Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa:Volume 3 Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: The beginning of the end

“By the way, oniichan, when will we go back?”

Next morning.

While we were having breakfast at the hotel, that question came from my sister’s lips.

“… Well. Since it was written on the tour ticket sent by mom that it was 4 days and 3 nights… Maybe around the day after tomorrow?”

“But, you know. Come to think of it, does it still matter what the ticket said?”

“Well… That’s true.”

“To tell the truth… I’m also worried about that. We can’t text to the human world from the Netherworld… I have to contact daddy soon.”

“Is that so? Why don’t we ask Lilith-san about bringing forward a bit the date of return?”

“There’s no need for that.”

“… Ah! Lilith-san. None too soon.”

As usual, Lilith-san appeared at an unexpected time from a unexpected place.

“So… What do you mean by not having to worry about it?”

“Since you all will be staying in the Netherworld for some more time.”

“Some more… How many days are we talking about?”

“… Let’s see. If things go well, maybe you will leave the Netherworld in 3 years’ time?”

“T-three years!?”

“Yeah. By the way, I meant three years would be if things go well… Assuming the worst case, you’ll spend all your lives in the Netherworld.”

“… Erm, of course that’s a joke, isn’t it?”

“No. I’m being serious. What need do I have to lie to you?”


Hearing Lilith-san saying it wasn’t a joke, the cheerful atmosphere from a while ago changed abruptly.

As if it were a lie, the mood became gloomy.

“… Good grief, that’s stupid.”

Said Zonmi, slamming the chopsticks she was eating with against the table.

“Even though I’m indifferent about returning, to reach the world of humans from here you just have to get done with some formalities.

Chiharu… You don’t need to listen to what she’s saying. Come on, let’s retrieve our luggage. We’ll leave from here this very morning.”

“Hey. Zonmi, wait!”

I held back Zonmi, who was leaving without a word.

At least… It’s not too late to listen a bit more about what’s happening.

“I see. Even if you really want to leave, it’s still fine.”

“… ? What do you mean?”

Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa 3 p173.png

“It’s going to be the same no matter what you do. It will be a trouble if you underestimate us demons. At our call, forget reaching the human world, you wouldn’t manage even to leave this island.”

“I see. If ye will go even to the extent of confining us, beyond doubt it’s something very deep. Isn’t it, Demon?”

Iris looked at Lilith-san sending daggers with her glance,

“… Why dostn’t thou be truthful with us already? The real reason we have come to the Netherworld…”

“… Is that so? Do I not have to keep it secret anymore?”

As if realizing something, Lilith-san slowly started to tell us.

“Frankly speaking, Chiharu-sama’s existence is too much of a danger to us.

A chimera between a human and a demon… If that existence reaches public knowledge… The illegal organization that is researching the combination of humans and monsters… It’s not like its members will keep quiet.

With your power, as you hold the power of a monster while having a human body, replacing the current humanity with a brand new humanity… It’s possible for that unrealistic event to happen.”


I didn’t know.

However, If, as Lilith-san says, that kind of underground organization exists, no doubt my very being would be a suitable sample for them.

… Mm, wait.

“Could it be that that organization you say…?”

The mysterious monster tamer I battled the other day crossed my mind.

I recalled Noelle, who, while being a human, had the power of a monster.

“It’s as Chiharu-sama has guessed. The Black Tamers… Those guys are the leading people in researching the merging of humans with monsters.”


Is that so?

So it was like that…!!?

It looks like I have tied together everything about the doubts that were haunting me until now.

The reason the Black Tamers came for us so desperately.

And, about the monster tamer I battled before. The reason that Noelle held the ability to turn her own body into a monster.

If we think that all of that is because of their research, everything that happened up till now comes together.

“I’ve understood the reason why I can’t return to the human world.

However… Why now? If you simply wanted to trap me at the Netherworld… You should have done it earlier.”

“That’s right. If, like up until now, Chiharu-sama’s secret was safe, you could be allowed to keep living at the human world, but… Regrettably, that cannot be.”

“So that means… The secret has been leaked somewhere?”

“Yeah. Are we talking about 3 months ago? An unauthorized access to the database managed by the IMA was confirmed. What’s more… As the culprit held internal privileges, we didn’t discover it until recently…”

“…So it was like that.”

Speaking about three months ago, that’s around the same time I received on my cell the mail from the IMA.

Come to that, could it be that my being chosen as a monster tamer and the leakage of my information from the IMA database are connected somehow!?

“Erm… Lilith-san…”

So, the moment after I was about to voice my doubt.

Suddenly, the sound of a siren resounded inside the room.

At first, I thought that a small fire had started, but it seems that it’s not that.

The sound of the siren, rather than from inside the hotel… Seems to be coming from outside the building.

“Head maid… It’s an emergency!”

The one who appeared before us was a maid who was breathing roughly, and her countenance surmised that “what happened is no trivial matter”.

“What is it!?”

“An enemy attack! The opponent is likely the Black Tamers… They number 30… No, more like 50! Before the enemy charge, our defensive lines are on the verge of collapsing. Some of them have infiltrated already.”

“… Is that a mistake? This island, entirely covered with a summon forbidding field, should have perfect counter terrorist defenses.”

“About that… The enemy wields a strange skill that lets them change their own body into a monster… They don’t seem to mind the summon forbidding field in the least.”

A shadow fell over Lilith-san’s face,

“… How stupid. Do they plan on repeating the same error as ten years ago?”

“Erm… What the heck is happening on this island? Besides, just now… Black Tamers…”

“It seems that we don’t have the time to explain it properly. Chiharu-sama… Leave from here at once.”

Right after Lilith-san commanded me so.

There was a creaking noise of broken glasses.

As we looked at the source of the noise, from outside the broken window, a single giant monster entered the hotel.

That monster was shaped like a wolf with lovely black hair & huge fangs.

“Yoh… Long time no see. I’m looking forward for the day to come to exert my revenge against you… Kusumi-kun!”


Wh-who’s this guy…

I’m sorry, but I don’t remember having met any werewolf.

“Haha! You can’t guess with this shape? Don’t worry, will you remember me once we start to fight!?”

After spewing that sentence, the wolf monster swung down its paws against me.

It’s definitely not a move I can’t react against, but… I didn’t dare to evade it.

“Excuse me!”

Why?… Since, for starters, I didn’t feel that there was a need to evade.

As soon as the werewolf narrowed me as its target, Zonmi, ready for combat, fended off the attack with her umbrella.

“… Tch. You again, bitch? Thanks for taking care of me back then[1]. Ghoul womaaan!”

“If I remember this ace from somewhere… The man who we battled before that used a minotaurus… Is that you?”

“On the mark! I’m glad that you remember me!

Haha! This time it won’t be like last time! Ill show you the might of me, who’s called the strongest among Seconds[2]!”


Is it… A joke…?

This werewolf’s true identity… Is the black suited Black Tamer I battled before?

The shocking thing is that it’s not part of his body.

The Black Tamers’ members have genuinely… Completed their research to turn a human into a monster!?

… Though that was a surprise, it’s not like I’ll show my agitation to the enemy.

I have to show to them a composed smile.

“Can you allow yourself to look away? I too have strengthened my battle power.”

“… Haah? Bastard, what are you… Guah!?”

Receiving a severe blow on his flank, the werewolf rose a dull moan.

“Haru… I’ll protect you!”

Kyouko’s dropkick from the side had enough strength to send flying the large build of the werewolf.

From the start, in battle power alone, Kyouko can suitably be called the strongest of our members.

And in addition to that, because of making a contract with me, that destructive power has grown and become something fearsome.

“If you forget about Manami, you’ll regret it♪”

Saying that, Manami dynamically threw a pair of huge kitchen knives in a boomerang fashion.

“… Uugh!?”

That strength surprisingly seemingly being nothing to make light of, with the knives stuck to its forehead, the werewolf let out a big moan and one of his knees touched ground.

“… Keh! Isn’t a surprise attack bad manners?!

However, I didn’t expect it… For you bastard of a rookie to so quickly… Contract three monsters…”


I’m very sorry for the misunderstanding.

You may not believe me when I say you this, but… My sister is not a monster.

“… I beg you fall back a bit.”

“Eh!! But it’s fine. Can Manami fight? If Manami uses her girl power, monster or whatever, won’t he fall in one punch?”

“It bothers me that you think that’s fine!”

As I remarked that to her, Manami, *GUFUFU*, let out an unpleasant laughter,

“Humf♡ There’s no way.

Oniichan can’t help but worryly worry about Manami♪

Kyaaah♡ Could it be that Manami… Is being loved!?”

“… Yup. Since it’s a pain in the ass, let’s leave it like that.”

Somehow managing to make my sister leave the front lines, I let out a sigh.

The werewolf, having heard our conversation from the start to the end, let out a composed laugh,

“Haha! How surprisingly easygoing. Thanks t your long conversation, bastards, I too could finish my preparations.”


Looking to where the man’s gaze pointed at, there were five giant flight-type monsters, six, seven… One by one they could be seen coming here from outside the window.

Each and every of those guys was shaped like a bird or an insect, and like this, they were closing distances with us.

This is bad.

No matter how strong Zonmi and the rest are, we can’t stand up to this numbers by normal means.

Now all of us have to cooperate…

When I made that judgment and looked around, I suddenly noticed something.

—I couldn’t see Iris anywhere.

“… Don’t tell me!?”

The worst possibility crossed my mind.

How careless.

That’s right. Hearing news about the Black Tamers, how could Iris keep doing nothing? I dare say that Iris, right now… To exert her revenge, there’s no doubt that she must have taken the absurd action of going by herself.

… As I was thinking that, the flight-type monsters entered the hotel one after another.

The man laughed loudly,

“Haha! Now things have changed! You’d do better surrendering like this, you bastard.”


It seems that, as expected, the objective of the Black Tamers is me.

It looks like they want to use my body to further their research.

“… Chiharu-sama.”

Lilith-san called my name.

Before I knew, she has brought heavily armed maids, ready for the battle.

“Their objective is you. This place, how about… You leave this place to us? Chiharu-sama, please head to the underground passage I showed you the other day.”

“… Understood.”

We apologize for our difficult to accept request. You’re worried about the safety of Zonmi-sama and the rest, right? However, be relieved. If we stabilize the front lines, the can go after you… Erm. I beg you pardon. Could you please repeat to me what I’ve just said?”

“You said to leave this place to you.”

“… Yes?”

“Take care of Zonmi and the rest.”

“Eh, errrm… Yes. You can surely leave it in our hands.”

That I complied with the two answers may have been quite surprising to her.

Lilith-san was confused for a while with a face that said “there’s something I don’t quite understand”.

… I better leave before she becomes aware.

Of course, this time, I won’t comply in the least with what Lilith-san has said.

I have one thing I must do.

To retrieve Iris, who has gone to fight alone, and save her from her pinch.

After all… I promised her that night.

If you ever fall into no matter what pinch… I’ll definitely go to save you!

I’m worried about the safety of Zonmi and the lot, but since the enemy’s objective is my body, exiting the hotel will make them be safer.

With strengthened decision, after sneaking out of the room, in order to search for Iris, I ran to the outside the hotel.

× × ×

Vigorously rushing out of the hotel, searching for Iris was difficult.

If I had at least made a contract with her, I could have used the thread of magic power that comes out from the ring to choose the shortest way, but… Even if I complain now, it’s no use.

Instead, I could find along the way charred black monster bodies.

Could it be perhaps… That Iris had been battling here?

Though I may have left her behind, I reached that conclusion by putting together those tiny clues.

As I approached the town’s center, the frequency at wich I found charred black monsters went up.

Surely… Iris must be near.

After walking for a while, *SHBROOOM!*, from the town’s center came a noise like that of breaking concrete.


I could easily spot Iris, turned into her red dragon form.

Iris, with her body conspicuously buried into the wall at the top of a building, looks to be clearly worn out from consecutive battling.


After taking flight by extending her wings, Iris let out a roar that made the earth tremble.

“Kyaha♡ Don’t hide, lizard-chan. I’m going to lovingly tease you a bit.”

The person Iris is against is a very familiar face.

The monster tamer I engaged in battle some time ago, who could turn her body into a golem.

Noelle North Norm.

Contrasting with Iris, whose face was easily readable, Noelle’s countenance was frighteningly cold. It was as if she enjoyed the deathmatch like a game… That kind of madness could be felt.


After being provoked, Irish flew up front in Noelle’s direction.

However, Noelle easily stopped that attack by transforming both her arms into those of a golem.

References and Translation Notes

  1. Even Japanese punks are at least this polite. He does still need that they wash his mouth with soap and bleach.
  2. From “second test bodies”. Like Firsts, but the next batch.

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