On a Godless Planet:Volume1A Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Opa-Opa[edit]

Godless 1A 079.jpg

So very much of this and so very much of that

I checked through the settings displayed inside the glasses.

Godless boku.png

“Umm, Easy should be fine, right? Trying too hard and dying would only be a problem, so Easy is fine with me.”

I thought back to what I remembered from the night before.

My upperclassmen kept saying I had died, but was that what really happened?

I wondered how it had happened while watching the “Now Loading” text.

I thought back to last night’s game.

Yes, that’s right.

I had seen some kind sea of lava and then someone had spoken to me.

Godless raidou.png

“Hey! Sumeragi! What are you doing here!? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?”

Godless shinobu.png

“Oh, were the coordinates off? They were probably randomized since you didn’t come here with Senpai-chan!”

Eh? I thought.

I hadn’t known everyone would be there.

The people I had met at school were there, and…

Godless boku.png


There were dragons made from flames. They took serpentine forms and tried to crawl up onto the bedrock field we were standing on.


Godless boku.png

“Is this some kind of tower defense SLG!?”

Godless raidou.png

“Pretty much, yeah. It’s more of an action game, though.”

The upperclassmen were dealing with the dragons as we spoke.

They were fighting a defensive battle on that field. The bedrock stage was about a hundred meters across in the middle of the lava surface that was sending black smoke up into the dark sky.

While the dragons crawled up from all around and raised their heads to breathe fire, those two upperclassmen were fighting back with weapons in hand.

Godless raidou.png

“Damn, they’re persistent!”

Godless shinobu.png

“Tooru! Wanna go for a major attack!?”

Godless raidou.png

“It’d be a waste of ether! There will be some big ones coming later!”

They slipped through the flames and swung something like giant swords to slice through the dragons as they passed by.

All the dragons were enormous and about as thick around as our three-story school building, but their weapons were about 5 meters long. That was nowhere near long enough, but…

Godless raidou.png


When Raidou-senpai swung his weapon, the dragon burst from the wound he left behind.

At the same time, Shifu-senpai took care of several at once.

Godless shinobu.png

“Over here!”

When she called, a few of them crawled through the air and dove toward her.

Then they were sliced apart in midair. It was like she had thrown invisible blades out into the air.


Godless shinobu.png

“Harvest time!”

Countless golden blades burst from the ground and pierced the ether that had only been lightly wounded. The dragons were pinned in place.

Godless enryu.png


They scattered and collapsed. It was impressive.

Godless raidou.png

“I’m used to it now, but they sure can be persistent!”

Godless balancer.png

<I have been restraining them with my security system for the past few days, but they seem to be in a bit of a frenzy now that you are here.>

“Is that so?” everyone said while readying their weapons. And…

Godless raidou.png

“Go take shelter in the stone hut, Sumeragi! Senpai-san will be there!”

The stone hut was of course the small building made of stone in the center of this narrow land.

Godless dareka.png

“Sumeragi-kun! Hurry!”

I ran toward the voice I heard.

Godless boku.png

“Wahoo! Senpai! I’ll be right there!”

But I stopped running pretty quickly. I sensed a great presence or heat from overhead. It was…

Godless shifu akire.png

“A prominence!”

Exactly. A flame dragon was forming a crimson arch through the sky.

They can do that? I thought, but it was going to hit me.

There was no way I could survive that. So…

Godless boku.png

“I screwed up!!”

I thought I heard a sizzling sound.

That meant I was dead. Plowed into by a dragon had to be one of the worst ways to die.

And I heard a voice from outside.

Godless raidou.png

“What!? Again!? How many times is that now!?”

I honestly don’t remember. Cause I’m a complete weakling!

That was what had happened the night before.

I could finally remember it all.

I had forgotten it all in the morning, but now it was back. But…

Godless boku.png


I said that because something seemed off to me.

Godless boku.png


Hadn’t I been killed instantly?

Wasn’t that what they had told me during the day? But these memories seemed so real. I couldn’t have imagined all of those interactions. So…

Godless boku.png

“Well, who cares.”

That was about it. The glasses were already displaying the word “Start”, so I was ready to go.

I could begin the game.

I couldn’t really see the night sky.

Godless boku.png


I was supposed to be in the game.

It was an immersion game with a fully 3D space.

Based on what I remembered from last time, I had been sitting down and looking up at the night sky.

But things were different now.

I was lying down. There was a soft pillow-like sensation below my head.

And I saw two objects above me that were round from the center on down and out to the left and right.

This had to be what it felt like to look up at some giant boobs and shout “They’re so biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig!!”

Godless boku.png

“They’re so biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig!”


This was the perfect angle for looking up at some giant boobs.

If anyone saw a drawing of this, they’d say it looked fake, but when you saw it photographed, it was exactly the same.

While stunned by their great size, I quickly took over a hundred mental snapshots until I heard a confused voice.

Godless dareka.png

“Eh!? Eh!?”

Oh, no. They’d noticed. But how? Regardless, I had to hurry up with the snapshots.

These were the real deal. A pair of giant boobs was right there. Wow.

God, looks like you weren’t kidding when you said ‘ask and it shall be given unto you’. But am I really worthy? Am I? Am I really!? On second thought, I don’t care!

Godless boku.png

Actually, calm down! What’s going on here!?

I was most likely receiving a lap pillow attack from some busty person. Oh, no. This attack was super effective against a certain part of people with certain interests. And super effective it was. Ohh, this was not good at all. Not even a bit.

Godless dareka.png

“Um, uh, did you wake up?”

Godless boku.png

“No, I’m asleep! Fast asleep! Leave me like this!”

Godless dareka.png

“You are awake, aren’t you!? Aren’t you!?”

Just as the person asked for confirmation, she also moved to confirm it.

She leaned down to peer at me and I think we all know what that means: those giant things dropped down toward me.

Godless boku.png


I was being crushed, sandwiched, squished, squashed, and smushified.

This was it. I was accepting my death already. I mean, suffocating like this would be way better than dying of old age. No growing old for me! And with a cause of death like “suffocated below some giant boobs”, everyone would be so jealous when they saw my gravestone.

Godless dareka.png


Then the pressure left and someone grabbed my head from either side.

It was all over. I felt like my life was over. That was how great a loss it was. Everything felt so empty now… It was as much a shock as being handed the exact birthday present you wanted and then being told it was for someone else.

But my boring life was not over yet. I was lifted up and turned around.

Godless dareka.png

“Um, uh.”

I now saw who was speaking to me.

Godless senpai.png


It was the upperclassman next door.

I hadn’t expected someone I knew.

Oh, crap.

I really hadn’t expected this. How was I supposed to look her in the eye tomorrow?

Calm down, me.

I might have made a scene and trembled a little too much while she squished me, but that didn’t mean I had lost all social standing.

No, that sounds hopeless actually. That would normally get the cops called.

So let’s aim lower. My first priority should probably be making sure she doesn’t call the cops.

I noticed she was blushing and refusing to look me in the eye, so I looked at her and…

Godless boku.png


Godless senpai awate.png


Godless boku.png

“Um, nothing! Never mind!”

I decided to keep talking to avoid an awkward silence. I started with the first thing that popped into my mind.

Godless boku.png

“Your body temperature’s a little high!”

Godless senpai awate.png


I slapped myself on the cheek.

Godless boku.png

Calm down!

This was not the time to talk about how it had felt. I needed to calm down. So for now…

Godless boku.png

“Senpai…I can call you that, right?”

Godless senpai.png

“Oh, yes. That would be best.”

Godless boku.png

Wow, that’s super formal and distant…

But it was far better than being sent straight to the police. Nothing wrong with a formal distance!

So to further take the conversation away from me shouting “They’re so biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig!!”, I said something else.

Godless boku.png

“Um, Senpai?”

Godless senpai.png

“Yes, what is it?”

I had a question.

Godless boku.png

“Why are you here?”

I was sure I’d screwed up.

If you think of that as one of the dialogue options, then it was the #2 option. Not the super bad one, but the bad one that still leaves an opportunity to reach the true ending. The brief look on her face made that pretty obvious.

Then she spoke.

Godless senpai.png


She thought for a moment.

Godless senpai.png

“Advanced players are supposed to help out new players.”

That made sense to me. I felt like it connected back to everything else I had heard during the day.

Godless boku.png

“A lot of people told me I had already chosen a god as a partner.”

Godless senpai.png

“Yes, that’s what this means.”


Godless boku.png

But I don’t know who she is.

How did the system work in this case? I could only think of one option.

Godless boku.png

“What does this mean?”

Godless senpai awate.png


Godless boku.png

“I’m just guessing here, but I was just clicking on all sorts of stuff when I started the game, so I think I might have accidentally gotten you involved like that.”

That was all I could imagine.

Godless boku.png

“There was probably a popup asking if I wanted help from a more advanced player and I clicked on it without really reading it and that’s how I ended choosing you to help me out.”

Godless senpai komari.png


She tilted her head a little. Oh, her boobs stay a lot more horizontal than I expected. No, wait, now they’re bending! Excellent… This is it! This is exactly what I wanted!

She definitely noticed me staring, so I looked away and pretended I had been in the middle of viewing my surroundings.

Godless boku.png


Godless senpai.png


She responded without criticizing me, so she had to be a bodhisattva or something.

But there was one thing I was curious about. It connected back to what the Library Committee Head had said.

Godless boku.png

“Do you play a god character too?”

She thought about his question.

Godless senpai komari.png

How should I explain this?

But she did not need to lie or hide the truth. And since they would likely be working together for a long while…

Godless senpai awate.png


She was reminded just how incredible a thing they were starting here. However…

Godless senpai.png

“That is true, yes. That’s the standard for our generation.”

Godless boku.png


That must have solved a mystery for him because he nodded several times.

Godless boku.png

“I had thought it was weird that everyone I met happened to play a god character, but I get it now.”

Godless senpai.png

“You do?”

Godless boku.png

“The human character option was a recent addition to the system, right? And the god characters are better, but I didn't know that and chose a human one.”

Godless senpai.png


Now it was her turn to understand. That interpretation was not exactly wrong, so…

Godless senpai.png

“That’s right. Yes. Sorry for not explaining properly.”

Godless boku.png

“No, it’s my fault for starting the game before learning about it.”

Godless senpai komari.png


That was true, but saying it would not accomplish anything. So…

Godless senpai.png

“Let’s do our best working together, okay?”

Godless boku.png

“Oh, but…”

He seemed to have a question. She paused so he could ask it and ask it he did.

Godless boku.png

“According to the Library Committee Head, the god I chose as my partner is the most powerful one. So are you the most powerful one?”

I saw Senpai raise her right hand.

She looked away from me and one of those things appeared by her empty hand.

And by one of those things, I mean one of those multi-window things.

Omokane saw a Revelation Board appear next to her.

She had just opened the menu at a family restaurant on campus. Scarecrow and an underclassman girl sat across from her. The underclassman in a black shirt tilted her head, but Scarecrow spoke up.

Godless scare.png

“Omokane-san, you have a divine call.”

Godless omokane.png

“Yes, I know. It seems to be from his partner.”

She could make a good guess what it was about, so she decided to answer.

Godless omokane.png

“What is this about? Ha ha ha.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Y-you’re laughing, aren’t you!? And Omokane-san! Why would you call me the most powerful!? Unlike the rest of you, I’m an outsider and my level is super low!”

Godless omokane.png

“Send that energy his way. And you’re only so low level because of your shut-in tendencies. Level up and gain the strength you’re supposed to have.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“You know it isn’t that easy…”

Godless omokane.png

“Whatever you say, I am praying for your happiness. Let’s hope it works out this time.”

I saw Senpai shatter the glowing window with a flick.

She sighed, but she managed to calm down before turning back my way.

Godless senpai komari.png

“Just so you know…”

Godless boku.png

“Oh, yes. What is it?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“I am not the most powerful or anything like that. And even if I am one of the Shinto god characters, I’m an outsider.”

Godless boku.png

“An outsider?”

She had to think for a moment when I asked that.

Godless boku.png

Oh, whoops.

That term had a bit of a negative sound to it, so maybe it was cruel to make her explain it. If I lost too many points with her, the police option became a very real possibility once more. So…

Godless boku.png

“Oh, you don’t have to explain if you don’t want to. I know you’re nothing like that.”

I tried that, but…

Godless senpai komari.png


We seemed to be looking at this differently. And…

Godless senpai.png

“You know how there are a bunch of different gods in the legends?”

Godless boku.png


I felt bad, but I really didn’t. Maybe I needed to go to the library tomorrow. But she continued while lowering her shoulders a little.

Godless senpai.png

“There are the main gods that cause all sorts of trouble, but there are also gods who have no name and are talked about like background characters.”

Godless boku.png

“And you’re one of those?”

Godless senpai komari.png

“No, I do have a name, but you could say that’s all I have…”

Oh, I understood now.

It was a game.

There was always a clear division between the people who were good at it and the people who weren’t. The same went for people who understood the trick to winning and the people who didn’t.

If you were good, you would get stronger. If you were not good, you did not get weaker, but you did take longer to get stronger.


Godless boku.png

What if how good you were at the game determined what class of god you got?

Raidou-senpai and the others were probably the kind of god you got to be if you played the game obsessively.

But what about the players who didn’t?

I decided to assume the answer sat right in front of me. In other words…

Godless boku.png

“Senpai, did you get a god like that…or inherit their name, I guess you could say?”

Godless senpai.png

“I’ve heard there isn’t much difference in the base specs, though.”

Godless boku.png

“In that case.”

I asked a question.

Godless boku.png

“Could I ask what your name is?”

Godless senpai awate.png

“Eh? Oh…no, you can’t.”

She hesitated a fair bit, but that was her answer.

Oh, I messed up.

And this time, it was a subconscious mistake.

I hadn’t actually decided whether I wanted to ask her real name or the name of the god she played.

I had just wanted to confirm who she was.

That was probably why she had said no. And even if that wasn’t why…

Godless senpai.png

“In Shinto, a name represents the very essence of a being…so I think I would have an easier time telling you when we’re both stronger.”

Godless boku.png

“You mean…?”

Godless senpai.png

“Even a god like me has powers. And those powers can be borrowed or stolen through my name. If I told you now and someone overheard, it could hinder us both later on. So if I am to reveal my name, I want it to be after we’re strong enough to prevent someone from stealing my powers even if they overhear.”

That was really simple. And in that case…

Godless boku.png

“Then I’ll just call you Senpai.”

Godless senpai.png

“Yes, that’s for the best.”

I was okay with that, but I still had a question.

Godless boku.png

“But in that case, why did the Library Committee Head call you the most powerful?”

Godless senpai komari.png

“Yes…that’s a good question…”

She was annoyed with Omokane-san yet again, but then she realized he was looking at her.

He was staring at her chest. And…

Godless boku.png

“The most powerful…”

Godless senpai awate.png


When she said that, he gasped and looked her in the eye.

Godless boku.png

“Um, I think I kind of understand how you’re the most powerful.”

Godless senpai awate.png

“But, um, well.”

Godless boku.png

“No, no! You don’t have to say anything! I get that it’s hard to say those things yourself! But nothing is more worthy of my worship, so don’t worry! Let’s just leave it at that!”

They left it at that.

But even if he was okay with this, something about it bothered her.

Godless senpai awate.png

“Hey, Sumeragi-kun?”

She knew it was not fair, but she still asked.

Godless senpai.png

“It’s a little late now, but are you sure you want me as a partner?”

What a silly question.

Of course I wanted her! She was the busty girl next door! And even after what happened, she hadn’t called the cops! That was unthinkable! So I couldn’t even think of choosing anyone else!

But if I said all that out loud, I was pretty sure she would call the cops after all.

Also, I was fairly certain she wasn’t asking about that. No, not just fairly certain! Absolutely certain! Don’t assume everyone in the world is the same as me. Nicely said, me. Okay, who’s next!?

Godless boku.png

“Um, what do you mean, Senpai?”

Godless senpai.png

“Well, you see.”

She asked a question.

Godless senpai komari.png

“You have only just started, so I think you can still ask for someone else. So…”


Godless senpai shinken.png

“Are you sure you want a low-level partner with an outsider name?”

Oh, so that was it.

I realized that Senpai didn’t understand one important fact. She was of worthy of my worship, but aside from that…

Godless boku.png

“You came to me and that too was a choice.”

She would be using up her resources helping out a stupid underclassman who didn’t know how to play the game.

Godless boku.png

“But you still decided to come to me and that makes you the best god for me.”

How else could I view it? If she had come to me knowing what it meant, then we had to respect each other’s decisions. That was what it meant to be equals with a common goal. I could trust in that no matter what happened.

But if I chose someone else while focused only on their powers, I would be submitting to those powers. When they wielded their powers, I would be forced to accept it.

Senpai was not that strong. She had said so herself. But she had also said something else.

Godless boku.png

“When we’re both stronger. That can be our ‘agreement’.”

All of a sudden, she started crying.

Godless boku.png


I didn’t understand. What was this? Was she under a bunch of caste pressure from being weak and an outsider, so my words of liberation happened to stir up her emotions!? Was that it!?

But making a good-looking and busty neighbor cry was a first for me. It felt a lot like having an opponent use my discard tile to complete a yakuman with 8 dora tiles.

Godless boku.png

“U-u-u-u-um-um-um-um, S-S-Senpaiii?”

My voice cracked toward the end, but she only shook her head with her hands over her face.

Godless boku.png

Thanks to basic human anatomy, her elbows are repeatedly squeezing and releasing her boobs…

No. Nooo. This was not worshipping time. My brain’s multitasking had to make concern the main task. Snapshots had to be a subtask! Bad brain.

And while I tried to figure out how to calm her, I heard something from far behind me.

Godless dareka.png

“He made her cryyyyy!!”

I recognized the voice.

Godless boku.png


I struck a pose and turned around, but there was no one there. Dammit, was that group spying on us!? What kind of awful person made a habit of peeping? It didn’t count when I did it!

Godless kuwajiri.png

“Shifu-senpai! You can’t react so loudly!”

Godless shinobu.png

“Yeah, but I really didn’t expect him to make her cry like that.”

Godless raidou.png

“Honestly, I’m glad she didn’t just blab her name all of a sudden. Y’know, since I have a skill in place that passively picks up an opponent’s name so I can avoid surprise attacks.”

Godless boku.png

“Can’t let your guard down for a second with them, huh?”

Once I sighed, Senpai stopped crying. Or rather, she started laugh-crying instead of cry-crying.

Godless senpai.png

“They probably came to watch because they were worried. …Still, I’m glad I didn’t say my name.”

Godless boku.png


She was really cautious about that. The Library Committee Head had said the people in the Shinto group were my “ultimate allies”, but Senpai was still cautious with me.

I felt like I could trust her, so…

Godless boku.png


I held out my hand while she sat there.

Godless boku.png

“Let’s go do this together.”

She answered by grabbing my hand.

Godless senpai.png

“Yes, let’s.”

Then I realized something.

Godless boku.png

This is the first time a girl has held my hand…

Damn. I wasn’t gonna wash that hand again no matter how much it started to smell. I swore to myself I wouldn’t. However…

<Your Divinity Rank has increased!>

All of a sudden, several windows appeared around Senpai and then shattered like blossoming flowers.

Godless senpai awate.png


She panicked because she was worried her name was displayed somewhere. However…

Godless senpai awate.png

I-I’m fine!

It said “7th + 3rd” in the name field, but that was okay. That could fit a lot of gods.

Her rank had just increased. She had a low level, but it was kind of amazing for her rank to go up. Even if it had only happened because they had promised to maintain their connection.

That was a lot like leveling up through an event, but…

Godless senpai awate.png


Godless boku.png

“Eh? What is?”

She was a little bothered by how he was not letting go of her hand, but that aside, she had to explain what just happened.

Godless senpai.png

“Sumeragi-kun, my ‘rank’ as a god went up because we established a connection between us.”

He tilted his head and stopped moving, so she realized she needed to explain further.

Godless senpai awate.png


Where was she supposed to start? But before she could find an answer…

Godless balancer.png

<Ahh! Sorry I’m late! This is Balancer!>

A Revelation Board appeared displaying a simple face drawn with straight lines.


Balancer had finally appeared. She was honestly a little annoyed with that, but…

Godless senpai.png

“This is the management.”

Godless balancer.png

<Correct! I manage the terraforming! It sounded like you were about ready, so I thought this would be the best time for me to provide an explanation!>

Godless boku.png

“What’s this about?”

He sounded confused, but she decided it might be best to leave this to Balancer.

Godless senpai.png

“I’m sure there’s still a lot you don’t understand, but we will explain all of that.”

Godless boku.png

“Oh, so it’s exposition time.”


The being called Balancer told me they were an AI.

Godless balancer.png

<In general, I manage this system in an impartial fashion.>

Well, this was a game, so that probably wasn’t entirely accurate, but sometimes a less accurate explanation was easier to understand. I decided to just leave it at that.

There was already a location for me to listen to them with Senpai.

It was a stone hut.

I had just had my life’s first flirting event with Senpai, but that had not occurred on top of the lava like before. Instead, we had been on top of some hardened…volcanic rock, do you call it? Well, a cooled and hardened shelf of rock. And there was also a small hut made of rock.

I call it a hut, but it only had that general shape.

It had walls, window-like holes, and an entrance without a door. I thought it was pretty well made what with the roof and all, but it looked like someone had made it all at once. Y’know, like they had gotten excited and just gone for it.

The walls were nice and smooth, but…

Godless boku.png

“There aren’t any lights.”

Godless balancer.png

<Oh, I can provide one.>

A window – apparently called a Revelation Board – appeared in the center of the ceiling. This one had a display saying it was for light. It was just like magic. Then we sat in the stone chairs built into the stone hut.

Godless boku.png

Oh? This chair’s kinda warm.

Was it geothermal heat? I also belatedly realized Senpai was wearing a new style uniform.


While I basked in the wonder of it, Balancer spun around and spoke.

Godless balancer.png

<Now, I have determined you understand the basics of the current situation and have established your life in the Divine World, so I will provide an explanation of the bare minimum.>

Godless boku.png

“An explanation of what? This game?”

Godless balancer.png

<Um, yes. This game. Let’s call it a game. We have been using that interpretation in the Divine World as well, but that will cause some confusion if it continues much longer.>

Godless boku.png


Godless balancer.png

<Yes, confusion.>

Godless boku.png

I don’t remember anything confusing about it.

Balancer then explained.

Godless balancer.png

<This world is the real one. The world centered on Tachikawa is a virtual 1990 world that I created. Also, you are the only human in this world. Everyone else is a being known as a god, a spirit, or one of the automatons I have prepared.>


Godless 1A 100.jpg

Godless balancer.png

<It feels like we might have screwed that up, doesn’t it?>

Godless senpai awate.png

“Uh, please make sure it all works out, okay!? Okay!?”

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