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28. The Mazoku's Casual Trip to Earth - Yuuri and Shouri[edit]

Original title:マ族ぶらり地球の旅~有利&勝利編~
Release date: April 27, 2007 ; Vol3. of the Third Part (Ep.67-78) of the Second Season in DVD
Cast: (Shouri) Konishi Katsuyuki; (Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro
(drama cd staff info unknown)

Temari artbook dvd07.jpg

FX:*Baseball game on TV*

Yuuri: Alright! Come on! Come on! Come on! I'm begging you, please keep the score like this ...

Shouri: So, let's turn this off.

FX:*Turns off TV*

Yuuri: Eh? AH!!! What are you doing Shouri?!

FX:*dogs barking*

Shouri: It's not Shouri, right? You have to call me oniichan.

Yuuri: I will not! But why did you turn it off without my permission?! Hurry up and turn it back on, the good part was coming up!

Shouri: Oh my... listen Yuuri. Listen clo~sely to what your oniichan will tell you. You still haven't done your homework, right? Even though you have the day off tomorrow you can't just forget your homework and spend all day watching baseball. Your oniichan will not allow you to live such a laid-back life~!

Yuuri: What's with you all of a sudden? I don't want to be told something like that now. C'mon! Turn it on! The extra-innings[1] are the most exciting part!

Shouri: It seems like you won't have anything for dinner. Since mom went to her class reunion and is not here tonight, while you forgot about e~verything and just stared at the TV, who do you think was behind you cleaning the house and putting everything back in order?

Yuuri: *embarrassed* Uhm...

Shouri: So where's the "I'm really sorry" for your oniichan?

Yuuri: Ah... Sorry.

Shouri: Non-non. It should be *like a baby* " Oniichan, I'm really sorry", right?

Yuuri: "Non-non" he says. Uhuhm... "O.. O... Onii.. O.. Onii..Onii.. chanI'mreallysorry".

Shouri: Well, alright then! So, Yuuri, hurry up and go back to your room to do your homework.

Yuuri: Eh? Wait a sec. The resting time is about to finish in a little bit, it's okay if you just let me watch it till the end, right?

Shouri: You can't. If a person continues to do irresponsible things like this, they will never grow into adults.

Yuuri: It's fine if I don't become an adult, cuz I'm a mazoku.

Shouri: You little dummy!

Yuuri: Eh...

Shouri: Don't try to cover up your bad behavior by pretending to be a mazoku. Your oniichan is talking about your human-life right now!

Yuuri: Ugh...

Shouri: In any case, can you really do your part-time job as a Maou being so half-assed about it?

Yuuri: Ah... ahaha, about that I have some excellent older mazoku who patch things up for me.

Shouri: Excellent, huh? Well, if people of the social standing of retainers come on a sightseeing trip to Earth and stay in the Maou's parents' home, that means they are irreverent fellows and because of that, are you sure it's okay to rely on them so much?

Yuuri: Ah... they're not irreverent...

Shouri: No. They are irreverent. Well, maybe not Günter, the long haired beauty with a black eyes and black hair FETISH. Even though he may have a weird way of expressing his emotions, at the very least he has proper manners.

Yuuri: FETISH?

Shouri: And as for those three brothers that don't look at all like each other, the eldest may look scary and difficult to approach but he seems to have a relatively good common sense.

Yuuri: Well, yeah, I guess so.

Shouri: And the third son may be all yap-yap and noisy but he's always in a good mood around mom.

Yuuri: Ah... indeed, Wolfram is always strangely considerate and friendly around mom. Maybe the reason is that he has a mother complex?

Shouri: Besides, he will one day be a part of the Shibuya family.

Yuuri: No, he won't.

Shouri: At least there's that... as a tsundere dressed in guy's clothes, for me he would be an instant candidate for little sister, the PERFECT MAID.

Yuuri: Even if you use all those technical terms... No, I mean, WHAT?! Shouri, he's your type?!

Shouri: He's like a cute character, who's very popular among my friends.

Yuuri: Don't call him a character. And in any case, those friends you talk about what kind of friends are they?

Shouri: To be honest, for your oniichan, that word has a complicated meaning. *sighs* At any rate, he's the partner that you chose.

Yuuri: No, wait... Shouri. Don't be consenting to it like that, because I didn't choose anything.

Shouri: That cute little Yuu-chan... turned into Cinderella climbing the stairs towards adulthood. Please be happy. *cries*

Yuuri: Ah... Shouri, even though you have dad's face, you're exactly like mom when you don't listen to people.

Shouri: And you criticizing every little thing people say, are exactly like dad.

Yuuri: That's because I have "bokes" all around me, and I'm the only one playing the tsukkomi[2].

Shouri: Let's go back to what we were talking about.

Yuuri: Yeah! Let's! Shouri, come on! Give me the remote! The extra-innings are starting!

Shouri: Let's go back to what we were talking about...!

Yuuri: What? Hey...! THE -RE-MOTE! Why do you keep lifting it higher and higher! Shouri, you're being childish!!!

Shouri:... Yuu-chan! Your oniichan will not forgive that man....

Yuuri: Eh? Who?

Shouri: The second of the three brothers who don't look alike.

Yuuri: Conrad? Why are you saying all of a sudden that you won't forgive him?

Shouri: I don't like that guy. Even though I used to think that he was kind of a weird guy who liked to supervise stuff, the truth is that he's just irreverent.

Yuuri: Eh? Really?


Yuuri: He's just an amiable character.


Yuuri: Why are you getting mad?! It's only a trivial matter..

Shouri: Shut up! In any case, that guy has a suspicious smile. I thought that from the moment I met him.

Yuuri: Eh? It's a refreshing SMILE...

Shouri: You... you dummy! If you say something like that, it means that he has taken you for a fool, he tricked you and you'll get in trouble!

Yuuri: What's with that accusation? Besides Conrad, has a popular killer smile. "It's like a specialized skill, that doesn't target anyone in particular, infallible and always hits the bulls-eye, as expected from the Lion of Ruttenberg" is what the maids gossip around...

Shouri: M... MAIDS!

Yuuri: As expected from an Akiba guy, you took the bait. My brother is easy to...

Shouri: Yuuri...Yuuri... What did you say about the maids?

Yuuri: Eh? C'mon, Shouri, you know about this too, right? They're the maids that work at the Blood Pledge Castle. The one's who have the best information are the maids that have tasty names[3].

Shouri: What?! The tasty maids go head over heels for him? EHHHHH?! That's even worse, I won't forgive him!

Yuuri: *whispers* He didn't quite understand my explanation but...*to Shouri* Well, yeah, in a word that's kinda it.

Shouri: I like him less and less.

Yuuri: Ah...haha... Shouri, when it comes to popular guys you're too narrow-minded. Isn't that just pure jealousy?

Shouri: Of course no! *cling- fixes glasses* I'm sorry to tell you, but I too have tons of women after me.

Yuuri: Are we talking about the women in the games that you have in your computer?

Shouri: Ha! Yes, so what? There's not such a big difference between them and real ones.

Yuuri: Ah... there he goes again, if you ask me there's a hu~ge difference...

Shouri: In any case, your oniichan doesn't like Lord Weller.

Yuuri: But why? Why are you being so stubborn? Conrad's a good person. He's kind and reliable and besides, he's the person who named me.

Shouri: *whispers* You really think so highly of that guy without reservations?

Yuuri: Eh?

Shouri: I don't like that about him! Besides, he makes you cry too much.

Yuuri: I didn't cry at all... What are you talking about, oniichan?

Shouri: In a moment like this, don't call me oniichan.

Yuuri: Ah?

Shouri: I'm not a child who would fall for that. I'm someone old enough to become the Earth's Maou.

Yuuri: Mhh... So both brothers will be having a freelance job with the MA character ?

Shouri: "Governor of Tokyo" doesn't have the MA character in it and it's not a freelance job.

Yuuri: Is he still thinking about that? Even though we're all from Saitama...

Shouri: Did you say something?

Yuuri: No, not at all. In any case, you know? I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, are you really going to follow Bob's footsteps in the future?

Shouri: Who knows? In the first place, Bob doesn't seem to be thinking about retiring for the time being.

Yuuri: But that man, has a been the Maou for a long time, huh?

Shouri: For a very long time. Regarding his unknown age, he probably has a lifespan that's ten times that of a normal person. Ah, by the way, during last year's summer, he ENTERED a Samba Festival in Akihabara, and danced a lot.

Yuuri: Really?

Shouri: Yeah... and on top of that this year, he's got a more daring costume, in order to surprise the audience he said. Before getting it done, Bob sent me an email, with an attachment of the SEXY COSTUME DESIGN that he made personally. It had sequins and peacock feathers, and it let his nipples show.

Yuuri: FOR REALZ!? Ah... man, the image of Bob wearing that in my head is scary...

Shouri: Really? In my head it doesn't look so bad.

Yuuri: Uhm... well, I don't care! Hurry up! Put on the baseball game, the game!

Shouri: No, I can't do that.

Yuuri: Why!?

Shouri: It's just that now, MOMO's STOCK is starting.

Yuuri: You can just watch that report later!

Shouri: What do you mean by that?! I watch that report every day!

Yuuri: Then it's okay, you don't need to watch it now.

Shouri: What are you ...! This kind of program has to be watched in REAL TIME.

Yuuri: That's my line! Come on Shouri! The remote!

Shouri: I said no.

Yuuri: Fine then, I'll just push the button on the TV.

Shouri: Hey, no Yuuri! Don't touch that!

Yuuri: I got you now, huh? Uhm... the power button is...

FX:*turns on the TV, the game is on*

Shouri: AH! AHHH! I'll make you pay for this! One day I'll become the governor, and I'll eliminate all of this!

Yuuri: The governor of Tokyo doesn't have the power to do that. And also, we're all from Saitama!

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  1. When a game is tied, innings are added to determine a winner.
  2. Boke and tsukkomi, the characters of a comedy duo. The boke is always saying dumb things, and the tsukkomi is always criticizing him for being so dumb.
  3. Doria, Lasagna and Sangria.