Zero no Tsukaima:Volume10 Chapter1

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Chapter 1: The Ostland


Louise let out a deep sigh. She was at the deck of the Ostland. In front of her eyes, led by Guiche and Malicorne, the students of the Academy of Magic were creating a commotion.

Colbert was in the center of the circle. Previously, they heard how he had died during the attack of the group of mercenaries from the Albion army; but he was actually alive, and apparently, Kirche had secretly brought him back to Germania.

It was a mystery why Kirche did that. Louise inclined her head.

“Oh my, Louise. How is this ship my Jan made?”

Her hand went around Louise, and Kirche smiled sweetly.

Louise stared at the wings of Ostland which were protruding from its deck. They are enormous wings, which should be three times larger that the ones of normal ships. Usually, wings which are set up in ships were wood, as the support, with a spreading sail. But this ship is different. To achieve that strength, instead of wood, tall iron masts are used. Amounting to even 100 mails, these straight iron masts could not be produced in Tristain.

In the middle of the wings, there is an engine room with huge propellers! It looks like the “steam engine” Colbert prided in. Apparently, it is something Colbert and the Zerbst family made using the “Happy Serpent” some time ago as a model. From the outer appearance, they look like two long, huge iron boxes with huge chimneys. With the energy from the steam which is generated from the combustion of coals and the heating of water, these huge propellers revolve- this is its mechanism.

Those two things were the product of Germanian mechanics who were excellent metallurgists.

“What a great ship.”

Louise expressed her thoughts briefly, and...

“To manufacture iron which could be of use to make such long and strong masts in Tristain is impossible! Louise, do you understand? For the sake of turning my Jan's design into reality, the fire technology of Germania is indispensable! It was a just like a fated meeting between the fire Zerbst and the Flaming Serpent! In other words, the fruits of love!”

Unabashed, Kirche combed her hair back. Disgusted at Kirche who had now caught a teacher, calling him “My Jan," Louise said,

“So it's a teacher this time? You are really really someone who falls in love irrationally, huh?”

“It is my personality to be attracted to great gentlemen. I am only faithful to that.”

“Then why did you do things like lying that he had died and took him away?”

Louise asked. At her words, Kirche displayed a somewhat lonesome look. Yet, she smiled immediately.

“There are a lot of reasons for adults. Complicated reasons.”

While she was waving her hand, she rushed over to Colbert.

Colbert was explaining the Ostland to the students.

“With the buoyancy acquired using these huge wings, the consumption of wind stoned is minimized, and this ship should be able to travel for a long distance......uwa!”

Suddenly embraced by Kirche, Colbert let out a shout. Laughter escaped from the students. Saito was amongst the students. He was laughing quite innocently.

I know you are happy that he is still alive, but...... Louise pouted.

Explain properly your kiss with princess.

Although when I was kissed during the drop, I thought, 'Well, it's fine......,' the kiss between Saito and Henrietta was still an uncommon relationship. Louise did not miss the hot atmosphere which was drifting between the two. Although I had questioned Henrietta, I still did not know whether that feeling was real or not...... Louise declared. Oh no! Because he had stopped the seventy thousand and became the hero of Tristain, looks like Henrietta's eyes are clouded as well.

How would Saito react towards the queen's feelings? Is Henrietta still better after all?

Louise recalled their kiss. Henrietta and Saito were just like characters of a soap opera, having something hot residing in their looks. What eyes! Looks which were as if they had just noticed the sudden destiny which came to them without them knowing it.

You had said so many times you like me that much, and yet what is thisssss~! Completely agitated, Pong! Louise kicked recklessly into the side of the ship.

“You are in a bad mood huh?”

Louise looked around, and saw Siesta standing there, holding a tray.

“Why are you here?”

With a voice similar to a snarl, Louise said. Nowadays, Siesta was Saito's exclusive maid. Right now, she was supposed to be cleaning the room.

“Because the students who had gathered had said they wanted to have their lunch on the ship. The workers carrying the meal are not enough, so I was called as well. Nevertheless, this is really an awesome ship, right? This is my first time seeing a ship with such long wings.”

Siesta was not aware of the incident of Louise's attack by Myozunitonirun last night. And looks like she did not recognize this great ship, Ostland, which was made by Colbert who was living at Germania for some reasons, at all. With an innocent expression, her view shifted around restlessly from the deck to the mast and the wings.

The meal which was on the tray consisted of sliced bread, ham, and vegetables- a light meal. Louise took one of them, and started stuffing her mouth quietly.

Siesta whispered near Louise's ears,

“Was Miss Valliere found by Saito-san during the ball?”

Ugh! the bread she was eating got stuck at her throat. At her reactions, Siesta narrowed her eyes and whispered,

“Soooooo what's the maaatter? Oh my oh my oh my. Looking at that expression, looks like he did not, huh? If that's the case, I won the bet. If I won, that means......”

Siesta's face shone brightly.

“So I will borrow Saito-san for one day, right? As for Miss Valliere, please say that you have things to do and leave the room. It's all right! I won't do anything strange like what Miss Valliere is thinking. I'll just practice a play, only that. A novel with the title 'A Maid's Afternoon,' just only practice one scene. So......”

However, Louise did not reply. Whilst trembling, she was staring intently at a dot.

“Are you listening? Miss...”

Siesta recognized the target of Louise's gaze, and her eyes bulged.

“Isn't that Her Majesty, The Queen!?”

Just as she said, taking along some guards, Henrietta was about to go towards the students. In order for her to attend the Ball of Sleipnir, she had to stay at the Academy of Magic. Cheers could be heard from amongst the students who had gathered at the deck. Noticing Henrietta who had appeared suddenly, Colbert bowed deeply.

“A magnificent ship, right? Mister.”

“Thank you.”

Looking at the conversation between Colbert and Henrietta, Siesta sighed. The beauty of Henrietta which was described as “The Flower of Tristain” would stand out even amongst other noble ladies. The noble atmosphere drifted even to Siesta, a commoner, pressurizing her.

However...... despite being in such a position, Henrietta still had this amiable feeling. Usually, noble ladies would always appear to be puffed up and aloof. Yet, Henrietta who reigned at the top did not make one feel like that. Was it because no one rivalled her?

“This is the first time I've seen Her Majesty, The Queen, so closely. If my family in my home town heard about this, they will definitely be envious......”

Yet, Louise did not respond. Motionless, her gaze was fixated straight ahead at Henrietta. What on earth is wrong with Miss Valliere? Siesta inclined her head. Eventually, her face lightened up. The person she liked was pushing his way among the crowd.


Sure enough, it was Saito, wearing an Ondine mantle. Although Guiche's figure could be seen beside him, Siesta's eyes were only on Saito.

Guiche came up to Henrietta's front, and bowed elegantly. Saito who was standing half a step behind followed suit, bowing down in an unrefined manner of a knight. The clumsiness which was brought up from amongst the commoners made Siesta's heart beat more.

“Your Majesty, the preparation of the coach is already done.”

With a respectful bow, Guiche said. Because of his delight of directly serving the queen he admired, he showed a proud look never seen before this. It was a contrast to Saito who looked embarrassed somehow.

“Thank you for the trouble.”

She said so, and as if rewarding their work, held out her right hand. At such an action, Guiche froze.



Saito prodded him lightly. Because of that, Guiche fell sidewards. Surprised, Henrietta took a step back.

“Wh-what happened?”

“He fainted.”

Saito said wistfully, and the other students who had gathered exploded into laughter.

Looks like Guiche was overcome by emotion and had lost his consciousness.

“Well then, I will just express my gratitude to the Assistant Commanding Officer instead.”


Henrietta said in a slightly anxious tone. Around her, tension spread rapidly. Although Saito is a chevalier, he is still of a commoner origin (the truth is that he is a person of a different world). Previously, despite knowing that he was permitted to kiss Her Majesty's hand at Tristain, for him to do so right now before everyone's eyes, was something he could not even imagine, and this made him dizzy.

Saito involuntarily looked up at Henrietta's face, and blushed, lowering his head slightly. The surrounding noble students thought, Aren't you a little too nervous in kissing the queen's hand?, but that thing was reflected in Siesta's eyes as well. Squinting her eyes, she stared at the queen's and Saito's faces alternately.


From Siesta's mouth, a surprised sound leaked out. As might be expected of a girl in love, Siesta did not miss the hot feeling glimmering in Henrietta's eyes, even if it was only for a moment.

“Ho-how could this be? Don't tell me......”

Impossible, while thinking that, she turned towards Louise. Something grave was happening here as well. Clenching her fists tightly, with her face looking down, standing stiffly, she was murmuring something continuously.

“Miss? Miss?”

Siesta hastily shook Louise. From the Louise's mouth which was mumbling something, curse-like words could be heard.

“Though you're a dog though you're are dog what are you thinking about that is impossible so there is nothing more dreadful than this or is it Princess-sama is Princess-sama there is nothing less honorable than this you're not serious right you're joking right you don't know what this feeling is an unforgivable dog is really unforgivable yet you and the queen? How amusing...”

“Miss! Miss!”

Paling, Siesta shook Louise harder.


“......That! That, what does it mean!?”

Whilst whispering softly, Siesta pointed at Henrietta and Saito.

“No matter whether it means like this sort or that sort of thing, what you see is true.”

Siesta dropped to the ground clumsily.

“I can't believe it.”

“Even I don't believe it.”

Looks like Henrietta noticed Louise. Displaying a smile devoid of any ill will, she drew near her.

Behind her, with an expression as if he had done something wrong, Saito came as well. Guiche, who had came to, tag along as well. Louise turned her back roughly against Saito's face, and greeted Henrietta awkwardly.

“I am going back to the palace after this...... Before that, I would like to have a meal with you. Is it okay?”

“Be it okay or not okay, no objections. Just do as Your Majesty wishes.”

Henrietta laughed sweetly, after which she turned towards Saito.

“Would you like to join us as well?”

“That, that is...Gladly! Yes!” Guiche replied, standing stiffly. If Montmorency were present at that time, she definitely would not have hesitated to punish him with her magic.

Saito, however, shook his head apologetically.

“Sorry......I'm afraid I have some things to do for a bit.”

From the students who were watching him attentively, amazed voices could be heard. It was generally unimaginable for someone to turn down the invitation of a queen. Especially a lunch with the queen, a privilege which could not be acquired even if nobles were to wish for it.

Henrietta displayed a seemingly lonely look for an instant, but immediately changed that with a smile.

“It's alright. After becoming a knight, you would be busy with various things.”

The queen and those invited for the lunch descended the Ostland successively. Guiche, Louise, Henrietta......Feeling that the help of a waiter was necessary, Siesta followed behind Louise as well.

After that, Saito, who was left behind, looked up towards Kirche and Colbert.

The people surrounding the two of them until a while ago could not really attend the lunch as well, but still followed the queen's party. Thanks to them, Colbert was released with difficulties.

“What's the matter, Saito? Why did you turn down the queen's invitation? Aren't you too proud?”

“I have something I would like to ask.”

“Yeah yeah. I have something I want to ask as well. Who were both of you attacked by last night? Who was that?”

“I don't really know as well.”

“What is that? After that, what happened to Tabitha? She had been with you guys last night, but today I didn't see her figure at all......”

"What I want to ask is Tabitha.”

Saito told Kirche what happened last night.

Louise was attacked by a mysterious lady who called herself “Myozunitonirun,” and she was abducted. He had tried to go along to save her, and somehow Tabitha started attacking him.


Kirche's eyes bulged.

“Yeah. But I could not hurt her. When I realized, I had already pointed the tip of my sword away. Though I received a blow at my stomach, she could not aim at my weak spots. So it was not a fatal wound.”

Saito removed his shirt, and showed the wound Tabitha inflicted on him last night. Thanks to the users of Water of the Knight Corps, the wound had closed up......but there are still traces left by the “Javelin” incantations.

“I don't know why she had a change of heart......but after that, she attacked that ally of hers until then. So, we rode on Sylphid together, and chased after the enemy which had carried Louise off, and were saved by the teacher.”

Kirche seemingly pondered on it......and turned her face around swiftly. And then, she started to run away.

“Kirche, where are you going?”

Saito and Colbert exchanged glances, and followed Kirche.

Kirche's destination was Tabitha's room in the tower of the dormitory.

Nonetheless, that was an empty shell. Tabitha's figure could not be seen anywhere at all. Kirche folded her arms, and started pondering about it. After that, she asked Saito, with a serious look,

“That girl, when did she come back to the academy?”

“Umm......ten days ago I think.”

Kirche frowned.

“Damn......If it's that girl, she won't say anything at all. Really fishy, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“That girl went to Germania together with me, but......after confirming Jan's safety, she said “I'm going back,” and really came back.”

“Oi oi! But, she just came back around ten days ago!”

“That's why! During that period, she must have received some 'mission' again. Dammit......”

“What do you mean by 'mission'!? Isn't she a quiet person? Oh yeah, she had also said......'I'll tell you the reasons after this fight.' Hey, Kirche! Tell me!”

Nnnnn~ Kirche placed her hand at her forehead.

“Well... It's inevitable that this fact is hidden from you for such a long time. Do you know that she is a Gallian?”

Saito nodded. He had heard it directly from Tabitha during their invitation for her to join the Knight Corps.

“She is not just a normal noble. That girl is a Gallian royalty.”

“Hah!? Royalty?”

“That's right.”

Kirche explained to Saito. The whole sad story of Tabitha studying abroad at Tristain Academy of Magic......

The Orleans officials of the younger brother of the ruling king, who is Tabitha's father, was killed by people of the ruling king. To protect Tabitha, Tabitha's mother drank poison, and became mentally ill.

And then, Tabitha was being sent to Tristain to study abroad, as if getting rid of her......

“But, what is the thing the Gallian royal family don't allow......?”

Kirche bit her lips. In her usually taunting look, as if she was made to recollect that family line, fiery anger could be seen on her face.

“While treating her so poorly, troublesome incidents happened, forcing that girl.”

“......Troublesome incidents?”

“Still remember the Ragdorian incident?”

Saito recalled the incident at that beautiful Ragdorian lake. Depressing memories were revived. Wales' death......Henrietta's tears. And, the promise with the water spirit......

I had forgotten about the ring...... After murmuring that, Saito lifted his face.

“Yeah, I remember. The fight with both of you.”

“That was also the command of the Gallian royal family.”

“Then, the attack on us yesterday......”

“Should be an order from the Gallian royal family as well.”

Anger surged up to Saito's face.


“Before that, shouldn't we worry about Miss Tabitha first?”

Colbert, who had been listening to their words silently until then, frowned seriously and spoke.

“She isn't in her room, could it mean that she was kidnapped......?”

Equally worried, Saito said. But Kirche shook her head.

“That girl won't be so stupid to be caught. She must've hidden herself, I think. Not bothering anybody. That girl is like that.”

“But still......”

“Eventually she'll get in touch with us, I think. It's best that we don't move around. Let's believe in her and wait.”

Staring outside the window, Kirche said. Saito was moved by the complete faith in her heart.

“Is it okay to tell Louise?”

Saito asked, and Kirche nodded.

“It's better to tell her. That girl is involved as well. Really respect her, becoming a legendary user...... That Valliere carries too heavy a responsibility. 'Void,' huh? Damn...”

“You knew it!?”

In a shocked voice, Saito cried out.

“During that time, when that handsome Albion prince was revived and abducted Princess-sama, Saito, didn't you say it yourself? 'I am just mimicking the legend.' But that incantation which Louise chanted to nullify the magic used to revive the dead...... was not of the Four Elements of Magic. Legendary......and a magic not of the Four Elements. Isn't it 'Void'......? But looking at your behavior, seems that it is true.”

Kirche squinted her eyes, and smiled.

During that time, the queen and her party were having lunch at Louise's room. Although the staff of the academy with Old Osman as their lead suggested using the canteen, Henrietta refused by saying, “It's a personal affair.”

With that, a big table was hurriedly prepared in Louise's room, and seats specially for the queen's lunch were prepared.

At the prepared table, at the seat of honor with its back facing the window was Henrietta; at her right was Louise, followed by Guiche. As a waitress, Siesta stood behind, displaying a nervous expression. Things like serving the queen was something she had never even dreamed of. Siesta stole quick glances at Henrietta's face occasionally.

Recalling that burning look Henrietta had towards Saito some time ago......she rolled her eyes. Seemingly, until now she still could not believe it.

Though she felt that Henrietta was listening to Guiche's words, apparently enjoyably, Henrietta would shoot an occasional, quick glance outside the window, and let out wistful sighs.

From such a look, doesn't Henrietta's affection look fairly deep? Suspicion was stirred within Louise's heart.

Yesterday night, I had accidentally blown my top and hit her...... because I was not sure whether Henrietta's feeling was real or not. I was distressed for a the extent that I thought I could not help but to strike her. Yet, what if that wasn't the case?

What if Henrietta's feelings were real?

What should I do?

For Louise who had believed since young that “Following Henrietta's will is a must”, thinking about that made her head go blank. Her brain refused to think about such things.

Troubled in such a manner, she noticed the things mixed in her food. The cuisine was a bird meat which was wrapped in a perfectly made pie crust, but when she cut it up with a knife, a slip of paper came out quickly.

“Please confirm the thing which I still don't believe until now.”

She turned around, and saw Siesta standing behind with a nervous expression. Apparently, the one who had concealed this note was this maid. Louise let out a sigh. She would probably want to know better whether Henrietta was serious or not. “I don't get it,” Louise murmured softly.

After her mutter, The monologue right now, can Princess-sama hear it? She became anxious. She stole a quick glance at the queen's face secretly. Henrietta was happy, but her mind had drifted far away. And Guiche was gazing at Henrietta's melancholic expression, like he was in a dream.

Fidgeting restlessly, as if urging Louise, Siesta unintentionally poked her back. Whenever that happened, Louise would turn back. Siesta was still obstinate, and Louise stepped on her foot.


Siesta jumped.

“What's the matter?”

With a bewildered look, Henrietta stared at Louise and Siesta.

“No-nothing at all!”

Louise crumpled the note Siesta wrote, and put into her pocket. Upon which, claaannggg!, Siesta dropped her tray.

When Henrietta who was thinking that the maid was up to something looked at her, pretending to pick up the tray, Siesta dived underneath the table, lifted up the tablecloth, and showed her face between Louise's legs.

Those lips moved slowly.

“P-l-e-a-s-e c-o-n-f-i-r-m i-t.”

Louise closed her thighs on Siesta's cheeks.

“Ugh, uh, ug, uhh, uughh......”

Henrietta's attention turned back to Louise again.

“What's wrong?”

In a tone as if she did not notice the disappearance of the maid at all, she said.

“Re-really, nothing's wrong.......” Whilst pinning Siesta's face with her thighs, Louise broke out in cold sweat.

Once again, Henrietta gazed wistfully outside the window. At a look, she barely touched her food. Ah, Henrietta looked deeply in love.

Louise heaved a deep sigh.

Well then, what about Saito? When his lips met Henrietta's, Saito's expression brightened up. His looks were...feverish......Whether he will look at me with the same expression or not, right now I have not such self-confidence. What if Saito prefer Princess-sama over me......

Louise felt an outburst of anger.

Hey, Louise Françoise.

Don't you get it?

That dog had said he liked you he liked you, yet he betrayed his mater, and wagged his tail at other girls.

Moreover, that person is Princess-sama.

Of everyone else, that person is my most valuable Henrietta, Her Majesty The Queen.

This is be-be-be-betr-betrayal!

As I thought, am I not deceived by a kiss?

Be it this or that, she had become increasingly irritated. Unintentionally, she tightened her grip at Siesta with her thighs, at which Siesta let out an agonizing moan.

“Mi-miss......A, ah......It hurts......”

At that moment,

The door opened, and a serious-looking Saito entered.




With different greetings and expressions due to his social positions, the three girls welcomed the sudden guest.

With furious eyes, Louise glared at Saito.

Appearing from under the table, with craving and loneliness blended together, Siesta greeted his with a very complicated-looking face. The feelings of the two ladies who are beings exalted beyond the clouds......Towards Saito who had obtained those, they felt both proud and incredulous.......and also that their distance was pulled further apart.

“What's wrong? Don't you have some things to do?”

In this situation, the only person who did not welcome Saito's intrusion, Guiche, spoke. He had finally managed to dine with Her Majesty The Queen, to have Saito disrupting the atmosphere.

Ignoring Guiche, Saito bowed at Henrietta once.


“What is it?”

Taken by surprise, even now, Henrietta's cheek reddened slightly, although it was to an extent which was imperceptible apart from Louise and Siesta......Henrietta sensed the trembling in her heart, and closed her lips tight into a straight line.

However, at Saito's next words, Henrietta's blushed disappeared from her cheeks, which paled instantly.

“I know the identity of Louise's attackers.”


Everyone in the room opened their eyes wide.