User talk:Sideswipe

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Hey Sideswipe,

I'm relatively new to the Baka-Tsuki community, and I wanted to try out editing. I'm still getting used to the hang of things, but I was wondering if you had space for one more editor in the No Game No Life LN's, as I love this series. If there are too many editors as is, could you possibly refer me to another Project that needs editors? Thanks for taking the time to read this.



P.S. If you can accept me as an editor, don't worry about the size of the text. I can handle most things.


  • Hi,

I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to edit No Game No Life so go a head im only monitoring on baka-tsuki while NanoDesu is translating. Tokyo Ravens is another one without an editors so check that out?


So, I'm still relatively new to Baka-Tsuki, and I had a few questions.
1. Where would you go to get the translated (but not edited) script from a translator?
2. Is there an IRC channel or something that I can use to get in touch with the translator(s)?
3. Should a rough draft be given to the translator(s) for a quick proofread and context check?
4. Why is Baka-Tsuki so confusing? >.<
Sorry to inconvenience you with all these questions.


Hey, Don't worry about it, I'm new here as well but only about 4 months. So i understand how it feel, so anyone can ask me questions about things like this, im happy to help so keep'em coming!. :)

And to your questions.
1.) You just find errors while reading uploaded text and if someone has already edited it, its fine you haven't lost your chance to edit its just that we editors are just tweaking the final product. So you can edit already edited text.
2.) I'm not sure (Google it maybe?) but i know some translators have their own blogs such as CodeZero, the guy who translates Highschool DxD. You can add my twitter if you want (@Sideswipeez)
3.) Translating is something you sign-up for on a particular novel or chapter. Scroll down to the 'Translation' bit and it should say 'Registration Translators are asked to register for chapters they want to work on' and click register to see what are available etc. Mostly the translators proofread before uploading multiple times and let the editors do the work. But if the Grammar is in-correct, people who cant speak Japanese will have a hard time trying to figure out what's wrong with the phrase. So my advise only translate if its good enough, Compare your version to existing ones to see if you've made any mistake.
4.) Don't worry it'll start to make sense after around a week maybe? XD

Hope this helped! I'm not a translator so it might be off a little! But iv read enough of these novels to pick up certain Japanese customs if you know what i mean.:)


Kotori Mystery and Mana Mission

I'm not sure if you were here around the beginning of April, but there was also someone who put up summary versions of several DAL short stories at that time. Heck, you probably should've seen it in the delete log when you made those two pages; something like "Some has deleted Date A Live:Mana Mission. Reason: (summary)".

Point is, it's been decided that Baka-Tsuki is a repository for full translations, not summaries. In addition, I suspect you copied the summaries from an external source without permission, and if this is true, it could get you into a lot of trouble. -Akira (talk) 15:55, 30 July 2014 (CDT)

Did you translate these two stories yourself? Fix the tenses it sounds so's just too much.--Dual Blades (talk) 17:41, 30 July 2014 (CDT)