Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume2 Author's Notes

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Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume1 Author's Notes

I am very grateful to all readers for buying this book, and at this point, this author will give you his most sincere thanks. I am Kenji Inoue, the author of this book. To think that the second volume would be published so quickly; it is all due to the support of everyone, so please let this author again show his thnaks.

Well, anyone would be tired of seeing such a long letter of appreciation, so just let me say a few simple things. There is no content regarding this book behind, so please read on with ease.

I live a solitary life. On a certain day, a package was sent to me. It was from my mother, and the contents were indicated to be 'food'. It looked like it was sent from my hometown, and I was really grateful for it.

I used my penknife to cut the plastic wrapping, thanking my mum as I pull the food out from inside. Now, what did she send? I was really looking forward to it.

The thing that appeared in front of this person that had this feeling was--

'A pillow case'.

This sudden curveball shocked me.

I say, mum, how do you think I've been living my life? No matter how painful my life can be, a pillow case cannot be eaten. We had been living together for at least 18 years, I don't think I actually ate pillow cases for my nutrients, no?

Haiz, seems like some daily commodities were packed in, so allow me to thank you for sending the pillow case over. Being re-motivated, I rummaged through the contents of the package.

Next, what I pulled out from the canvas containment was--

'Orange, scallops, can'

Now this is an actual food. Though the oranges were a bit bruised, it was still acceptable. Being able to use these as a secondary source or an emergency supply of food made me really happy, since as I'm living alone, I didn't really have time to buy these things. In order to get even high class food, I reached inside the canvas package.

I pulled out something familiar from the canvas package.

'Pillow case (blue)'

Though I did pull this out at the beginning,.the colour this time was diffirent. If I were to add up the ones that I had, I got 4 of them. However, it is good to have extra when I'm washing through and changing pillow cases. I'll happily keep it then.

After that, what's next is--

'Pillow case (Aquamarine)'

How dirty did my mum think my pillow cases are? I couldn't ignore the fact that my mum's a bit eccentric.

After that, I pulled out things like 'barbecued meat (char siu)' and 'pillow case (pink)'. After confirming the contents inside, I called back home to say thanks. Even though the contents were mostly pillow cases, a gift's still a gift.

Me: “Is that mum?”

Mum: “Ah, are the items delivered over?”

Me: “Mm, I got it. Thanks.”

Mum: “Hurry up and finish it before it gets bad.”

Me: “Besides the pillow case, I'll do my best to finish up the rest.”

Mum: “Especially the barbecued meat. You must cook it thoroughly before eating it, okay? Because it has already expired.”

Me: “Ah, yes. I got it. That's all for now, bye bye.”

Mum: “Mm, bye.” --Ka-chng


I don't understand, why would she send expired food over? I have no understanding of what my mum's thinking at all.

Mum did say “You must cook it thoroughly before eating it, okay?”

I suppose cooking it thoroughly isn't the problem here, no?

As the saying goes, 'chip off the old block'. The reason why my novel obviously lacks common knowledge is probably a heredity thing, even though I feel that I have to take up 80% of the responsibility.