User talk:Zmunjali

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 12:25, 26 July 2014 by Zmunjali (talk | contribs)
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You're expected to put the project prefix for project chapters in case someone mistakes it for something else and deletes it. --KuroiHikari (Talk | ) 09:00, 6 July 2014 (CDT)

How to do that?

KuroiHikari was referring to adding "Mushoku Tensei:" (the project prefix) before the chapters; you would do this in the url in the address bar of your browser when creating the page. However, I have gone through the Mushoku Tensei project page and adding this for all the red links (it was missing before), so you shouldn't have to do it anymore and can just follow the links on the project page. --Cthaeh (talk) 09:55, 6 July 2014 (CDT)

Thank you very much

Editing the chapters...

Hi, zmunjali

I'm quite interested with your translations. So I started editing your unedited translations but it was reverted back by the Project Supervisor because I'm not registered as an editor in this LN. So I'm asking permission to edit this wonderful story and be a part of the editing team.

I already have experienced on editing Light Novels and I will really be glad if I could help making this LN wonderful.

Ah, thanks and feel free to edit it

Editing the chapters...

Hi, zmunjali

I'm one of the editors for Mushoku Tensei.

I just have a question for you.

Are you translating using an automated translating app? Or are you manually translating it?

I just have problems with editing the chapters in Volume 18 and 19 that you translated. I'm doing my best to grasp the meaning behind the words but some lines appear to be mistranslated.

Since I'm only an editor, I can't guess the contents of the story without proper guidelines. That's why I'm asking you to please re-check the translated chapters and discuss with me on how to edit it without damaging the contents of the story.

Please cooperate with me for making Mushoku Tensei chapters high quality.


C0debreaker6 16:15 10 July 2014 (+8 GMT)

at first I'm doing vol 16, 17, and 18 by using google translate by editing it to a readable version. now for vol 19 I'm using google translate and looking at the meaning of each word from the raw then compare the result of my own translation wit GT to assemble the final result. I think I will leave high numbered volume for later and do low volume[below 15] after finished with vol 19 translation. but, yeah, Please take care of me and a bit of my eccentric habit. for better translation of Mushoku Tensei.


zmunjali 15:43 10 July 2014 (+7GMT)

Proposal of project

Could you send me your translated files before you posted it in BT?

That way I could work without restrictions and make the quality higher.

After I'm done editing the chapter and you'll do the final adjustments and check for errors and then you could post it in BT.

This is just my proposal about how we will do that translation.

Well, it's still up to you whether how we will do it.

C0debreaker6 16:59 10 July 2014 (+8 GMT)

I'm too lazy to change the file name but vol 16 is a huge mess, vol 17 is a bit better, vol 18 it's look okay. vol 19 is incomplete with only few chapter translated using latest method[self trans with GT for comparison]

Okay, I'll make it readable as much as possible. I'll just point out what I didn't understood in this.

C0debreaker6 18:38 10 July 2014 (+8 GMT)

MF folder with latest chapter

best regard zmunjali

I can't access the folder for the latest chapter. Please re-check.

I also want permission to post what I edited in the Mushoku page. That means I'm creating a new page.

C0debreaker6 14:57 21 July 2014 (+8 GMT)

okay, that's for chapter 193 and 194

sorry but about the delay in translation

What will I do with my edited chapter? I already completed Volume 17's Chapter 1: Call. Should I post it directly in here, or should I give it to you first?

C0debreaker6 17:16 21 July 2014 (CDT)

I'm also planning to submit it after I'm done with the whole volume. But it's up to you whether we should do it or not.

And also, could I have a contact with you besides in here? I want to ask a few questions about some words that I don't understand. There's some terminologies that I didn't understand, and unfortunately, nothing came up with Google.

C0debreaker6 17:24 21 July 2014 (CDT)

did you have animesuki account?

as for vol 17 and 18, I will do retranslation from your edited version for better version. but it's fine if you want to release it.



Okay, here the next chapter :

jumping to the next hell of Nyah chapter, oh god when will this hell of nyah ended?

--zmunjali 25 July 2014 (+7GMT)

Need some help

I need some help in Translation Checking in Volume 19 Chapter6.

This line here: "The reason for that is Naa Naa, to increase my standing in the neighborhood is"

I could edit the latter part but I don't understand the "Naa Naa" line. Please re-check the raws.

And in Volume 17 Chapter 1. There's a word "Jintori" there. I can't find it in Google nor any related subjects about it.

Please re-check.

And in Volume 19 Chapter 1. There's a word "Ryu Kiyoshi" there. I found the Kanji for it (龍聖) and even Google Translate can't do it. So I just used my inadequate understanding of Japanese and came up with "Drangon's Brilliance". Please re-check


--C0debreaker6 (talk) 03:51, 26 July 2014 (CDT)

for "Ryu Kiyoshi"---it's means [Saint Dragon Fighting Spirit], a special technique created by Dragon King Urupen

その辺りをなぁなぁにするのは、俺自身のためにもならないしな。 ---> this line is very confusing, I didn't get te meaning yet.but [I wonder what the reason for the neighborhood, It's not like I'm doing this for myself]--but it's still confusing.

sorry I didn't look into vol 17 again
