Mushoku Tensei Spanish:Volume 06 Chapter 55

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Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por Dark Kaito.

Traducido por Sergiocamjur (talk) 12:42, 16 July 2015 (UTC)

Volumen 06 Capítulo 55 - El Tercer Príncipe

1ª Parte

Hola a todos, os habla el ex-HikiNEET[1] Ludeus.

El tema que tratamos hoy es... ¡El fantástico apartamento No-Cost[2] del reino Shirone!

¡Sin fianza ni alquiler! Se trata de una habitación perfecta para siestas aunque no incluya comidas; construida en sólida piedra, con una dureza y solidez garantizadas.

Es cierto que la falta de luz solar y de una cama pueden presentar unos menores problemas, ¡pero con su precio, sigue siendo una ganga! ¡Recordemos que el precio del alquiler es inexistente, 0 absoluto!

El baño es un tanto insuficiente debido a que hablamos del modelo pañal-sin-pañal; además que es bastante probable que acabaras cogiendo alguna enfermedad si la estancia en este lugar se prolongara durante bastante tiempo, ¡pero aún así, el precio así lo merece!

Por otra parte, quiero que observéis la seguridad que ofrece la estructura de la habitación, seguro que os tranquilizará por las noches. Fijaos en esa fuerte barrera que la recubre, ¡de todas las opciones posibles, cuando entréis en ella, toda magia sera anulada y no podréis escapar! ¡Pero tened en cuenta que ni el puñetazo de un aventurero de rango A como yo ha hecho que tiemble!

No me cabe duda de que por maestro que sea quien intente escapar, dudo que entrar o salir de este lugar le fuera sencillo.

Meh... bueno... ha quedado así así, pero es normal, es la segunda vez que uso este chiste. Pero básicamente, no puedo escapar; que alguien me ayude. ¡Ruijerd, ven a salvarme, rápido! ¡Popeijerd[3], sálvame!

Y así fue como acabé sintiéndome como la Princesa Peach[4].

2ª Parte

Llevo ya un día entero desde que acabé aquí, y todavía estoy viendo como escapar de esta barrera.

Hablando de la barrera... he de decir que es un instrumento bastante cruel. El hecho de que impida el uso de magia hace que las opciones a mi alcance se queden en casi nada, como por ejemplo, intentar romper a golpes una pared invisible, intentar arañar y romper el círculo mágico inscrito en el suelo, o intentar llegar de un salto al falso techo que hay a unos 4 metros de altura.

Todas estas opciones las he intentado sin conseguir nada de ninguna de ellas.

Si al menos todavía llevara mi báculo sería capaz de tocar el techo con él, pero le dejé todas mis cosas a Ginger. Tampoco es que me importe mucho, porque salvo mi báculo no llevaba encima nada de especial valor.

Hice varios experimentos con la magia mientras me encontraba en este lugar, aunque todos ellos acabaron saliendo mal. Mi idea inicial es que el poder mágico era absorbido por la barrera, por lo que intenté usar una enorme cantidad de maná para intentar romper la barrera, imitando la idea tan propia de los mangas shonen[5], pero no parece que vaya a funcionar.

Por algún motivo, puedo manipular el maná de mi cuerpo pero no consigo que coja forma; falla la etapa de creación del hechizo, en el que el maná cambia de forma. Por un lado parece que funcionará, pero al final no lo hace; ¿cómo decirlo? Es como intentar encender algo con un mechero con mucha brisa, ves la chispa y el gas sale, pero el fuego no consigue prenderse; aunque quizás el fuego prende pero se apaga de inmediato.

Recuerdo que dijo que era una barrera de nivel Real, y la verdad es que me parece un fenómeno sorprendente; lo que hace que mi irritación vaya en aumento.

Pase lo que pase, soy incapaz de hacer nada... Imagina ocurre lo peor y aparece Roxy, cuando llegue el momento de la verdad, seré incapaz de rescatarla, y solo podré gritarle que me deje atrás y huya. Si por ejemplo Eris viniera, seguramente me usarían de rehén y podrían acabar atrapándola, ya que tampoco podría ayudarla; nos veríamos obligados a depender nuevamente de Ruijerd, aunque básicamente, mi única acción posible sería gritarles que me dejaran aquí. Otro ejemplo, Pax cambia de opinión y piensa que solo conmigo de rehén es suficiente, y va y mata a Lilia; mi única opción nuevamente sería gritar.

Sigo recordando el consejo de Hitogami y compruebo que no lo he seguido a la perfección. Empiezo a pensar que me he desviado demasiado de su consejo, aunque como es Hitogami, es posible que haya tenido estos cambios en cuenta; pero si lo pienso bien, en su consejo dijo que tanto Aisha y Lilia serían rescatadas, nadie más.

No creo... la intención de este consejo era ganarse mi respeto, y no le veo ningún valor escondido en que me encarcelen...

Pero mis malos pensamientos vienen y van y todo lo veo negro.

Joder... tengo que escapar como sea, y rápido...

3ª Parte

Ya no sé ni cuanto tiempo llevo aquí mientras intentaba varios experimentos para intentar escapar, pero estoy cansado. Parece que hace mucho tiempo desde la última vez que utilicé tanto maná el mismo día.

Por su parte, la barrera no se ha movido ni un ápice.

Aunque claro, es normal, la idea era capturar a Roxy con ella, así que supongo que no conseguiré escaparme con facilidad....

Se me escapa un suspiro y decido descansar.

Debido a que no puedo ver el sol desde donde estoy ni llevo reloj , mi sentido del tiempo es algo difuso. Lo peor es que estoy hambriento, y mi estómago lleva tiempo rugiendo.

Espero que ese dichoso príncipe no se olvide de traerme la comida... Aunque espera, quizás su intención es mantenerme corto de alimentos para tenerme delicado y enclenque hasta dejarme hecho una cerilla... es posible que hasta eso le haga excitarse más cuando Roxy me vea.... En ese caso, es posible que se quede en una comida diaria; teniendo en cuenta que estoy en mi fase de crecimiento, me voy a resentir... ¿Qué debería hacer? Definitivamente no puedo escapar con magia, así que mejor lo pongo desde otro punto de vista. ¿Cómo se escapaban de la cárcel en mi anterior vida?

Recuerdo que en alguna ocasión fungían estar muertos o enfermos, así conseguían que trajeran un médico o un curandero mágico, por lo que necesitarían desactivar la barrera un rato. No me fío... es probable que simplemente me dejen morir, para tener rehenes no hace falta que el rehén esté vivo mientras puedas ocultarlo.

Si esto fuera una película de Hollywood, seguro que podría esperar a que el guarda se acercara a los barrotes y le haría una llave para dejarle inconsciente en un segundo para robarle las llaves, pero por motivos obvios, eso no va a funcionar en esta ocasión (no hay barrotes).

Jum.... aparte de eso, ¿qué otros métodos había? Y básicamente, lo único que quiero es salir de la barrera, en cuanto pueda usar magia, ganaría muchísima libertad.

Podría pretender ponerme de su lado diciéndole algo así como: hace tiempo que Roxy me hizo una jugarreta y me gustaría vengarme, bro, juehjueh... es más, sé dónde se encuentra la familia de Roxy, ¿qué te parece si la disfrutas a la vista de su padre y de su madre? es posible que si hiciera algo así de un modo similar podría conseguir que se lo creyera, parece suficientemente tonto para ello.

.....Aunque mejor que no. Da igual la situación en la que me vea, no me gustaría hablar mal de Roxy; no me importa cuanto orgullo tenga que restregar por el suelo, pero siquiera decir algo malo de ella es algo que me repulsa.


Mientras andaba preocupado, me llegó un extraño sonido que creo fueron pisadas que se acercaban más y más. Me pregunto si será Pax que ha venido a ver como me encuentro.


Las pisadas se detuvieron justo sobre donde me encontraba, tras lo que atravesaron la habitación superior completa y bajaron por las escaleras que usó Pax.

"Oh, vaya, justo como Ginger dijo."

La persona que apareció al bajar por las escalera era... un desconocido; aunque tras un simple vistazo, comprendí que se trataba casi seguro de parte de la realeza.

Para empezar, su ropa tenían un claro toque arrogante, con una base de color negro y dándole forma con líneas de un tono rojizo, entremezclado con bordado de un color dorado. A simple vista supe lo caras que eran.

El desconocido debía tener unos 20 años, y tenía una cara similar a la de Pax, aunque era bastante más alto y delgaducho que este. Su cara tenía una forma ovalada, aunque sus pómulos sobresalían, además, llevaba puestas unas gafas; que raro, no he visto gafas en este mundo, pero veo que existen. Aunque vamos, tiene una cara similar a los NEETs de ese mundo en el que la ciencia ha demostrado la existencia de Cupido[6]

"Soy Zanoba Shirone, el tercer príncipe del reino de Shirone."

Esto lo dijo con un tono especialmente calmado.

Pero si ha dicho el tercer príncipe, debe ser el hermano mayor de Pax...

"Gracias por deleitarme con su presencia, su alteza, soy Ludeus Greyrat."


"¿Qué le ha traído hoy hasta aquí?"


Zanoba dio asintió de manera exagerada y levantó una bolsa que llevaba en su mano, era una bolsa de viaje de estas que llevas al hombro, y la verdad es que me es familiar... hasta el punto de que es literalmente mi bolsa.

Zanoba colocó la bolsa en el suelo y sacó con cuidado algo de su interior, pude ver que se trataba de la figura de Ruijerd.

"¿Dónde conseguiste esta figura de la raza demoniaca?"

Zanoba colocó la figura en el suelo, justo frente a la barrera.

"Habla. Según Ginger, este objeto se encontraba en tu poder."

Su tono era duro y exigente.

Esa figura la traje sin pensar mucho en el motivo, pero es probable que por estos lugares se le considere a una figura de una raza demoniaca algo como un dios satánico o algo parecido. Con la figura de Roxy quizás no pasaba nada porque a simple vista no se podía saber que era de la raza demoniaca, pero la de Ruijerd es bastante más clara, sobretodo por la joya que lleva en la frente.

Por todo esto no sé bien cómo responder, al menos, creo que por el momento es mejor no decir que yo fui su creador.

"...Es algo que de casualidad encontré mientras viajaba por el continente demoniaco."

"¡Oh! ¡Así que como me imaginaba, estaba hecho por una raza demoniaca! ¿Por qué zona la encontraste? ¿Cómo se llamaba el mercader que te la vendió? ¡¿Acaso sabes quién fue su creador?!"

¿Eh? ¿No se lo está tomando como increíblemente bien? Pero mírale, si le brillan los ojos.

"E-Esto... no-no lo sé, me gustó en cuanto puse mis ojos en ella y simplemente la compré, no conozco los detall-"


Las gafas de Zanoba reflejaron la luz bloqueando la visión y casi pude escuchar un TCHIN a juego... Pero qué... siento una enorme presión... siento que podría matar a alguien con esa mirada.

"Ah, ahora caigo. Cuando el mercader me estaba entregando la muñeca me dijo que mientras llevaras encima la figura, no tendrías que temer ser atacado por los Supard. Que si me encontraba con alguno, tan solo tenía que enseñarle la figura y recitar las siguientes palabras RuijerdLikesChildrenRuijerdLikesChildren[7]; si lo haces, el Supard que te encuentres se hará amigo tuyo como si le conocieras de hace décadas, hasta el punto de que pondrá su mano sobre tu cabeza y te dirá en un tono super enrollao ¿Qué pasa broth'a?, o eso me contó."

"¡Oh, OHH! ¡¿En serio hace eso?! ¡¿Y qué más?! ¡¿Tiene alguna cosa más?!"

"Ehh... ¿Qué ayudará a que tus niños nazcan sanos, y que también puede que te ayude a mejorar tu habilidad con la espada?"

"¡No, eso no me interesa! ¡Pero la persona que lo hizo debe tener grandes lazos con los Supard, ¿no es así?!"

Supongo que sí, ¿no? Aunque en realidad, de los Supard solo conozco a Ruijerd. Aunque si lo piensas, tenemos una profunda y hermosa relación, por lo que compensa.

Mientras Zanoba inspeccionaba la figura, estaba observándola desde distintos ángulos rodeándola.

"Jum, en ese caso, la probabilidad de que el creador de esta figura sea el mismo que el de esta otra."

Y tras estas palabras, dejó la figura de Ruijerd en el suelo y volvió a meter la mano en la bolsa.

Eh... que lo único que me queda en esa bolsa es la ropa para emergencias...

"Entonces dime, ¿has visto con anterioridad esta otra figura?"

Lo que Zanoba sacó de la bolsa no fue mi ropa interior de emergencia, sino la figura 1:10 de Roxy que vendí en Roa hace años.

4ª Parte

The Roxy figure was placed on the ground.

Zanoba sat down with a plunk in front of that.

I wonder if he didn't think his clean clothes would get dirty.

It doesn't seem like he does his own laundry.

"This magic race figure was discovered and purchased from the market five years ago..."

Zanoba carefully looked over the doll with affectionate eyes.

It's something I understood when I was on missionary trip to spread the Ruijerd figure, but thanks to the Milis Church's influence, Magic Race dolls are a contraband.

After all I wonder if he's going to lay blame for something like that.

Though he doesn't seem to be angry.

"It was something my little brother discovered, it looks really similar to our Royal Court magician Roxy, it was something that he bought from the peddler himself."


"She 'was' the Royal Court magician at the 'time'?"

"Yeah? That's right. It doesn't seem that you know, but Roxy Migurdia is already no longer in this country. She couldn't handle anymore of my little brother's sexual harassment so she ran away."

No, for the most part I did hear from Pax.

I see, she was escaping from the sexual harassment, huh.

"Concretely speaking what kind of sexual harassment was it?"

"Sexual? Like stealing her underwear or peeking on her in the bath."


That's unforgivable.

A person such as that deserves a strict punishment.

That's right, for example destroying his computer with a bat.

Or being forced to live under the same roof with a young lady who will punch you to within the edge of your life for every little thing.

Or being stripped nude and thrown into a prison then having cold water poured on you.

He needs some of that kind of punishment.

Since that's the case, it's fine if I personally use a thick [Earth Lance] to launch him into tomorrow morning as well.

He'll become something like an average traffic cone.


For him to steal Roxy's panties, I wonder if he thought such a thing was fine to do.

No, there isn't.

There’s no excuse.

It's an unforgivable action.

Even if he is a prince, there's things you can and cannot do.

It's natural that Roxy would run away.


If I follow that logic, could it be that the reason why Roxy stopped being my home teacher is my fault?

"Rather than that, let's talk about this doll."

While saying that Zanoba patted the shoulder area of the Roxy doll.

That's right, it's better to change those kinds of gloomy topics.

While thinking that, I nodded with a serious face.

"I don't have eyes for dolls. I've been collecting dolls from all over the world, but..."

Starting with the preface, he started to tell me.

That's right, he should speak.

"Only this doll, both the producer and the place of production are unknown. I can understand it was created by shaving down a stone, but it's heavier and harder than what the skilled Dwarves can make with their stone craftsmanship. In order to shave down such a solid and hard stone, such carving techniques don't exist right now... For example... look at this staff piece. It would probably be impossible for even the most skilled dwarves to shave down such a hard stone this thin."

Zanoba held up the staff the doll was holding in his fingers while saying that.

The thin parts like the staff break easily.

In order to compensate for that flaw, I had to make a considerable number of trial attempts and mistakes.

In return for all those attempts, it gained a high hardness and rigidity.

It's made of the same material as the grip part of Ruijerd doll's spear, but this part took a considerable amount of magic power, concentration, and time in order to create.

If I were to put it into detail, it took about 1 day to create 1 cm.

Even though I say that, you could call it the crystallization of my production technique.

It ended up becoming something that won't break or bend.

It's one of the parts that has a bit of a scheming to it.

It makes me happy to be praised.

"This sort of splendid item was being sold for only 5 Asura Gold coins. If it were me I'd have paid 100 Asura Gold coins for it. Those who live in the town really have no eye for quality, I'm troubled by how spineless they are. Although, I'm sure they took into account the fact that it was a Magic Race figure when the price was made this cheap. If the Milis Church Temple Knights were to find out you were holding such a figure, even a prince of Shirone would be put through a heresy interrogation, and probably end up being killed as a follower of a Demon God cult. If you were to go in for bargaining, then there's many number of reasons you could use."

While holding his head, Zanoba sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

Would they kill you?

It seems like the Temple Knight Group are all fanatics.

"However, I still decided to try looking for the producer of this figure. I don't really want to get involved with someone related to a Demon God cult, but I wanted to talk to the person who created this figure. During that time, Lilia suddenly appeared in my room. It was the next day after Roxy had left."


It ended up with them crossing paths without realizing it by coincidence, huh.

"Lilia was captured by the soldiers, a variety of things happened and it ended up that Pax was managing her, but among Lilia's belonging there was this sort of thing."

While saying that Zanoba took a small box out from the bag.

It was a box about the size of a fist that I had no recollection of.

"I found it mysterious as to why she was carrying around something like this as an important item, but well, take a good look."

Zanoba opened the box enough for me the see well inside of it.

He took out a soft looking cloth that had been wrapped up and placed inside of it, Zanoba then carefully opened the cloth.

The thing that was wrapped inside of it was a pendant carved of wood.

I have a feeling like I've seen it somewhere before...

Naturally it was handmade, and it conveys a feeling of the clumsiness of the producer.

"That pendant... What about it?"

"Hmm, this pendant doesn't matter at all."

While saying that Zanoba placed the pendant on top of the bag.

All of his movements are one of carefulness.

You can sense his favorable impression.

However, I wonder what it means for the things inside of the box to not matter at all.

Then I saw it there.

I recognized the cloth that the pendant had been wrapped in.

"Well, it's these panties."

Zanoba said that while spreading the cloth.

There's no mistake.

That is...

The Holy Object of Roxy.

"It seemed like Lilia wanted to give this to you on your 10th birthday."

I see.

In other words, it's that.

The pendant is camouflage.

That cloth being used as wrapping was my precious item, I clearly understood that.

It could be that she intended to send it just like that at first, but she realized the abnormality in sending panties as a birthday present, and especially went out of her way to do something like this.

However, unfortunately it didn't make it.

The Holy Object panties have been cleanly washed.

Roxy's Extra Virgin Olive Oil has disappeared, and it has lost its divinity.

There's already no god residing within these panties.

In exchange, I guess you could say they have devotion packed into them though...

"A-And then, what is it about those panties?"

I asked in order to hide my trembling voice.

Zanoba nodded with an umu, and

"Before I talk about the panties, I'll explain about this doll."

Then Zanoba got onto all fours.

He treated the Roxy doll as a fragile item and his fingers were trembling.

And then, he started to talk.

That's right, he started to talk.

"Look at this from the front.

If you look at it closely, this is a normal magician preparing their staff.

However, it has a certain liveliness to it.

Look at this normal robe.

If you move one leg forward, then push out the staff, in that instant you'll distinctly understand.

And then, and then if you look in the sleeve and hem of the robe, it's the wrist and ankle!

The amount of skin being exposed is just a little bit.

It's just a bit, but it has an immeasurable erotic side to it.

With just this small bit, you can understand this young magician girl who appears skinny and definitely not voluptuous body is being hidden by the robe.

Even though it's this baggy, do you get it!

And then, you go like this, this time and look at it from behind.

The baggy robe originally doesn't extend beyond the body's line.

However, if you move the leg to the front and pulls on by the cloth, and just a little bit of the butt line will rise to the surface.

It's a small butt. Most likely even if you saw the real thing, it wouldn't be all that erotic.

However, just like this, having it rise to the surface in this baggy robe, it's extremely erotic!

I definitely want to see, I want to strip it and see, it's a butt which makes you think as such.

After thinking that, of all things, this robe can be removed.

If you carefully remove the part that fastens the robe, the appearance of an innocent young girl in her underwear comes out.

Moreover, this young girl is not wearing a bra over her chest.

Going off the chest size of the person known as Roxy, this choice was correct.

And then if you look at it from the side, of all things, the left hand is hiding her chest.

Strange, just a minute ago her left hand was supposed to have been holding her staff.

While thinking that, take a look at the robe, of all things it has the left hand attached to it.

That's right. This figure has three arms.

The appearance while wearing the robe and the underwear appearance. This gimmick makes this figure have two figures in one.

It's truly ingenious.

The fact that you can strip the robe means that the body's various poses were fixed.

However, by manipulating the arms position into the inside and outside like this, it raises the pose's degree of freedom.

That's not all, this time look at it from the side.

During the time when it's wearing the robe its back is straight, it's a pose like she's sticking her forefoot out.

However, if you remove the robe, for some reason she turns into a slouch.

It's almost like she's trying to conceal her chest and body.

In order to confirm that from above, look at the face.

During the time she has the robe attached, it's a dignified face, but now doesn't it seem like she's desperately trying to bear with her bashfulness.

I understand the one who created this. I understand it, that the expressions are the same.

Something that no one can imitate, "Supremacy" is here.

Certainly, you could say it's far from the skillful work of the Dwarves on various main parts.

You could even call it the work of an amateur.

However, this doll is certainly in a domain that the rough Dwarves can never reach their hands!"

I listened to that every single word in detail.

Normally one might listen with a blank expression.

However, I am this doll's producer.

Without missing a single word I reflected it on as I listened.

And then I felt satisfied.

Isn't that right, something that I created myself, is being told about with such passion.

There's no way I wouldn't be happy.

Regardless of this situation, the center of my chest has become warm.

That's right.

Of course, that's the case.

This Roxy figure is something I poured all of the technique I had at the time into.

Even though it's definitely still an amateur creation, if a person who can see looks at it they'll understand.

It's something to be happy about.

For him to have even realized the tricks in the minor parts...

However, one part is missing.

Why would I make her hiding her chest with her hands...


Then I realized it.

"The black on the underside is starting to fade."


While saying that, Zanoba turned the Roxy doll around again.

"Ah, the black spots on the side? However, that hurt the beauty of the figure so I erased it."

Zanoba casually said it.

I froze after hearing those words.

I was frozen.

I opened my eyes and stopped my movements.

"Er-erased it...?"

"Hmm, the fact that you knew there were dots here means that after all you know something about this figure?"

"...Please turn that figure around and look at for a bit."

"Before that answer my question."

"It's fine so turn it around."

I made a voice so cold that it surprised even me.

Zanoba faltered with an "Uu" and following what I said he turned the figure around.

"Stop it there, please look at it from that angle."

I had him stop at the position where the mole was, at a position where Zanoba could just barely see it I had him stop.

"Please look at the position of the hand."

"What is it?"

"It's fine, so please take a look at it."

I understood that my somewhat strong tone was irritating Zanoba.

However, he honestly looked at the doll.

"Do you understand that her hands can't hide it?"


"Do you understand that the hands don't reach?"


Zanoba let out a small voice.

It seems he finally understood it.

That's right, the reason why I had her hide her chest with her hands.

In regards to this world that doesn't have forbidden 18+, why I didn't make the lovely and reserved Roxy's chest go exposed.

"Do you understand that even though she can hide her chest, she wasn't able to hide her mole?"

"...How...could...that be?"

Zanoba was trembling and shaking.

That's right.

The reason why I put the moles on was certainly there.

The mole acts as a second nipple, and it expresses the bashfulness that she can't hide it.

That mole is the most erotic point of this figure.

"I...I ...I didn't understand a thing... And yet.. to this work.. I defiled it..."

Zanoba's eyes were hollow, his body started to convulse.

Bubbles started to appear from his mouth.

Isn't his reaction just a bit too oversensitive I wonder?

"Well, something like moles can be added again to fix it and it's fine, but then what was that about panties?"

"Pa...panties are... the same..."

Then after comparing the panties on the figure to the Holy Object, they were the same thing.

I get it now.

I equipped the thing I was most familiar with to the figure.

If Lilia was planning to send these panties to me, then it's normal to think there's a connection between them.

Incidentally, Roxy of that time had four other panties, but the details were all slightly different.

Yeah, I see it, Roxy is fashionable.

"Is that the case? And then, what would it be fine for me to talk about in regards to that figure?"

Well. It should be fine.

It seems Zanoba was treating this figure preciously.

He shouldn't suddenly push me off onto the Temple Knight Group.


Zanoba suddenly erupts into a large shout.

He threw his entire body to the ground.

I was surprised.

"So you were the producer of this figure!"

As expected this even made me go blank.

Why is this guy suddenly bowing down before me?

About the only thing I understand is Roxy's Greatness.

"As expected of the 'Water King Class Magician' Roxy's disciple! This figure was created using magic right!"

Don't use Roxy's name without honorific.

Add a -san.

"I've looked at your creation everyday. Every time I look at it I discover something, and the feeling of respect became stronger. Please, allow me to call you shisho."

While saying that he crawled on all fours with a rustling movement and tried to kiss my shoes, however, the barrier obstructed him, so he let out a roar "Uoooh" and started striking the barrier.

That appearance was just like the dead that gather for new publications on the 3rd day of summer[8].

He was throwing away his pride and dignity as a person, it was the appearance of one who lives true to his desires.

"Uoooh! What is with this barrier?! Who put up something like this?! Shisho! Please allow me to worship those godly handsaaaaguoooahhh!"

Just like this, I gained a slightly creepy disciple.

There were guys like this in my previous life as well.

They only ever interact on the net, it's a relationship you can't quite call friends, but they're there.

That's right, that guy, had this sort of face.

For someone to adore me this much is a first... However, it's convenient.

I'm sure, Hitogami predicted this.

The fact that I would be captured in the castle, I would become friends with him, then I would escape after receiving his help.

Alright. I can see the ending![9]

I told him with a normal face.

"Oh disciple. In the room there should be a magic crystal that maintains this barrier. Find that and destroy it!"

"I understand shisho! After I execute that, please, please bestow upon me the method to produce such figures?!"

"If you cannot find it, you will be excommunicated. You will not be allowed to call me shisho ever again."

"Of course I will comply!"

Zanoba stirred himself up using those words.

He started wandering around the room searching.

He also went around searching the room upstairs, I heard rustling like a cockroach creeping around the surroundings.

Throughout all that, about one hour passed.

If we were to speak of things he was able to find, it would only be an A4 size square hole in the ceiling.

It seems like Pax had intended to dump in the meals from there.

That's fine for meals, but I wonder what he was planning to do for excrement and illness.

Maybe he planned to use sleeping gas from above to put me asleep and then secretly release the barrier.

No, I'm sure he never thought about it.

That man known as Pax probably thinks as long as you feed your pet, everything else is fine.

For the time being, I received the bag and a bottle that Zanoba didn't need.

If I use that, then I can dispose of my own excrement.

No, I was already on the edge of leaking after all.

For the time being, if he can at least remove the trapdoor, I thought escape should be possible.

The ceiling is high.

About 4 meters.

However, if he were to hang a rope down, it should somehow reach.

However, it seems that the heavy stone plate is welded on almost like a manhole and since it's fixed in place it would be difficult to remove it.

It seems that there was a magic circle drawn above the cover as well.

I wonder if it's one set.

It seems difficult to destroy.

"Isn't there someone who is knowledgeable about barriers among your highness' followers?"

"No, since I have no followers!"

"Is that so? Even that Pax had an imperial guard though?"

"I traded the last one for the Roxy figure! Heeh, it was a good deal!"

This guy is an idiot as well, huh.

Not to mention, trading his imperial guards, what is going on in this country.

Well, in any case, there was one thing we confirmed.

"Alright... I understand."

"Oh, do you understand, as expected of shisho!"

"Yes, if we continue like this, then it seems you're going to be excommunicated."

"How could this be!?"

For my slightly creepy disciple, he will be excommunicated at an unprecedented speed...

Is what won't happen.

I have no intention of losing my long awaited collaborator.

"I'll change the condition. Help me get out from here, at the time when I get out you will become my disciple."

"Oh! Is that fine! For a short while, for a short while please wait!! Right now I'll use my fists to smash in the ceiling!"

"Please stop with being unreasonable."

I panicked and stopped Zanoba as he tightly gripped his fists and glared at the ceiling.

It was a serious face.

It was a face which would continue to strike at the cover until his bones shattered and tore away.

He's a dangerous guy.

Zanoba was restless for a short while, but suddenly it seems he realized something and raised his face.

"Shisho, who was it that created this barrier?"

"Ummm, if I'm correct it was the seventh prince his highness Pax."

"Hmmm, come to think of it I remember Ginger saying something like that..."

"Did you not hear about the situation in detail?"

"Since my head is filled with thoughts about the figure."

"Ah, I see."

For the time being, it seems like there's something with Ginger and this prince.

I wonder if Ginger is moving around behind the scenes as well.

It seems like that person doesn't want things to go well for Pax as well, it might be good to have him help in that direction.

No it's the opposite, he said he came here after being told by Ginger.

In other words, Ginger wanted to put Zanoba and me together.

I wonder if she thought our interests matched after seeing the Ruijerd figure.

However, I wonder what Ginger wanted me to do by getting this unreliable prince as an ally.

I can't see what moves I should make.

"In other words, shisho, Pax would be able to do something about it right?"

"Hnn? Yeah, that is what it means I guess."

Zanoba thought about it for a bit there, and then afterwards, said in a quiet voice that had been frolicking around in high spirits until now,

"I understand, please be patient for a short while."

It seems he thought of something.

However, it doesn't seem like this prince is very smart.

If he makes some sort of weird move, I wonder if a snake will come out of the bush.

"Ummm, before you take any actions you should properly consult with someone. That's right, for example Ginger-san. I'm fine as well."

"Hahaha, shisho is of the worrying nature I see. Please rest easy, leave everything to me."

"Hey, wait just a second, where are you going, listen to me. What are you planning to do?!"

Zanoba went up the stairs while laughing.


At that moment I had the feeling like "Ah I've done it now."

For that unreliable prince with no followers to take up that attitude, I thought I had told him to poke around in a bush filled with snakes.

I thought the situation was heading in an extraordinarily bad direction.

A bad premonition was haunting me.

Ah, if it was going to be like this, it would have been fine if I had at least had him bring me something to eat beforehand.

Is what I thought.

However, I would soon come to understand that was a mistake.

The person known as Zanoba Shirone.

I completely misread that.

After thinking about it later, from the point that Zanoba knew I was the figure's producer, everything was already decided.

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Juego de palabras de juntar Hikikomori y NEET.
  2. Juego de palabras con low-cost (bajo coste) convertido en no-cost (sin coste).
  3. Referencia a la serie Popeye el marino al mezclar Ruijerd con Popeye, haciendo referencia una frase que Olivia usaba a menudo cuando otro personaje llamado Brutus la secuestraba de un modo u otro.
  4. Referencia al Super Mario Bros, en el que Mario tiene que ir a rescatar a la princesa del malvado Bowser.
  5. Shounen: palabra japonesa que significa hombre joven y que en manga y anime se refieren a una temática que se caracteriza por ser series con grandes dosis de acción, a menudo situaciones humorísticas con protagonistas masculinos. El compañerismo entre adolescentes o adultos de un equipo de combate (o algo así) también suele subrayarse en un shōnen. Más Información
  6. Posible referencia al manga Rabuyan según la versión inglesa, aunque no estoy seguro. Imagen Ejemplo
  7. Lo he dejado en inglés para que tenga más gracia, pero básicamente, a Ruijerd le gustan los niños.
  8. Comiket
  9. Reference to The World God Only Knows
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