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Quick PDF/Doc version of OreImo for anyone interested:

My impression about OreImo's series and Volume 12 Alone (AKA Translator's rant)

Okay, I said it’s my impression about OreImo as a whole, but first, let me started from the beginning.

I got a friend. An online friend. Let’s call him RZ for now (so that I could make fun of him later). He is the one who showed me OreImo. But let’s talk about him now. He is working in Japan at the moment, in Square Enix if my memory is right. There is a rumor that his parents kicked him to another country (he is not Japanese) because he entered imouto route in real life. I don’t know how much of it is true, but there are few facts here:

1. He said “Since my imouto is so beautiful, I feel absolutely nothing when I saw a beautiful girl on the street.”

2. He also said “As I stood in front of my imouto’s wardrobe, despite knowing that for the last ten years, she had nothing but white pantsu, yet I still opened it while hoping to see a different color, with green stripes, lace, black rims blah blah blah ... but in reality, I saw nothing but white pantsu and I felt like shit.

(Also, there is another rumor that his imouto is coming to Japan to live with him. And her favorite manga is Onii-chan control)

He is a guy like that. And one day, he wrote a troll-like review for OreImo, which he openly compared his life with Kyousuke. Thus I think “hell, this guy’s life is a comedy already, there is an anime with the same setting?” – and I watched OreImo (back then, I didn’t even know that it has a light novel)

The first things I like about OreImo was, of course – Kirino (surprised? Nah I guess not, I had openly admited that I’m a Kirino shipper many times before). The way she talked about eroge, anime, the happy expression she had on her face when she told Kyousuke about them. I envied that. True, my younger brother is an otaku too, I got some otaku friends myself (mostly online, but some offline too), but I had never seen someone looked so damn happy when talking about their hobby like that. I guess I started cheering for Kirino since that moment.

Some might say that Kirino is like a bitch in anime. I don’t agree. As an elder brother myself, I have been trainned since birth to protect my younger siblings (I turned my younger brother into an otaku, a gamer – Even better than me, so I guess I did a good job). So I was actually more annoy with how Kyousuke ignored Kirino. To me, Kirino’s tsun side is her way of trying to get Kyousuke’s attention. Why didn’t she? She had a lot to boast about: beauty, good grade and so… , yet Kyousuke ignored them? I saw it as a failure as an elder brother, but thankfully he is protective of her enough to balance it. And frankly, compared to other tsundere (Louise(FoZ) use a freaking whip and explosion, while Aria(HnA) used a gun/sword), Kirino treatment toward Kyousuke is quite light.

In later episode of season 1, when Kyousuke finally showed his brother instinct, I was all agree with him. To stand on your sibling’s side no matter what, this is what an elder brother supposed to do. Funny thought, when I saw him screamed ‘I LOVE MY LITTLE SISTER’ to Ayase, I immedialy checked the novel, and the way it stated that even he didn’t know what is he talking about lead me to believe that this is his subconscious speaking. That was the moment I started to ship both of them. The party at the episode 10 was so heart warming, to see both of them getting along fine after so long.

After that, I noticed the OreImo project on Baka-tsuki was almost stopped for god know how long. I tried to gather some member, but they can’t keep up with my speed. I get a chapter done in a week, but I need 2 more weeks to find someone to proofread them, and another 2 weeks to get their result (most of the time, it’s even longer). To tell the truth, I was discouraged back then. But I thought ‘hell, as if I care. I will translate them, no matter what.’. Then I meet GH-Basestone. He got the job done! He was my first real proofchecker. Thank you, GH-Basestone, for everything.

In later volume of light novel, especially volume 7 and forward, what I felt slowly changed. First, volume 7 confirmed my suspicious that Kirino did have romantic feeling toward Kyousuke, and Kyousuke unconsciously love her back. Her fake date is a way for her to enjoy spending time with him (too bad he ruined her mood at the end). And come volume 8. At first, I didn’t think much of Kuroneko. But reading their clumsy, full of mistake first love, first date brought a smile to my face. Her break up shocked me as much as everyone else. With later volume, when more and more girls joined in the fight, she is still my second favorite after Kirino. The scene when they broke up for real in volum 12 is heart breaking. It made me remember a familiar scene from Clannad, Kyou Fujibayashi’s route. They still love each others, but Kyousuke didn’t choose her. She tore up the Destiny Record, while Kyousuke forced himself to hold back his tear. This…this…damn…my eyes tears up a bit when I read it.

Volume 12 Impression

Originally, I intented to separate this part, but in the end, I guess I can’t give my impression of the whole series without giving my impression about the last volume. Well, for one thing, the Super-Kyousuke is good to read. It’s a bit frightening how far Kyousuke would go once he decided to do something. First, like with Kuroneko, he could translate Kirino’s words now. Secondly, the way he admited his feeling and break up with Kuroneko/Ayase, while painfully to read, is worthy of a man. And third, when Manami pressed him, he finally showed that he would go to whatever length nessassry to protect Kirino. Even Manami was taken back by this. He is, at long last, showed me how he earned Kirino’s respect, how many girls fall for him.

And Kirino’s reaction was heart warming. From the recording, we found out that Manami’s word three years ago had hit right on the mark. Kirino loves Kyousuke, maybe back then was only as a sibling. But since she was forced to hide it, she turned into a brocon, a big tsundere. Everytime that feeling resurfaced, everytime Kyousuke get affectionated with her, she both wanted and afraid of it at the same time. And thank for Kyousuke’s confession, for Ayase and Kuroneko’s pressing, she was able to let it out, to answer ‘Yes’ to a proposal. I like that scene. I really do.

Next is the wedding. Right, the wedding. The most important question that we all asked ourselves : What would they do next? Well, I think there is only one possible answer : they continued their relationship, maybe in a lesser degee, maybe in secret, who knows? Now, you asked why? There were several reason I believe they would continue loving each others.

First, they said they returned to normal sibling. What is their defination of ‘normal sibling’? Heck, maybe they might had different definations. Normal sibling, true, might not kissing each other. But getting jealous when the other had a boy/girlfriend? Yeah, that still counted as normal for them. So in eroge term, they had 99% full affection point.

Second, even if they returned to normal, many things will not simply disappear. The uniform that Kirino took from Kyousuke remained. The recording they heard together remained. And now they were even more aware of each other’s feeling. In my opinions, Kirino’s tsun side is her way of dealing with her feeling toward Kyousuke. In volume 9, she admited that this is abnormal. She knew that she shouldn’t feel this way, so she ended up deny everything, fearing the worst. But with Kyousuke returned her feeling, she has nothing to be afraid of anymore.

Third, Kyousuke cut off all of his escape routes. Kirino knew it. She knew that he did it for her, for her only. So dumping him completely now would be horrible, would hurted him beyond imagination. I doubted she would do that for someone she love.

Fourth, the limited time lover was their way to express their supressed feeling. However, their feeling also grew during that time. So I think that wouldn’t work. Instead, it brought them even closer.

Fifth, the epilogue. Kirino, acting all dere dere and asked for a ring. Seriously, a ring? With her money, she could buy everything herself, yet she asked for a ring? Especially a ring that can be used in public without risk? Added in the ‘life counseling’ keywork, the way she looked back and asked him to follow her, I bet they still love each other. Who knows? Siblings aren’t allowed to marry, but they had married. Maybe the law don’t accept it, but they did. Why do they even care?

All in all, OreImo is a great novel, a good anime. I like how everyone was shown with complex characteristic, with hidden depth and feeling. Even Kyousuke, as dense as he was, is a puzzle for himself. I realy enjoy reading it, enjoy watching it, enjoy translating it. To all of my reader, thank you for stay with me for so long. Thank you for reading it with me, enjoying it with me. To all of my editor - GH-Basestone, Kory, Rohan123, shift for helping me. I couldn't do it without you guys. Once again, thank you very much, everyone!


[2013-04-07] AMZMA
Thanks soooo~ muchh for your translations, i hope you can keep your impressive works.
Easy to read, easy to understand


Chaos (talk) It's all thanks to my new second proofreader, s0beit. Still, we thank you for your support.

Thanks so much for your hard work!

[2013-05-10] Vorlentus
Thanks for the translation, especially with the long-awaited vol. 9.
Can't wait for the next volume, especially for KyoxAya shipper like me.

By the way, I dunno if you need another proofreader, but if you do (and as long as it's for vocab and grammar check), I'd be more than happy to help.

Thank you for for translations! Cloudii (talk) 16:33, 25 May 2013 (CDT)

Thanks a lot Chaos for your continuous hard work over a long period of time in translating this novel, which has finally been completed today with you uploading the final chapter and epilogue. One thanks can't express my feelings completely, so thank you, thank you very much! I will quickly get down to editing these 2 chapters now. --Rohan123 (talk) 08:48, 14 July 2013 (CDT)

What do you plan to do now?

Now that you finished oreimo, I was wondering on what you are planning to do next? I wouldn't wish to impose anymore on you, by the way, because you worked hard enough. I am just curious.

I plan to wait to finish Oreimo first, then plan yet. Maybe I will try Onii-Ai or something like that.

Kyaaaaa! Incest for the win!

Oh no, please choose Omae Otaku as your next work, I love this series and like to read it in English~

Oh please, let the translator choose. This way its less likely for him to lose interest and drop it. -not that I disapprove, mind you...

Let the translator choose, we can only put up suggestion :D . I like Onii-ai, but for me I really want to read Maburaho and Dakara Boku H. Victorrama (talk) 10:03, 14 July 2013 (CDT)

With regard to the side-stories, I added a topic in OreImo (Main) Talk: Side Stories. 黒髪の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない does appear to be legit, at least according to the JA wikipedia page for the series.
The future-vision one is -probably- the PSP bundled continuation, but without knowing the title I can't say with any certainty. I don't have access to that particular JA novel, so I couldn't even compare the content to the CN version—and then, if I did have access to the JA version, I'd probably prefer you TL'd from that, anyway. XD

Requesting Permission...

Hello Chaos, thank you for translating the Oreimo/Index Crossover. It was a fun read.

Since it includes characters from the Index franchise, I was wondering if I could get permission from you to put up a link to translation on the Toaru Majutsu no Index Section. I am sure they would enjoy reading it as well.

If you do give permission, do you have a preference as to how you want me to link to it? e.g. Link straight to the Full Text, or present as you have on the Oreimo Section, etc.--OH&S (talk) 03:50, 14 August 2013 (CDT)

Sure, permission granted. It's always better to have more reader, double when it's a famous series like Index/Railgun series. You can choose to link to whatever is easier for you, I don't have a particular preference Chaos (talk)

ero manga sensei

thanks for translating this light novel i have really enjoyed the first chapter