User talk:Thatsjustpeachy

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Editing 剣神の継承者

Chapter 1 of Vol 2

  • Wearing the uniform of the academy, both hands were gripped tightly onto his sword as he lifted it into a raised position. Just my thoughts, but doesn't 'raised position' sound a little weird?
  • Returning the sword to the raised position, he repeated swinging his sword. --> Returning the sword to the raised position, he repeatedly swung his sword. or maybe again he swung his sword?
  • Also he had spent the whole of yesterday moving his things around in the new house, so other than cleaning he hadn’t been able to do anything else. --> Also he had spent the whole of yesterday moving his things around in the new house so, other than cleaning, he hadn’t been able to do anything else.
  • Although it might seem a little rude to Sefi, he had the confidence if they were to fight a hundred battles he would win every one of them. --> Although it might seem a little rude to Sefi, he had confidence that if they were to fight a hundred battles he would win every one of them.
  • The Seven Swords were a title given to the strongest amongst the Swordies. --> The Seven Swords was a title given to the strongest amongst the Swordies.
  • Within the Seven Swords, the most brilliant of them was given the title of Sword Saint. How about 'strongest' ?
  • Even if his physical ability had gone down, or his body had dulled, Kurou wasn’t going to use those as excuses to lose. How about 'decreased'?
  • Kurou swung his blade down even harder. Wouldn't 'sword' make more sense instead of blade?
  • There was a fine line between training and ruining his body. --> How about 'overexerting himself'?
  • Taking a shower now would be a hassle, but at the very least he felt he should wash his face. --> Taking a shower now would be a hassle, but felt he should at least wash his face.
  • Previously home was just a small cottage with very little floor space, but now it was a two story building, so the number of rooms had increased. --> Previously, home was just a small cottage with very little floor area, but now it was a two story building, so the number of rooms had increased.
  • He could hear Sefi’s stream of abuse from behind the closed door. --> He could hear Sefi’s stream of insults from behind the closed door.
  • ... with all his might as well as continued to stay inside the toilet, the fact that Sefi hadn’t resorted to violence was a reflection of her kind nature. Wasn't he in the washroom?
  • When he finally noticed his surroundings, Hinako was already standing next to him, staring at Kurou intently. Wouldn't 'came to his senses' (or something like that) make a little more sense?
  • No, there is, thought Kurou as he gazed as Hinako suspiciously. --> No, there is, thought Kurou as he gazed at Hinako suspiciously.
  • I should probably have an antacid on hand, thought Kurou as he unexpectedly began to panic. --> I should probably have (some?) antacid on hand, thought Kurou as he unexpectedly began to panic.
  • Other than the TV, table, and a small cupboard, there was essentially no other pieces of furniture or appliances. It was quite a plainly adorned room. --> Other than the TV, table, and a small cupboard, there were essentially no other pieces of furniture or appliances. It was a quite plainly adorned room.
  • Kurou was sitting right in front of the table at the center of the room. --> Kurou was sitting right in front of the table in the center of the room.

はじめ (talk) 06:38, 22 January 2014 (CST) Yeah, haven't quite finished editing this chapter. Well, the above are just my suggestions. Would you (Thatsjustpeachy) happen to be translating from a Chinese raw? There are a few sentences that seem to be a little awkward ... that aside, thanks for the effort you put into your translations and I hope that you continue to translate this LN. はじめ (talk) 06:38, 22 January 2014 (CST)

Kenshin no Keishousha

I just wanted to say thanks for the work your putting into your translations.

Thanks TJP for taking this project again. :) --Chancs (talk) 01:05, 12 November 2013 (CST)

I'll upload the image of volumes 2,3 after thursday (Due to important exam ) --Yoyoyo5678 (talk)

Thanks for picking Kenshin no Keishousha again and while I'm at it, making the volume 2 current content readable. :D Zeikuu (talk) 12:54, 14 November 2013 (CST)

I'm done with V2 but I am very sorry I messed up a little with the names of the Image --Yoyoyo5678 (talk)

I'm done with V3 too --Yoyoyo5678 (talk)

Hoping to support your work as a editor

Hello thatsjustpeachy my user name is Tjobbear I am a inexperienced editor in baka-tsuki and yours translations are top notch I hope I can have permission to support you in your translations (even if it maybe only a little) on kenshin as a editor in the project.

Editing For Kenshin no Keishousha

I would like to register to be an editor. Are there any kind of requirements to meet? LT (talk)

Thank You!

Editing Kenshin

Hi I love your work on kenshin. I was just wondering, how do I become an editor? I promise my english good.--Hayashi s (talk) 18:51, 15 August 2013 (CDT)