alive from the spirit forest a live with that kind of monster running around inside the forest?"

But then a sudden rush start to run through his body and make him tremble but then he can feel that this rush is not that of the feeling that come from fear.

As it is the opposite, it was a feeling of excitement of the unknown as if he want to try to fight with the thing that just run pass through him just a moment ago. Then he resolve himself once again, as he have a feeling that something will change him in this training although it be a life threatening one, his heart was fill with the rush of excitement.

Later on as his excitement became a little calmer, he than when out from the hole where he were hiding into to avoiding the unknown monster that he can feel a very dangerous feeling from it.

"Well I think I should continue in my searching for my food."

As he have decided, he when and gather some more wile vegetables, mushrooms and fruits, also he also fine some other thing like medical herb so he can make it into medicine for him to treat his wound that he will got later on in his training.

After he sees that he have gather enough of food and medicine inside the forest, than he walk back to his tent and put it in a separated bag for each thing that he collected and tie it tightly, after that he then put it in a hole then he cover it with leaf and then he flush some water from the river at the leaf that cover the hole which he place his food in, so it can been preserve for several day later.

"OK" that is all for the food from the forest, now I should go and catch some fish from the river and see whether it can be eat or not."

As he decided, he go take some sturdy tree trunk that can be held by have and make it in to fishing pole and some fish cage to trap the fish that was inside the river.

"OK, done. Let see I made 4 cage to be put in different section of the river to trap the fish, and two fishing pole one is for reserve if the one that I use later broken."

Then he went and put the cage in the position where he will put in the river to trap the fish in, after that he when at a rock that at the side o the river and to catch some fish using the rod that he have prepare before head, he put a bite at the hock on the fishing rod and throw it in the river and with for the fish to take the bite.

Than after a while he caught 3 fish, which later he made a fire than cook the fish, and see whether it can be eat or not.

"OK, done let's eat! Ahm. Mmmh its good, this fish can be eat."

After he verify that the fish can be eat he than start to preparing the training that he will do from now.

As there is a waterfall here he decide to do a meditation to tannin his main and spirit, which this connected to the flow of magic as magic are a form from the nature that it have the basic of 4 elements the first element are Fire, are a magic with the most powerful of distraction, the second one is wind, is a magic with weak distraction power but in exchange it can make use of speed, the third one are earth this magic were a foundation of great defense, and the fourth one are water which this magic are use as a healing.

All 4 element where form in 4 pentagon as fire stronger than wind and wind stronger than earth and so on as it form a cycle of 4 basic element of magic as people combine the basic magic and create a different kind of element than the 4 basic element, like thunder which the combine of fire and wind, sand is the combine of fire and earth, ice is combine of water and wind, and so on as the different of element that been combine can produce a different kind of magic.

So by increasing the spirit, it then can help him to increase his magic capacity, and also he can increase his calmness of his mind to bring his fight style into a higher lever.

As his first training was to strengthening his mind and increase his magic capacity. This training he do it for around 4 hour, as he finish his first training he see that the sun will almost set he went and prepare dinner and eat it, after that he when inside the tent, and get some of his text book so he can study about the paper test at night.

After he thing that he have study to the part that he need for today, he then put away the book, put out the fire and went to sleep as the real training will start tomorrow.

Although in his sleep he have doubt that the training that he do will give good enough result. Even in that in mind he still needs to do it even how it will come out later is all up to him in the end.

With that in his mind he soon close his eye and when into a deep sleep in the second night of his training for which he done in prepare for the text.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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