OreShura: Volume 4 Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Coming From the Window of Travel Car is Mayhem

"It's definitely not green."

This was the first memorable line that Hime said, as the leading person to make a comment on the 8:02 AM departing special express train, 「Wing No」.

"No Hime, the green car doesn't refer to the actual green color of the car." [1]

"Is it wrong? Then what does it refer to?"


Strange, now I that I think about it, I didn't know either.

"You don't know? Then as punishment can you hold me?"

"No, I don't understand your logic."

"Greenly hold me?"

"I don't understand the significance of the green."

Ah—this was so warming, these interactions with Hime that didn't make sense.

Behind me, Masuzu 「coughed」 loudly and cleared her throat:

"Please don't stand in the entrance. You're blocking the people behind us."

"Oh, sorry."

I poked at Hime's back to urge her forward, and then followed behind her. Our seats were in the innermost compartment of the carriage number eight.

"The inside of the green cars are really empty, so could this be a chartered car?"

"There's still a lot of people lined up on the platform—"

Behind Masuzu, Fuyuumi and Chiwa looked back outside the car and said.

Although this was my first time taking the green car, I never expected it to be this empty.

I'll really have to thank Saeko-san later. She said 「it's a company expenditure anyways」, so she booked for us five tickets.

And because she had work today, she arranged to meet us tomorrow on the spot at noon.

The train was expected to arrive at Funase station at 9:05 AM, and for a party of four women and one man, there was still a few minutes before departure.


Our seats were in the last row, A ~ E. Counting in order from the window, there were three seats, A, B, and C. Across that were two seats, D and E. All the other rows were two-seaters, and only the last row was designed for groups of five members.

Quite shrewdly of Saeko-san, she had considered the number in our party while booking tickets.

"—So, who's sitting next to Ei-kun?"

Chiwa fired the first shot, and opening the game to fight over seats.

"Why don't we just sit according to what's printed on the ticket?"

Incidentally, I got the ticket for seat D, and the person sitting next to me who had the ticket for seat E was Masuzu.

"But it's boring like this, right—?"

When Chiwa made this remark, Fuyuumi and Hime unanimously agreed, 「Yeah—」. What's with these girls? They were like breathing from the same nose.

Masuzu tilted her head with an 「Eh?」:

"I don't think there's any person more suitable for sitting next to Eita than his girlfriend, myself, right?"

"There's no such thing. My house is next door to his, so I'm equally qualified."

"In my past life, I was also neighbors, so I'm also eligible."

Well there was nothing to say about Chiwa, but this was my first time hearing this setting from Hime. This was definitely something she just added!

"I sat next to him in Star class in kindergarten, so I'm also qualified."

Fuyuumi casually added. Is what she said true? I honestly don't remember.

"Hey, forget whether it's a matter of where you live, or past lives, or Star class, I don't think this has anything to do with train seats."

The three of them turned a deaf ear to my voice, and all of them placed their glares on Masuzu.

Amazingly this situation seemed to be Masuzu VS. Others.


If you wanted to fight over seats, shouldn't this be a free-for-all where everyone else is an enemy?

Because I couldn't just keep them standing there, I took all the tickets, shuffled them, and had the four of them draw cards like poker.

In order from the A seat, Fuyuumi, Hime, Chiwa —

"This is 「Justice is on the side of the girlfriend」."

Masuzu drew the E seat next to mine, and she held the ticket with a sense of victory and pride. In contrast, the other three wore a bitter look.

Things that should have gone back to where it started returned to where it started.

From the perspective to deliberately demonstrate 「our relationship as boy and girl friends」, it was better that Masuzu was sitting next to me.

I communicated to Masuzu after we sat down with a few glances.

—You know? Eita.

—Leave it to me, I'll make these lovestruck people feel inferior.

With maximum out power, I put on a 「shining smile」:

"Hey, honey, let me help you put your luggage on the rack—"

"Thank you for being so thoughtful."

"It's not big deal—"

Although it was a bit scripted, but I had to act like I was her boyfriend.

"Eita-kun, after we arrive, want to go for a walk along the seaside?"

"Sure — and then afterwards let's watch the sunset — just like lovers—"

"Hahehe, of course, right? After all, we are a couple."

"Of course — hahahaha�—"

Like it wanted to overlap with the laughter, the bell tone of the train sound.

The car swayed slightly, and then began to travel forward.

At this moment—

"Wahh — i-it's shaking — ♪"

Across the aisle, Chiwa slid into my knees like a landslide as if her body was wildly thrown.

"Sorry! Ei-kun, I'm a little out of balance!"

"Oh-oh, are you okay?"

I helped up the up the 「hehehe」 laughing Chiwa back to her seat……

Had the car really shaken so dramatically that it would cause people to fall?

I revived the mood that was going on and turned back to Masuzu.

"If not that, then we can go to the beach for a walk and look for shells. That's also very romantic. If you find a cherry shell, then I'll send you a gift—"

"Wah — the earth is shaking~"

This time it was Hime.

Hime swayed back and forth like a willow tree, and snuggled against me, hugging my neck.

Why did she change seats with Chiwa?

"What's wrong, Hime? Did something happen?"

"Mother Earth (Gaia) was wounded by the evil dragon race (WYVERN)'s attack, so why don't you hold me?"

I refuse!

"That being said, then car isn't actually shaking much? Aren't we traveling quite smoothly?"

"I disagree. My sensors have detected the evil dragon race's darkness power (TESTAMENT) crushing the earth's vibrations."

"Aargh, okay, I get it!"

I tore the Hime who hugged me off, and returned her to her seat like Chiwa earlier.

Masuzu could not help but frown:

"What kind of ruckus have they been making since earlier?"

"I want to know that too!"

At this point, I sensed 「something」 moving.

I immediately turned around, and was surprised to find Fuyuumi had already shifted to where Hime was sitting earlier. Although she was casually looking away, her body was slightly leaning towards my side.

"Hey, why did you change your seat?"

"Because Himecchi said she wanted to see the view out the window."

Although she replied like this, she didn't meet my eyes.


I saw through what these girls were attempting to do.

I originally thought Fuyuumi's and Chiwa's relationships were incompatible as fire and water, but actually they had reached a consensus on being 「anti - Masuzu」….. they even got Hime caught up in it.

So last night when she was on the phone with Chiwa, it turns out they were actually planning how to 「split」 our battle plan.

How could have anticipated this?!



Gloomy silence muddled between us.

I stared intently at the side of Fuyuumi's face, and continued to us my eyes to pin down this girl's 「shaking」.


"You didn't shake!"


"You definitely — didn't shake! Eh—!"

Lend me strength, Yamamoto-kun! Huh—!

"Who didn't shake? It's shaking a ton!"

Fuyuumi pointed to her two companions.

Chiwa and Hime cried, 「Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's shakinggggggggggggggggggggg!」, as they shook at high frequency on their own seats….. it was more accurate to call it trembling. What was this? The method of shaking?

At this moment, the train actually shook a little.

Because I was staring at Fuyuumi, she used all her strength to prevent herself from falling over, but it turned out Masuzu next to me took the opportunity to lean against my shoulder.

"Are you okay, Masuzu?"

"I'm fine, thanks to Eita-kun hugging me."

Masuzu's sweet smile was three times cuter than usual.

On the other hand, the three that were shaking intentionally started fighting amongst themselves immediately:

"Hey, Ai! What are you staring at? That was obviously a good chance!"

"Master, I was wrong about you. You should have struck more deeply."

"I-I had no choice! It was too sudden, and I was opposed to this plan anyways!"

"Eh—how can you say that?!"

It looked like the alliance between my childhood friend, ex-girlfriend, and fiancé was actually very fragile.

After all the commotion calmed down, it finally felt like we could hold a normal conversation.

Chiwa and them all had apparently given up on 「infighting activities」. Hime played on her handheld device, Chiwa was eating mouthfuls of snacks, and Fuyuumi was reading. Each of them were doing their favorite things to do.

Although I was deliberately acting intimate with Masuzu — after ten minutes it seemed like we didn't have anything to talk about.

In fact, we rarely have common topics.

The only interest we share in common was《JOJO's Bizarre Adventures》. But even if we talked about JOJO, we couldn't act as if we were wildly in love. Masuzu was overly serious about it, and as long as she sees a road roller, she'll get emotionally excited[2], or she'll analyze if the most powerful stand in part four is actually HARVEST, etc. No matter how you looked at it, it wasn't dialogue between lovers.


Maybe because she sensed that that I felt disturbed by having nothing to talk about, Masuzu took the initiative:

"Recently, I read 「Maguke」. "

"Huh, really?"

This really made me happy! She even said she was 「not interested」, and 「don't care」 before.

"Although I don't really watch TV, but since it's the TV drama that Eita likes, I thought I'd take a look at it."

"Are you really interested in knowing my preferences? I'm really fortunate to be your boyfriend!"

Perhaps aware that we were talking very animatedly, Chiwa and them all looked at us with wet eyes. Awesome, it's going pretty well, so lets keep with this trend.

"But, if you start from the middle, won't the plot be difficult to understand?"

"Yeah, so I went to the rental store to rent the film. Since the television version was rented out, I rented the film version.

"......Oh ~"

I smiled wryly. Instead of seeing nothing, she ended up seeing that—

"? What does 「Oh~」 mean?"

"Well, when we're talking about the film version….."


As an expert boyfriend, I must carefully explain to my girlfriend who just started 「Maguke」!

"I think whenever a TV series is adapted into a film, there's always a lot of subtle differences. But in the case of Maguke, it's really bad. It's not only subtle, but it's extremely 「bad」. The strong points of the TV drama were completely sacrificed. First of all, the scripting was a mistake, because it failed to describe real people. 「Maguke's」 theme is why 「a person would commit a crime」, but the motive of the criminal in the movie is only that he 「wanted money」! Thus, he attacked banks one after another. You get a lot more actions scenes, right? It might of looked really good on the big screens of a movie theater, but were Maguke fans really hoping for this? It should be that he wanted money, rather it should have been why he wanted money, right? For example, in order to pay for the surgery costs of his sick mother, or because loan sharks abducted a lover, or maybe because in order to keep a company afloat they used counterfeit checks in order to prevent their employees and family members from living on the streets, etc. If you don't show these motives, what are they doing?! I thought they were describe these things things at the conclusion, so I had the patience to watch the entire thing, but who expected that the criminal would be hit and fall into the sea! And then it ended! I couldn't keep watching! I really couldn't bear it. The other thing bad about the film version was the boss, since he was a hot guy wearing glasses who came from the hall. Yeah, why did they have to deviate from the TV version? They said it was because the schedule was inconvenient for the actor, but you can't just change them—a local police force and a calm trained elite, these core values opposing is the is the charm of Maguke. They simply didn't understand. And another point, even though this is a small matter, but the actor who sang the opening theme was actually Johnny's actor. What was with that? What were they doing? Well I know that the movie have to attract viewers, I understand that, but Maguke isn't the kind of drama that's targeted at female high school students. So in order to attract this customer base, we should let Johnny sign, and I understand that too. But even if I get it….. aargh, I can't stand it! Maguke's theme should be something deep and richly sung by some uncle voice! No, even if you remove the vocals itself, it doesn't matter if it were just an instrumental. With Maguke being this kind of shadowy narrative story, there's no reason to use some kind of frilly song.Giggling and dancing why singing, 「I want to hold your eyes」, whiteCloudii (talk)stupid, right? If it was for the purpose of doing business at the cost of undermining the fans of Maguke, we'd really get angry. And if we actually got angry, the feeling will be like, hello there—? Ahh, no matter how I say it, I'd be like a crazy Afghani (laughs)? I'm absolutely not like that, I just want to be an ordinary fan, that's all…… (wry smile). Whatever, I might as well just support this film a little, as a fan of series. This film does have things worth seeing. The film was made after the first season, but it included actors that later appeared in the second and third seasons. Did you notice? Did you notice? Well, you did see it for the first time, so it might have been hard to notice, so you can just leave it to experts like me to explain: the first is the actress for the bank attendant whom the gun was pointed at during the robbery. She ended up being to appearing as the criminal during the second seasons's three words. She's the only actress who has played both a victim and a criminal in the same series! That's a small piece of trivia (laughs). There's also the background music when the main character loses the hostage. It's really good, right? It's really captivating. The song eventually became the theme song of the second season of Maguke! It's a really good piece of music, both deep and vigorous. That song actually appeared for the first time in the film, and this is often a exam question (laughs). There's also—huh? Masuzu?"

After I recovered, I finally noticed Masuzu was actually staring out the window with empty eyes.

She was reading in pieces:

"Tanaka construction company, meat flower balls, Port timber plant—"

"Hey ......?"

"#132 County Road, chips marbles to determine a winner, lunch for ¥590, earn back what's paid too much for, GRAND OPENING cozy hotel."

I finally noticed.

"Y-You've been reading the signs that we pass?"

Was…… Was my topic really that boring?

"M-Masuzu-san? Were you really not interested in what I was just talking about?"

"Broken cars also acquired, GOGO'S root mound shop, HEAVEN ELEVEN language hall bookstore."

"Sorry! I accidentally got carried away! I apologize. Please forgive me!"

I bowed my head, but Masuzu only continued to read signs.

"Shortly interested food (Limited), DANYSZ'S shortly interested shop, shortly interested the workers—"

"N-No! I'm not on a shortly interested!" [3]

Pretending to read signs to make fun of her boyfriend, this was a really advanced of a poisonous tongue!

"Swiss Bank Tax Branch shortly interested, shortly interested sushi, shortly interested clinic, shortly interested sea — the sea."


"Yes, the sea."

I quickly lifted my head, and found that the view Masuzu was gazing upon was—

"Wuahhhhhhh, We're thereeee! It's the sea—!"

I couldn't help but cheer.

The bright blue sky, and the sunlight at reflected and shined off the waves, and the beach blooming with all sorts of colorful umbrellas. This scene unfolded before us in the window.

"Wow, awesome—! So beautiful—!"

"Hmmm, looks not bad."

Chiwa and Fuyuumi leaned over, expressing excitement as they surveyed the sea.

But since Hime was asleep holding her handheld game—

"Hey, Hime, get up! It's the sea!"

I shook her shoulders, and Hime opened her eyes with a pop.

"Sea? Where?"

"Not on the window on that side, on this side, this side."

I changed seats with Hime, and she immediately stared out the window, her body stiff.

Her widened eyes seemed to dazzle and shine.

"How is it, your first time seeing the sea?"

Hime didn't take her gaze off the window, but with a voice loud and clear, she said:

"I want to compress it with ZIP!" [4]


  1. Green cars were used by Japanese National Railways and Japan Railways Group as first-class cars.
  2. JOJO reference that I can't explain because I haven't read JOJO :c
  3. Need a TLC on this line… there's too much punn-age for me to understand what she's actually referring to.
  4. Refers to compressing files like a picture on a computer.

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