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16. At that time, in Shin Makoku[edit]

-- At the Blood Pledge Castle --

FX: *bubbling potion*

Anissina: By now you've really become a night owl, huh?

Greta: But doesn't Anissina help me every night?

Anissina: That's fine for me. Because the schedule of Poison Lady, unlike that of an average person, changes every day. Gwendal...?

Gwendal: Mh?

Anissina: You should hurry up and go to sleep. You have official duties to attend in the morning, right?

Gwendal: No, I'm ... Ahh! By the way, today I received pigeon-mail from Günter.

Greta: And? Where is he now? Is he with Yuuri?

Gwendal: No, that would be unwise for someone with a strong maryoku, since houryoku affects them terribly. He can't even get close to the Seisakoku coastal waters. The pigeon came from Shou Shimaron.

-- (Günter's letter from the mental facility) --

FX: *pencil writing*

Günter: Swish-swish... swish-swish[1]...

Günter: Do you have anything new to talk about? Through the passing days, my loneliness worsens... *music* How many days has it been since his Majesty went to Seisakoku and was taken away from me? I was the only one left behind, alone, in Shou Shimaron. A prisoner in a special hospital with strong steel bars to which my daughter Gisela had me admitted. I pass my nights and days in this hospital and nurses who looks like Gurrier take care of me. But rather than having these elegant muscular people around me, I miss his Majesty's flexible body. His cute little face, his sagacious black eyes, his hair like the darkest night... If only I could hug him I might die... oh my, oh my!... the rest is omitted... I miss him[2]. I gave an amulet to Wolfram, who left for Seisakoku, as a precaution. But if it would have been possible, I'd have rather go be by his Majesty myself. I'd give my whole body, my whole soul and all my liquids. That's right! Going round and round (gyun-gyun) around him, I wanted to protect his Majesty~! In addition, to make amulets with hair, I have been plugging out my hair from my head secretly and in vast amounts. If I could have a wish granted now, I would want wings to fly to his Majesty's feet! Ah, Gwendal! I'm begging you, please! Come and free me, this little bird that has been put in a cage quickly! I'll be waiting in here. And one more thing, please bring a good hair restorer with you. PS. I'd like to be protected against any of Anissina's chemicals.

Anissina: Recovering Lord von Christ is last in our list of priorities, since he doesn't have any problems, right?

Gwendal: Well... that's right. He sounds spirited, considering his situation.

Anissina: It seems like it would be fine if he didn't come back at all, right?

Gwendal: No, no, no... that would be stretching it a little. That man has been for a long time one of the ten nobles, the head of a noble family of our country, and also he's the Assistant to the King and one of our government men. We can't just leave him in a foreign country.

Greta: That's right, Anissina! Yuuri says that processing industry waste is a problem of society[3].

Anissina: Please excuse me. You're right. We're entering an era of energy saving and ecology. I forgot for a moment the basic ideals of Poison Lady.

Gwendal: In any case, Greta, what have you been building for a while now with those building blocks?

Greta: They're not building blocks. They're the Kohis' bones which you have to put together. I thought maybe I could hear some bone-statics again.

Anissina: I see...

FX: *static*

Greta: Ah! I'm suddenly getting something!

Gwendal: What can you hear?

Greta: Uhm... "Test, test...test, test...*static* It can't be! I can't believe Gurrier has become an enemy.*static* But really, it's incredible that he would become a traitor who'd take His Highness hostage, right Dacascos? *static* Huh? His Highness?

Gwendal: Gurrier did what....?!

Anissina: Dacascos? Indeed that's Günter 's retainer, right? Hey, Gwendal. Where are you going this late at night?

Gwendal: I'm taking a ship to look for his Majesty Yuuri.

Anissina: But only a few days ago you sent a fleet to do just that.

Gwendal: The circumstances have changed, we'll increase the number of ships. I'll take one of the high speed vessel and meet the fleet that has already left.

Anissina: That's insane! Wolfram, Günter and now you too?!

Gwendal: You have to understand, Anissina!

Greta: Gwen...

Anissina: I'm not criticizing you. I'm just wondering about this country. If you're not here, who is going to take care of this nation?

Gwendal: Well that's...

Anissina: Are you going to call the Bielefelds? Or perhaps you're going to call that man you hate so much, Stuffel?

Gwendal: Don't even joke about it.

Anissina: Then what are you going to do? His Majesty put you in charge, this is an important position.

Gwendal: Then.... I'll leave you in charge.

Anissina: Me? The magic user, toxicologist, literary scholar, who wants women to increase their status in society, who's always trying to improve the quality of life, and the one who has no interest in hand-to-hand fighting or prizefighting like Lord von Voltaire, me? You're going to leave me in charge of the nation ?

Gwendal: Yes, I will.

Anissina: I can't understand. Although I'm aware of my witty intelligence and large-mindedness, I can't believe you of all people would make such a decision.

Gwendal: .... I believe in your love for Shin Makoku, I believe in your loyalty[4].

Anissina: Alright then.

Gwendal: I'm grateful. Now, I have to go. *runs away*

Greta: Gwen! Me too! I want to go too! *runs after him*

FX:*door closes*

Anissina: The one who's grateful is me.

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  1. Sara sara (or swish-swish) is the onomatopoeia for caressing something, or touching your hair. FYI I couldn't find Günter's letter in the novels. But he is in an institution and has been plugging his hair out.
  2. In Japanese hug can mean "hug" or "have sex". And btw 'the rest is omitted' is sth that Günter said. This is why your soul has a tail, Günter!
  3. Yuuri was probably talking about handling trash in our modern society ... and yes, Greta is comparing abandoning Günter in Shou Shimaron to not handling your trash properly. Bless her heart.
  4. He used the male "you", or in this case "your".