Unlimited Fafnir:Volume 8 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Deep Forest Vacation

Part 1

Breaths leaked out regularly from between the sleeper's soft, pink lips.

The small but beautifully shaped bosom heaved up and down in sync with her breathing.

Her pale skin felt a little cold to the touch of one's fingertip.

However—Pulsation of the heart and warmth definitely resided in the depths of her body.


Staring at my adopted sister—Mononobe Mitsuki—who continued to remain unconscious, I called her name softly.

Nevertheless, there was no answer.

According to Vritra, whose poison had rendered her unconscious, she would not wake until several days later.

Although reassured that her life was not in danger, I could not help but have lingering worries.

"Are you okay, Mononobe? I'll watch over Mitsuki-chan, so why don't you rest for a bit?"

Just then, the silver-haired girl—Iris Freyja—asked worriedly.

I looked around to see my other classmates staring at me.

The current location was an infirmary inside a NIFL base. After the battle against Vritra ended, we were taking a break inside this spacious room where many beds were lined up.

The doctors and nurses meant to be stationed here were absent, thus forcing us to tend to our own wounds.

Fortunately, with no major injuries, nothing more than scratches, there was no problem at all, but somehow, the atmosphere was rather unsettling.

The lack of visible people was not evidence of absence. I could sense their presence outside the door.

From the first moment when we arrived at this base, we could already sense that NIFL soldiers were not very friendly towards Ds.

Despite providing a place for us to rest, it felt more like quarantine or house arrest.

"I'm fine. On the other hand, Iris, don't you look sleepy?"

I felt concerned about Iris' heavy eyelids.

It was presently midnight, time for fatigue and drowsiness to attack in unison.

"Ahaha, I'm definitely sleepy. But somehow, this isn't the right mood for sleeping..."

Smiling wryly, Iris looked around the room.

In the form of a young girl, Vritra was smiling confidently despite being bound by wooden vines. Everyone else was bearing a grim expression.

This was only natural. After Kili, the dragon marks of Iris, Ariella, Ren and Mitsuki had started to change color too.

'A second-generation hybrid dragon is capable of mating with all Ds, causing all their dragon marks to change in color. No exceptions—every last one of them.'

After the battle, this was what Vritra had told us.

If what she said was true, both Tia and Firill, who had not faced Kraken Zwei in battle, and even Lisa, who was not currently present, would all eventually become marked as mates.

Everyone as long as they were categorized as Ds, and possibly myself included even as a man—

Moreover, Vritra had proceeded to deliver even more shocking words.

'The third generation, born from a second-generation hybrid dragon and a D who has become its mate, will be even closer to humans. The third generation thus engendered will even be able to mate with ordinary humans who do not possess the ability to generate dark matter.'

'In this manner, the human species shall evolve, evolving into the resilient lifeforms known as dragons—'

Her story was difficult to swallow, but impossible to refute seeing as it was true that multiple Ds had been marked as mates.

Why did Vritra want to turn humans into dragons?

Vritra had refused to answer the question, remaining silent ever since.

"Hmm.... It feels itchy somehow."

Bothered by her dragon mark that was changing in color, Ariella tried to roll up her uniform from the back.

This was to check her dragon mark that seemed to be located on her abdomen.

"─Wait, Ariella Lu. Do not expose your skin carelessly."

Shinomiya-sensei, who was operating a small terminal at the wall, called out sharply to stop her.

"There are eyes and ears all around. Do not forget that we are currently in a very precarious position."

Shinomiya-sensei was hinting for us avoid incurring NIFL's suspicions regarding the color change of dragon marks.

Among NIFL's courses of action regarding Ds with dragon marks that had changed color was the option of elimination. I was reminded of what had happened with Iris last time.

Therefore, the fact that all Ds could potentially become marked must not fall into NIFL's knowledge so easily.

"But... Since we were outside when we checked earlier, it might've become an open secret already."

Firill turned her gaze to the door and murmured worriedly.

"Even if that were true, there is no need to provide them with additional information. Otherwise, NIFL's side would have a strong cause to take action. Midgard's top priority is securing the lives and human rights of Ds. Sharing of information must take place after your safety is ensured."

Shinomiya-sensei announced with a resolute attitude.

Gaining awareness that they were backed by Midgard, the girls showed relieved expressions surfacing on their faces.

"But how much longer are we staying here? Tia wants to see Lisa sooner. Tia wants to go back to Yuu's house!"

Sitting on the edge of a bed, Tia complained in boredom.

"Mm... I don't like it here either."

Ren agreed idly with Tia.

"Needless to say, this is a NIFL base. Leaving requires their permission. We need some kind of pretext in order to leave on our own."

"Permission to leave?"

I asked with a frown.

"Yes, I have already persisted patiently in pushing the matter. Any further and it would─"


While Shinomiya-sensei was talking, my portable terminal's ringtone sounded.

An unknown caller.

After getting Shinomiya-sensei's permission, I took the call, only to hear a familiar voice vibrating against my eardrum.

'Hello, Mononobe-kun.'

"Director Miyazawa, isn't it?"

I answered in surprise.

Finding out that her father was on the phone, Ren turned her gaze towards me.

'Yes, are things alright at the moment? There are things I wish to convey to you as soon as possible.'

Miyazawa Kenya's voice did not show his usual confidence.

For some reason, I gathered an impression of anxiety.

"Are things alright huh... What on earth─"

'Your former superior officer, Major Loki Jotunheim knows.'


Hearing that unexpected name, I gasped.

Somehow, Miyazawa Kenya and him...

'I encountered him and we exchanged a few words. Mononobe-kun─He knows everything.'

An intense chill ran down my spine.

Everything─Although Miyazawa Kenya did not state outright, he probably meant the matter of dragon marks changing in color.

'Major Loki appears to be taking forceful measures. You would be advised to be careful. Also, he had a message for you.'

"A message...?"

In response to my question, he answered in one breath:

'You are the one making the choice.'

I felt as though Major Loki's cold voice had whispered in my ear.

Rather than the content, it was the voice that made my body stiffen.

"And what are... the choices?"

'It would be troubling if I were to tell you. In any case, I have passed the message along. Oh well, although I am in no position to say this... I entrust Ren in your hands.'

Without waiting for my response, he hung up the call on his own.

As I took the portable terminal from my ear, I was greeted with questioning gazes from everyone.

"A call from Director Miyazawa... NIFL─Major Loki is making a move."

After I summarized the call concisely, Shinomiya-sensei sighed heavily.

"Time does not afford us the luxury of taking things slowly. No other way─there may be future repercussions but I will have her invoke her power."

Saying that, Shinomiya-sensei took out her portable terminal.

Something akin to fear could be glimpsed momentarily from her expression─

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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