Talk:Gekka no Utahime to Magi no Ou

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 10:20, 3 June 2014 by SonodaYuki (talk | contribs)
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It's official; I'll be moving this project elsewhere in a while, after my hiatus. I'll go through with a round of edits and a fair amount of terminology might be changed. The old, to-be-out-dated translations can stay. More details will be revealed at a later date. Florza (talk) 22:14, 11 November 2012 (CST)

Oh hey there just a real quick question but is there any way that actual translations can be hosted here instead of just links? Because I really want to read this series but whenever I click the links in bakareader ex it takes me to pages with eye-meltingly white backgrounds with extremely small text. Which is really weird because when I click the same link on my computer it takes me to a page with a light black background. I mean I can just solve the small text by zooming but the white background just stresses the hell out of my eyes and prevents me from reading it Sincerely, a fan who really wants to read the stuff nanodesu translates

There was once a time when Nanodesu's policy allowed Baka-Tsuki to host their translations. That time passed, and so did their policy. It was requested we remove them, and, of course, we complied. If you're suggesting we flaut policy and host anyway, à la Mangafox/Mangahere, you may find what's called a sticky situation. Also, please sign your posts with a quadruple tilde (~). SonodaYuki (talk) 00:05, 2 June 2014 (CDT)

No I'm not asking that you ignore their wishes and steal their stuff I was just wondering if there was a specific reason it couldn't be hosted here. Though is there any way to contact them and request a color change to the mobile version of their site? Because I honestly doubt I'm the only one with this issue as I have never seen anyone read a novel in a pure white background. Brightest I've ever seen anyone read something off their phone or tablet is a darkish grey

As I said, their policy changed, and we took it down as they asked. They don't even need a specific reason, but if you'd like to hear one, you can visit this page.And, if you think it's relevant, that announcement was made soon after Yen Press announced it was licencing a rather popular series, but we shouldn't jump to any conclusions. SonodaYuki (talk) 01:11, 3 June 2014 (CDT)

While this mightn't be a permanent solution, if you bookmark this:

javascript:(function(){var newSS, styles='* { background: white ! important; color: black !important } :link, :link * { color: #0000EE !important } :visited, :visited * { color: #551A8B !important }'; if(document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet("javascript:'"+styles+"'"); } else { newSS=document.createElement('link'); newSS.rel='stylesheet'; newSS.href='data:text/css,'+escape(styles); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(newSS); } })();

And click on it (when you are on Nanodesu), it'll change the background to white, and the text to black. Kenji (talk) 01:59, 3 June 2014 (CDT)

That's actually pretty cool, I tend to use Readability when I'm on a site with , well. readability issues (obtrusive sidebars). Personally though, I actually like ND's grey on black. SonodaYuki (talk) 03:20, 3 June 2014 (CDT)