Kantai Collection - KanColle - Auspicious Seas, Phoenix Skies:Volume1 Chapter 1: Admiral's Appointment

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Chapter 1: Admiral's Appointment[edit]

So it turns out my wounds were quite a bit more serious than I imagined. It was a miracle that I even survived. The surgery left me with a certain numbness that would require some physical therapy.
But we are at war, and all men must do their part.
——Would this residual numbness qualify me for a medical discharge? No, given how undermanned we already are, it's just as likely that I'd just get sent to the front lines again.
The sinking of the abyssal warships by that mysterious young girl in that engagement was not published, and I heard no rumors about the matter. Publicly, we were simply the victims of a one-sided slaughter that ended with the loss of all fleet elements.
Was that the secret weapon? That would be the logical inference. I certainly couldn't think of anything else that could defeat the Abyssals.
If that's the case, then high command must be hiding her existence for some reason.
At this time, I also noted that there was no mention of the girl who walked on water.
A certain afternoon in early spring——
I strode towards a certain building, counting the budding cherry blossoms as I passed.
Here it is——a red brick building.
This is my organization's headquarters——that is, the location of my unit's upper echelon are based here. I've wanted to tour it once or twice in the past...though the odds of finding my way inside its halls by chance were essentially impossible.
For a low-level officer like myself, the only brass that would be handing me orders would be a Lieutenant Commander, or maybe a Commander.
Currently, in the military hierarchy, a Marshal sits at the top, followed by Admiral, Vice-Admiral, and then the Rear Admiral. Going further down, we have Captains, Commanders, Lieutenant Commanders and other COs.
Me? As of now I'm a Sub-lieutenant.
Fresh graduates of the academy start out as Ensigns. If you want to move up...
——Well, the priority is to defend the homeland and defeat the enemy.
But, currently our weapons are completely ineffective against the Abyssals; I saw that with my own eyes, far too close for comfort.
Given that fact, what use is a rank?
Status can kiss my ass.
I just want a weapon that can defeat the enemy.
If I just live on aimlessly like this without sinking a single enemy, Iwahashira over in the afterlife will be pissed. If I had the strength that little girl showed at that time...
As long as I have that power, they can send me up north or down south, throw me on the front lines and I'd take them all down!
There was never a day where I was not thinking that.
Of course, there must be a reason such a young girl had to deployed onto the battlefield.
I continued down the long hallway, brushing shoulders with military men far more advanced in both age and rank. Of course, this meant I would have to salute and step aside.
Having reached the given room, I stopped and knocked loudly.
Following military protocol, I reported my unit, name and rank.
That didn't sound like a Lieutenant Commander or a Commander.
"Pardon my intrusion!"
I pushed open that dense wooden door and walked in, saluting as I went.
An older man with ashen-colored hair awaited inside, his skin etched with age. His gaze, however, was sharp; sharper than that of any superior who had laid eyes upon me.
I remember seeing that face somewhere - from one of the recordings at the academy, possibly.
Could it be?
I gulped involuntarily.
Is that the Marshal Admiral?!
I sure as hell have never run into him in the hallways; after all, this is the commander in charge of every one of the naval districts in the nation.
The epaulets on his shoulders glittered, the golden eagle and cherry blossoms attesting to his rank as Marshal.
On the Marshal Admiral's desk, something appeared to be moving.
It seemed about as large as half an apple, but the white cloth that covered it precluded any attempt to identify it.
——A recording device, maybe?
Next up, the Marshal Admiral turned his gaze upon me.
"Your wounds, are they alright?"
"No problem sir!"
"Mm...I have already received and looked over your academic record at Etajima. ...Quite impressive, I must say, you top the ranks, whether in theory or in practical application. Set a new long distance sprinting record too, huh?"
"I am most grateful! That was thanks to my instructors' training!"
Etajima hosts one of the naval academies. Since I was neither interested in women nor drinking, I had quite a bit more time to learn and study than the average person.
In response to my textbook response, the Commander laughed wryly.
"Well then, ensign, I have some new orders for you."
"Firstly, in light of your survival of the last operation, you are hereby promoted to Lieutenant. Congratulations."
"My deepest thanks!"
I can't believe it, I got promoted.
I am getting an feeling so complicated.
As if he had seen through my thoughts, the Marshal Admiral remarked,
"N-No! Not at all!"
"You and I are the only ones in this room, be a little more honest."
"......My apologies. Well then, pardon my rudeness...but, rather than a promotion, I'd rather have a weapon."
"Ohh? As in a weapon that can destroy the Abyssals?"
I couldn't stop myself from leaning forwards.
——As expected, that little girl is the secret weapon?!
As if to change the topic, he continued:
"Of course, we'd all want that kind of thing if we had it...if we had it."
"Do we have it?!"
"How naive, Lieutenant. How could we have it? If we had that kind of power, would this war still be intensifying?"
"B-but, is there really something like that?"
I swallowed the rest of the words that threatened to escape my lips——I was just repeating the question.
The Marshal Admiral looked straight at me, into me.
"Why do you feel that there is?"
"I cannot say!"
If he can't say it, then I certainly can't either.
It's a secret weapon, after all, humanity's hope. I still don't know why it's being hidden, and who it's being hidden from.
"...you sure are a serious one. A little boring, given, but we need boring men like you at a time like this."
With a nod, the Marshal Admiral extended his hand towards the desk——and then tore off the the white table cloth
On the desk, was an unbelievable creature.
Small, small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Not only that, it bore the appearance of a human.
Wearing a white hat over brick red twin-tails, it was probably a girl, dressed like a female student. In her hands was what looked like a cat, and on her face was a grin.
"...Eh? T-this is..."
Seeing my hesitation, the Marshal Admiral leaned over.
There was a grin on his face.
"Ohhohh, you can see it?"
"S-see it? That little person?"
"Really, really...to think that there would be a military man who could see the 'fairy'..."
"Yep, that's right."
That's a fairy?
Once again, I cast my eyes upon her, standing in that birdcage. I don't know why, but she immediately raised the cat in her hands, covering her eyes.
Is there some kind of significance to that movement?
"Marshal Admiral, what is going on...could I ask you explain this to me?"
His gaze at this point could pierce iron.
"Explain? Of course I can. But if and once I do, you won't be able to turn back anymore. You will be taking on a certain mission. Is that alright?"
If the Marshal Admiral was saying that, there really would be no way to turn back. What kind of mission would this be?
I felt as if I was about to step into alien territory——alien territory from which I might never be able to leave.
I swallowed unconsciously.
I banished the vision of family, friends and countless problems from my mind, leaving behind a single, pressing question.
So I asked it.
"...Marshal Admiral, Sir, this mission...is it to defeat the Abyssals?"
"That depends on you."
I clenched my fist.
"I accept! Please tell me!"
And thus I bet my life upon this duty. Is there anything else worth regretting? None.
On that day, on that lonely sea, I had made a vow to colleagues and friends since departed:
I will definitely defeat the Abyssals.
Two hours later——
A mere two hours after my promotion to Lieutenant, I was further promoted to Lieutenant Commander. The Marshal Admiral had explained that this was necessary to execute the mission. Thereafter, without any time for preparation, I boarded a small car and proceeded to a certain destination.
"We are not authorized to proceed any further than this point!"
With that, the car that had bore me thus far turned away.
A single gate for trucks and tanks and a smaller gate for smaller vehicles interrupted the five-meter high wall, adorned with "Entry Forbidden" signs.
Having saluted and presented the Marshal's letter of introduction to the soldiers in the checkpoint booth, I was promptly let in through the entry gate.
Beyond the enclosure was a small snaking path.
I checked my watch.
It was only 1 pm.
With a whole hour until our planned 2 pm meeting time, there was no need to rush.
Two tall earthen embankments flanked each side of the road, giving off the appearance of a valley. Cherry Blossoms were planted on top of the embankment——it seemed like it was the Cherry Blossom viewing season.
The wind picked up.
Carried by the wind, the cherry blossoms fell, helping to mask the smell of the sea that came with proximity. Further along the road, a tall red brick building could be seen.
"...So this is my Naval District, huh."
The mission given to me by the Marshal Admiral were thus: "Take up duties at a certain Naval District not yet revealed to the public, command the specially-powered individuals within, strengthen your combat abilities, and defeat the Abyssal ships."
In any other situation, these would be very confusing circumstances.
Having abruptly been promoted two ranks, I am currently a brand new field officer who has just been sent to a Naval District to serve as an Admiral——a fleet commander, no less.
The burden of the youth sure is heavy.
Moreover, I've been asked to "defeat the Abyssals." You know, the ones who up until now have yet to have been recorded as unsinkable. The ones we still don't know how to sink.
——Can I really do it?
While I can guess that those "Individuals with special powers" will likely be like that girl from that time, I'm still not 100% sure whether that was a dream or a hallucination.
The silhouette, drawing her bow in the evening sun——the image flashed across my mind.
The lingering sound of propellers, too...
"Hm? T-that's not right!"
I definitely heard it! Just like that time! The sound of propellers!
I began to run.
Having left the cherry blossom path and climbed upon the embankment, all I could see is a patch of forest. There was a waist-level fence, also adorned with "entry forbidden" signs. But fuck the police, I unhesitatingly crossed the fence with a single bound.
I passed through the woods, running as fast as I could.
The sounds were getting closer.
Will I be able to see that girl in front of me again?
I've come to an open clearing.
On the red dirt, lay a white wooden board.
"What is that?"
On closer inspection, there were three concentric circles drawn upon the board, the center one dabbed in red paint.
——A target?
The sound of prop planes was closing in.
Ah! By the time I realized, the Type 99 Dive Bombers were already above me, dropping their black bombs.
"Oh shi——!"
——This is a practice field!
Naturally, I was sent flying by the explosion.
In the distance, I heard someone let out a sharp "Ahhhhhhh——" of horror.
Well, I fucked up. If I die like this, there's no way Iwahashira is going to forgive me. Actually, he might just die a second time from laughter.
Hm, it kind of feels as if I'm laying on something soft.
Light, smooth, warm, with just enough springiness.
Even the pillow they give to the higher-ups isn't this nice.
Without thinking, I reached out.
My fingers touch some kind of fabric. It feels really nice.
Right nearby——
Came a young girl's scream.
"Aaah?! C-could you not touch that?"
Hearing the unexpected sound, I snapped to wakefulness, as if I had been kicked.
All I see is a vast blue sky.
Oh, also the girl peering at me with a bright red face. From really, really close.
"Ah...you're awake?"
"Whew, that's good. I got really scared when I saw someone on the target."
At this moment, I am lying down with my face to the sky, next to a young girl.
I also finally realize that the soft feeling under my head——
Is a young girl's legs.
That is, a young girl's lap.
Once I realized this, I felt as if I was about to fall unconscious again. No matter how you look at this, this is far too embarrassing. My feet and ears feel hot.
I immediately stand up.
"Ahh?! Are you alright?!"
"I'm fine, of course."
To be honest, I was hit with a wave of nausea as I rose up...but, as a military man, how could I fall asleep in a girl's lap?
More importantly, isn't this person...that person I saw walking on water on that day?
I had never forgotten that posture, that priestess' uniform, and those red-and-white arrows.
I sat back down on the grass in front of her.
"You're...that girl from that time...right?"
"Eh? Have we met?"
It seems like she doesn't remember.
But that's not too surprising. My face was covered in soot and blood back then - I probably wouldn't have recognized myself either. Not to mention I'm also currently covered in dirt.
That kind of thing aside, I have more important things to ask.
"If you don't mind me asking...have you sunk Abyssals before?"
"Eh? Ah, yeah..."
In the face of my sudden inquiries, her expression had turned to one of confusion.
Nevertheless, she had answered without hesitation.
——She had once sank the enemy that had effortlessly crushed the world's best navies and finest weapons. It was no dream, no hallucination.
Without a doubt, this girl before me is one of those "specially skilled individuals!"
I was tempted to hug her right and there.
This girl is humanity's hope!
The hope that can save the world!
Overwhelmed, I felt tears in my eyes. Seeing this, the girl looked concerned.
"If I may...is there somewhere that still hurts? Well, we don't have a normal doctor, but do you want to get checked out at Akashi-san's?"
"No, no...I'm fine. It's just...it's true...you can sink those things."
"Mm...if I can hit them, yeah..."
She scratched her head with a hint of embarrassment.
These movements seemed no different from that of your average teenage girl.
Without excess pride or excess humility, she answered naturally, as if showing a cute dish she had cooked.
If I hadn't personally witnessed it, I would not have believed her if she said she could "sink" those things.
Why and how did she get such great power? This girl, what——
"Ah, that's right, could I ask you for your name?"
"Ah, you're right, I haven't introduced myself."
"Ah, I haven't either. Sorry, I should have been the one to start to begin with. I am the person who has been appointed to be this naval district's admiral."
"Ehhh?! You're the new admiral?!"
"Yep. That's also to say that there's still a lot I don't know. So I'd be very happy if you could tell me about them."
"Of course!"
She bobbed her head up and down eagerly.
Next up, with a hand on her chest, she introduced herself:
"My name is Zuihou! I might just be a light carrier, but with enough training I can show you I can show you deeds deserving of standard carriers!"
——Light Carrier?
My wonder caused me to speak aloud.
"Uh...so your name is Zuihou, right? And in Light Carrier you mean..."
"That is, an aircraft carrier smaller than the standard fleet carriers. My armor is thinner and I carry fewer planes, but I sure am faster." [1]
"Ah, no, I know what a light aircraft carrier is..."
They're made of metal, and ships, and generally very very big, so the planes could lift off. You'd need nearly 100m of deck runway for that.
What's in front of me is a petite little girl.
And yet, this girl named Zuihou is giving me a "If you knew what a Light Carrier was, then what's the issue?" quizzical kind of look, head askew.
It doesn't seem like we've reached a verbal understanding.
"...No matter how you look at it, aren't you just a girl? So, why are you a light carrier?"
"Eh? I'm a shipgirl."
"Ship...girl? What's that?"
Zuihou's eyebrows furrowed.
"Umm...Admiral, are you this naval district's Admiral?"
"That's the order I got from the Marshal."
"This Naval District was constructed in order to make use of shipgirls."
"First up, what's a shipgirl?"
"Ah...to start——"
And with that, Zuihou explained to me the existence of shipgirls.
To sum it all up, the idea was that they're "existences that superficially resemble humans but aren't strictly human that equip warship-style equipment and possess the strength to fight the Abyssals."
Zuihou looked into the distance as she dutifully continued:
"To be quite honest, I don't completely understand either...I just 'know' this...when I came to, I was standing all alone on the ocean...the one who found me was Akagi-san. She said 'Let's fight together' as she reached out to me."
"I see, so you have no family?"
"Shouhou's my sister?"
Thinking back——Akagi and Shouhou, weren't those the names of some fairly old warships?
"When I first heard it from the Marshal, I didn't quite believe it...but looking at you now, you all really are..."
Wait, hold up, she herself said that "she doesn't quite understand;" maybe it's best not to pursue this any further. Rather than puzzling out originals, it's more important to assess their true strength.
Ah, speaking of which——Zuihou clapped her hands together, inquiring:
"Admiral, why were you on the practice field targets to begin with?"
"That was my fault. Earlier when I was heading to the Naval District, I heard the sound of Type 99 Dive Bombers so I wanted to come see them."
I lowered my head.
But Zuihou probably wouldn't understand based on that explanation. How important the power to defeat the Abyssals was to me, how badly I needed it..."
From what she had previously said, it seems as if she didn't see her power as anything special...
But, why are Zuihou's eyes nearly sparkling?
"Could it be?! Does the Admiral like Type 99 Dive Bombers too?"
"Hm? Ahh...yeah, I guess."
If they can defeat the Abyssals, I don't care if it's a prop plane or a goddamn parachute, I'll like it.
Zuihou's face flushed with excitement.
"It must be the feet, their feet are so cute!"
"The Type 99's fixed landing gear, huh...it's an interesting module. Though it sure is inconvenient when it comes to stowage."
"The new model planes are so cool too! I really want to try mounting the Suisei, the Tenzan, that kind of thing. Although I haven't even seen them yet."
"Do you like planes because you're a light carrier?"
"Of course, all carriers like planes. But...why doesn't anyone want to discuss the cuteness of fixed landing gear...?"
——I see, so they differ in personality.
Although admiring the exterior of warplanes is pretty interesting too.
"Oh dear, I got carried away talking; I'd better go."
"Admiral, are you going somewhere?"
"I should get to the Command Center before 2pm——hm? Eh?"
I looked once more at my watch.
When I had gotten up from the lap pillow, I had seen the time: 1 pm.
At that time, I had thought that I had awoken soon after the explosion.
On my anchor-engraved timepiece's 6 o'clock position was a small circle, the seconds hand.
It wasn't moving.
"It's broken?! Zui-zuihou! How long have I been sleeping?!"
"A-an hour, roughly! It's 1512 right now!"
Without even consulting a clock, she rattled off the time.
As a warship, she probably knows. I haven't seen a ship without a clock.
——Should I be thinking about this now?! It's 3:12 pm!
"Doesn't that mean I'm late?!"
I broke into a run.
Zuihou, too, stood up.
"I-I'll come too! It's because the Admiral got caught up in my practice that you got knocked out!"
"No, you did nothing wrong. Getting bombed or getting late, I am responsible."
"Don't look at me like that, I'm used to people blowing up on me. I'll just say the sun was too nice so I overslept. If I don't get fired, we'll be able to meet again."
Zuihou looks shocked. To tears, at this point.
"F-fired? Is the Admiral leaving?!"
"Ah...no, I was joking. I probably won't be punished that harshly."
Probably, I muttered mentally.
In the military, being late is "a mistake that could cost your comrades their lives"——it's normal to be demoted on that basis.
Zuihou continued to look at me with a worried face.
"I promise to you, I will definitely command you in battle. Let's defeat the Abyssals...and protect this world."
Wiping away her tears, she extended her right pinky.
"It's a promise, okay?"
"Ahh...I'm kind of rushed, so I'm not going to sing the pinky promise song, okay?"
I linked my pinky with Zuihou's. Speaking of which, her pinky's real small and soft and warm.
It was this hand that drew the bow that devastated the Abyssals.
She happily hummed,
Raising my forsworn right hand, I ran for the woods.
Through the woods, down the embankment, along the cherry blossom road to the red brick house.
The Naval District's grounds are quite vast.
There are weapon's storage and maintenance fields, large-scale barracks, mess halls and bath halls; hell, it's got a hospital, barbershop and a grocery store. It's essentially a small town.
There's also an awful lot of empty space.
Of course, it's not all just open space; most of it serves as practice grounds, and they also serve as a firebreak in case of an enemy attack, slowing the progress of fires between buildings.
Moreover, even if the structures are gone, war can continue as long as there are weapons to use and men to use them. At that time, it's important to have enough space for a temporary base.
What you can take from all that is that there is a hell of a lot of space separating the Practice Field where Zuihou was, and the red brick building I was running to.
Compound this with the fact that I had no idea where the Command Center was, it being my first time.
And so, by the time I arrived at the Command Center——it was 3:39 pm.
Awaiting at the office was not a secretary, but a girl known as the "Secretary Ship."
She introduced herself as Standard Carrier Kaga.
I found myself transfixed by a stare that seemed to look through me, down to my thoughts.
"Are you the Admiral?"
Normally, the Admiral is supposed to be ranked above the secretary ship.
But at this point, I'm already late; there's no point in trying to act dignified. Not to mention that her gaze would match the Marshal in sharpness.
Her black hair was tied in a ponytail on her right side, and she wore a white Archery uniform with muneate and a blue hakama.
Around her waist was tied a solid apron, decorated with red and white stripes reminiscent of a flight deck.
But if there's one thing that defines her, it's that pressure. Even the worst instructor at the academy couldn't compare. A new recruit would have fainted just from her glare.
Although she's clearly younger than me...
She bears the stately air of a veteran.
Kaga spoke coldly:
"Has it occurred to you that your arrival is a little late?"
"Uhh...I-I'm really sorry."
"Do you have any sort of explanation? It's fine if you don't."
"B, well..."
In the face of this foreboding girl, I found that I did not have the fortitude to say "the sun was so nice that I overslept."
I could only sigh:
"It is my failure, I will not make an excuse."
"Is that so."
"You may punish me as you like, but there is something I must do in this naval district. Therefore, I ask that you do not fire me, no matter what."
Kaga barely responded.
——Is there nothing she wants to say?
That just added to my panic.
Finally, she passed over a dossier.
As an officer, I had learned at the academy that I ought to go through all available information before I ask for any clarification. I skimmed through the contents of the dossier.
"A summary of the shipgirls here...?"
Each bore a photo, the ship name, class and various ability scores.
If I hadn't gotten an explanation from Zuihou, I wouldn't have been able to understand any of it.
On the front was written the four large words, "Gallery of the Shipgirls." Although I'm not quite sure whether it was proper to refer to a list of girl's attributes as a "gallery," it would have been fine as long as they were seen as warships.
It's because they're all young girls that it's a little off-putting.
——Even that Kaga in front of me.
While she has a certain sort of pressure, she still definitely counts as a beauty, with all the proper features devoid of makeup and a body that her archery uniform could not entirely hide.
No male would keep walking if they passed her on the street. It's going to be pretty hard to see her as a warship.
As if in response to my enthrallment, Kaga looked into my eyes and asked,
"Is there something on my face?"
"Ah? Ah, no, uhh...this gallery is rather specific; it even has personality and relationship information written."
"That's because all the info-gathering and writing was done by Aoba."
"Ahhh, it does indeed say that here as well. To think there'd be someone who likes this kind of thing. But sometimes she writes some things I don't quite understand.
"Such as?"
"Well, here regarding Kitakami, she writes that she sees Ooi as a 'Sworn Friend,' and yet she writes that Ooi sees Kitakami as 'Dearest;' why did the terms change?"
"...yes...why indeed?"
The Kaga who had been coldly regarding me was now avoiding my gaze.
Is it that hard to explain? Ah, whatever, I'm sure I'll understand when I see them.
There was one more thing that caught my eye.
"...Kaga-san, you have sank an abyssal as well, right?"
"My combat performance has been listed."
At least the Admiral and Secretary Ship have a topic to talk about.
I start flipping through the data she had given me.
"I see...mmm...you've already accumulated quite a lot of accolades, impressive."
"...they're all good kids."
She pointed to the arrows strapped on her back.
That is to say, "They" were the arrows.
In that moment, her expression had melted from her ice-cold stare to a warm smile befitting of a normal girl.
I continued to look through the battle records.
——Oy, aren't these some impressive reports?
Against the enemies humanity had come to see as unbeatable, these girls had accomplished many real results.
"This is amazing."
"...the gallery is not complete. It appears that there are still shipgirls we have yet to discover."
"I see. And if we can find these comrades, we can 'strengthen our might', correct?"
"It's not just searching, we can also build them...ah, regarding construction, could I give you a longer explanation in a bit?"
"I'll leave it to you, I want to understand you all as soon as possible."
Thinking of questions now would only impact my info absorption. Trying to learn a bit of this and a bit of that will just end with you not learning anything at all. Learning topic by topic is the most effective.
Kaga nodded.
"I see, rather than expanding our might, you're more interested in the shipgirls we already have."
"Ahh, yes."
"Although I had already prepared a briefing for this purpose."
She sighed.
It looked like my lateness had prevented this from occurring. I could only meekly admit my guilt.
"I'm extremely sorry."
"Although you previously asked about your punishment...well, that is up to the Admiral to set up rules and punishments. I have not been ordered to do anything, so I will simply follow my orders, and I will not ask for any sort of remuneration."
I see.
Having been given all this power all of a sudden, I'm not quite sure what to do.
"It's up to me...to determine rules?"
"Even so, this may have an effect on the younger shipgirls. Although I will not report this to the superiors, please be mindful of this in the future."
"I am extremely grateful."
"It's fine."
"But what you just said "the younger shipgirls," I'm a little confused."
"...what do you mean?"
"From what I can see, Kaga-san is quite young as well. If you were a human, you could be a student."
To my surprise, she suddenly flushed red.
"This is the first time someone has said that to me."
"Is that so? It seemed like my predecessor was a person of few words. Or rather, someone who was very sensitive about girls' feelings. When I was still learning, I was not very good at communicating with the other gender, so I apologize if I have offended you."
"The last Admiral was indeed a taciturn, considerate person."
"Is that so..."
"But, when you say you're not very good at communicating with the other gender, what do you mean by that?"
"The previous Admiral was a female."
What? My predecessor was a female admiral?! It's not unheard of, given, but they are rather rare.
Then again, they are called shipgirls; it only makes sense that promoting a female to the position of Admiral would be more effective."
"My predecessor, she...what happened?"
Well...Kaga lowered her heard.
"That is not your concern."
How cold.
Is it something she can't say, or something she doesn't want to say?
"Did she explain to the other shipgirls?"
A prompt, terse response. It seems she got along very well with the shipgirls before.
In terms of winning hearts and minds, this is worth looking into.
There's no need to imitate my predecessor, but I can at least learn through her successes and learn from her mistakes.
"Well then, in this naval district, what were the regulations regarding lateness?"
"Are you still worried about that? How serious."
"Ahaha, that's what the Marshal told me as well...although I certainly didn't intend to be unkind."
I am just very aware that things can get hairy if I slack off here.
Like right now.
If I let my own lateness be overlooked, how could I be able to deal with subordinates who break regulations with a straight face? Such a lax fleet can't defeat the abyssals.
Kaga cast her eyes outside the window.
The harbor was visible through the red-curtained windows.
"Laps around the Naval District."
"Really, just like the academy, huh. But do the Shipgirls do it too? Aren't they warships?"
While Shipgirls can sail on the high seas, they're no different from normal humans on the ground. This is the case no matter how much firepower or raw strength they have when they put on their rigging."
"I see, so they're not well suited for walking...well then, I will take the same punishment."
Kaga shuddered.
"That's impossible."
"Not trying to brag or anything, but I'm fucking dope at penalty laps. They call me the Usain Bolt of running."
"...that's not something you could brag about, but this isn't about whether you're dope or not. According to current regulations, a minute's lateness means one lap around the naval district."
Thinking back, I should have arrived at 2 in the afternoon, and I arrived at 3:39.
So I have to run 99 laps?!
As if she were reading out a death sentence, Kaga grimly explained,
"The inner circle around the Naval District is roughly 1,891 meters."
"While your courage is commendable, it's best that you listen to the entire explanation before you agree. If someone is far too late, the previous Admiral would have her clean the docks instead."
I see.
But to take the easy way out from the start would be bad for fleet discipline.
Plus, running 99 2-km laps isn't technically impossible...
"Ah, so it's not an ironclad rule, but the most difficult but doable punishment, as necessary. I should learn from her."
"I agree."
"Of course, this is when the shipgirls violate regulations."
"...What is it that you want to do?"
"I want to run. No need for excuses."
Kaga's eyes widened.
"To embrace something so stupid...why are you forcing yourself to do this? Is this a soldier's honor? Or a man's pride?"
"A fleet only strengthens through discipline, and it is for this that we have harsh punishments. As the rulemaker I must therefore abide by my punishment as a rulebreaker."
"Pretty words, but nothing more."
"Even so, I'm going to run. I didn't come here to be an Admiral; I came here to kill Abyssals."
I had ran in the hospital, but that was largely for physical therapy.
I haven't done this level of running in a long time.
Kaga stood at the side of the Naval District main gate, helping me keep count. It wasn't her idea, but it was for the sake of discipline.
Although I kind of feel like I went a little too far...
This is the only way to make them accept me as an admiral.
Of course, I could also use my rank and force my subordinates, but that is a coward's way out.
Right now I am the one who has done wrong, and so I must do this.
I ran through hallways wide enough to accommodate a car.
My boots echoed against the floor.
It'd be nice if I had running shoes, but my direct transfer from GHQ meant that my personal belongings would not be brought over from my lodging until later.
About five minutes or so later, the first lap was complete. Kaga looked a little surprised.
"That was fast."
"I told you I was fucking dope"
She took out a notebook.
The girl chosen by the previous Admiral as the representative is quite capable.
——Would it be better for the fleet if I just had her be the Admiral?
Historically, the greatest asset on the field of battle has not been new commanders, but the veteran field officer whose experience and expertise provide them a much stronger grasp of the situation on the ground.
Right now, what I can do is to learn everything about these shipgirls and gain their trust.
There's no time to think about this kind of thing..
Better keep running.
I occasionally raised my hand to glance at my watch. Stuck as it had been at 1 pm, my inability to control my pace was a little inconvenient.
Yet my body felt unexpectedly nimble; is it because I've recovered enough of my strength?
In the grass by the road——
A little girl's face peered out.
Both of them bore chestnut-colored hair with round faces. One peered at me with a confident grin, the other peeked with a much more bashful look.
The first one pointed at me with a shout.
"Look! Just like I said! I told you there was a new Commander!"
"Hawawa! It really is a Commander!"
Behind them came a silver-haired girl with a somewhat different air. Eyes partly concealed by semi-translucent silver hair stared in this direction.
"...so this is...the new Commander?"
A clear voice that contrasted with her appearance.
These shipgirls should be, uh, Destroyers. I didn't think they'd be this young.
I slowed my pace.
"Ah, you guys should be...the 6th Destroyer Division."
The silver-haired girl nodded.
"...Hibiki...because of my past deeds, I've been called the Undying Phoenix."
"I'm Ikazuchi! Not Kaminari! Let's get along from now on!"
"Hawawa...I'm Inazuma, nanodesu...p-pleased to meet you..."
"Speaking of which, why are you running in the hallways, Admiral?"
Ikazuchi immediately followed up Inazuma's introduction with a question.
I slowed down further as they followed along. While this marathon had essentially become a walk, it would be even ruder to simply ignore them and run off.
Us four slowly proceeded through the hallway.
"Well...see, I'm late, so now I have to do penalty laps."
"Ehhh?! But you're the Commander nanodesu!?"
"It's because I'm the Commander that I have to do it."
It's a little embarrassing to confess my crime to these children.
Ikazuchi slapped my back cheerfully.
"It's fine, it's fine! I'm sure it'll be alright! I'm here for you, after all!"
"Eh, ehh..."
What sort of bravery drives her to say such words without substantiation?
Inazuma, meanwhile, spoke as if she had just been shocked.
"Um, Ikazuchi...please don't bother the Commander."
Next to me, Hibiki spoke without a drop of emotion:
"To be running penalty laps right after arriving; Commander, are you alright?"
"It can't be helped, rules are rules."
"...So that people trust you, huh? That's not bad."
"Ah, thanks..."
Though she might act a little distant, she's a good girl.
Ah, Ikazuchi looks like she just remembered a question.
"Penalty laps...how many do you have to do?"
"I'm down to 98 now. Well, I'm off, I'll see you in a bit."
I left the three behind as Vtech kicked in.
They halted, gaping with open mouth.
"I-it's fine! You have me after all, don't you?!"
"Hawawa, what a shock nanodesu."
"...no matter how you look at it, that's way too much."
It looks like this is crazy, even to shipgirls.
——The new Admiral's been given penalty laps, 99 around the Naval District.
The Rumor spread through the Naval District in a flash.
By the time the 10th lap was done, there were shipgirls everywhere, not just the main gate.
Shipgirls watching from afar, shipgirls cheering me on, even those that chatted as they ran along.
But not matter how you look at it, I don't have time to have a long chat with anyone. So I just said a few sentences and then said goodbye.
By the 20th lap——
A rather eyecatching golden-haired girl saw and waved at me.
She held a water-colored towel in one hand and a cup in another.
"Admiral, nice work! Do you want some water?"
The one who spoke in such honey-sweet voice was the Heavy Cruiser Atago.
With each wave of her hand——
Her chest shook as well.
It looks like her uniform is a little tight.
As expected of the Heavy Cruisers. They carried a certain...girth that destroyers and light carriers couldn't compare with.
How should I say this...
Like the peach in the story of Momotaro, floating in the river.
——What am I thinking?
It seemed like that had been too great a shock to me and my life of abstinence thus far.
I vigorously shook my head, banishing such remaining thoughts from my mind.
I slowed my footsteps to take a sip. There was still a long distance ahead; if I didn't rehydrate, I might actually just die in the hall.
She offered the cup.
"I'm Atago. Will the Admiral remember?"
"Mm, of course I will."
"Ohoho, would you like to take a break?"
"I'm sorry, but I cannot."
"You've already ran so much, surely you are tired."
"Well, it is a penalty."
Atago helped wipe my sweat with her towel.
A little hard, a little soft, this towel sure feels odd.
Ara? She started laughing.
"Ara——this isn't a towel~"
"I couldn't find my favorite one, and the towel vendor's all out of towels~"
"In front of my eyes are two hemispheres, big enough for a head.
This isn't a towel, but a certain kind of bodywear——
I was shocked into speechlessness.
Atago explained, her face bright read.
"Panpakapan! This is my chest's inner wall! Because my shoulders get sore when they get too heavy."
"Ah, er, ahhh——"
——Panpakapan my ass! Do you know shame?! Is it okay because you're a shipgirl?!
Although I had just wiped off my sweat, I could feel cold sweat bead all over my body.
It seemed like strength had left my legs as well, leaving a reeling sort of feeling.
Atago's face took on a worried look.
"Admiral, you really should rest after all...you look really tired, you know?"
"It's fine it's fine it's fine! I, I'm still fine! Thanks for the water!"
If I rest here, I won't be able to finish the run; what's waiting would just be the exhaustion of my remaining vigor.
Ruefully rejecting the allure, I broke back into a run.
Covered in the afterglow and accompanied by the encouraging shouts of the Destroyers at the corner, I once more rounded towards the front door.
I haven't even reached half yet.
My body, however, has long since reached its limits.
I feel as if I could keel over at any point.
At the front door, even more shipgirls will be waiting with greater cheers.
...Or should have been.
Right now, it seemed as if time itself had been frozen; of the ten plus shipgirls, not a single voice rang out.
As I closed in, I realized who Kaga was speaking with.
"Eh? Zuihou?!"
I ran over and slowed to a stop.
My knees were moving on their own.
That strict Kaga was currently in a confrontation with Zuihou, the very image of gentleness. I was immediately intrigued.
"Oy, what's going on?"
Zuihou turned. To my surprise, her expression was quite unpleasant.
"U-umm...I heard from everyone else, that the Admiral has to do penalty laps...I think that's unfair!"
"Mm...a little, maybe, but I can't just immediately join and ignore the rules."
Kaga raised her hand, as if to hold back her words.
"The decision to run penalty laps was made by the Admiral himself."
"I-in that case, I'm going to run too!"
Zuihou clenched her fist.
Kaga's expression changed to bewilderment.
The shipgirls around them are now also trying to listen in.
Clasping her camera in hand as if it were a main gun, Aoba leaned over.
"Ah, um! Aoba has a question! Why would Zuihou-san say something like that? Could it be, that you and Admiral have that kind of relationship?!"
Now that things have went this far, it'd probably be way too hard to try to hide this.
Zuihou nodded.
"Admiral's lateness, it's my fault..."
Zuihou leaned closer.
"Shocking Truth! New Commander! Happen, what? More details, please!"
"U-um...well, Admiral, he, with me...slept..."
"You've slept with the Commander?! Ao-ao-ao-ao-ao-ao-ba didn't mishear, did she?!"
Uwaaaahhh, the surrounding shipgirls are listening hard, each throwing their own speculation into the mix. This might get bad.
I desperately moved to salvage the situation.
"H-hold on! Aren't you all a little mistaken?!"
The shipgirl's gazes were starting to look scarier.
It can't be helped.
I guess I'll have to explain my lateness.
Hearing the Type 99 Dive Bomber and forgetting my original goal...well, they might not understand, but...
I started with how the Abyssals stole away the life of me best mate, how Zuihou had appeared when all hope was lost, and how those Type 99 Dive Bombers saved my life. I then told them how I was promoted by the Marshal to Admiralty after a short convalescence. How I had heard the sound of dive bomber engines as I came to the naval district, and how I had ran after that sound like a man bewitched.
As I explained wow I had entered the exercise field, how I was knocked unconscious by Zuihou's training flight, I felt a bit of shame.
"——That is to say, it's all my fault."
The surrounding shipgirls stared at me wordlessly.
What's going on?
I'm starting to get the feeling that something I said may have touched a nerve.
But Aoba, eyes long since blazing with manly tears, cried as she pressed her mike at me.
"So that's what happened! Commander! Your sworn friend, lost to such a tragic fate...whether it's scouting, shooting or torps, please leave everything to Aoba!"
The surrounding shipgirls all instantly began to speak in the wake of Aoba's speech.
"Go get 'em, Kuma!" "Admiral! I'll do my best!" "Leave it to me! I'll be easily greater than world-class!" "Don't worry, just leave it to me!"[4]
It seems like their will to fight has intensified.
——Thank god.
They may not be humans——but it's exactly because of this fact that I must find out what a life is worth to them.
But it seems like they already see us as equals in their hearts, to be able to shed tears over somebody they've never met and demonstrate their resolve.
That is the most important.
"I'm really thankful, everybody."
I looked towards Zuihou. Like the others, her eyes were also full of tears.
"A-admiral...so that happened...s-sorry, I don't remember at all..."
"Don't worry about it, my face was full of soot at that point and my head was bleeding; I don't think my brother would have recognized me."
"B-but...I let that Battleship Ru-Class escape...if only I had more planes..."
"Don't be silly, that fellow's hard to deal with even among Abyssals, I am well aware of that."
——Huh, so it's still alive.
That Ru-class Battleship...
The bastard that killed Iwahashira...
I grasped my trembling left hand.
While it is good to be filled with fighting spirit, pushing your grudges onto your subordinates is despicable.
"In order to protect this world, I am more committed than any other person to defeat the Abyssals..."
"I understand, Admiral...please allow me to help you."
It makes me very happy that she understood and accepted my viewpoint. In order to command this fleet, I will need to earn their
"Thank you, Zuihou."
"But...you're going to keep running after all?"
"Ah, of course. I stand by my word. Resolve is meaningless if the words it breeds are not backed by action."
Although even I think that this is going a little too far...
But in order to maintain discipline in the fleet, this is necessary; if I try to worm my way out, I'll be setting a precedent of making exceptions.
Zuihou looks like she really wants to say something, but ultimately bit her lip. Perhaps she understood my thoughts.
"...I understand. Then...Admiral, I will prepare for the next operation and return to my position."
"Mm, do your best."
To cheer her on, I put my hand on her tiny tiny shoulders. She, in turn, grasped it with her own hands.
"But...don't overdo it."
Her face looked a little red, perhaps it was due to the evening light? I gazed at her as I wondered.
With a thump, Zuihou was pushed aside.
The culprit is Atago.
Pushing onto Zuihou, she closed in.
"Really now...didn't we agree not to monopolize? Admiral, I won't be resting tonight; I'll be here cheering you on!"
"Ah? Oh, uh...that's...thanks."
"If you're tired, it's okay to let me spoil you a little, okay?"
She spread out her arms, revealing her fuckhuge chest.
——No, no!
I might be too tired, because out of nowhere I feel like I just want to fall ontoppa those.
I hurriedly avert my gaze.
Shoved to the side, Zuihou pursed her lips. Seeing her own chest, she sighed.
The glares of the shipgirls around me. It hurts.
——At this rate, I might lose the trust and respect of my shipgirls faster than my predecessor.
Though I've recovered my stamina a little, thanks to being able to stand here.
"Well then, everyone. Our official meeting will have to wait for another day."
I once more broke into step.
As I passed Kaga, she ticked a lap as if nothing had happened. How cold.
Moving on——
Out of nowhere, a searchlight illuminated me.
"Leave the illumination to me! I'll do my job! But the night sure is nice~the night is the best~"
I don't think I saw this fellow in the day...
But due to the glare, I can't quite see her.
"Uh...could I ask for your name?"
"Sendai has arrived! Leave the night battle to me!"
——So this is a night battle?
So she is the light cruiser Sendai.
The destroyers that had cheering me on the whole time——that is, Ikazuchi and company, were now sleeping on the grass.
Lifting them onto her shoulders, Tenryuu hoisted them back to their rooms, grumbling all the way. Her appearance and tone may be a little fearsome, but she seems like the caring type.
At this point of over-exhaustion, I'm not a marathon runner anymore. I'm a soldier on a forced march.
I'm just forcing my legs forwards.
My boots are waterlogged with sweat.
The soles have probably started to peel long ago.
The route that had only taken five minutes at the beginning is now taking 20 minutes or so.
I crash into a wall.
——hol' up?
Why would there be a wall in the hallway? How odd. Sendai was clearly illuminating the road ahead, I shouldn't have gone the wrong way.
Ah, hold on, that's not right.
I finally noticed.
It's not the wall, it's the floor. That is, I've collapsed.
"Ah shit..."
Atago bustled over to my side.
"Really, that's enough! You're going to die in the halls at this rate!"
"What are you saying...it's not time to rest yet...blargghhhurgh"
My throat hurts.
But if I'm hurtin', I must be livin'. Though all four limbs ache, they still move.
I prop myself up.
The other shipgirls had caught up as well.
Everyone was speaking concerned words, with others forcefully demanding that I rest.
In order to get them to relax, I laughed, saying,
"I'm really fine...this amount won't kill a man."
Nevermind dying here——in that moment, in some godforsaken corner of this good earth, there is probably a soldier sacrificing his life for a cause that cannot be won. I can't just let myself rest like this; I cannot let my self know this weakness.
"Admiral! You really have to rest!"
If I take those gentle hands, I'll lose. I can't do that.
And another person now appeared under the searchlight's glare.
"Admiral, this is...I asked Mamiya-san to make this..."
"Ma...miya? Is?"
"Resupply Ship Mamiya. She usually makes ice cream, but this time it's a drink. I'm sure it'll help revive you."
"Is that so...well, thanks."
"Since the Admiral will keep running, no matter what I say...so in that case, what I can do is just this..."
Taking the canteen, I take a sip.
I'm filled with a burning and yet a mellow feeling, accompanied by a sweet and bitter flavor. It's pretty nasty, but I can feel sensation returning to my body.
I accidentally choked up a gulp.
But I can feel again.
"Bleeaurgh, whew...thanks, Zuihou. But you're a little mistaken."
"What you can do isn't just this. The way I see it, you have boundless ability, the same with the others. And making that ability truly boundless is my job."
Zuihou and the other shipgirls looked a little breathless, as if shocked.
Raising my hand to them, I started up once more.
Run, run.....
Run, ru...
——How many laps has it even been?
While Kaga has been helping me to count, my senses have long since become too addled to understand.
I force out another step.
Running even slower than before in the naval district, clothed in night.
As I round another corner after so many corners...
I hear a sound.
"Ara. Ara ara, you're finally up to the last lap? Hmhm, you're pretty capable, aren't'cha?"
A young woman with two sharp pieces of rigging extending from her head like goat horns is looking at me with an appraising gaze. Her shoulder and midriff are bare, it's a bit much. This is the battleship Mutsu.
And her words immediately yanked my thoughts back from oblivion.
——The last lap?!
In this red brick building, all the lights are on.
From the buildings.
From the main gate.
From behind me.
I can hear people calling to me, everyone telling me to do my best.
Just a little longer and it'll be dawn——
I finally reach the front door.
Kaga catches me as my knees finally liquefy.
Caught up in a gentle grasp.
"...99, you're finally done. If you want to sleep, please return to your own room."
"Yep, sounds good, yeah..."
"Was there really a need to go this far? Please refrain from this sort of thing in the future."
"Got it, yup, gotcha..."
Kaga is strict, after all.
But, this incomparably strict girl spoke; gently, softly:
"...Good work, Admiral."

Translator's Notes and References[edit]

  1. Note: This is untrue. The fastest of the Light Carriers are Zuihou Class, RJ and the Chitose-class. These clock in at roughly 28 knots, nearly 29 in the case of the Chitose-class, making them only as fast as Kaga, the slowest of the standard carriers. Akagi, the oldest of the standard carriers, could go 31.5 knots and the Shoukaku-class, the fastest, went 34.5 and anecdotally could go even faster. Don't crush Zuihou's dreams, though.
  2. Note: http://www.1nichi1kai.com/2007/10/10/yubikiri-genman-making-promises-even-if-you-are-not-a-yakuza/
  3. Literally "Pull~hook~hook, indicating the way you do a pinky swear.
  4. Kuma, Probably Fubuki, I don't know who the third person is and probably Tone, since 咱 is an unusual pronoun for oneself.
Backward to Prologue: You and I Return to Kantai Collection - KanColle - Auspicious Seas, Phoenix Skies Forward to Chapter 2: Battleships and Carriers