User talk:Kirishima Zen

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Italian translations


I saw your message regarding the italian translations. First of all, I'm really happy to know somebody is going to translate a new language of Maru-MA! that's superb!!

I can give you support with the creation of the main page, and also help you to understand the code better so you can add the links and create the pages you need. I'll be working on the main page in the following days, please be aware I'm a little busy this week due to work and studies, but I only need to pull off the english template and clean it up a little erasing all the links so you can start working on it.

I'm managing the english and spanish projects, but you'll need to appoint you as the manager of your own language. But please feel free to contact me if you need any help. I've send you an email trough the system of the page with my contact info.
Regards!! RedGlassesGirl (talk) 07:37, 29 April 2015 (CDT)

Hello! I saw your message about the emai issue, here is my email,
--RedGlassesGirl (talk) 20:42, 9 June 2015 (UTC)

Hello!! I think I didn't received you email, but I saw your message here. Can you please resent it? I'll check what you uploaded later today and made the changes necessary. --RedGlassesGirl (talk) 14:06, 31 July 2015 (UTC)

My dear I've just resended you the two mail with page translation that I put yet in the page and another mail I sended you with cap 2 trasnlation that I've yet put in page^^ I hope you recived, please tell me if you received them, thank you for you hard work^^ --Kirishima Zen (talk) 14:59, 31 July 2015 (UTC)

Ciao, ho letto il messaggio ed ovviamente non c'è alcun problema per quanto mi riguarda, anzi non c'era nemmeno bisogno di chiedermi il permesso per fare una cosa del genere ;) Però per correttezza devo far notare che il mio sito in effetti non è che tratti di novel, semplicemente è un banale sito personale dove pubblico tutti i programmi e i progetti a cui sto lavorando, quindi non so quanto possa essere consono ai vostri obiettivi xD Ti ringrazio per l'in bocca al lupo e ovviamente non posso che augurarlo anche a voi per i vostri progetti :) --redsquirrel87 (talk) 10:36, 20 September 2015 (UTC)

Hello! I'm very sorry, I've been really busy with my exams and I still have a heavy week, but I'll try to get everything posted here and in the blog this weekend. Thanks for your patience, the end of year is a crazy date. I checked my email and I see you sent me stuff, sorry for not being able to reply. RedGlassesGirl (talk) 18:56, 17 November 2015 (UTC) Hi, it's fine don't worry. Thanks for your hard work^^ --Kirishima Zen (talk) 14:08, 21 November 2015 (UTC)