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Track 5. Doki-Doki - Town of the Steamy hot springs[edit]

Yuuri: Ah, finally that was good.

Wolfram: You sure like to stay in the bath for a long time. It got so late, you're going to get dizzy.

Yuuri: But it's fine isn't it? That's what you do when you go to the hot springs. You have to make the best of it.

Wolfram: Humph!

Yuuri: But that swim suit kept rolling up...the one famous in Hildyard .

Conrad: It's what everyone else was wearing, Your Ma....young master.

Yuuri: I guess that's right. Ah.. Greta, how was the hot spring?

Greta: *makes cute sound*

Yuuri: Ah, I see, you're still not talking.

Wolfram: Isn't the way you asked that question wrong ?

Yuuri: Is it?

Conrad: Greta? Was the big bath warm enough?

Greta: Yes.

Conrad: Did you have fun?

Greta: Yes!

Nina: Hey, sir! Don't you want to play for a bit?

Yuuri: Eh? Me?

Izura: It'll be real cheap. So what do you think handsome brown-haired man?

Nina: Wait! I was the first to call him.

Yuuri: Mmmgh.. *mumbles* they were looking at Conrad.

Conrad: I'm very sorry, but as you can see, I'm working.

Nina: Well, then when these people you're with go to sleep.

Conrad: Sorry, but I have someone I can't betray.

Nina: Oh.. what a pitty.

Izura: When you have put that person behind, you let us know, ne? *they walk away*

Yuuri (imitating Conrad): "Sorry, but I have someone I can't betray." WAH! Being a high school student I don't have the skill to pick them up, but I wanted to try it at least once!

Wolfram: Humph. Well I don't mind, you can practice with me whenever you want, Yuuri.

Yuuri: Ah, suddenly I really don't care about that. Eh? While we were here talking, where did Conrad go?

Wolfram: He's over there. Look!

Yuuri: I see. What's he doing? He went ahead and started picking up ladies. And on top of that, those girls had such nice bodies. How to say it, they had such ideal bodies that it hurt. Ah! Could it be that Conrad likes that girl?

Wolfram: Uhm, no. That couldn't be...

Yuuri: What?

Wolfram: Uh... no it's nothing.

Greta: Ah!

Yuuri: What happened Greta? Did you drop something?

FX:*picks it up*

Yuuri: A black leather notebook?

Wolfram: Isn't that Conrad's?

Yuuri: I thought so... I knew it. I've seen it somewhere. Every now and then he pulls it out and writes on it.

Greta: I'm sorry, I stepped on it.

Wolfram: You don't need to apologize. The one in the wrong is the one who dropped it.

Greta: But, can I have it? *grabs it*

Yuuri: Wuah... Greta.

Greta: It got kinda dirty didn't it?

Yuuri: Woah, that's such a compact handwriting. And with the skills that I have in this language, I can't read it at all.

Wolfram: What? Wah! This... This is...

Yuuri: What is it? *ominous music*

Wolfram: No, you mustn't look Yuuri~! This notebook has a collection of the study of scary cursed words.

Yuuri: Eh? Spells? Could it be? But it's Conrad's!

Wolfram: That's exactly why...

Yuuri: Eh? What's gotten into you?

Greta: Uhm, let's see. *reads* Really...

Yuuri: Ah, Greta, don't just look at other people's thing like that...

Greta: Really, could you ...Alaska?[1]

FX:*a wind blows*

Wolfram: That's weird, why did such a cold wind blow?

Yuuri: Wait, wait...That bad pun, I've heard it somewhere.

Greta *keeps reading slowly*: "Really, it happens.... Jamaica."

Greta: And "For Joule's sake!"

FX: *wind blows again*

Yuuri: Using proper names at the end...What the heck! It's a notebook with joke material! With joke material?!

Greta*keeps reading*: The futon flew .

Wolfram: A cold evening is upon us.

Greta *reading*: "The house next door got a fence...Your Majesty."

Yuuri: Oh!! That's enough Greta! Please don't read anymore!

Greta: But there are still many more!

Wolfram: How dreadful! These things written here...

Yuuri: They're really bad.

Wolfram: That's why I told you. This is a cursed notebook!

Yuuri: Instead of saying "cursed" you should have said " that it makes you want to die".

Wolfram: It will cause people to die of hypothermia.

Greta: Hey, Yuuri?

Yuuri: Yes? What is it?

Greta: Here, the writing is different.

Yuuri: Ah, this. It's Japanese.

Wolfram: What does it say?

Yuuri: Yeah, you know I don't feel good reading someone else's notebook.

Wolfram: It's too late now.

Yuuri: I know but...*grabs it* Hah... those kanji are really poorly written. I guess it's his Japanese practice.

Greta: Read it Yuuri.

Yuuri: Uh... Let's see... " I came from Shin Makoku." " Today I went to see baseball". That's strange.

Wolfram: That must be from when he went to Earth.

Yuuri: Ah...

Greta: Yuuri?

Wolfram: What is it?

Yuuri: Here. "My king was born in the summer." " His small fingers squeezed me with strength, desu." Heh... Conrad. You're using "desu" wrong. You sound like a strange military commander. *closes it* Wolfram, you have to return this notebook.

Wolfram: I? Wouldn't it be better if you returned it?

Yuuri: Ah.. since I went ahead and looked inside, I don't want him to feel bad about it. His cold-bad-pun material.... C'mon. His awful practice of Japanese...

Wolfram: Humph. There's nothing to do... I'll return it then.

Yuuri: Thank you.

Yuuri: Greta, you too.

Greta: Huh?

Yuuri: Let's keep this a secret from Conrad, okay?

Greta *smiles*: Yes.

Yuuri: Alright then, let's return to the inn. Hey! Conrad! It's time to go back! C'mon, everyone's starving!

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  1. From now on... these are ALL Conrart's dad-jokes together.