OreShura:Volume 7.1 Chapter 2

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Doga--n! Mayhem With Masuzu[edit]

This happened when I was walking home with Masuzu as usual

“Eita-kun, let’s play JOJO Solitaire.”


This girl said JOJOJOJO-type things again.

“Rules are that it’s limited to the first part, I’ll start with Jonathan Joestar.”

And she started it herself.

“Ah, it can’t be helped then. TA, was it? [1] Tarkus.”

Straizo, my third favorite character of the first part, don’t show mercy♪ [2]

“O is easy, Ripple Walk Overdrive.”

“BU is also easy. I can’t think of it![3] Then it’s Brando.”

“Curly hair is annoying! Hmm -- DO, right?”

Mr. Donovan? No, he’s from the second part, and the game will end if it ends in N.

“Twenty seconds left, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3…”

“There’s a time limit! Tell me first!”

Hateful. Damn, I can’t think of anything!

“I lost… Was there anything that started with DO?”

“There were many. Right, for example, do do do do….”

“Isn’t that onomatopoeia?”

If I knew that, I would have said Doga--n[4]!

… No, it still wouldn’t work since it ended with N.

“As a punishment for losing, you have to ‘chirp’[5] Kiss me♪”

“There’s a punishment? I can’t do kisses or whatever.”

“Why not? You’re my boyfriend.”

“No, I’m a fake boyfriend.”

“Puuu.” Masuzu puffed out her cheeks.


“... No, it ends in N. It has nothing to do with JOJO.”

“The game has already ended.”

Masuzu still sulked and started walking quickly.

Aaah! I really don’t understand my ‘girlfriend’...

Translator notes and references[edit]

  1. This section will use the last syllable of the Japanese transliteration I think. Also, apologies, I don’t know my JOJO characters well. Please correct them if they’re wrong.
  2. Straizo’s catchphrase apparently.
  3. Brando’s catchphrase apparently.
  4. The sound in the title
  5. The sound Dio made when he kissed Erina I think.
  6. More onomatopoeia
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