User talk:Iro Daijoubu

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 05:50, 13 August 2015 by Cthaeh (talk | contribs)
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Responding to your post on the admin contact page: For adding yourself to the editor list, that's something determined by project staff, and I think that question has already been answered on the other user talk pages you also posted messages on. To make minor edits or corrections to grammar, you don't actually need permission. To make major edits, the instructions to check with a project manager/translator are to make sure you don't change the meaning away from what it should be. However, in many cases, the translator for that chapter is no longer around, and a current (different) translator might not be interested in going back and rechecking everything, so that's not really an option; in that case you should just be careful not to change meaning. If you yourself can read the original novel and are correcting the meaning of the current translation because the current one is wrong, then that should be fine; you may just want to let people know that on you user page or when you message them. --Cthaeh (talk) 00:33, 8 August 2015 (UTC)

Replying to the followup posted on my talk page: Just for clarification, there is no "registering as an editor" most of the time (there is only a registration page for translators). The "Editor" list on projects is typically used as an acknowledgments section to indicate who has made significant contributions to the project, and so the project manager (or you if there is no one else working on the project) can add your name after you've made some productive contributions to the project. I am not involved with ZnT at all, so I'm not going to do that myself, and I also don't have any comment on project specific editing (like Ondine/Undine). --Cthaeh (talk) 14:42, 8 August 2015 (UTC)

Replying on the topic of never-active editors: Yes that's a common issue that people add themselves and then never end up doing anything; though there's a less common situation where the person listed helps the translator edit before it gets posted. Removing inappropriately added names is acceptable, but I'd say it'd be better if the person who removed names was someone who has been around the project longer and is more likely to be familiar with any special circumstances. If you want to forward the issue to such a person (I'm not involved with the project) then that'd be fine. (Or if you revisit it once you've been around longer; it just seems a little strange for a new editor to start removing names) That's my two cents on the matter anyways. --Cthaeh (talk) 03:50, 13 August 2015 (UTC)

Znt Editing

One thing I could suggest is to read the the rest of the series to see how things are. In particular pay attention to the measurement used for weights and distances. In the edits you have done I see that you changed mails to meters this is not really a good thing as it takes away from the setting of the story since it is set in an alternate world that is similar to the Middle Ages in Europe, before the metric system was developed. Wolfpup (talk) 11:57, 8 August 2015 (UTC)

Please don't change the meanings. One part you actually removed lines. Also don't do multiple rewrites. Sometimes your changing to fit the change you made changing the meaning. If that last sentence was confusing try looking through 9 rewrites to find out what was supposed to be their. Moreover don't go by the anime for names, meanings, or anything. The anime butchered the books. In my opinion it is better to just leave everything as it is, only fixing any glaring errors. Joegargery (talk) 03:19, 10 August 2015 (UTC)