Talk:Mushoku Tensei:Web Chapter 56

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 01:38, 19 July 2014 by Zuruumi (talk | contribs)
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 この世界には、生まれつき魔力に異常を持って生まれてくる子供がいる。 In this world there are children who are born with an abnormal amount of magic power. In this world there are children who are born with abnormality in their magic power.

They don´t have abnormal amount of it (like Rudeus) but it itself is abnormal. (Better wording might be needed) --Zuruumi (talk) 18:14, 18 July 2014 (CDT)

Agreed on the fix, I'm in speed translating mode today so I misread that, you can fix it or I can. Still working on chapter 7. --Dark Kaito (talk) 18:21, 18 July 2014 (CDT)

Also> 一時期は一名まで減ったのだが、無法地帯であった奴隷市場にツテを作った事で一人増えた。 I think this is also a bit different, he haven`t saved anyone, I think it is something about gaining influence over slave market, but I am not completely sure how to translate this. Anyway, thanks for all your hard work, though this chapter seems a bit more rushed, it is still quite nice reeding--Zuruumi (talk) 18:37, 18 July 2014 (CDT)