Mushoku Tensei Spanish:Volume 06 Chapter 63

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Esta traducción ha sido realizada a partir de la versión inglesa encontrada en esta misma página (enlace) realizada por Dark Kaito.

Traducido por Sergiocamjur (talk) 22:46, 30 July 2015 (UTC)

Volumen 06 Capítulo 63 - La decisión de la joven dama

1ª Parte

Nota del Autor Magote Riujin: Los contenidos de este capítulo son bastante eróticos y explícitos, intenté contenerlo en el rango Para Mayores de 15 Años, pero es posible que haya superado ligeramente esto, por lo que cualquiera al que le disguste este tipo de contenidos este atento y los salte.

Para cuando la reunión se dio por terminada, el sol ya se había puesto, por lo que regresé a la habitación con lo mínimo indispensable en cuanto a mobiliario.

Mi intención era sacar de la bolsa de viaje mis pertenencias y organizar parcialmente la habitación, pero no me apetecía en absoluto; por lo que simplemente me senté en la cama.

Al hacerlo, mi cuerpo acabó rescostándose solo en el duro colchón, demostrándome que estaba más cansado de lo que creía.


Siento que la fatiga inunda todo mi cuerpo, y eso que no recuerdo haber hecho nada hoy que me pudiera haber dejado en este estado, aunque quizás sea agotamiento mental.

....No, no lo creo, más bien pienso que podría estar en shock yo también. Sauros, Philip e Hilda.... No es que tuviera una relación especialmente cercana con ninguno de ellos, pero todavía puedo recordarles al cerrar los ojos.

Como esa vez que el viejo Sauros vino a ver cómo estaba Eris esa ocasión en la que salimos fuera de la ciudad. O esa vez con Philip y su sonrisa siniestra, pidiéndome que me uniera a él en su cruzada por usurpar el poder de la familia Boreas. O esa otra en la que Hilda dijo que me aceptaba en su familia y me casara con Eris. Pero todos ellos ya...

Y por si fuera poco, ya no sigue en pie ni la enorme casa en la que estuve tanto tiempo y en la que las voces hacían eco por los pasillos... ni el salón de banquetes en el que bailé con Eris por primera vez en público, ni la torre en la que acabé interrumpiendo el momento rosado del viejo Sauros, ni su increíble biblioteca. Todo eso ha desaparecido completamente.

Y no solo el palacio, Roa también, y hasta la aldea Bonna...

No lo he visto personalmente, pero estoy seguro de que ha desaparecido el árbol que con tanto cariño cuidaba Zenith, o el árbol que Roxy destrozó cuando me enseñó la magia de Agua de nivel Santo, o ese enorme árbol en el que Sylphy y yo jugábamos juntos... Todo eso, también ha dejado de existir.

...¿Por qué será que cuando recuerdo la aldea Bonna, me acuerdo de tantos árboles? Bueno, no importa. En definitiva, no queda nada aquí.

Pensé que lo comprendí cuando Paul me lo dijo en Milis-Sion, pero al verlo con mis propios ojos, el impacto ha sido mayor del que imaginé.


Knock Knock

Tras mi segundo suspiro, alguien llamó a mi puerta.


La persona que abrió la puerta y entró fue Eris.

"Buenas noches, Ludeus."

"Eris, ¿te encuentras mejor?"

"Estoy bien."

Eris me respondió colocándose frente a mí en su pose habitual.

No parece que siga demasiado deprimida... Típico de Eris, capaz de superar en poco tiempo la pérdida de su familia, es mentalmente más fuerte que yo. Aunque puedo estar equivocado y seguir bastante desanimada; por lo general no suele ni llamar a la puerta y simplemente la abre con un portazo.

"Después de todo, hace tiempo que acepté que esto podría haber pasado."

"Ya veo..."

Las palabras de Eris fueron honestas y sin darle demasiada importancia.

Eris fue capaz de prepararse mentalmente para la posibilidad de que su familia hubiera muerto... eso es algo que para mí sería imposible; es más, aún hoy, sigo creyendo que Zenith sigue con vida, por mucho que sea capaz de comprender que la posibilidad de que haya muerto es mucho mayor.

"Dime, Eris, ¿qué piensas hacer de ahora en adelante?"

"¿Que qué voy a hacer?"

"Sí, bueno, ¿has oído lo que Alphonse quería contarte?"

"Lo hice, pero eso ahora no importa."

"¿Que eso ahora no importa...</small?"

Eris me miró directamente a los ojos, y en este preciso instante, me di cuenta por primera vez en nuestra conversación de lo distinta a lo habitual que era su ropa.

Llevaba puesto el vestido negro que compró en Milis-Sion, que hacía juego perfectamente con su rojo pelo que corría por sus hombros haciéndolo más resultón y elegante. Quizás es debido a que el material es bastante fino, pero puedo notar un par de montecitos coronando sus pechos...

¿Hm? No es que sea demasiado fino, sino que no lleva puesto el sujetador.

Y tras fijarme un poco más de cerca, pude comprobar que su pelo estaba ligeramente húmedo, como si justo se lo hubiera terminado de lavar en el baño; junto al detalle de que pude olfatear un aroma más atrayente de lo normal.

¿De qué se tratara? Siento que es algo que he olido antes... ¿Perfume?

"Ludeus, me he quedado sola."

¿Sola? Ah... se refiere a que no queda nadie de su familiares cercanos, porque aunque aun tenga hermanos con vida, para ella no son familia.

"Y también, no hace mucho que cumplí los 15 años."

Al escuchar esto, entré en pánico.

¿Cuándo? ¿Cómo? ¿Dónde? S-Si mi cumpleaños fue hace 1-2 meses... eso significa que lo cumplió hace más de un mes... Mierda, no me di cuenta.

"Hmm... lo siento... lo olvidé por completo."

¿Qué día fue...? No recuerdo que dijera o hiciera nada que indicara que se acercaba la fecha, y por lo general Eris habría ido haciéndose notar si se acercaba su cumpleaños. ¿Hubo algún día que Eris hiciera algo fuera de lo normal? Soy incapaz de pensar en ninguno..

"Sé que no te diste cuenta, Ludeus, pero fue el día que Ruijerd me dijo ya era una adulta."


Así que fue ese día... Recuerdo que la conversación me pareció extraña, y ahora entiendo el motivo por el que Ruijerd le dijo a Eris que ya era una adulta ahí en mitad de ninguna parte. Mierda... he podido haber metido la pata... ¿cómo pude no darme cuenta?

"Hmm..... ¿Te importa si te preparo ahora algo como regalo? ¿Hay algo que quieras en concreto?"

"Bueno, hay algo que me gustaría."

"¿El qué?"

"Una familia."

Me quedé sin palabras ante su respuesta.

Eso es algo fuera de mi alcance... no puedo revivir a los muertos.

"Ludeus, por favor, sé mi familia."


La cara de Eris se tornó roja hasta el punto de que no me extrañaría que brillara en la oscuridad.

Será que... ¿me está proponiendo matrimonio? No creo, ¿no?

"¿Te refieres a que quieres ser mi hermana mayor?"

"No me importa como lo quieras ver."

El enrojecimiento de sus mejillas se extendió hasta la punta de sus orejas, mientras Eris evitaba mirarme a los ojos.

"Lo que quiero decir... dicho de otra forma... d-durmamos juntos."

¡¿Y qué se supone que eso quiere decir?! Un segundo, cálmate... piensa en lo que ha dicho, quiere que durmamos juntos... ah, claro, ahora lo entiendo. Con lo ocurrido, Eris se encuentra en Shock, y para calmar su corazón, quiere no estar sola y poder sentir el calor de alguien a su lado; o como lo ha llamado, familia... Bueno, puede que en esta ocasión sea aparentar ser una familia, pero...

"¿Estás segura? Aunque te sintieras algo decaída hoy, es posible que acabe sobrepasándome un poco..."

Lo he dicho por esa fatídica noche de mi 10º cumpleaños en el que acabé pasándome de la ralla, y es que, si soy sincero, la verdad es que me falta confianza en que no se repetirá. Siento que no podré controlarme si compartimos una cama tan estrecha y puedo sentir el calor de Eris a mi lado; e imagino que Eris debería comprenderlo y que...

"H-hoy n-no importa."

"Sé que ya te lo dije antes, pero no creo que pueda conformarme con solo un poco."

"Lo recuerdo, y hoy no me importa lo que me hagas."<

Tras escuchar su respuesta, mi única reacción posible fue quedarme pasmado observándola, rememorando sus palabras en un eco interminable.

no me importa lo que me hagas, hagas, hagas, hagas, hagas...

Si me dices algo así, mi pequeñín va a querer hacerte una gran ovación, ¿lo entiendes?

"¿P-Por qué me dices algo así tan de repente?"

"¿No lo prometimos para cuando cumpliera los 15 años?"

"¡Pensé que te referías a cuando YO cumpliera esa edad!"

"No importa como se dijo."


Algo... algo anda muy mal... piensa, ¿qué es lo que falla? Sí, el hecho de que Eris se sienta sola... y de ahí que haga algo fruto de la desesperación. Es una escena que he vivido en varias ocasiones en distintos eroges, en la que alguien cercano de alguna chica muere y se acerca a alguien buscando confort, y acabando teniendo relaciones sexuales con ese alguien.

Eso lo comprendo... pero, si le pongo la mano encima, ¿no es como si me estuviera aprovechando de su momento de debilidad? ¿De verdad quiero hacer algo así? Si soy sincero, mis innombrables me están gritando alegremente que me despida de una vez de mi virginidad; pero, ¿no sería mejor esperar a estar algo más tranquilo? Porque dudo que sea buena idea hacer algo como esto apenas enterarnos de la noticia. Hasta yo estoy impactado por todo lo que nos han dicho... Podríamos llegar a arrepentirnos.

Aunque claro, una oportunidad como este puede no volver a repetirse... Si por cualquier motivo, Eris acaba yendo a donde Philemon, seguramente deseche la promesa, o no sé si surgirán problemas por haberme quedado su primera vez.............pero..........quiero hacerlo con ella, por mucho que sienta que no debería.

Siempre me había reído de los protagonistas Donkan de los harems de anime, que son unos cobardes que cuando llega la hora de mostrar su lado varonil; y ahora resulta que yo me echo atrás cuando llega la hora de la verdad. Pero en realidad, no sé cuál sería la opción correcta, porque siento que me arrepentiré haga lo que haga.

No me cabe duda de que me arrepentiré dentro de 2 años esperando encontrarme a Eris envuelta en cinta de regalo para mi 15º cumpleaños diciéndome algo como ¡Soy tu regalo de cumpleaños, y como tenía miedo de pegarte por accidente, decidí maniatarme para que hicieras conmigo lo que quisieras! y que llegado el día no acabe pasando ni algo medianamente cercano.

...Aunque espera un segundo; hace poco casi muero, y recuerdo que en aquel momento me arrepentí enormemente de no haber podido cumplir la promesa, sintiendo que aun me quedaba eso por hacer; ¿pero acaso estaré vivo dentro de 2 años? Recuerdo que he vivido un par de crisis últimamente, ¿no sería mejor quitarme la espina y olvidarme de este posible arrepentimiento dejándome llevar?

No, pero.... no sé, espera...


Mientras andaba perdido en mis pensamientos, Eris se aclaró la garganta y se sentó sobre mi regazo, rodeándome el cuello con sus brazos, dejándome un primer plano de su preciosa cara y su escote bronceado de tantas horas al sol.

Cuando sintió mi reacción haciéndose notar entre sus muslos fue a decir algo, y antes de poder pronunciar palabra su enrojecida cara se volvió más vibrante.

"Aquí, qué..."

"Es porque eres encantadora, Eris."

Eris suspiró y acarició el interior de sus muslos contra la cabeza de mi pequeño, dejándome sentir una agradable y maravillosa sensación que deleitó enormemente a mi compañero.

"Esto pasa porque estás excitado, ¿no?"


"No es que yo no te valga, ¿no?"


"¿Te preocupaban lo que pudieran pensar mi padre y mi abuelo?"


"Pero, Ludeus, tus ojos llevan rato mirándome con deseo."


"¿Y aun así dices que no deberíamos?"


Tardé, pero al final asentí.

Aun con mi mirada clavada entre sus pechos y la curva de su cuello; aun con la suave sensación de sus caderas sobre mis muslos y su pecho contra el mío; aun pudiendo llenar mis pulmones de su agradable aroma; y aunque mi cuerpo estaba cediendo ante mi instinto.

Aun así, reuní la poca cordura que conservaba y dije las siguientes palabras.

"Lo que prometimos... La promesa no fue esta. ¿No deberíamos esperar hasta que cumpliera los 15 años?"

Por supuesto, eso fue lo que acordamos, aunque francamente, en este preciso instante eso no podría importarme menos; y aunque ni yo comprendo el motivo, mi resistencia no cesa.

Al escucharme decir esto, Eris suspiró y dijo lo siguiente.

"Eh, Ludeus, hay una cosa que me enseñó mi madre, pero me prohibió usarla salvo cuando fuera una situación especial, pero como me da vergüenza, solo la diré una vez."

Tras decirme esto, respiró profundamente una única vez y llevó su boca junto a mi oído, donde me dijo una única frase con una vocecita de cordero degollado.

"Quiero ser la gatita de Ludeus, nya~n" Undoing the forbidden seal.

Esas palabras no tardaron en invadir mis oídos y devorar la poca resistencia y razón que contenía, rompiendo todo límite que me hubiera intentado poner; porque esta chica a la que conocen en medio mundo con el perfecto sobrenombre de Perro Rabioso...

Un perro... ¡Un perro, pero ha dicho NYAN!

Tras lo que me dejé llevar por mi instinto, me convertí en un animal[1], y acabé empujando a Eris sobre la cama para tumbarme sobre ella.

2ª Parte

Esa noche, tanto Eris como yo dimos el paso juntos para convertirnos en adultos.

Durante ese momento juntos, olvidé todo cuanto me preocupaba, centrándome únicamente en acompañar a Eris esa noche.

Aunque no lo dije en alto, comprendí que la amaba y que quería estar con ella para siempre; sin preocuparme de nada a parte de eso.

¿No me lo dijo Paul en su día? El Noblesse Oblige no tiene nada que ver con nosotros. No tenemos que darle demasiadas vueltas al asunto, lo único que importa es protegerla de lo que pueda pasar, sin importar el camino que escojamos.

Imagino que con 3 niños serán suficientes, pero es probable que acabemos teniendo alguno más... Aunque si así fuera... no me importaría tampoco.

Mientras yo estaba completamente emocionado, no me paré a pensar en lo que Eris estaba pensando.

3ª Parte

-- Desde el punto de vista de Eris --

En este día, yo, Eris Boreas Greyrat, me he convertido en una mujer, habiendo recibido a Ludeus como regalo por mi 15º cumpleaños.

No es exactamente como lo habíamos hablado, pero mi futuro estará junto a él. Le amo.

¿Cuándo fui completamente consciente de esto? Ah, ya, estoy segura de que la primera vez que lo comprendí, fue durante su 10º cumpleaños.

En aquel entonces, mi madre me despertó mientras dormía y me obligó a ponerme un camisón rojo para ir a su habitación diciéndome completamente en serio, Ve a su habitación y entrégate a él.

No es que no quisiera, pero estaba algo confusa. Hasta ese momento, había escuchado hablar de ello en algunas ocasiones a mi madre y a Edona[2], y siempre me dijeron que tarde o temprano acabaría llegando

Eventually it would become like that, is how I was instructed.

However, that day I still hadn't resolved myself.

I thought it would be further in the future.

Whether he knew or didn't know of my confusion, Rudeus touched my body.

It seemed like he was up until late talking about something with my father, could it be, that they had this kind of conversation?

While thinking that a certain thought rose to the surface within me.

"He might not like me."

It could be that, he had no choice other than to follow what my father told him and lay his hands on me.

Rudeus in those days was an amazing person.

He knew everything and could do anything.

Even though that was the case he never let his desire to learn weaken, and just kept advancing forward.

I wonder if he and I match together.

Looking at Rudeus who was breathing heavily, I thought my feelings didn't matter at all to him.

I am a reward given to him by my father.

After thinking that it became unpleasant.

I pushed him away and ran.

After running away from the room this time I was afraid.

That right now I could be doing something that I can't recover from...

It could be that right now I'm about to lose my final chance.

I was told by mother that there would be no other person than Rudeus willing to accept me.

I think that is the case as well.

I've met with the children of nobles a number of times, but there were none of them with as much backbone as Rudeus.

Rudeus has been interested in my body since he was younger.

He would often come to flip up my skirt and try to pull my panties down, and whenever he can he tries to touch my chest.

Each time I would hit him and drive him off.

During the short period when I went to school, there was a time when a boy tried to tease me and I hit him, that child never said anything cheeky again.

However, Rudeus didn't respond to it at all.

I strongly felt the reality of the words my mother said, that there is no one other than Rudeus.

If I'm to be hated by him, I thought I would be forever alone.

I thought isn't it fine even if it's as a reward?

As long as we can remain together.

I returned to Rudeus's room.

After seeing me, he rolled up into a ball like a frog.

He apologized saying he was wrong.

Even though it was me that wasn't resolved?

In response to him, while looking down from above, I said to wait another five years.

At the time I thought that much would be good.

If it was the adult Rudeus, I thought he would wait for me.

That time I realized that I had come to like him.

However, the situation soon underwent a sudden change.

We were thrown to some unknown place, then when I opened my eyes what was in front of me was a Supard race.

I thought I was receiving retribution.

I thought I was receiving retribution for doing whatever I liked until now.

Mother always used to say any number of times if I'm always selfish a Supard race will come and eat me.

That's why I thought I would be eaten by this demon.

At least I felt it would have been good if I had let Rudeus do as he pleased at that time.

The main thing starts at 15 years old, but it's fine.

Until Rudeus is satisfied, it would have been fine if I had just endured.

I cried, screamed, and crouched to the ground.

The one who came to save me was neither Ghyslaine nor my grandfather, it was Rudeus.

He was talking with that Supard race.

Even though he should have been considerably worried as well, he was comforting and calming me who is older.

I thought how much courage he has.

I found another thing that I like about him.

After that Rudeus gave it his best.

With a pale face, he made a deal with the Magic Race.

He didn't eat much food at all.

He hid the fact that his condition was bad.

I'm sure it's so he doesn't worry me, he's suffering when I'm not looking.

That's why, I decided to endure it.

I'll bear with it during the times I want to cry out and leave it to Rudeus.

As much as I can, I'll continue to behave as I usually do.

However, there were a number of times where I couldn't endure it.

The anxiety never stopped, it continued to well up in the bottom of my heart.

Since it was a painful situation, I think I was being quite selfish.

Rudeus never got angry, he continued to stay by my side.

Without saying a single word of sarcasm, he caressed my head, embraced my shoulders, and comforted me.

During those times he wouldn't do a single ecchi thing.

Even though he normally would do as he pleases, during just those times he would only touch my body as much as was needed.

I thought that being ecchi was his method of playfulness.

He might act like that on a normal basis in order to make us feel relieved.

That's how I thought.

He isn't thinking about just himself, but he was thinking about me as well.

I thought I had to become strong.

At least enough that I wouldn't get in Rudeus's way.

The only thing that I could do better than Rudeus was just waving a sword.

Just fighting.

Even in that, I'm still far from Ruijerd who became our ally.

If it was just the sword... but I can't win against Rudeus when he is using magic too.

Rudeus allowed me to gain experience.

I'm sure, if it was just Rudeus and Ruijerd, they could have defeated monsters in a simpler way, and they could have continued the journey in a simpler way without delay.

After thinking like that I felt like crying.

If Rudeus were to realize that, if he were to come to hate me along the way, he would leave me and return. That's how I thought.

Therefore, I desperately tried to get stronger.

I challenged Ruijerd for training and was defeated over and over.

Each time, I would hear Ruijerd say "Understand now?".

Each time, I would remember Ghyslaine's words.

Rational, that's right, it's rational.

There's rationality to the movements of a master.

If you see something stronger than yourself, first carefully observe them.

Ruijerd is strong, most likely stronger than Ghyslaine.

That's why I was watching.

Nothing but looking at his movements, trying to imitate it until I was able to do it.

Ruijerd helped me to become stronger.

All night long after Rudeus gets tired and falls asleep, without making an unpleasant face, he accompanied me with my training.

I did intensive training as well.

As if it was the most obvious thing, Ruijerd would beat me down.

For him who likes children, beating me down should have been something painful.

In regards to me, Ruijerd is already an existence I can call shisho.

One year after we started our journey.

I thought I had become strong.

I felt like I understood I was different from those days when Ghyslaine would say with a sour face, "rational-rational".

While training with Ruijerd I understood the true meaning of rational.

The movements of my body that were always fine being made up on the spot until now, every bit of them suddenly had a meaning to their existence.

I finally understood the meaning of the feints that I thought were crafty and the nonchalant pre-emptive attacks up until now.

Then one day, I managed to land my first hit on Ruijerd.

If I think about it now, it seems like he was distracted by some other matter.

However, in regards to me, those kinds of gaps didn't matter at all.

I managed to take my first hit off him.

With this I wouldn't get in Rudeus's way.

I can go on walking by Rudeus's side.

That's right, I was getting ahead of myself.

That impudence, Rudeus all too easily crushed.

He suddenly got his hands on demon eyes and all too easily pinned me down.

I lost to Rudeus.

In a head on battle without magic at that.

It was a shock.

I already have nothing left I can win against him with.

I thought it was unfair.

I thought that was against the rules.

The path that I had been walking down for a number of years, in a single go, he overturned it.

The same time reality was forced on me.

Without changing I was still holding him back.

I secretly cried.

Early morning the next day, while swinging my sword on the beach I cried.

Ruijerd said not to let it bother me.

From the start, Rudeus had a good affinity with demon eyes.

If you train, then you'll be able to become stronger.

He said I have talent, therefore don't give up.

What do you mean talent?

Ghyslaine and Ruijerd are full of lies.

I thought that.

Around that time Rudeus looked huge to me.

Overwhelmingly large, he looked as if he held a light so bright I couldn't look directly at him.

I was turning him into a deity.

If you were to speak of who is a perfect human, I would have answered Rudeus without a doubt.

I thought I needed to try and catch up somehow, but I had given up somewhere thinking it was impossible.

That only changed after we crossed over into Milis Continent.

We met Gisu, I came to understand that there were a variety of skills other than the sword and magic in the world.

I thought I would learn them, but I was rejected.

I thought, why? At that time.

I couldn't accept it.

And then the events at Milishion.

At the very least, I had to make sure I could do things on my own and then I went off to do the simplest Goblin Subjugation.

I wanted to think even a bit that I can do it by myself.

For the first time I came to realize a portion of my own talent at that time.

I ended up fighting against some strange assassins and overwhelmed the other side.

At some point I had grown without realizing it.

And then, when I returned, Rudeus had weakened.

After somehow listening to the situation, it seems Paul is in this town and his meeting with Rudeus was painful.

Even though he wasn't crying, while looking at the deeply depressed Rudeus, I remembered that he was still a child two years younger than me.

Even though that was the case, he became this selfish woman's home teacher, he never received congratulations from his family on his 10th birthday, and he was forced to travel along with someone dragging his legs down on the Magic Continent.

And then he was pushed away by his father.

It was something I couldn't possibly forgive.

For someone who is seated at the very lowest of seats in the Asura nobility, I decided in my heart to kill Paul Greyrat.

I often heard about the strength of this person known as Paul from my father.

It was talk about how he's a genius swordsman who has raised Sword God style, Water God style, and North God styles all three styles to Advanced level.

And then he's that Rudeus's father.

However, I didn't want to think that I might lose.

The things that Ruijerd had taught me had properly become power within me.

The swordsmanship taught to me by Ghyslaine and the combat techniques taught to me by Ruijerd.

If I hold both of those then I shouldn't be defeated.

I can't lose to a fiend.

However, I was stopped by Ruijerd.

After asking why, he said it's because this is a parent and child fight.

I had heard that Ruijerd was lamenting things about his own children.

That's why this time I decided to do as Ruijerd said.

Now that I think about it, even after everything, Rudeus enjoyed the time he was talking with Paul.

A parent and child who get along well just got into a bit of a petty fight.

After thinking like that, it feels like something in my guts cooled down.

However, the me from that time couldn't accept it.

In the end, Rudeus and Paul reconciled.

It ended up just like Ruijerd had said.

I'll say it once more, I couldn't accept it.

I couldn't understand why Rudeus forgave his father.

That's right, he forgave him.

He, to that inhuman father...

If it was me, he would be an opponent that I would absolutely never forgive.

In regards to that matter, Rudeus didn't talk very much about it.

Ruijerd wouldn't tell me about it either.

Since they are adults.

After that, we crossed over to Central Continent.

During this time he had become energetic, he became able to eat a lot of food.

And then, as usual, Rudeus was amazing.

In the Shirone Kingdom, he became friends with the third prince in a single day and managed to rescue his family.

If you were to ask me, all I did was just rage about along with Ruijerd.

In terms of results, raging about without thinking ended up being what saved Rudeus.

He said [I didn't do anything.] and [You saved me.] but at that rate even if he had been alone he would have without a doubt solved everything.

Rudeus was large.

He was too large.

That large figure, that day, the day we met with the Dragon God, became even greater.

The confrontation with the Dragon God.

During the time when Ruijerd and I were trembling from that guy who was like the symbol of fear itself, only Rudeus was calm.

Against that opponent who Ruijerd couldn't do a thing to, he even managed to land a single hit.

The magic he used at that time couldn't be seen by my eyes.

Rudeus said it was a rock bullet, but I've never seen that terrifying of a rock bullet until now.

It was amazing. Rudeus who was being serious.

He was able to properly fight against the Dragon God that is said to be the strongest in the world.

The next instant after I thought that, Rudeus died.

Until that instant I thought death was something completely unrelated to us.

Rudeus is strong, so he would never die.

While I'm being protected by him, I wouldn't die either.

Since Ruijerd is here as well, it's safe.

That's how I thought.

It was a misunderstanding.

Rudeus was about to die.

If in the case the young girl who was accompanying that Dragon God hadn't requested to heal him on a whim, or if the Dragon God hadn't been able to use healing magic, Rudeus would be dead.

I was afraid.

I was not only a shackle to him, but I had become a burden.

That's right, I felt it all over again.

Even after that, I still looked at Rudeus like a deity.

Because even if he was almost killed he managed to survive.

Moreover, he started to train under the assumption that he might have to fight that Dragon God again.

Three days after he was on the verge of death.

I couldn't comprehend that.

I couldn't comprehend it, but in any case I was afraid, so I stood by his side.

I had the feeling that if I wasn't by his side he would die.

I had the feeling that I would be left behind.

And then we separated from Ruijerd.

Ruijerd said it was impossible to win against that Dragon God.

However, in the very end he taught me.

He told me to remember the technique the Dragon God used.

Burn into my eyes that scene, the Dragon God's movements, that technique that warded off my sword.

I found rationality in that.

The Dragon God wasn't some monster with an unknown identity.

He was a master who used human techniques.

And then in the end.

We arrived at home, we came to understand there was nothing left.

I came to know of the death of my Father, Grandfather, and Mother.

I was sad.

Even though it was this painful trying to return, I had nothing left.

My house and my family were gone.

Ghyslaine and Alphonse were here, but somehow they were scolding me like different people.

Already, I had nothing left but Rudeus.

That's why I thought to become family with him.

I was impatient.

His job was already coming to a close.

The contracted time was five years and it had already long since passed.

His role of escorting me home had ended as well.

Not all of his family had been found yet.

He would soon go off on a journey most likely.

Leaving me behind.

I thought that.

In order to restrain him, I closed in with my body.

He was reluctant at first.

I thought he might not accept me.

Rudeus had shown interest in my underwear, but he never came to peek on me when I was bathing.

Even in the ship crossing over to Milis Continent, if he had such an intention he could have touched me or stripped me as much as he pleased, but he didn't.

That's why I thought he might not have any interest in my body.

Since I had always spent my time training with the sword, I wouldn't have as much feminity as other girls.

I thought no matter how ecchi Rudeus is, he might not want to actually embrace this.

That was not the case.

Rudeus was extremely excited.

After seeing Rudeus that excited, I got excited as well.

And then we combined our bodies for the first time.

In the beginning it hurt a bit, but gradually it started to feel good.

Compared to Rudeus it seemed like he was feeling good in the start, and then on the way he started to get weak, then fragile, and then he seemed to break.

There I realized it.

I realized it again.

Rudeus is smaller than me.

Of course, I'm rather sturdy as a woman, but putting aside stature his entire body was smaller as whole. Even more than me.

Rudeus is younger than me, I understood it for the first time then.

Even though Rudeus is this young, he was always protecting me.

Even the time when we were on the ship, he continued to cast healing on me.

During the time when we got off the ship, he was considerably tired.

After getting on that disgusting feeling vehicle, even he shouldn't have been able to remain composed.

That's right.

If it hadn't been for that healing, then after we got off the ship Rudeus might not have been captured by that beast race Gyes.

Compared to him, what about me I wonder.

I had become stronger.

Even my swordsmanship, it has become relatively skilled.

However, I had never thought much about Rudeus.

My eyes were always so focused on his greatness, my eyes were turned away from how small he is.

In the end I used the worries of losing my family as a means to close in on Rudeus, following my own desires, I even behaved like this.

I'll say it once more.

I love Rudeus.

However, I am not appropriate for Rudeus.

I am nothing but a burden for Rudeus.

We were able to become family, but we can't have a relationship beyond that.

We can't become a couple.

It's just like he said, being siblings would be just right.

I don't balance up with him.

Even if we stayed together, I would just continue to drag him down.

It seems like it would be good to put a bit of distance between us for a little while.

I naturally started to think that.

If I remain together with Rudeus, I will most likely be spoiled by him.

That luscious sensation is still remaining deep inside my stomach.

A bit unsatisfactory almost.

This wretchedness is a characteristic of the Greyrat family.

Unexpectedly, Rudeus might not be all that strong in that sorta way.

Rudeus who is giving it his best, he even makes this direction feel lost.

That is something that shouldn't be done.

Even if that is said, after all I like him.

I have no intention to marry another man like Alphonse said.

In the first place, trying to live as a ladylike noble’s child at this point is already impossible.

In the first place, even if you tell me to give it my best for the sake of the unacquainted people of our land, it doesn't come to me.

In the first place, I can't understand why I would have no choice other than to do such a thing.

Grandfather and Father and Mother are all already gone.

Fedoa region as well is already gone.

In that case, I as well will throw away the name of "Boreas".

However I am still my Grandfather's grandchild, and my Father and Mother’s daughter.

I have no choice but to live with a steel willpower.

I will become strong.

I thought that all over again.

After I part with him, I'll train more and more.

At the very least, until I've done enough that I can stand shoulder to shoulder with Rudeus.

It's fine even if I can't win against him.

However, at the very least, I want to become a woman who is in harmony with Rudeus.

I want to become a woman who won't be talked about or pointed out by being by his side.

It's impossible for me to live cleverly like Rudeus.

That's why I'll seek out strength.

Ghyslaine and Ruijerd and Gisu all said it.

I have talent with the sword.

From the time I met Rudeus until now, I've never once thought I was strong.

However, I'll believe in the words of those that have allowed me to grow.

Following Ghyslaine's suggestion I'll go to the Holy Land of the Sword.

There, I'll become a strong swordsman.

I will be the swordsman and Rudeus will be the magician.

The male and female roles are reversed.

However, that's fine for us.

After I grow, after I become strong, we'll meet once again.

At that time, I'll take one step forward as family and become a couple.

I'll give birth to his child and we'll live happily together.


Let's do that.

Now then, but, how should I separate...

Rudeus is skilled with his words.

Even with everything he might try to hold me back.

Saying he's worried about me going alone, he might follow along.

Putting himself aside, he might try to follow along with me.

Leave behind a letter?

However, even if I leave behind a letter, I'll probably leave some kind of trace behind of where I'm going.

After seeing that, if Rudeus were to come chasing after me it would be terrible.

It's not good if he continues to be held back by me.

He's a person who will steadily move further into the future.

I don't want to drag down his future as well.

During these times, swordsmen in stories usually just leave without saying anything.

However, Rudeus hates those sorts of things.

During our travels we had enough reports, communication methods, and meetings to make ones' mouth sour.

It's not like I wanted to be hated by him.


I'll just leave behind a single line.

And with that, I'm certain Rudeus will understand!

Part 4

--Rudeus Point of View--

Good morning, everyone.[3]

Good morning, it's a good morning isn't it virgin fellows!

Virginity is only forgiven until elementary school it seems, but are you all okay?

Oh my, I was no good. Haha... I'm soon to be 13 years old after all.

If we were to convert it I would be a middle school student. Haha!!

And then Hello, non-virgin fellows!

From today on I'm joining your group as well!

It's the so called, real fulfilling life[4], sort of thing right!

I couldn't have possibly imagined that I would be included on that side, but as a real fulfilling life beginner please warmly show me in.

They say there's no point fighting among the rich after all, let's just get along together!

You know that rumor that masturbating feels better than sex? Yeah, that's a lie.

After all, when masturbating that, or this, or the mouth, or below aren't attached.

There's no meaning to it if you don't taste their entire body.

Sight, sound, touch, taste, smell, everything to satisfy you is there.

I wonder if that's what's no good.

[Don't think you're a boyfriend just because you held her once], such a line is out there.

I get what you want to say.

Though you know.

How do I put it... you know.

If you circulate your hand around her lower back, then hold onto her tightly.

And then she'll put her hands around your back and hold you tightly.

The rough breathing that can be heard next to your ear, the gaze which intertwines together if you look at her face.

If you lick around her mouth she'll offer her tongue, and then the upper mouth and the lower mouth will both turn into a flood.

It feels like, reciprocal things become reciprocal and then it turns into a hustle.

Would that be the spiritual satisfaction I guess?

Requesting love and giving it.

That is? For a person who is used to it, they may be thinking, don't be mistaken right.

However, that's impossible for a beginner like me.

I'm totally going to put on the face of a boyfriend.

And then since were both beginners there's no problems.

I'm sure even Eris will want to put on the face of a girlfriend.

Oh my my my, excuse me. This was a topic that is a bit too stimulating for the virgin fellows wasn't it.

Excuse me, excuse me.

I as well you know, I think I should calm down a bit more as well though you know.

I've had 47 years of bodily experiences.

After getting my hands on something that I never had in that time, I'm a bit restless.

Oh my, in this case it would be letting go of something wouldn't it?

In the past I thought if it ever came down to it I would stay COOL but...

Hahaha, it ended up being something that I couldn't control very well!

Oh my? It's already this time, huh.

Please excuse me, I have previous plans to have morning pillow talk with her.

No, real fulfilling lives are really quite busy after all.

Especially the plans for at night are busy right!

Tonight again we'll go with Beast Mode and Burning Time.

It could be that we are even busier in the afternoon.

Look Eris, it's morning.

Wake up, if you don't wake up I'll play a trick on you~

And she's not here.

The other side of the bed is empty.

She always gets up early after all.

Even though it was already decided that the first morning would have pillow talk and a coffee break.

Really now, she's so shy.


I get up.

The area around my hips is returning a good listless feeling.

Thanks to this, I realized in an instant that last night wasn't just a dream.

It's truly a good feeling.

For the time being I'll put on the clothes scattered around.

I found my pants but I can't find my underwear.

Since there's no helping it I'll put on my pants with no underwear, Eris's panties were on the side of the bed, so I put them into my pocket.

After putting on my coat I did a big stretch.

"Hnnn? It's good."

I've never felt a morning as refreshing as this before.

And then there I noticed there was something scattered on the floor.

Something red was scattered about.


It was hair.

Bright red hair had fallen to the floor.

"What is up with this?"

I grabbed a clump of that hair and sniffed the scent of it.

It was the scent I smelled a lot last night of Eris.


While confused I shifted my gaze in front of me.

And then I noticed a single piece of paper was left there.

After that I picked it up, and read the letters written there.

"Right now, Rudeus and I don't match up together. I'm going off on a journey."

That meaning I carefully tried to digest.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

I ran out of the room.

I look at Eris's room.

There's no luggage.

I quickly ran outside.

I entered the headquarters.

I found Alphonse.

"A...Alphonse-san, where is Eris?!"

"Together with Ghyslaine, she left on a journey."

" where?"

After hearing that Alphonse looked at me with a bit of a cold expression.

And then he slowly opened his mouth.

"I was told not to disclose it to Rudeus-sama."

"Ah?? I see."



I don't know what is going on.


Why am I trembling?

No, I was thrown away?

I was left behind?




Part 5

I spent about one week in a daze.

Sometimes Alphonse would come by and give jobs to me.

I thought there was nothing left in Fedoa region, but it seems that small farming villages are gradually increasing.

If you move a bit away from the refugee camp, then you can find that cultivation of wheat has started.

Following what Alphonse said I created a protective earth wall around the village and created a bank on the river to prevent it from flooding.

It was slow, but the reconstruction was progressing.

Although, the main stream cultivation wasn't set to start until they bring all the immigrants from Milishion supposedly.

It seems they were going to go with the fact that Eris died.

Eris Boreas Greyrat has passed away, and just Eris was born.

Thanks to that it seems that a variety of matters are going to be difficult, so Alphonse isn't planning to announce it officially until several years later.

In order to receive the assistance from that Darius guy or something.

Well, it doesn't really matter at all.

Even without Eris, Alphonse is making a face like nothing happened at all.

When I tried mixing jokes in and saying it's unfortunate that Eris ran away, he ended up saying, regardless he's just focused on the reconstruction of Fedoa region.

And just like that he carelessly repeated it.

In reality it seems like he was supposed to listen to the situation more beyond that.

However, since Eris is no longer around, he just started to feel like it didn't matter at all.

He's already fed up with being thrown around by political strife and people doing things at their own convenience, that kind of feeling.

Then if you were to ask what I was thinking about during that one week.

I was always thinking about the reason why Eris disappeared.

That night I was thinking back on my own actions and conduct.

However, even if I think back to it, all that would come to mind is a pink colored scene.

All of my memories were overwritten by that moment.

It could be that I was lousy in bed.

Since I attacked her with all of my desires, she might have been disillusioned.

No, that is strange, the one who attacked her is me, but the one inviting should have been Eris.

No, I can't say that.

I was tired of courtesy.

If I think about it, these past three years, there's been nothing but mistakes throughout the journey.

In terms of result most of them turned out good, but it ended up with us being saved by Ruijerd.

Eris probably didn't want to be followed around for another two years by such a partner.

That's why she paid in advance on the promise to get it over with and then said goodbye.

I don't understand the reason why she took up such suggestive behavior, but...

For the time being, that's right, I arrived at a conclusion.

In the end, I hadn't grown at all.

It can't be helped that I had grown tired of courtesy.

That's right at that time when I had given up, I suddenly remembered it.

"Ah! That's right, I need to search for Zenith or else.."

Just like this, I set out on a journey to the Northern part of Central Continent.

Notas del traductor y Referencias

  1. Bestia/Animal: Eufemismo japonés para referirse a personas agresivas sexualmente.
  2. Edona, la maestra de etiqueta del volumen 02.
  3. Said in full English.
  4. Real fulfilling life = riajuu.
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