Baka-Tsuki:Machine Translation Guidelines

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Revision as of 09:38, 11 June 2014 by Cloudii (talk | contribs) (still a severe work in process)
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This page is a DRAFT.

Please use caution. There many be inaccurate or incomplete material.

This is page describes Baka-Tsuki's default policy towards machine translations.

Please note that this policy is a convention—individual translation projects may have stricter or more relaxed policies with regards to machine translations. Please check Project-Specific Guidelines to learn more about your project's stance on machine translations. All members should follow these guidelines by default.

Definition of Machine Translations

This is a general guideline for ~Preview~ Scripts submitted using machine translations:

Script employing this method are not un-welcomed, but are restricted to guidelines and unfortunately cannot be submitted as "official" scripts.

We can only allow machine translation as ~Preview~ scripts, due to the consensus of the wiki-communist state of Baka-Tsuki concluding that the quality of machine translation has yet to rival human translators and the representation of machine translation should not be acknowledge as "official" scripts to stake Baka-Tsuki's reputation upon.

However with the improvement of software and technology, Baka-Tsuki is hopefully that the quality will improve and that we should not dismiss this method of translation and the current generation of machine translators are still useful for helping human translators to reference and give a general idea of layout, and bulk of text needed to be translated.

The best machine translator we have current reviewed is called "Atlas" we encourage all contributors who wish to help using machine translation to use this current engine.

While other software and "online" translators are not dismissed, please be aware that they have worse context translation ability compared with "Atlas".

They will as mentioned in the first sentence, require a lot of editing, as the general context spoken and background are severely damaged by the engine.

Editors are advised to seek human translator consultancy over these scripts to conduct a general analysis to check that the story integrity are within tolerances of the volume/series.

Machine Translated Scripts are advised the following actions:

1) Post machine translated scripts on the Forum for examination

2) Script need to be consulted with a Human translator who can conduct a general proofing with the original raws used for it. (in the same language used, if possible )

3) All machine script need an approve by a Baka-Tsuki Staff before publishing on the wiki.

4) Machine translations must be placed in a page with "~Preview~" in the title.

5) The link must clearly state it is a "~Preview~" and must be placed next to the un-linked title on the appropriate series page.

6) The beginning of the page must contain the following:

CODE: SELECT ALL Chapter [number/Symbol] - [title of chapter here]

This is a preview script. Please be aware that the degree of translation error may be higher than usual due to the translation speed & method employed.

7) Author of Machine translation must register their wiki user name on the appropriate series registration page, clearly stating it is for the preview script.

Once a Preview scripts has fulfilled all guidelines, please be aware that the script becomes part of the Baka-Tsuki Wiki-communist state property.

Baka-Tsuki staff have the final authority to remove the script, provided they have fully transparent and accountable reasons.