On a Godless Planet:Volume2A Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Chaotix[edit]

Godless 2A 409.jpg

Common sense is a dangerous thing.

Godless shinobu.png

“I sense trouble brewing.”

Shifu stopped on the way to Tachikawa Station and took a westward route.

She had just seen a combat field shattering in the sky, so she began moving toward it.

She wasn’t alone. Senpai-chan, Kuwajiri-chan, and Tenma-chan were with her.

That had to be an illegal combat field, so they had to go check it out.

Godless shinobu.png

“Tooru? Is there any trouble going on near you?”

Godless raidou.png

“Huh? I’m on my way to the hardware store. Did something happen?”

Godless shinobu.png

“Looks that way.”

Godless raidou.png

“If you’re taking a look, be careful. And call me if you find anything.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Sure thing. I’ll go check it out real quick.”

It felt wrong ending it there, so she contacted someone else too.

Godless shinobu.png

“Hey, En-chan? What are you up to right now?”

Godless ki.png

“Eh? Oh, I’m cooking. We still don’t have gas, so I thought I would try the portable stove I was given, but I found a convenient alternative to use instead.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Ooh, we’ve got a real homemaker on our hands. So what’s Bil-chan up to?”

Godless ki.png

“He brought something here earlier – a tent I think? – but since we’re out of dinner cheese, I had him go buy some.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Wait, so everyone’s having a peaceful night?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“We may have been the only ones to see that.”

So anyway, that’s what happened.

Shifu wasn’t quite sure what to believe, but she dragged the others along with her.

Godless shinobu.png

“Better safe than sorry, right? And if it’s nothing, we can just say we took the scenic route. Is that alright with you?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Um, yes. I’m not sure I’ll be much help if something is happening, though.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“But,” said Kuwajiri-chan. “Having a Shinto god with us should matter a lot if we do find something.”

Godless tenma.png

“That is correct. You will have an easier time of finding justification.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Didn’t realize that was the ‘correct’ way of doing things.”

Shifu laughed a little and continued on to the west. It was already dark out, so the streetlights, signs, and car headlights illuminated their way.

Godless shinobu.png

“I was thinking we could buy a cake or something on Will’s 1st floor and then chat at my place until Tooru gets back.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Why a cake instead of dinner?”

Godless shinobu.png

“I don’t want you thinking all we ever eat is meat.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“But what do we do about dinner?”

Godless shinobu.png

“For that, I figured we could buy something at Will and eat it while we walked.”

Godless tenma.png

“They have a Lotteria on the 1st floor, don’t they?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“M-McDonalds in the morning and Lotteria in the evening seems like a lot of food!”

It didn’t to Shifu, but that had to be a difference in eating habits or culinary culture.

The feel of the city changed around them.

What had been a jumbled collection of buildings and diagonal streets became a lot more organized.

Godless shinobu.png

“Didn’t there used to be an airport and factories around here?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“There still are. The airport has more or less become a secondary location for the US Yokota Air Base. The US used to run Tachikawa Air Base here and it was converted into the Showa Memorial Park when it was returned to Japan, so the area has been built up a lot since then.”

Kuwajiri looked straight ahead to a large space surrounded by woods.

It was a dark place, with hardly any lights.

The majority of that was Showa Memorial Park, but a portion of it had been rented out and a new facility had been built there.

That hadn’t been there in the real Tachikawa, Tokyo, of the actual 90s. It was…

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Our school.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Let’s go check it out real quick. We can turn around after seeing the school’s entrance.”

I hope it’s nothing, thought Shifu, but she had another, more personal, thought.

Godless shinobu.png

I feel like it’s about time something happened.

She knew that was a dangerous thought, but that was what led her to walk toward the dark woods surrounding the school.

Athena’s viewpoint was positioned a bit higher than the dark woods. She viewed the enemy through Victorious Empress’s “eyes”.

Godless athena.png

He’s tiny.

The god before her was so small.

She now stood nearly 11 meters tall.

This equipment – the god of war – was no mere machine. After the pilot was taken in, they were converted into a data entity and used as the very OS that controlled the machine.

Thus, the pilot sat in a mechanized virtual space created as the god of war’s brain, but they were actually the god of war itself, meaning they operated it as if they had grown into a giant.

Of course, considerations of inertia and mass were handled by the Auth Spell and divine protection control system built into the god of war. But there was a risk of damage feeding back into the pilot and various methods of avoiding that were a constant topic of research.

Godless athena.png

Now, then.

The god of war control system operated at divine speed. It depended on the pilot’s Divine Rank, but Athena could briefly increase the sensory system to a maximum of around 1000x speed.

That meant she could increase her reaction speed to more than 1000x normal. In other words…

Godless athena.png

“You have no means of opposing me, 5th generation.”

Athena warned him, but the enemy still moved.

Godless gil.png


She did not think he was stupid. Okay, she thought it a little, but not to the point of verbalizing it in her mind. So it didn’t count.

She had a great power and superior reaction speed.

So if he had ignored all that to charge toward her…

Godless athena.png

Does he have a plan!?

She wouldn’t make the mistake of underestimating a foe, so she readied herself to fight.

She stepped forward to prepare. She did not step back.

Even under ordinary conditions, the god of war’s reaction speed was more than 10x normal. Bilgamesh was moving so slowly to her. However…

Godless gil.png


His eyes were directed at her sight devices.

He intended to fight.

That meant he did have a plan. Or he had something that let him skip having a plan.

She was sure of it now, so she took action. She pulled back the spear in her right hand and activated it.

Godless athena.png

“Dory Piesis.”

The entire spear opened up, preparing to release its internal pressure. The spear was equipped with a shield radiator and used ether conduction to operate, so ether light instantly gathered around it.

During the Gigantomachy, the battle against the Giants, this weapon had been used to slay many a foe. At its max power, it had even altered the location of Sicily in the Mediterranean, but…

Godless athena.png

I must not hold back!

She struck. But right as she did…

Godless athena.png


Her view suddenly changed.

She was now looking at the night sky. And that starry sky was moving by quite rapidly.

She also realized she was a lot lower to the ground than before. Which meant…

Godless athena.png

“I was forcibly disconnected from the god of war!?”

I saw something in front of me.

Godless boku.png

“Oh, c’mon. This is way too many new characters.”

Apology Man had come to a stop but maintained his fighting stance while turning to face someone new.

The newcomer was a girl.

She was tall and wore a uniform. She had long silver hair and had her right hand raised in front of Athena, who had fallen onto her butt.

Godless demeter.png

“Enough,” she said. “I am Demeter of the Olympus gods. I apologize for the trouble, but could you back off?”

Godless shinobu.png

“…? I think I sense some real trouble here.”

The school surrounded by woods had originally been a part of the Showa Memorial Park and it was generally surrounded by a wall.

That meant reaching the school grounds required arriving at one of the intersections where there was an opening in the wall, but we first stopped facing the wall.

Godless senpai awate.png

“Which way is closer to the main gate: right or left?”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Let’s see, this is the eastern wall positioned alongside the road that runs through the school grounds, right?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Shifu-senpai, traveling north from here would take us to where Sumeragi rolled back last night.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Hmm. Kind of doubt there would be a second helping of trouble there.”

I didn’t quite understand the abilities fighters like Shifu-san had. So…

Godless senpai awate.png

“Um, Shifu-san, you can’t tell what’s happening or where?”

Godless shinobu.png

“No, I can’t. It’s the same with that combat field. I heard what I guess I would describe as a clanging metal sound, though, so something was going on before.”

Godless tenma.png

“Could it have been a battle?”

Godless shinobu.png

“Like against that water monster? She’s made of water, so I wouldn’t have heard any loud sounds. Unless she caused a steam explosion or something.”

Godless senpai shinken.png

“Then,” I asked, “who was fighting?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Shifu-senpai, I will guard Senpai-san, so how about you jump over this wall and see what’s happening?”

Godless shinobu.png

“Kuwajiri-chan, what if you run across something like the angry river spirits from the other day?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“I will grab Senpai-san’s hand and run away.”

Godless senpai warai.png

“A solid plan!”

Godless shinobu.png

“Then let’s take the northern route.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Eh? But isn’t that where Sumeragi-kun rolled back, meaning it’s where Eshita-san fought the water monster last night?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Do you really think anyone would be stupid enough to get into a trouble there a second time?”

“Now that you mention it,” said Shifu-san before placing a hand on my shoulder.

Godless shifu akire.png

I do, actually. You never know what’s going to happen when Sumeragi-chan and Senpai-chan are involved.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Hey, wait. Why am I on that list?”

As soon as I said that, someone came running from the northern route we were about to take.

Godless kido.png


It was Kido-san. And her hanging right hand was…

Godless shifu akire.png

“Kido-chan? Is your hand injured again? What happened?”

What is happening here? wondered Bilgamesh.

The human and Mr. Vomit stood behind him.

He was facing the Olympus goddess Athena who claimed to be an inspector and the goddess calling herself Deme…Deme-something.

I didn’t know Athena and I don’t know this one either.

I should have studied more, he thought, but he was from the 5th generation and they were from the 7th generation. He thought it should be expected for him to be unfamiliar with them. He had a feeling Ki would get after him if he said so, but he also doubted she would know these goddesses either, so he considered studying up on them first and then nonchalantly showing off his knowledge. But anyway…

Godless gil.png

“I must ask you to move. I am working to defeat the water monster who attacked the human.”

Godless athena.png

“You can’t do that because-”

Athena was cut off by a wave of Deme-something’s right hand.

That apparently meant “silence”.

Godless demeter.png

“Said water monster has already escaped. …Neptune, do you understand now?”

Godless neptunes.png

“I’m sorry. But I just want to return her to her original form and relationship.”

Behind Bilgamesh, Mr. Vomit sighed. It was clearly a sigh of relief.

What did that water monster mean to him? And setting aside what this said about the righteousness of slaying her…

Godless gil.png

This must have been the best result for him.

The human was safe too, so Bilgamesh relaxed his stance.

Godless gil.png

“Then we can end this here. I will head home.”

Godless athena awate.png

“Eh? Hey, wait!”

Godless gil.png

“We have no reason to fight.”

With that, he turned around. And thought to himself.

Godless gil.png

I am glad whatever his secret was remained hidden.

Apology Man was coming my way. Two important-looking people stood beyond him.

I didn’t understand any of this, but the fighting was over.

Godless boku.png

“Apology Man, are you preparing for tomorrow’s camping trip? Personally, I’m going to beat Rastan II when I get back home.”

Godless gil.png

“Yes. Those two appear to be inspectors, but we did not violate any of the rules here. And I doubt they will take issue with the camping trip as long as we use it to advance the terraforming. So I say we head home under the assumption that I will report all of this to the thunder god and the others.”

“Also,” said Apology Man, looking behind me.

Mr. Vomit was there. Or he had been.

Godless boku.png

“He’s gone?”

Godless gil.png

“He retreated into the woods when I approached. He did bow as he left, so I have no quarrel with him.”

Godless boku.png

“You mean you aren’t going to ask him what all this was about?” I asked.

Apology Man had an immediate answer.

Godless gil.png

“If anything does happen, I can handle it.”

Godless boku.png

“That’s so cool. If I was a girl, I’d fall for you, realize you weren’t doing a damn thing to prevent crime before it happens, decide I wasn’t so hot for you after all, and adjust my opinion of you downwards!”

Godless gil.png

“But aren’t you a boy right now?”

I raised my right hand. Apology Man mimicked the action, but he didn’t seem to know what this meant. But…

Godless boku.png

“Like this, Apology Man.”

I high fived him. I slapped his hand and it made one hell of a sound.

Godless boku.png

“Owww! How hard is your body!?”

Godless gil.png

“That is probably one of the differences between us. Especially when my battle focus has not fully faded. But regardless…”

Apology Man looked back over his shoulder at the inspectors.

Godless gil.png

“I hope we can have an official battle next time.”

We both fell silent after that. And…

Godless eshita warai.png

“Hey, what’s up! What you two doing in a place like this?”

An annoyance decided to burden us with her presence. Also…

Godless eshita awate.png

“Hey, wait! Who’re those two!?”

She had a lot of catching up to do!

Eshita listened to the human’s explanation while standing between the two she recognized.

Godless boku.png

“Listen up. I’m here so I can beat Rastan II. Apology Man is on his way to buy some cheese. Mr. Vomit was here earlier and those two there are a red micro bikini goddess who makes crazy demands and Deme-something. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Deme-something’s name somewhere before, but I can’t for the life of me remember where. Maybe an enemy mech in Ideon? Demesumtheng maybe?”

She had no idea what he was talking about.

Demeter saw this as the arrival of an annoyance.

Eshtar. A major Mesopotamian god. She likely had the greatest divine rank of anyone here. However…

Godless demeter.png

What is she doing here?

Had Bilgamesh summoned her? Or did they have a system set up to auto-summon her if the human was in danger?

Demeter didn’t know. But it was an annoyance nonetheless.

She had honestly planned to have Athena pursue Neptune. They didn’t have the right to detain their old acquaintances that were the Roman gods, but they could take them in for questioning as inspectors. So she had wanted to bring him in under her supervision, but…

Godless demeter.png

I can’t do that with Eshtar here.

She could not send Athena out right away.

Meanwhile, she didn’t want to cause trouble with the Mesopotamian gods who also worked as inspectors. That was why she had planned to have Athena dispel her god of war and then go detain Neptune in secret, but then Eshtar showed up.

What an inconvenient girl.

She had shown up from behind, so had Demeter left an opening in her defenses? And thanks to Eshtar’s high divine rank, she had likely negated Demeter and Athena’s alert divine protections.

For now, she decided to ask why Eshtar was here.

Godless demeter.png

“It’s been a while, Eshtar.”

Eshtar turned to look at her. Their eyes met. And…

Godless eshita awate.png

Who’re you?

I saw something terrible playing out before my eyes.

Godless demeter awate.png

Who am IIIIIIIIIIII!? I am one of the most important Olympus gods! We have met at DC meetings several times!”

Godless eshita warai.png

“Oh, you’re an Olympus god!? That makes sense! But I barely remember anything from those DC meetings, so I don’t know who you are! Sorry!”

Godless demeter awate.png

“Are you aware we are here as inspectors!?”

Godless eshita warai.png

“Yeah, they were just telling me that! But I’m doing a great job inspecting, so you can just go home!”

Godless athena.png

“Eshtar, you claim to be doing a great job, but the DC hasn’t been receiving any regular reports from you.”

Godless eshita warai.png

“Eh? But I’ve been sending them to Shamash.”

Everyone fell silent. And eventually…

Godless demeter awate.png

“You’re supposed to send them to the DC, not Shamash!!”

Godless gil.png

“I am so sorry.”

Godless demeter awate.png

“Oh, you’re sorryyyyyy, are you!? That doesn’t fix anything!”

Godless boku.png

“Huh!? Don’t be ridiculous, Busty Silver! Apology Man’s apologies are common, but they’re really valuable! He says them all time, but they’re really hard to get if you’re trying to get one!”

Godless demeter awate.png

“What are you even talking about!? And what is happening here!? Hey, Eshtar! Are you even doing your job!?”

Godless eshita warai.png

“Of course I am. It’s not like I was avoiding sending in my reports because I wasn’t doing my job. That’s silly. There’s a great Shinto saying: no news is bad news! Hadn’t you heard!?”

Athena silently gave me quite a look, but this one wasn’t my fault.

Then Mucho looked my way too.

Godless eshita warai.png

“Hey, human! Explain this for those ignoramuses! Tell them how useful and levelheaded I am!”

Godless boku.png

“You can count on me, Mucho! I’ll tell them about all your best points!”

I put on a serious look and explained Mucho’s best points to the Olympus goddesses.

Godless boku.png

“Listen up, you two! I recommend starting by abandoning all hope of learning anything good here!”

Godless eshita awate.png


Godless boku.png

“Shut up, Mucho! You’ll look better if I lower their expectations first!”

Godless gil.png


Godless boku.png


Godless athena.png

“That silence is very concerning.”

That unexpected support helped me recover my willpower. My gauge had refilled. So I got to explaining.

Godless boku.png

“Listen up! Mucho is doing her job! She’s eating Karamucho for every meal to raise Koikeya’s stock price, making her the true manifestation of a Karamucho god! That’s why most people here in Japan call her Mucho! Also she accidentally killed me and I pulled off a Spelunker combo, so now she’s living in fear of Senpai!”

Godless gil.png

“I am so sorry.”

Godless demeter awate.png

“Hold the apologies until after I’ve had a chance to respond!!”

She was a real good sport about this.

Godless athena.png

“Aunt! Do not play along! I believe they are attempting to confuse us with insidious mind games!”

Godless boku.png

“You caught me, Micro Bikini! My current tactic is ‘drive them crazy’. That’s nothing like your ‘throw your life away’ tactic.”

Godless athena awate.png

“I have never used that tactic!!”

I have to disagree with you there, thought Demeter.

But what was this? To sum up her thoughts…

Godless demeter awate.png

“Eshtar, what have you been doing here?”

Godless eshita awate.png

“Ugh! I don’t even know who you are, so get off my back!”

Godless boku.png

“Yay! Take that, Mucho! This is what you get for eating my Umaibo! I was saving that so I could give it to Senpai and then quietly worship her by thinking, ‘Ahh, Senpai is eating my Umaibo! Salami flavor!’ ”

Godless demeter awate.png

“Eshtar, are you a victim here?”

Godless eshita awate.png

“I don’t need your pity!”

Godless athena awate.png

“Sh-she’s right, aunt! You are too forgiving!”

I really don’t so, but if one of my own says so, maybe I am, thought Demeter.

But if the “if one of your own says so” rule applied more broadly…

Godless boku.png

“Mucho! If you’ve got her pity, you need to milk it for all it’s worth! I think Topos is still open, so have her buy you a case of snacks for our camping trip tomorrow!”

Godless demeter awate.png


Godless demeter awate.png

“Eshtar, are you sure you’re alright? Completely sure?”

Godless eshita awate.png

“If you’re worried, then prove it! I’d even accept some Wasabeef right now!”

Godless demeter awate.png

“What is Wasabeef?”

Godless athena awate.png

“Don’t let her take you in, aunt!!”

My niece is in a yelly mood.

But anyway, she had to think.

That water monster had already fled.

They had made their greeting as inspectors.

They had seen the human and gotten a decent idea of these gods’ abilities. So…

Godless demeter.png

“Very well. We will let you go for tonight.”

Godless boku.png

“Eh!? What!? You’re scared!? You’re running away with your tail between your legs!?”

Damn him!

Godless athena awate.png

“Aunt! Aunt! That human is not even worth our time, so do not let his provocation get to you!”

Athena quickly tackled her aunt to stop her from summoning her god of war.

That aunt had a reputation for causing more trouble than any other Olympus god when she got mad. Athena was here to keep an eye on her, but there was honestly nothing she could do to stop Demeter if she got truly mad. It simply wasn’t possible. Most likely, not even the combined strength of the Dodekatheoi could do it. But…

Godless eshita warai.png

“Eh!? What’s this? Was I just so cute you had to admit total defeat? Heh heh. Can’t blame you, really! I am history’s cutest goddess after all!”

Godless athena awate.png

“Do! Not! Provoke her!!”

Godless eshita awate.png

“Huh!? I wasn’t provoking anyone! I was just stating facts. What’s so provocative about calling myself cute!? Are you stupid!?”

Godless boku.png

“Yayyyy! You’re stuuuuuupid!!”

Shut up, both you. And if possible, could you die or be destroyed? Please, please, I beg of you. However…

Godless gil.png

“I am so sorry.”

Athena’s aunt relaxed her body when she heard that.

That apology was a turning point, so Athena grabbed and pulled on her aunt’s arm.

Godless athena awate.png

“Okay, aunt! We’ve introduced ourselves, so let’s get going!”

Godless demeter awate.png

Grind, grind

Her tooth grinding was impressively loud.

Godless athena awate.png

“Th-the train station is still open, so how about we grab some dinner and some dessert while we do some sightseeing!?”

Godless demeter warai.png

“That’s a great idea!”

She switched gears quick.

I saw Deme-something turn toward me.

Godless demeter shinken.png

“Listen up, you three. We will settle this next time we meet.”

That was such a Weekly Shonen Champion thing to say.

But then she left, hurried away by Athena. And…

Godless boku.png

“Hey, Apology Man?”

Godless gil.png

“What do you want, human?”

Godless boku.png

“You said you were going to Will to buy some cheese, but it’ll look like you’re stalking those two if you go now.”

Godless gil.png


Godless boku.png

“There’s an Inageya over there, so you could shop there instead. Do you know the way?”

Godless gil.png

“…Thank you.”

Godless eshita warai.png

“Oh, I’ll go too! I was just aimlessly walking around anyway!”

She was so different from Senpai even though they were both goddesses. But…

Godless eshita warai.png

“You’re going that way? But that crosswalk is where you were hit by an ambulance!”

Godless boku.png

“Didn’t need to know that!!”

Maybe we shouldn’t have come here, was Shifu’s initial impression.

The mysterious combat field was bad enough, but now Kido arrived from that direction and she was injured. And…

Godless kido.png

“I will not be explaining.”

Didn’t really expect you to, thought Shifu.

Kido-chan clearly had her guard up. She had a tendency to try to seem “normal” the more cautious she was being. Or maybe it was when her emotions were stirred up.

But this seemed somehow different from the previous times.

Godless shinobu.png

“So were you doing something that would need an explanation?”

Godless kido.png


Godless kido awate.png

“W-well, every god has her issues to deal with, you know?”


Godless kido.png

“Mine just so happen to be a tad complicated.”

Godless senpai.png


Godless kido.png


Godless senpai.png

“I doubt you would do anything to betray Sumeragi-kun.”

“But,” said Senpai-chan.

Godless senpai.png

“Don’t do anything that would make him think you betrayed him, okay?”

Godless kido.png

“I am not sure what you mean.”

Godless senpai.png

“I mean intentionally doing something to make him dislike you.”


Godless senpai.png

“Humans have no choice but to rely on the gods. So what is left for a human if a god deceives them?”

Godless yomoji.png

“Raidou-kun! I’m playing that Populous gaaaame you recommended meeee! It’s a loooot of fun. Hilarious too. I caaaan’t stop laughing when my believers get too numerous and I create a bunch of swaaaamps and they all fall in! Reminds me of my heyyyyday! Thanks!”

Godless raidou.png

“Shinsei, I don’t think you understand how you’re supposed to play that game.”

Kido knew it was wrong.

But she also knew something else: there were times when you had no other choice.


Godless kido.png

It isn’t that simple.

Just as she thought that, Douhai-san surprised her by saying more.

Godless senpai warai.png

“But there are times when you can’t help yourself and end up doing it anyway.”

Godless kido awate.png


Godless senpai.png

“But here’s the thing,” she said, waving her right hand dismissively. “If it comes to that, it’s okay to let it out. In fact, you should just bring it all out into the open.”

Godless kido awate.png

“A-are you trying to entice me to do something?”

Godless senpai.png

“After all, I do that sometimes too. Still…”


Godless senpai warai.png

“Even if your worries seem impossible while you keep them bottled up, when everyone else gathers around to help you out, you’ll realize they weren’t so impossible after all.”

Godless kido.png

“That sounds like wishful thinking to me. Besides-”

Kido cut that thought short.

She wanted to say “you don’t know me”.

Or “you can’t possibly understand what I’m dealing with”.

Those things were true, but…

Godless shinobu.png

“That thing you nearly said? Saying it would mean the end for all of this, wouldn’t it?”

Godless kido.png

“Have you been through something like this before?”

Godless shinobu.png

“Maybe so, maybe not.” Shifu-san smiled a little. “Either way, the world where you said it back there is no more, so it’d probably be best to just not say it at all.”

Godless kido.png


Kido threw out a sigh and then looked up a bit.

Godless kido.png

“I underestimated you. I’m sorry.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Where did this come from?”

Godless kido.png

“I assumed only I could understand this and that you wouldn’t even try to understand.”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“You internally ranked us quite lowly, didn’t you?”

That was correct, so Kido rubbed her head.

Godless kuwajiri.png


Godless shinobu.png

“How cute. Kuwajiri-chan’s embarrassed.”

Godless kido awate.png

“Sh-she is?”

I can’t tell at all, thought Kido, breathing another sigh.

Godless kido.png

I suppose you can’t tell these things from the outside.

It made sense no one else could understand her thoughts. She had kept them on the inside, so no one on the outside could hope to understand them.

Godless kido.png

“Thank you.”

Godless senpai.png

“For what?”

Godless kido.png

“For not agreeing with me or pushing me onward. Acting like you understood and like we are close friends would have hurt my pride far more than a lack of understanding.”

Godless shinobu.png

“Hey, everyone has their own issues to deal with. You can’t just thoughtlessly say you know what it’s like.”

Godless senpai warai.png

“Then again, I could definitely hear Sumeragi-kun shouting I’ve been there!, couldn’t you?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Sorry, but do not do that again. I didn’t need to imagine that.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Eh? Eh? Was my impression that good!? You mean I could fake having Sumeragi-kun say anything I want!? Does anyone have a tape recorder?”

Is she alright?

Godless kido.png

“Anyway,” Kido said. “Please believe that I haven’t done anything wrong.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Would anyone think you of all people are up to no good?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Right? You’re the cool type who couldn’t even manage an innocent prank.”

Godless kido awate.png

“Wh-what kind of person do you think I am!?

Godless shinobu.png

“So, what should we do now?”

Shifu-san checked the time on a Revelation Board.

Godless shifu akire.png

“We were on our way to shop for a number of things at Will…but I’m not sure we have time now.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Um, there’s an Inageya near here. Don’t they stay open until 10?”

Godless tenma.png

“I doubt the inventory of a single supermarket near closing time will be sufficient for these carnivore gods.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Hm. Are you all free tomorrow morning?”

Godless kuwajiri.png

“I am, assuming that idiot doesn’t roll back again.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Um, I was planning go shopping with Sumeragi-kun, but we were planning to go to Will.”

Godless shifu akire.png

“Wow, that sounds great. So Sumeragi-chan would be with us? Yup, Sumeragi-chan would be with us.”

Godless kido awate.png

“Did you have to repeat that while staring at me!?”

“But,” said Kido, raising her right hand after applying an Auth Spell to the wound.

Godless kido.png

“He won’t accuse me?”

Godless shinobu.png

“I doubt it. I bet he’ll try to be your friend instead.”

Godless kido.png

“That is a problem in its own way.”

They all agreed on a time to meet up, which meant it was time to head home. But…

Godless senpai.png


Just as they were parting ways, Douhai-san spoke to Kido.

Godless senpai.png

“I think you are underestimating Sumeragi-kun.”

Godless kido.png

“You mean…”

Godless senpai.png

“Yes.” She nodded. “He is a human, so he would never look down on a god.”

Godless boku.png

“Yeahhh! You’re sooooo stupid, Mucho! That might say butter on the package, but it’s the unsalted kind! It’s nothing but saltless faaaaaaat!”

Godless eshita awate.png

“Huhhhh!? Why would they sell such a misleading product with such a misleading label!?”

Godless gil.png

“This is my mission, so why are you two more worked up than me?”

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