Kenshin no Keishousha:Volume 2 Chapter1

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There can Only be One Victor!

Status: Incomplete

10% completed (estimated)


The day after Kurou had been discharged.

Kurou was standing inside the grove of trees about a hundred metres away from his new house.

Wearing the uniform of the academy, both hands were gripped tightly onto his sword as he lifted it into a raised position.

Without giving off any fighting spirit or vigour, he suddenly brought the sword down in a flash. Returning the sword to the raised position, he repeated swinging his sword.

Obviously, he wasn’t able to practice his swordsmanship while he was in the hospital. Also he had spent the whole of yesterday moving his things around in the new house, so other than cleaning he hadn’t been able to do anything else.

Because he hadn’t been able to do rehabilitation, this training was essential. As expected, his current state was much weaker than normal.

Even so, Kurou didn’t feel like he would lose to Sefi now. Although it might seem a little rude to Sefi, he had the confidence if they were to fight a hundred battles he would win every one of them.

This is your loss, Kurou—

How many times had the Sword Saint Hyouka, who was also his master, said those words to him?

The Seven Swords were a title given to the strongest amongst the Swordies.

Within the Seven Swords, the most brilliant of them was given the title of Sword Saint.

Kurou had spent the better part of seven years crossing blades with her on a daily basis. And each time he had been beaten by her. For the strongest swordswoman amongst the Swordies, there was no way a human brat like Kurou could ever win against her, and Hyouka’s victories were all but a forgone conclusion.

However, he didn’t plan on losing to anyone else other than the Sword Saint. No matter what the circumstances.

Even if his physical ability had gone down, or his body had dulled, Kurou wasn’t going to use those as excuses to lose.

Kurou swung his blade down even harder.

Again, and again, he repeated the motion.

After reaching two hundred repetitions— Kurou stopped.

Tilting his neck slightly, he slowly sheathed his sword. As he had just been discharged from the hospital, it would be best if he didn’t exert himself any more than this. There was a fine line between training and ruining his body.

Using a towel to wipe his sweat, he returned back home.

As today was a Monday, he obviously planned on going to school, but there was still time. Taking a shower now would be a hassle, but at the very least he felt he should wash his face.

Previously home was just a small cottage with very little floor space, but now it was a two story building, so the number of rooms had increased.

The living room, kitchen, bath, toilet and Kurou’s room were located on the first floor. Sefi’s and Hinako’s rooms were on the second floor, Kurou being forbidden up there. As this moment, Kurou didn’t feel like breaking that particular restriction. If he was going to sneak up there, it would only be after he had meticulously planned and prepared beforehand.

Entering the house, he headed to the washroom.

A nice smell wafted over, which probably meant Sefi was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Cooking was one of her interests, and she was a pretty good one at that. The proof of that was the meal she had prepared yesterday, which had satisfied Kurou.

“It’s great I get to eat good food every day from now on!”

Kurou and Hinako both couldn’t cook. Especially Hinako, who couldn’t even do something as simple as preparing instant ramen. Now that Sefi was here, Kurou felt relief over his eating arrangements.

While imagining what was for breakfast, Kurou opened the door to the washroom.


“… Hm?”

Kurou tilted his head slightly.

It had totally slipped his mind, but the washroom in the new house also doubled up as the changing room for the bath.


And because of that, there was nothing strange about Sefi being in the washroom in a stage of undress.

On the contrary, Sefi was the one with a strange look on her face as she stared at Kurou, who had justed entered the washroom.

“Good morning, Sefi.”

“Good morning… Wait, why are you even entering in the first place!?”

Sefi looked like she was just about to take her shower, because she was wearing nothing but a pair of white panties.

As soon as Kurou had entered she had quickly covered her chest with her hands, but the rest of her skin was almost fully exposed. Sefi’s breasts were reasonably big and nicely shaped, and with them wobbling like jelly they looked soft to the touch.

“Well, I was thinking I might as well take a shower.”

“If that’s the case then do it after I’m done!”

“But if we shower together we can save on the water bill, right?”

“I’ll pay for my portion of the water bill, so let me shower alone!”

There was no real need to appeal to him like that, but Sefi was in a panic so she had just blurted out something that didn’t make sense at all.

“By the way, I can’t really see your chest very well so would you mind moving your hands away?”

“I’m keeping them there so you can’t see them!”

She had already removed her bra, so other than her chest being covered by her hands, Kurou had a clear view of everything else. Even so, his selfishness made him unsatisfied even though he was already seeing her hands bra.

“Ah, enough! Why are we talking normally like nothing’s wrong!? Hurry up and get out! If you don’t leave in three seconds, I will smash this changing room and you!”

“So you’re going to go wild again, huh…”

Kurou murmured like it was someone else’s problem.

The truth was, with Sefi’s power, she could easily destroy the whole house, to say nothing of a single room.

“Guess it can’t be helped then…”

Kurou spent two seconds burning the sight of Sefi’s chest into his eyes, before fleeing out of the washroom like a frightened hare in the last second remaining.

It was only because Kurou possessed amazing physical ability for a human that he was able to move that quickly.

“Idiot idiot idiot—!”

He could hear Sefi’s stream of abuse from behind the closed door.

Considering that he had stared at her half-naked body with all his might as well as continued to stay inside the toilet, the fact that Sefi hadn’t resorted to violence was a reflection of her kind nature.

Although, if he did go too far with his sexual harassment, who’d know what Sefi might do then.

“Still, I did get to see something nice this early in the morning…”

“Good for you…”


As Kurou was having a lewd look on his face, a voice suddenly cut him off.

When he finally noticed his surroundings, Hinako was already standing next to him, staring at Kurou intently.

“As always Kuro, you’re up to your sexual harassment again…”

“Wouldn’t it be an insult to a beautiful lady if I saw her naked figure but turned and ran away? It would make it seem like I had just seen something weird.”

“Kuro, that was a fantastic excuse to give…”

From the bottom of her heart, Hinako was left dumbfounded by Kurou.

Today Hinako was wearing that nurse outfit again. Having said that though, she hadn’t nursed him yesterday. She was just a girl who liked wearing particular outfits without doing any work in particular.

“Hm? If Sefi’s in the bath, why is there such a nice smell of food? Did she already cook breakfast?”

“I made breakfast this morning. It will be ready soon, so please head to the living room.”

“Ehhhhhh, Hinako cooked!? That’s impossible!”

“There’s no reason for you to be surprised to that extent…”

No, there is, thought Kurou as he gazed as Hinako suspiciously.

Based on Kurou’s experience, Hinako could not even discern how to use a vacuum so it was certainly possible that she had never cooked before.

“What happened to this world during my stay at the hospital……”

“Please don’t mention a drastic change occurring to the world just because I mastered a skill. Even a person like me will mature.”

Hinako swiftly turned around and headed back towards the kitchen.


Hinako cooking, huh————

I should probably have an antacid on hand, thought Kurou as he unexpectedly began to panic.

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